Something to Wash it Down With

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Bambie's has the best milkshakes around. Care to try one?
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This story is likely going to be the first of a new series, "Eat At Bambie's", all of which will be inspired by the amazing content of 'Bambie Brainwasher', an incredibly talent content creator I follow online. If you like this story or hypnotic/mind control/brainwashing, check her out!


You've been driving for hours when you spot the sign in the distance. A beacon of hope just up ahead.


Stomach growling with hunger and eyes heavy with exhaustion, you take the next exit and follow the road, driving towards it like a moth to a flame, wondering just what awaits you there.

Though the name conjures up images of sleazy strip clubs in your tired mind, as you pull up you see it appears to be little more than your run-of-the-mill middle-of-nowhere truck-stop diner but, honestly, you don't care what it is as long as they serve food inside.

You park your car and head for the door, and the moment you cross the threshold, the scent hits you.

It's difficult to put into words, this sweet, delectable aroma you can't seem to place. All you know for sure is the moment you first catch a whiff of it, you find yourself hungrier than you've ever been in your life.

Looking around, you notice the place looks fairly new, almost as if it sprung up overnight. The walls are white, with red spirals painted all over them. The more your eyes move across the place, the more of them you notice. Perhaps it's part of some strange theme you simply don't understand, or maybe they were already here when the place opened. You don't know, but as your stomach continues to growl even louder and your head begins to ache, you find you don't care and simply ignore them as best you can.

As well as the lights that seem to be reflecting off each one...

A sign greets you by the door, telling you to "Have A Seat." You do just that, sliding into the first empty booth you come across. All around you, a scattering of patrons even this late at night, although not a one of them pays you any mind, seemingly lost in their own little worlds.

On the table in front of you- white like the walls and covered with even more red spirals, you spot a small menu. Picking it up, you notice it's quite vague, yet strangely enticing all the same.


Try our Thighs, Breasts or Legs!

Best Milkshakes In The World!

You shrug lazily, hungry and tired and slightly light-headed from the scent still hanging listlessly in the air around you. The lack of options barely even registers, and you decide on the breast. After all, you enjoy a good chicken breast as much as the next person, and milkshakes are always a good choice.

Putting the menu down, you're surprised to see a woman standing beside your table. You never even heard her walk over, yet here she is.

She's on the short side, maybe a little over five foot in you were to guess, with long brown hair and piercing eyes whose color you can't quite seem to put a finger on. Her body is thick in all the right places, so much so that you find it almost impossible to decide where to stare as her uniform- if it is one, seeing as it appears to be little more than a white crop top and a pair of jean shorts, proudly shows off her ample chest and firm thighs.

A name tag beside her left breast reads 'Bambie', and you briefly wonder if she's a waitress, the owner, or both.

"Hi there," she begins, her voice sweet as honey with an undercurrent of authority. "What can I get you tonight?"

You try to shake off the daze filling your head but find it only grows stronger the longer she stands there looking at you, a small smile on her lips as you struggle between staring and finding the words. "Um... Breast... And a milkshake... Please...."

Her smile gets bigger at the sound of that. "Good choice," she replies with a wink, then walks over to the counter. All the while, you watch her go, your eyes immediately drawn to her incredible ass- bouncing along beneath the denim of her shorts for all the world to see.

For a moment, you could almost swear that you saw one of the spirals from the wall- or perhaps the counter or the floor, suddenly appear on each of her meaty cheeks, but you shake it off. You're just so tired and hungry, you're starting to see things...

Bambie heads behind the counter and out of sight, and you let your eyes move around the rest of the diner once more. The other patrons all seem to be sitting quietly, and though you find it strange, it's also quite soothing, this calming silence.

Except it isn't truly silent.

You listen closely and realize you can almost hear something soft gliding through the air. Music? Words? You aren't sure. All you know is whatever it is, it makes you feel calm. Relaxed. Sleepy.

After a few moments, you feel your eyes start to get heavy, the exhaustion from the long drive seeming to get even stronger by the minute, but you try to fight it. You don't want to be asleep when your food arrives- it'd be quite rude.

Before you know it, Bambie returns, although she appears to be empty-handed.

You're about to say something- to ask about your order, or the strange music or even the scent in the air, but something unexpected occurs.

She stands before you and, as you watch, her hands slowly begin to lift her top.

Transfixed, your eyes can only stare as the fabric moves up her amble chest, showing off the soft, milky-white flesh underneath until at long last her hands bring the uniform up and over her breasts.

And then, you see them.

Two massive mammaries, bigger than you've ever seen in person, and completely naked.

Her hands cup them for the briefest of moments, although they can barely contain them, and the next thing you know, she's let them go. They drop like enormous balloons, jiggling as gravity takes hold, and drawing your gaze to them.

"Do you like my breasts?" Bambie asks, her voice flirty but firm, and you nod your head in time with her bouncing bosom.

"The sight of big, swinging breasts just fills you with pleasure, doesn't it?"

You nod once more, and as you do, you begin to feel your cock grow hard in your pants.

"You love big breasts, don't you? Especially my big breasts..."

Another nod, the scent and sounds in the air as well as the spirals surrounding the magnificent breasts swinging in front of your eyes overtaking your already tired mind.

Slowly, Bambie begins to sway, her breasts moving side-to-side, and your eyes following them.

"Back and forth, back and forth... Just watching my breasts... Breasts make you blank... Breasts make you empty...."

"Blank.... empty..." you whisper, barely even aware the words have left your mouth yet knowing deep inside that they're true. All you can do- all you want to do, is watch and listen and sink...

Bambie smiles, taking hold of her massive breasts once more and jiggling them right before your eyes. You simply cannot look away, the sight of them your entire world now.

"Stare at my big, bouncing breasts.... Stare at the pretty spirals...."

The second she mentions them, you notice the spirals filling the restaurant have moved to her breasts, almost as if they were always there. They begin to spin around slowly as her breasts continue to jiggle, so close now you can practically feel the warmth emanating off of them.

You watch, mesmerized, as they come ever closer, your eyes droop yet widening at the sight of Bambie's soft breasts, perky nipples, and the spirals spinning all around them. Your mouth opens ever so slowly, drops of drool appearing at the edges, as the darkness of her cleavage begins to overtake you.

"You love Bambie's breasts... You adore Bambie's breasts. You want to shove your face in between Bambie's big, bouncing breasts..."

She's right, and you find yourself leaning forward, letting your head go towards her big, pillowy breasts. Your head so heavy, mind so sleepy, and cock so hard now that the tent it's pitching in your pants is practically poking at the underside of the table.

And still, you want more.

Bambie happily obliges.

The moment your face makes contact with her breasts, you almost pass out, yet the sensation of her continuing to jiggle them around your head keeps you awake. They're so big, you practically disappear between them, and as you find yourself pressed in between them, she continues to draw you deeper under her spell.

"Bambie's breasts make you weak, sleepy, submissive... You want more and more of my breasts... You can't get enough of my breasts... You want them to smother you... To control you... To own you..."

From between her massive breasts, you moan "Yes...."

She mashes her breasts against the sides of your face, taking your breath away and filling your eyes with darkness, yet somehow, you still see the spirals. Everywhere your eyes go, there they are, and as you follow them, the strange sound filling the air claws its way further into your empty mind.

You begin to realize it isn't music. It's Bambie's voice. So quiet it's barely audible, slipping inside and pushing out whatever thoughts you may have had.

Part of your mind- the part which has not yet completely succumbed to her, tries in vain to take back control. To remind you that you are in a public place- a diner, and things like this aren't supposed to happen in places like this. Yet here you are, and here she is, and if anyone around you has a problem with what's going on, they haven't said a word about it.

Nor will they.

After all, Bambie has already given them their orders.

Now it's your turn.

Still, you open your mouth to speak, to protest, to do something, yet before you can utter a single sound, something slips inside.

Something warm. Something soft.

Bambie's breast.

Instinctively, your mouth closes around it and begins to gently suck it. You feel her hand start to rub the back of your head like a little child, and you sink even deeper.

"Good boy," Bambie says softly, and at that moment, you feel like one. Suckling her breast like a hungry baby.

You're so lost in her, you barely even remember why you came here in the first place.

And that's before you taste it.

Something warm and sweet begins to flow free from the nipple in your mouth, slowly filling it up as Bambie begins to sway once again, her other breast acting as a pillow as you suck mindlessly on its twin. Back and forth she moves you and your oh-so-sleepy head, and all you can do is go along for the ride.

"Come on, drink it all up... It's time for your milkshake, and Bambie's

milkshakes are the best...."

You moan, the sweet milk coming from her massive breast trickling down your eager throat. It tastes better than anything you've ever had, and the more of it you drink, the sleepier you feel.

And the harder your cock gets.

It feels as if her milk is going through your entire body, filling up your mind and sending everything else down to your aching erection.

If you thought you were light-headed before, you were dead wrong.

Bambie cradles you there, your head firmly planted in between her breasts and her nipple still in your mouth. "Good boy... Drink up all of Mommy's nice, tasty hypnomilk..."

Once again, that part of your brain struggling not to submit tries to take charge. It doesn't want to be hypnotized and tries its best to force your legs to stand up from your seat and leave the diner.

You don't make it very far.

The exhaustion you'd felt when you first arrived has only grown stronger, and your legs quickly buckle beneath it as well as the power of Bambie's incredible breasts.

"Ah ah ah," she whispers, refusing to relinquish her hold on you. "Don't get up from the table just yet. You haven't finished your milkshake..."

The sway of her body increases, swishing the milk in your mouth around as your head and body begin to move along with her until they all seem like one and the same. Bambie's movements are your movements, her words are your thoughts, and as you drink more and more of her sweet, hypnotic milk, you find you no longer want to do anything but let her take control.

Even that part of you that tried so hard to resist finds it can no longer stand against her words, her spirals, her breasts and her milk. And the moment it too finally gives in, your hands drop limply to your sides and any strength you may have had fades away in total submission.

So you sit there, suckling, her warm body overtaking every single one of your senses. All you can see is Bambie's soft body and her spirals. All you can feel are her warm breasts. All you can taste is her sweet milk. All you can smell is that sweet scent in the air- her scent, you realize too late.

And all you can hear are her words.

"Bambie's big breasts make your brain go bye-bye," she whispers, and you know it's the truth. You can't think anymore, don't want to think anymore. You just want to stay in this moment forever and ever.

Alas, she pulls her breast from your mouth, and you gasp at its sudden loss. But before you have the chance to react, Bambie takes hold of your face in her hands and moves it up so you are staring deep into her beautiful eyes.

Her spiral-filled eyes.

"Say it."

It takes your breast-addled mind a moment to realize what she is asking, but the moment it does, your mouth opens and repeats her words back to her. "Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."

Bambie smiles. "Again.

"Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."


"Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."


"Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."


"Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."

You repeat it over and over, her eyes penetrating your empty mind and filling it with her intense gaze and her spirals. The more you say it, the truer it becomes. Until it is the only truth. The only thing that matters.

A small bell rings, but you barely pay it any mind, your mind so lost in her. Bambie does though, and with a sigh, she pulls her top back down over her breasts.

Another customer has entered the diner.

But she isn't finished with you just yet.

"I'll be back baby, and when I am, you can finish up your meal... Then you'll leave me a nice, big tip, and tell all your friends they have to come eat at Bambie's."

You nod, barely even registering what she's saying even as her words take root in your empty mind. Bambie smiles.

"In the meantime, I want you to pull that hard cock of yours out and start stroking it under the table for me. Edge it over and over, and think about my big breasts... Goon for them. After all, what do Bambie's big breasts do?"

Unzipping your pants, you pull out your aching cock and wrap your hand around it even as your mouth opens to answer her. "Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."

Bambie winks. "Good boy."

Then she turns away and heads towards the spot where the latest customer has taken their seat.

As she takes their order, you stroke your cock, your mind- or what's left of it, filling with spirals and the image of her big, perfect breasts.

And as you and countless other patrons sit there, each and every one of you in the same mindless daze, you whisper her words over and over again.

"Bambie's big breasts make my brain go bye-bye."

You know it's true.... And you're so happy that you decided to stop in here tonight...

So happy, you can't wait to tell everyone all about it... Everyone should eat at Bambie's.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
brabussianbrabussian8 months ago

This is exactly what I've been looking for! Looking forward to what comes next.

frankjohnson2448frankjohnson24488 months ago

Wonderful! Looking forward to future chapters.

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