Something's Different About Mary 04


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George stopped and looked up, "Dress the part?"

Mary looked at him as the smiles slid off her face, "Yes, dress the part. My lady's maid will wear a latex French maid's outfit with silk hose and high heels." She licked her lips and leaned forward, "Just think about the yummy silk against your shaven legs and latex covering your body. All covered except that lovely cock of yours." She giggled at his look of shock, "Don't worry pet, I'm not going to turn you into a woman, I want that cock too much to let it go to waste."

George shifted uncomfortably as his cock struggled against the latex. "Yes, Lady Mary." He paused and looked at the shoe in his hands, "Do I have a choice Mistress?"

Mary smiled and slid her foot up and down his hand as if it was a cock and he was masturbating it, "Of course George. You always have a choice, as does anyone."

Not looking up he said, "Why not go all the way? Why not make me your sissy pet that cannot get an erection unless his Mistress commands it?"

Mary leaned forward and lifted his chin, "Because I do not need to George." She caressed his cheek, "It is as plain as day what you want and need." She ran her fingers through his hair, "You have beautiful long hair, already love silken things and high heels." She paused and added, "Before coming up here I also noticed you played a female character in the game."

George nodded, everything she said was true. While he did not want to be a woman, he knew they had the best undergarments. He loved working while wearing nylon panties and had only changed into boxers before coming over tonight. "What about the others?"

Mary glanced upstairs, "Once you make the changes in the four you are delivering to me and wipe the extra programming from this one. Everyone will go through the new systems. That will deal with anyone having issues and with Steve's hurt feelings right now." She looked back at George, "So you have until Monday to make up your mind."

George looked up at her and replied softly, "Yes Lady Mary... I do not need until Monday." He looked down and added, "You read me like a book and know already my answer as well as I do."

Mary lifted his chin and kissed him, "I know George, but we will wait until then anyways for Steve's sake." She smiled, "Though you should talk quietly with Baby Girl and Susan, so they can pick out proper latex and shoes for you." Standing she offered her hand to him, "Now why don't you run along and have a lovely night of pleasure with your sisters and brother."

As they walked up the stairs together Mary stopped and looked at him, "You will have to get yourself fixed. I don't want any little bastards running around."

George blushed, "I already did Lady Mary, long ago, to slow the flow of testosterone into my body."

Mary nodded, "good sissy pet." Stopping at the spare bedroom door she looked at him, "Thank you for helping me George."

"You're welcome Lady Mary."

Mary opened the door and went into the room. Sitting in a chair in the middle of the room was Julie still hooded and wearing the straight jacket. While her head had been down, Julie's head popped up when Mary closed the door. Walking up to her she started walking around her as she spoke, "We have a problem Julie. You and I have a very serious problem and frankly I am of two minds of what to do about it."

Julie who had been turning her head slightly back and forth as Mary circled her said softly, "What can I do to help you resolve the problem Lady Mary?"

Mary finally moved in front of Julie and looked at her a long moment before replying, "I do not know love. You see I expected you to be the model slave for others to emulate, and in turn you end up being the one who gives me fits." She sighed and added, "It's doubly hard because I love you with all my heart and a part of me dies every time I have to come up with a punishment for you." She turned away and sobbed, "I hate this! You were supposed to be the one who whipped the others into shape, so to speak, when they got out of line."

Julie sobbed, "Don't cry Mary... Please." She felt her tears start up again behind the latex mask. While she wanted, no needed to hold her lover tight she was stuck in the straitjacket and unable to move.

Mary turned and dropped to the floor where she could rest her head on Julie's lap. Sobbing softly, she hated how weak she was and yet could not stop herself. "I'm a terrible Mistress." She looked up at Julie's bound form and said, "What do we do? What do I do about you love? This was supposed to be all about pleasure, not hurt and anguish."

Julie cried silent tears feeling Mary's tears wet her leg. She had no idea her forgetting this morning was so traumatic on her lover. Or how much her fake sneeze because she wanted to move had hurt Mary. Each word from her soul mate and Mistress cut like a knife into her heart. Finally, in a small voice she said, "You must punish me. Punish me so much that I never forget and hurt you again Mary." She lowered her head, "Ask the other slaves, let them decide my punishment and carry it out. Make us all see how much I hurt you in my disobedience."

"As you wish love, you have always known how to guide me." Mary said standing. She went to the master bedroom and opened the door. Instead of finding the others in a mass of pleasure, she saw that they were all cuddling together in bed and speaking in low tones. She blushed and cleared her throat. "I hate to bother you. But would you all come with me please?"

When everyone had gotten up, Mary led them to the bedroom where Julie still sat unmoving in the chair in the middle. Mary said looking at Julie, "Everyone is here love. Would you like to start or would you rather I did?"

Julie looked towards the voice and said, "We have a problem and need you to help us."

Mary moved forward saying, "let me remove the hood."

Julie shook her head, "No please leave it Mistress."

Mary stopped and nodded. She saw the others looking at her funny but did not acknowledge their looks, "As you wish."

Julie looked forward, "That is part of the problem. You see, Mary loves me more than anything else in the world." She looked down, "I started this, as I wanted her to be my Mistress and lover." She hung her head and slumped forward, "But you see I didn't see, just as I can't see now. I was blind. I obeyed the orders I wanted to and blew off the others." She raised her head, "I didn't wear shoes this morning because I didn't feel like it and I sneezed because I wanted to move."

Looking towards Mary she said, "But that was nothing to my real crime. I knew Mary would not really punish me because of her love and devotion to me... I used our love." Julie sighed, "I never realized how much my disobedience hurt Mary until now." She held her head up high and added, "So please, I need you to find a way to make me never hurt Mary again."

Mary didn't look at them as she said, "There is our problem. Any punishment I do hurts me as much if not worse knowing I am the one who ordered it." She looked at them, the tears rolling down her cheeks, "I know it's not your job, but can you help us?"

The others looked at Mary and then each other. They huddled and started whispering and after a few minutes of quiet animated debate they turned back to her. Steve pushed George forward and was rewarded by a dirty look.

Turning back to Mary, George said, "Lady Mary, as we understand it, the problem breaks down into three parts." He held up one finger, "First Julie sucks as a slave and it is only a game to her." He held up a second finger, "Second, you and she are lovers and as such any pain she feels you feel also." Holding up the third finger, "You want us, your other slaves to punish her and let you off the hook." He looked at Julie and then back at Mary, "Are we correct in our assessment?"

Mary nodded, "I would not have put it that way George, but..." She looked at Julie, Yes, you are right."

George nodded and looked back at the others, "As for the first, well, I will handle it so in the future Julie will see you just as we do Lady Mary." When Mary looked at him and closed her eyes before nodding he continued, "As for the second, we understand your love for Julie is special, just as Sue's love for Steve is special. However, as the Mistress, you must treat us as equals or release Julie from slavery."

Julie said, "NO Mistress, please not that!"

George looked at Julie, "Don't worry sister, we were not recommending that course of action." He looked at Mary and continued, "We are just pointing out the facts. Julie must be punished to the full extent of your wrath."

"Finally," George paused and looked back at Steve. "Want to take this part bro?"

Steve shook his head and said, "No thank you very much!"

George smiled tightly, "Gee, thanks a lot." He turned to Mary and said, "Lady Mary, we feel that it is unfair of you to ask us to pass judgment on our sister. As such we were unable to grant your wish and tell you how to punish her." He held up his hand before she could reply. "However, we did all agree that instead of Julie being punished, the rest of us should be punished instead of her." He looked at Julie and said, "How much would you disobey Lady Mary in the future if you knew everyone else would be punished for your actions?"

Julie struggled to get up, "No Mary, don't hurt them because of me. I am the one who wronged you not the others."

Mary walked over to Julie and pulled the hood off her lover. Looking at Susan she said, "Do you have a fly swatter in the house?" When she nodded, Mary added, "Go get it and bring it here." She looked at Steve and said, "Steve, you're first."

Steve moved forward, "First?"

"Yes, bend over and place your hands-on Julie's shoulders. Now look into her eyes as you receive your spanking," Mary said calmly. She looked at Julie, "I want you to keep from turning away from seeing what your actions have brought down on your brothers and sisters. Every time you look away or close your eyes, their punishment will increase."

Julie looked into Steve's eyes as they waited for Susan to return with a fly swatter. She would have rather taken any punishment rather than see others be spanked because of her actions. In a small voice she said, "I'm sorry Stevie, forgive me?"

Steve smiled slightly, "I forgive you dear. It would take a lot more than a little spanking for me to be mad at you." His hands moved to cup her face as he added softly, "Be strong Julie."

When Susan returned with the fly swatter, Mary took it from her and then walked over to Steve. "Ready?" Not waiting for his reply, she swung the swatter and brought it down against his latex covered ass making a sharp cracking sound. "One..." She kept her eyes on Julie who winced from the sound but did not move otherwise. "Two..." She said as the swatter hit on the other rubber covered cheek.

Back and forth she spanked each cheek until she had hit five. Finally finished she said, "This one is from me for making George the speaker." She brought the fly swatter down hard on his upper leg just below the end of the latex.

Steve's eyes got large though he did not speak. Standing he looked at her and rubbed his leg and backside, "I guess I deserved that." He turned to Julie and bent down to hug her. Kissing her he whispered, "It sounds worse than it is."

Julie nodded though did not trust herself to speak as she cried. She looked up at Mary and though her lover had dry eyes, she could see Mary was suffering also.

Mary looked back at Julie and said, "Susan, your turn." When Susan had positioned herself, she brought the fly swatter down and started her count. She was up to the forth hit when Susan cried out in pain causing Julie to flinch.

Julie was horrified; Steve kept his face calm, so she believed his words when he said it didn't hurt. However, Susan was another story. With the first hit, her eyes got large and she cringed. By the third hit Susan was crying softly. It was the fourth one that killed Julie inside. Seeing and hearing her sister's pain caused her to look up at Mary, "Please stop Mistress... I'll be good!"

Mary stopped and replied, "Look at your sister!" she brought the swatter down one last time and said, "That's all Susan."

Susan stood and rubbed her bottom. Following Steve's example, she bent down, hugged and kissed Julie. She looked into Julie's eyes and said, "I love you Julie."

Julie looked down unable to reply as she cried. She swore to herself that no matter what Mary asked of her, she would do it with gusto. By the time she looked up to reply, Susan was walking back to the group.

"George..." Mary said pointing towards Julie. When George bent over Mary spanked him slowly. She was impressed that like Steve, he was able to keep quiet. At the same time, she was dismayed that Julie's tears dried up. Finishing him she turned and walked to where Steve, Susan, and Baby Girl were standing. Looking at Sandy she said softly, "I want you to react to the spanks as if they were the worst thing you ever felt."

Baby Girl looked at her Mistress and nodded slightly. She started forward passing George and leaned down to kiss Julie before moving into place. "A slave is ready for your justice Lady Mary." When the spank hit, her eyes opened in surprise. Though they sounded awful, she could hardly feel it through the latex.

Julie watched as her shoe loving sister broke down. By the third hit, Sandy was wailing and crying while holding still. The fourth and fifth hits came rapidly, and Sandy's wails changed into whimpers. While Susan's were bad, these were worse, and Julie could not watch anymore. "Please no Mistress..."

Baby Girl looked back at Mary and winked before turning back to Julie. She hugged her as she cried and in a childlike voice, "Please be good sister..."

Julie whimpered and looked at her, "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." She looked at the others, "Please forgive me." She could not face Mary and the hurt she had brought down on her. Looking down she whimpered softly, "Forgive me."

Turning her back on Julie, Mary watched the others as Sandy joined them. "Thank you for taking Julie's punishment. From now on, the one who fails will have to watch the others be punished before their own punishment happens." She looked at Sandy, "Baby Girl, in my purse are the keys to Julie's boots. Will you please get them for me?" After Sandy had left, she continued, "Strip her!"

The remaining three looked at each other in confusion. They thought that that was the end of the punishment. Moving forward they helped Julie out of the latex straight jacket and once Sandy returned, removed the boots.

Mary turned and looked at Julie, "You will not wear any clothing until I feel you have learned your lesson." She paused, "That means no latex for you." Going forward she crouched down and looked Julie in the eye and said softly, "I love you more than life. But if you ever betray my love again, you will be out the door just like we talked about." She looked down, "I will not let you hurt me again Julie, not like this." Standing she added, "I want you to sit here and think about your actions." Mary turned and walked out the door.

The others heard her words and looked on in horror. Mary had thrown the book at Julie even after they took her punishment. George made a motion to touch Mary's shoulder when Susan stopped him. Lowering his hand, he looked on helplessly. When Mary had left, the others looked back at Julie not speaking and followed her out into the hall. Closing the door behind them George said softly, "Lady Mary? You really wouldn't make Julie leave, would you?"

Mary looked back towards the closed bedroom, "No. I would no more make her leave than I would make one of you leave. If you choose to leave, that is one thing, but banishment? No never."

Sandy looked on not understanding, "I don't understand Mistress. Why did you tell her those things then?"

Mary led them to the bedroom and sat on the chair. Motioning for them to sit down she looked at Sandy, "Baby Girl, are you mine? Have you given yourself totally over to pleasure and submission?"

Sandy nodded, "Of course I have Mistress."

Mary looked at each in turn, "You? You and you?" the replies were like Sandy's as she had figured they would be. "You see, by Julie's own words this is a game to her to be played when she feels like it." She paused, "Until she sees submission in the same light as you, she will continue to mess up and cause you, her family to be hurt."

George spoke not looking at Mary, "I can fix that Mistress."

Mary looked at George, "I know... However, unless Julie wants to change, really wants it, then nothing you could do will do any good." Looking back at the others as a group, "Later when she joins you, I do not want anyone to treat her poorly." Her voice became hard, "If you do, then the spanking will be real for the others." Looking at Steve she added, "If you want to know what it really feels like, I am sure Steve can tell you."

Steve winced at the memory, "Don't worry on that account lady Mary. All anyone has to do is look at the welt on my thigh."

"Now my loves, I am going to have a word with Julie and then send her in. I will join you a little later." Mary said. She looked at George and added, "I have an idea that I want to work out before presenting it to you tomorrow." Leaving them she went back across the hall and went into the bedroom where Julie sat curled up on the chair.

Julie looked up and wiped her tears away, "I'm sorry love, and I'll be good I promise."

Mary went over and sat on the bed before replying. "Julie, you have broken my trust. I would sooner believe a crack addict who told me he would go straight for ten dollars than I do you right now." She paused and looked down, "Until I feel I can trust you again, you will have to be punished.'

Julie nodded not speaking, "I know Mary..." not looking up she added, "What was George's idea to cure me?"

Mary said, "He wanted you to go through the system with what I guess are special settings." She paused and added, "You may go to join the others now."

Julie made no move to get up, "Lady Mary, a slave begs to be made into what Mistress wants." She finally looked at Mary, "Please love?"

Mary shook her head, "That is too easy a solution love. Everyone tells me that the system does nothing more than allow you to enjoy what you already are open to. In short you must really want something for it to take hold like you think." She paused, "Until you want a change with all that you are, then the system would do nothing more than to lower my guard and let me get hurt again."

Julie nodded, "Yes Mary. Can I at least stay with you tonight?"

Mary shook her head, "No Julie..." she paused and looked away, "Now go and join the others, perhaps in time you will find what you lost." She didn't look back until she heard the door open and close. Undressing, Mary crawled into bed and cuddled with a pillow. Sleep was a long time coming.

After spending a sleepless night alone Mary woke up with the morning sunlight illuminating the room. Getting dressed in latex and heels she frowned wondering why her dresser was not in attendance. Walking down to the kitchen she found the house strangely quiet and entering the kitchen noticed why, the clock on the wall said it was eleven am. "Ah, everyone went to work," she said to herself walking over to the coffee pot. Seeing a note on the counter Mary picked it up and read it.

Lady Mary,

Since you were still asleep when it was time to go to work, we, your other slaves, decided to have Julie shop for you in our place. Please be aware we are adhering to your ruling and she is wearing according to Sue the most god-awful clothing and shoes we could find. Below is each or our cell numbers so that you will be able to reach us should you wish. As a side note, though Julie was not dressed properly last night, we made her feel loved and told her we forgave her transgressions.