Something's Different About Mary 05


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Mary moved to kneel before Steve. Resting her hands on his legs she looked up into his face, "I hope you know you will never be alone again. You're stuck with me and your family as long as you want."

Steve took Mary's hands in his and squeezed them, "That mistress is why we want to stay with you...Family."

Susan hurried into the room smiling, "I have it," she announced. "Futons!"

Monday was the longest day in Mary's life. Every hour or so Mary would glance at the clock and see five minutes had passed. She had made a promise to Susan that they would all see the house at the same time. While she really wanted to look through it first, Susan's desire to show it off to all overrode Mary's own desire. She wanted Susan to be happy after all and waiting seemed a simple payment for that joy.

One by one the others trickled in, first was Julie wearing an ugly muumuu dress and flip-flops. The woebegone look on her face was enough to make Mary giggle. "Don't worry pet, you will be able to wear heels and latex soon enough." She paused and added, "Though I have to ask, where did you find that thing?"

Julie sat down on the couch next to Mary and said, "Aunt Betty got it for me when she went to Hawaii."

Mary shook her head; the dress was really ugly. It was yellow with huge red flowers all over it and looked big enough to fit everyone in the house together at once. Before she could come up with a reply, George came in smiling and happy.

He caught sight of Julie's dress and stopped dead, "Gah!" He looked at Mary and added, "That is cruel and unusual punishment Lady Mary."

Mary looked at Julie and smiled, "You know I was going to say burn it once you are out of it. However, I think we need to keep it on display as a warning. Be bad and this is what you wear."

Julie pouted, "Very funny."

Steve and Sandy came in almost together a few minutes later. Like George before them their reaction to the dress was less than complimentary. Steve went as far as to say, "I wouldn't be caught dead in that dress."

Mary smiled and replied, "By the way, I was thinking of having you wear it to work tomorrow." His reaction was enough to get everyone laughing including Julie who was painfully aware of the hideous dress she was forced to wear. Once everyone calmed down she added, "Does everyone have things packed for tonight?"

As everyone was nodding and replying to Mary, Susan breezed into the house. While she was dressed immaculate as usual, her hair had wisps out of place. "Sorry I'm late mistress." She looked at Julie's dress a long moment and shook her head. Looking at Mary once more she added, "I'm ready."

Standing Mary went over and hugged her, "May I ride with you?"

Susan beamed, "Of course Lady Mary."

Once they were at the house, Susan made a big deal about handing the front door key to Mary. Mary in turn unlooked the door and swung it open. Stepping through she stopped in the foyer as the others entered. Looking at Susan she said, "Would you give us the grand tour?"

Susan smiled, "Where would you like to start Lady Mary?"

Mary looked up, "How about we start at the top and work our way down."

Susan nodded and led the way up the stairs. Stopping on the second floor she turned and looked at everyone. "Upstairs we have two full bathrooms, one for mistress and one for us." Opening the door to the left she said, "Here is a simple guest bedroom as well as one over here." She opened the door to the right. Gesturing behind her she said, "This is our bathroom." Looking at Steve and George she added, "Please remember to put the seat down dears."

As everyone peaked into the bedrooms and bathroom Susan moved down the other end of the upper hall. "To my right is Lady Mary's bedroom and private bath." Opening the door, she looked at Mary, "After you mistress."

Mary walked in and looked at the bedroom, it was beautiful, and the bed was huge. Glancing at Julie she said, "Looks like you will not end up on the floor with this one." She peeked into the bathroom and smiled large shower and garden tub just as she had wanted looked back at her.

She went over to Susan and kissed her hard, "It's even more beautiful than the pictures darling."

Susan's smile got bigger and she whispered, "Just wait until you see the rest mistress." She walked to the other door and stood before it. "This is the punishment room." She opened the door and stepped to the side.

From the outside of the house, everything looked normal. However, when Mary stepped into the punishment room the first thing she noticed was a lack of windows. The walls were rough lumber and overhead hung a bare light bulb. In the center of the room was an ergonomic kneeling chair bolted to the floor while the walls were adorned with various bondage and punishment equipment. One wall was free of anything and Mary was about to ask about it when she noticed eye bolts spaced across the top of the wall and bottom.

Mary looked at Susan and winked as the soft ohs and damns echoed in the room. She looked at the others, "If you are ordered to the chair, you are to come here, strip, kneel and await punishment." She paused, "For example, Julie go to the chair."

Julie looked shocked but recovered. In record time she was out of the flip-flops and muumuu dress and kneeling on the chair. She placed her hands behind her as if waiting to be handcuffed and waited.

Looking at Susan, Mary said, "Could you find me a hanger?" She picked up the dress and when Susan returned, hung it up on the wall in front of the chair. She offered her hand to Julie and helped her to her feet. Looking at the dress she said, "First level punishment is to wear that for a day." She looked at Steve and George, "You better hope in your cases it is a weekend."

Steve looked at the dress and gulped and muttered to George, "That alone will make me be good."

Mary looked back to Susan, "Shall we see what you have done to the first floor now?"

Susan nodded, "Of course Lady Mary." She led them down the stairs and to the formal living room. "As you see, the fireplace has gas logs, so we will not have to deal with lighting a fire and wood." Mary caressed the leather couch and smiled, it was almost as good as latex and nodded her approval. Susan led them down the hall to the kitchen and dining area. Because of space, I, with mistress' approval converted the formal dining room into a third full bath with large shower and double sink. This will give us four and half bathroom's total."

Sandy looked at her confused, "Don't you mean three and one half?"

Susan shook her head, "No there is another bathroom and shower in the basement." She showed them the kitchen and said, "I followed the exact design of the other kitchen. It seemed to work there, and mistress wanted it to be the same." Leading them back down the hall towards the front she walked to a pair of double doors. "This is our new bedroom." She opened the doors and stood back.

As the others rushed in Mary waited and looked at Susan, "Are you happy with it lover?"

Susan looked at the room and back, "I am mistress, I just hope the others are."

Mary smiled, "They better be, or else they will find themselves wearing Julie's dress." She walked in and looked around. The room had four futon couches scattered about with little tables and lights next to them. On the far side of the room, a series of folding screens separated about a third on the room off. Walking over Mary saw that Susan had installed hanging rods and a few dressers. Also, there was a makeup table with three bins labeled, Baby Girl, Susan, Julie. She walked back to Susan and said, "The makeup table was a stroke of genius."

Once everyone had given Susan their approval, she led them down stairs. Stopping before the door she said, "Please, bear in mind that the floor is not done on purpose." She looked at Mary and added, "Lady Mary and I still have to look at floors." Biting her lip in worry, as this was the one room that Mary had not seen completely, Susan opened the door.

Mary was the first one though the door. Walking into the basement room she took a few steps and stopped looking around. Just as she had imagined it, the room was done in white with green plants scattered around. Closest to her was the hot tub bubbling happily with ferns and a few small trees around and giving it an outdoor feel. As the others walked in and moved around Mary went over to Susan, "I don't know about anyone else, but... Damn girl you done good!"

Susan had been holding her breath in fear. On one level she knew she was good with interior design; however inside she was still an insecure little girl who could not believe in herself. She threw herself into Mary's arms and hugged her tightly as she replied, "I was so worried I had failed."

Mary looked at her, "You can never fail me Susan. While others will falter and trip, I know you will always be beside me as a friend, lover and slutty latex slave." She kissed Susan. Holding onto Susan's hand she walked further into the room. On the far side were the four systems. The only way she knew they were a system was that George was standing beside them proudly. Looking at Susan she said, "I think everyone here should give Susan a round of applause and a friendly nuzzle for the wonderful job she has done." Mary stepped away as the others mobbed Susan with their approval and love.

Once the group broke up, Susan looked at George and said, "You're on honey."

George stepped to the consul and looked at them. Though he was speaking to all, he watched Mary. This is the final production model of the gaming system of the future. As well as the internal games, it also can hook into existing gaming consoles and the internet for online games." Pausing he walked over to the side of the closest one and pressed a recessed green button. The door slid out of the way and a little set of stairs slid out. "Julie, since you are dressed for the occasion would you like to be first?"

Julie looked at Mary and received a nod in reply. She hurried over and started up the stairs when George stopped her. "One second dear." He gestured for the others to come closer and look in as she got inside. "While the other test version needed you to be nude, this one will allow clothing. However, I don't think lack of dress will be an issue. Ok dear, slide in."

When Julie got in she looked up at them confused. The water that had kept her weightless on the other machine only seemed about an inch deep in this one. George smiled, "You will note the water drains into a holding tank while not being used." Looking at Steve he grinned, "One of the little pet projects I added was a stimulator." He walked to the side and opened a little door. Among other things it had dildos for women and sheaths for men, each with a thick wire coming out of them. Grabbing one and some lube he walked over and handed it to Julie. Raising her legs, a bit she slid it into place and smiled.

"Now plug it in and then position your arms, legs and head like normal." George concluded. "Looking back at the others, the system goes though the startup sequence and pumps water into the upper part. Then it will ask you for your name." He smiled, "It remembers who and how far along they are in the games, so you don't have to start from scratch each time." He looked at Mary, "Finally they can be linked up so all four plays together."

Mary nodded, "Outstanding work and design George." She turned to the other three, "Well? What are you waiting for?"

Mary watched as the other three quickly stripped down and after selecting their own stimulators, crawled into the simulators. George walked around and pressed the green buttons one by one. In each case, the door slid shut with a soft thump. Walking back to the console George placed his thumb on a pad and said, "George."

A woman's voice asked, "Password?"

George looked at Mary and smiled, "Rubber doll."

The voice replied, "Thumb print confirmed, voice confirmed, password confirmed. System ready... four stimulators online, adding water."

George looked at Mary, "Instead of having to type, you can access all programs using your voice only." He looked back and said, "Add system manager."

"State system manager name please"

George nudged Mary and nodded. She looked at the controller and replied, "Lady Mary."

Name accepted... Please place right thumb on round blue dot."

Without prompting Mary placed her thumb on the dot. She saw a little red line go up and down the thumb several times from underneath."

"Thumb print accepted... Please say password."

"Latex mistress."

"Password accepted... Lady Mary now set as system administrator with access of all functions and programs." The voice paused and announced, "Unit one: water at full, designated name Julie accepted... Now running brainwave function baseline tests." It paused again and then repeated with unit two Susan then unit three Steve and finally unit four Baby Girl.

Mary looked at George, "brainwave function tests?"

George replied. "The system takes a constant reading of your brainwave and adjusts the program as needed." He saw her look of worry, "It's all good Lady Mary, the other system had it also and you don't notice a problem with anyone do you?" He continued by saying, "I would never hurt any of you Mary, you should know that. The next two tests will determine the positive stimulus brainwave and then the negative stimulus."

Negative stimulus? You mean it's going to shock them?'

George shook his head, "No it's going to get each all hot and bothered and then stop."

George pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Mary. You will need to read this aloud, so the system can match your voice while the game is running." He paused, "I already cross loaded your body form to the programs from the other stimulator." He turned to the system controller and said, "Game voice for Lady Mary test one." He looked at her and nodded.

Mary tried to speak naturally as she read through the nonsensical sentences on the page. Once she had finished George had her repeat it calling it test two. Over and over she had to speak the lines on the page until the eighth time when the system said, "Lady Mary voice complete."

George nodded and then said, "Okay the only thing left is for you to start each on their programs. He pulled out a note card and handed to Mary. "You can do a full sweep as we talked about or increase certain ones for certain people." He paused and then added, "All you need to do is say the person's name and what program you want to run. Finally, at what percent level you wish it to be at."

Mary looked at the list. It listed all the ones everyone had said before as well as latex, nylons and high heels in all cases worship and wearing. "Julie, run all Lady Mary programs, 100 percent. Susan, run all Lady Mary programs, 100 percent. Baby Girl, run all Lady Mary programs, 100 percent. Steve, run all Lady Mary programs 100 percent, run high heel wear, 200 percent total."

The system paused a moment and replied, "program starting for Julie Susan, Baby Girl, and Steve. full Lady Mary at 100 percent. Question: Steve high heel wearing running two times at full. Is this correct?"

Mary nodded, "Yes that is correct."

George looked at Mary, "You realize that once Steve comes out, he will have a hard time wearing anything but high heels all the time."

Mary nodded, "Yes I know. I also know that is what he wants me to do. Make him addicted to high heels both on and off his feet." She slid out of her latex and crawled into the hot tub. Looking at him she added, "It also gives me an estimate for you George." She looked at him a moment longer and said, "Are you going to get us both a drink and join me or will I have to sit here alone?"

George shook his head and then asked, "What is your pleasure to drink Lady Mary?"

"I think a big thing of ice water for both of us George."

George hurried up to the kitchen and getting two glasses filled a pitcher with ice water before coming down. Pouring Mary, a glass he stripped and sat down across from her in the tub. "Dare I ask what you are estimating?"

Instead of replying directly Mary said, "Why haven't you ever worn it?"

George knew at once what Mary was talking about. When he and Sandy had gotten to his place and were packing she had found it and insisted he try it on for her. Though she begged for him to wear it he had said he had never tried it on and they packed it instead. He blushed and said, "I guess I am chicken."

Mary looked at him, "If I said, go up and put it on this instant?"

George looked at her, "You know I would Lady Mary. I cannot refuse you anything."

Mary nodded, "That is what the estimate is for. Finding the point where you do not need an order to do what you want to do anyways." She raised her leg until her foot found his leg. Running it up and down his leg she added, "On the other hand, I could just run it ten times or until your mind is so consumed with becoming a rubber doll that you would fight to keep the suit on."

George slid down lower in the water as his hands found and started caressing her foot. "Mary my love, now you know why I have not tried it on yet. I am afraid that once in it, I would never want to come out again."

Mary slid her foot over to caress his hard cock under water. Her other foot joined the first and she used her feet to slowly stroke him. "So what, you can still do some work from here." She looked towards the flattened oval systems dominating the other half of the room. "What you can't do remotely, we will just have to cover for you." She paused and then concluded, "If not, then screw them; there are others in your department who can pick up the slack."

They were still soaking an hour later when the system said, "Julie program complete." As her door hissed open it said, "Susan and Baby Girl programs complete."

Mary and George got out of the tub and helped the three girls out. Julie looked from the system to Mary, "My god that was awesome mistress. Your body, your voice commanding me to do things and then your rewards..." She threw her arms around Mary and hugged her tightly. The other two soon joined the hug.

Mary smiled, "I'm glad you liked it. Now go shower the salt off you dears." As they giggled and hurried to the bathroom Mary looked at George. "Your turn."

George went over to the one Julie had just vacated and after picking out a sheath. Sliding his hard cock into it he got in. Once it was plugged in he lay back and smiled up at her, "Ready Lady Mary."

Mary bent down and kissed him on the cheek. Pressing the green button she watched as the door hissed shut. Walking over to the controller she said, "log in... Lady Mary... password latex mistress." She then placed her thumb on the blue dot.

"Previous session resumed, what can I do for you Lady Mary?" the voice paused and then added, "Unit one George. Ready for programming."

Mary looked at it; the start up sequence was different than what the others had gone through. "Question: why is unit George process different than other processes?"

As if it were talking to a child the system replied, "The unit George is already in system memory."

"George, Lady Mary all programs 100 percent."

As she awaited conformation the program said, "Unit Steve program complete." It then added, "Program starting for George."

Mary went over to get Steve out. Kissing and hugging him she watched as he walked barefooted to the bathroom to join the others in their shower. Turning to the controller she said, "Add rubber doll program for unit George. Run program until positive unit feedback."

The system replied, "Adding rubber doll overload to unit George, estimated completion time dependent of subject responses."

As the other four came back into the main part of the basement, Mary smiled, "Steve, would you go up and get more drinks and if we have it some munchies?"