Sometimes When We Touch


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"Yeah that's my problem as well. Mitch, the guy I've been dating for years, asked me to marry him a couple of months back. I almost said yes, but then a picture of your face jumped into my mind. Daryl, I couldn't marry Mitch, if whenever I'm with him, I keep thinking of you, could I? I had to come and find you. I need to either capture your heart, or lay the bleeding ghost!"

"Oh my Sadie; that is an admission! And I'm not sure how I should react to it. Christ, we don't even know each other really!"

"I'm a patient girl Daryl. I've waited god knows how many years already. I thought maybe we could see each other now and again. Maybe even date a few times and see what happens."

"What about what's-'is-name, your boyfriend, this Mitch geezer; what's he going to say about it, if we did go out on a date?"

"Nothing. Unfortunately Mitch didn't take rejection very well. He's marrying Brenda so I hear. You remember Brenda, don't you?"

"Are we talking blond Brenda?"

"Yeah the village bike. It could be, that's why Mitch was in such and all fired hurry to get me to marry him... He's a bit like your mate Ralf, got a one-track mind! Hey, oh god, don't get me wrong, I enjoy... well I have the same... er; oh shit, Daryl you know what I mean!"

My dinner companion had painted herself into a corner and I was enjoying myself, grinning at her expectantly and watching her squirm around trying to think of what to say.

Sadie did - eventually - manage to extract herself from the situation she'd talked herself into! But I didn't give her any help. She kept talking around the bush in ever decreasing circles, until we both descended into fits of laughter; making a spectacle of ourselves in the staid upmarket establishment.

Later, once we'd composed ourselves again, and received lots of disapproving looks from some of restaurants other patrons. Sadie informed me that the Kat, had eventually recaptured John Fillmore, literally!

Sadie informed me, that she'd heard that Katrina had somehow managed to get herself pregnant by Fillmore. On what Sadie thought was most likely a "for old times sake" date. Then -- Sadie surmised - Katrina had put the pressure on the poor sob and forced him to marry her, or she would have kicked up one hell of a social stink. Fillmore's parents were somewhat sensitive about their family's - reputed -- good name. Whatever, as far as Sadie was aware, Katrina was a happy bunny, living the high life and spending Fillmore's father's money!

Before we left "Romano's", as promised, Sadie did pay the restaurant's bill. Yes, I did try to argue the point with her, but she'd have none of it. Then she offered me a lift home; I don't take my car when I'm going out drinking.

I think, except for giving Sadie directions, I was pretty quiet on that journey. Sadie had given me a lot to think about and it had all come as a bit of a rush. Look, it ain't often that a good-looking woman all-but throws herself at a guy like me; there were a lot of things I had to take into account and think through.

And - although I didn't think it likely by that time -- there was still a chance that Katrina and Sadie had cooked-up the whole story about Sadie fancying me.

But, I couldn't work out how they would have known that I carried that girl back to the hostel in France that day. Oh, they might have heard about it from the other kids, and/or they might have even seen me actually carrying her in the hostel door.

But they wouldn't have known that I had carried her in a fireman's lift for most of the way. Only changing to carrying her in my arms, after she'd protested that it was an undignified way for a young lady to travel. When I went to pick her up again, after I'd stopped to strap-up the ankle that she kept complaining was hurting, as best I could with my scarf.

"Nice place!" Sadie commented when we arrived outside my little bungalow.

"Yeah, I found it not long after my divorce. It kept me on the housing ladder."

"Well, are you going to invite me in to see your etchings?"

"I don't think so Sadie, not tonight anyway. I've got a lot of things to think about."

"Well at least that gives me some hope that you will call me." She said with a little smile. "Okay, I think I can understand your reticence. But at least you can give a girl one kiss before you blow her off."

"Hey Sadie, I'm not blowing you off. I'm just saying I've got a lot to think about. Jesus you came at me out of nowhere this evening, I'm possibly still in shock."

Whether Sadie had listened to what I said or not, I don't know, because as I finished speaking her lips had clamped onto mine and she tried to suck all the air out of my lungs.

"There, now if you don't call me, you'll know what you've turned down."

I'm not quite sure how long the clinch lasted, but I will admit that I enjoyed it, a lot more than the quick kiss she'd given me in the middle of the road earlier. If she'd kept that up, all my resolve would have gone out the window; I was having trouble playing it cool as it was. Well I told you, Sadie is a real looker.

"Sadie, honestly, I can see what I'd be turning down; I just need time to take it all in, and think everything through."

"Sure you do handsome, and don't worry I'm a patient girl, that should be obvious!"

"And a persistent one as well, if tonight's anything to go by." -- "Goodnight Sadie!" I added after giving her a quick peck on the lips. Then I got out of her car and watched her drive away.

I can't say what I was thinking as I entered the house and headed for the back door to let my cat in. Wandering around the garden calling the animal probably distracted me from what I really should have been thinking about.

Eventually, I give up my search for my cat as a bad job. I opened one of the kitchen windows a little, so she could find her own way inside after she'd finished decimating the local wildlife population, or fornicating with the Ginger Tom from three doors up. It was a cloudy night and if it turned wet, the little toerag would sit on my bedroom windowsill howling until I got up and let her in out of the rain.

Then I found myself standing in the lounge staring at the TV set. I almost turned the thing on but managed to restrain myself. I had some serious thinking to do and watching the box wasn't going to help me any; most likely it would bore me to sleep instead.

Actually I figured, laying there in bed in the dark was probably the best place I could come up with to play the evening over in my mind. So after stripping off, I climbed into the shower. The shower was intended to make sure that I was wide-awake and would be able fully concentrate on the problem in hand.

Christ, did I get a shock when the shower curtain was suddenly pulled back by a grinning, and very naked, Sadie.

"Christ, Sadie what the fuck are you playing at?" I demanded after recovering from the first shock of her appearance.

"Sorry Daryl, but I suddenly thought that you needed to get to know the whole package I'm offering before you made such an important decision." She replied as she climbed into the shower with me. "Nice and big in here isn't it, just made for the two of us?"

"Sadie, how the hell did you get in here anyway?"

"Via the kitchen window handsome, you really should be a little more security conscious, you know! Oh, the cat followed me in so I've closed it, is that right?"

"Sadie, I don't know if this is a good idea!" I was saying after she'd taken me in her arms and kissed me again.

"Oh I think it's a wonderful idea, and just in case you think I'm like Kat..." Sadie said releasing me from her grasp and stepping out of the shower again. "I'm on the pill, and to rub the point home, I've been carrying these things around for weeks now." She added, with a sweet innocent smile on her face at the same time as holding up a couple of packets of contraceptives she taken from her bag that was sitting on the toilet seat.

"Jesus Christ, how many have you got there? What do you take me for, bloody superman?"

"Well a girl can only hope! Besides, it's Saturday tomorrow, we can stay in bed all day."

Well that was it really. What you might call game, set and match to Sadie! Once the woman got me into bed... yeah well, that was the end of all resistance as far as I was concerned.


We only had two children, one of each; we figured that was enough. Still live in the bungalow as well; although we had to add an extension.

What happened to Katrina and John Fillmore? Well, I'm not sure really... Well, we kind-a know what happened to John in the long term anyway. Sadie overheard some women gossiping in the hairdressers one day. She deduced from the conversation, that John had remarried. Sadie told me that she heard a woman say that John's new wife was a far better mother to the children "than that tart" he had been married too, ever was!

Sadie is of the opinion that the "Kat" is probably paying her way, on her back somewhere. Can't women be vindictive, when they want to be?

Oh yeah and Ralf, you would want to know about him! Well now, you remember that big fuss a couple of years back when the FBI or something infiltrated that paedophile Internet ring. Well, and this is only rumour remember, the word is, that Ralf was picked up by the British police around that time and no one has seen or heard of the bugger since. Make of that what you will.

Sadie and I are happy together, and to be honest with you, it seems impossible to me now that I ever nicknamed her Sadie the Sadist. Just goes to show that it's very easy to misinterpret someone's true intentions, or their character. Lets face it, first impressions can be so wrong sometimes! But then again, if you look at it from my wife's point of view, they can be so right as well!

Life goes on

Note: - Yeah well, I did nick the idea of Sadie getting into Daryl's house through an open window, from one of HDK's recent posts. He's a mate, so I'm sure he won't mind. Only in HDK's tale of woe, the hero's niece, I believe, used a bathroom window instead.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman37 minutes ago

Fun, entertaining story. Thanks

NallusNallusabout 1 month ago

I enjoyed the story, but it could've used more grilling of Sadie by Daryl.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 1 year ago
Loved it

One of your best

SequoiaSempervirensSequoiaSempervirensover 2 years ago

One of my favourites! (See? I used British spelling. ;-) ) Sorry I can't vote again, or I'd give it another five stars. I like all of your work. Please keep writing.

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