Songs of Seduction - Water


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But I don't have time to wonder, as she wanders one hand to her breast and pushes up her flesh, squeezing and turning the nipple until the clear fluid beads into a bigger drop. She dabs her fingertip to it and anoints the clear milk to her lips, then mine.

"It's so sweet, like warm honey. Can I suck?"

"Ohhh noo, waait," and the sounds stretch out like water burbling over rocks in a fast stream, her song is liquid and smooth.

Her other hand wanders down the flesh of her belly, and she slips her middle finger between her symmetrical lips, with her forefinger and third finger sliding down the outside. I gaze at the slow movement of her long fingers as she spreads wide the opening to her sex. The colours, they're so beautiful! Reds and deep blues, light pinks, brown and purple, she's all iridescent, like mother of pearl with her sex in its own soft shell. She draws her finger slowly up to the top of that crease, and her flesh glistens as her fingers slide. At the top there's a small sleeve of soft flesh which she pulls back to reveal a darker bud. Her fingers rub up and around and she sighs.

"Ohhh, thaats goood ," and the words are liquid and luscious. I want to taste her there, to cover this delectable place with the wetness of my mouth, to kiss those lips, to lick her folds, to push into her with my tongue, ahhh yes.

I watch, spellbound, as a finger slides inside her folds and is hidden. She presses the palm of her hand against the mound, and two fingers are hidden. How deep can she be? I don't know, I've never known a woman before.

My own hand echoes the stroke up the length of my cock, my own fingers stretching along it. We display ourselves for each other, and our breath quickens. Other than the rise and fall of her breasts and my chest and the slow movements of our hands, we are both still, entranced by what we see.

Then the finest ends of her tail, two long fronds that curl and flow like falling silk, come towards me and fold about my legs with the softest touch, delicate and strange, and I feel a small tug. I remember the wrapping strength of her tail in the water, and know now it's like another hand for her, tactile and delicate, gripping and strong. All I have is my feet that plod on the sand.

The curl of her tail tugs gently on my legs. "Coome clooser," she sighs, and I slide myself towards her. We embrace and kiss, and my fingers slowly enter her where her fingers had been. Her sex is warm and liquid wet. With one hand she presses my hand hard against her slippery, sliding places, my fingers inside her.

"Moove your fingeers," she croons, and her body shudders up against my hand. My cock is hard against the top of her tail, and slides against her. I'm slowly moving my body up against hers, so our centres can meet, and I can be surrounded by her flesh. Ah, sweet fuck, my hand has never felt like this.

"Whaat is your naame?" She speaks to me, and I'm becoming familiar with her words, my ear tuning itself to her sounds.

"Daniel," I reply. "And your name? What do I call you?"

"Liaan," she replies, and it sounds like a distant call, singing from a long way away. I've heard it before, in my dreams.

Liaan opens her arms to embrace me, and she pulls my head to her chest. She looks down at me, and her eyes are so big. Somehow I feel small in her arms as she cradles my head and puts me to her breast. It's a deliberate motion, she squeezes up a breast to my mouth and offers me her long nipple. I suckle on her, and for the first time I taste a woman's milk. It's sweet, like honey; I half expected the taste of the salty sea, but it's sweet. As I suck, Liaan reaches down to my cock, and cups a hand around my balls, gently squeezing.

"Ohhh Daaniel, thaat's right, taake my miilk." She holds me to her breast, and I've never been held with such care before. Liaan caresses and squeezes my cock with one hand, and I can feel her urging me up, that heavy wonder in the base of my spine, my tightening balls. With that hand it's faster urgency, her palm and fingers rubbing, stroking. With her other hand on my head it's a slow, calming stroke through my hair as she holds my head to her breast where I suck. I'm caught between two parts of my mind, each responding to her two hands.

Is this a mothering, my mouth to her breast? Is this a mating, her hand on my prick, my fingers in her sex? I've never been held by a woman before, I've never known a woman's love. No man has. Is this why we ache and pine and dream, looking forward to our woman from the water?

And Liaan, is it the same for her, the same seduction, the same gentleness, the same wanting hard? Holding me in her arms, my mouth on her breast, her fingers through my hair. Has she spent a whole life wanting this, a man in her arms to love and to hold? And my cock in her hand. Has she lain here before, her fingers playing in her folds, dreaming of something she's never known?

What manner of God is this, that separates two parts of a species so much we're inseparable when together, but forever kept apart? I can't believe in a God like that, who'd punish us so. So I disobey.

"Liaan, can I lie with you forever, be inside you always, live with you in this little cave?"

I hold my ear against her chest so I can hear the rush of her blood like the sea.

"Ohhh, Daaniel, noo, it caanot be. 'Tis shoort, this llovve, and then you chaange, and you're goone." Her liquid song runs over me like silk, like water from a jar pours gently on the ground, flowing into my soul.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

She looks at me, and the sadness in her face brings tears up to my eyes, just as her hand brings up a bright crystal bead from the tip of my cock.

"Noow you're reaady." Liaan lies on her back, and pulls my length to her centre. "Onn mee, lie onn mee."

I lie above her, my thighs each side of her slender tail. Liaan guides me to the hollow below her sex, holds the tip of my cock to her slippery shell. She holds my gaze with hers, and the swell of her nostrils and the flutter of her gills are quick and fast. She pulls my head down into a kiss, salty and sweet; her little tongue probes.

"Noow, Daaniel," and she pulls onto my ass with two hands, pulling my body up into hers, and I slide into her wetness, warm and tight. Her passage ripples around me, and she opens up and I'm lost inside her. I arch my back, I never knew, I never knew. My head falls to her chest, and she holds me there, I'm weeping. I never knew. She tastes my tears.

"Soo saalty."

My sea is inside me, flowing out, and my cock is deep inside her, flowing in; and the tide is changing, the inexorable sea. Around my legs I feel the coil of her tail, and Liaan wraps her fins and fronds about my feet, coiling tighter, pulling us close together.

I move inside her, arching my back to get deeper. My balls are high, pressing against the hot hollow where I perfectly fit, and I fuck slowly like the tide is turning, the ebb and the flow are so slow.

After a moment, Liaan pushes back against me, and I feel the lean strength of her body and her tail encloses and holds me. She pulls me up and up, gripping me tight.

"Mmmm, mmmm," Her voice is a low hum of pleasure, and the silken fronds of her tail flicker about my legs, softly, gently, wrapping me tight. "Faaster."

I thrust fast and hard into her, driving my cock into her depths while her hands and tail ripple over my skin like water, liquid soft and smooth. She's a wave and I ride her, soft pants and sighs urging me on, deeper down and down. I'm drowning, I can't breathe, I can't hold my breath. I feverishly seek out her mouth, clamping my lips in a furious kiss. I breathe Liaan in, I breathe her out, sharing her air, ohh I'm drowning. I want her, I want her. I'm drowning.

Liaan wraps her arms around me, pulling me close to her body. I feel her pointed hard breasts against my chest, and she's spicy wet, her nipples beading with fluid, oozing all over me. It's a meniscus of juice, coating my body like my own juice does when it spills. My cock's inside her, pumping, pumping, my balls are tight, I'm sinking, sinking. "Ahh, ahh," I sigh, my cry rising with hers, "Mmmm, mmmm."

"Oohh, Daaniel, miine, miine." Liaan's song sings in my ears, her suck and kiss all fierce now. We're climbing together, rising like the tide, waves thundering all through our veins. With a massive surge and thrust I explode inside Liaan, her sex grips mine and pulses, pulses, sucking the juice from my body. And she arches up to me, her body suddenly rigid. Liaan ripples and ripples, pulsating in her own pleasure.

Her tail slaps against the floor, and the air fills with a sweet, rich tang, our juices mingling in her sea wet place. "Mmmm, mmmm," she croons.

I collapse onto her, my weight all heavy like clay. I don't want to crush her, so I wrap my arms around her, and we roll onto our sides. I'm still inside her, and the musky smell of my semen mixes with her metallic tang, and the cave is heavy with sex.

Liaan curls her tail around my legs, and her hands caress my face, my hair. We hold each quietly as our bodies cool and become still, and there's a peacefulness I've never known before. Such intimacy, but so quickly passing.

"Why me?" I ask her. "Why now? I come to this beach every year. Why now?"

Liaan gazes into my eyes, and she replies. "You caalled out, your vooice caarried on the wiind." She sings to me, and her voice is the sound of leaves falling and rustling on the breeze, the sound of falling rain. "Aand I taasted your scent, the saalt on your belly in the waater."

I remember the cry I made as I came, stroking myself under the hot sun, and the crusted stain on my skin as I swam through the waves.

"I taasted you in the water, and I caame to find you " Liaan smiles as she tells me, and I kiss her again. She squeezes up more clear milk from her breasts, and rubs her fluids onto my skin.

"Why do you do that?" I ask. "What does it mean, this clear milk from your breasts?"

"I haave to feeed you," Liaan replies, "so you becoome liike me."

"What? What do you mean? Become like you?"

My cock shrinks, and I'm afraid. She knows it, and she softens her body and somehow comforts me, with her tail coiled round and her hands on my skin. I respond, and my cock grows.

"You'll understaand. Aanother night, and you'll knoow."

I'm beginning to slowly understand. Men disappear all the time, last seen by their water; and I'm going. The tall figure of the Watcher on the dunes flashes through my mind.

"The Watcher. He heard my cry too, didn't he?"

"Yeess," Liaan replies. "But he doesn't loook out for you."

"I don't understand." I look into her eyes, desperate for knowing.

"Ohh, Daaniel. Oone night with me, and you'll knoow."

A night. Liaan promises me a night with her, such exquisite ecstasy, such pleasure. I can't go back to the land, not if it means I'll never feel like this again. I've not known love before, not like this, not gentle and sweet. Nor lust, not craving like this, this deep drowning in her flesh.

"I'll stay." I don't want a choice.

Liaan smiles at me, and my heart soars. She holds me to her breast, and I suckle on her nipple. She feeds me, and I drink her down, all down. I think of beautiful art in churches, where some men knew of this, somehow, and painted men held by women in long flowing gowns. Boys were told it was evil, but it isn't, it's love. Men are confused.

Later, we roll apart, my softened cock sliding from her wetness, and Liaan sighs as I go. "Ahh, Daaniel, soo sweeet." Her voice ripples over me, and my own ears adore the soothing swell of her lullaby, she's singing just for me.

Liaan gives me a shawl to wrap myself in, to stop my shivering cold. She slides into the water and makes her way around the cave, gathering food and utensils. There's a small fire, cleverly laid in a cauldron hanging from a chain, adjustable up and down to suit the water's level. She prepares food, small fish cooked crisp with berries and fronds from the sea. Some of it I can't touch, but most of it satisfies me.

As Liaan moves sinuously through the water, she sings a constant song, and it soothes me. The water runs from her skin and scales, and she's beautiful. I look at my own limbs, thick and muscled, but there's no grace. I'm mud and clay, all heavy.

We move outside, and find a rock looking towards the land. She slides beside me, and the sinking sun is warm on our skin. The fronds on her tail ripple around my feet, they tickle. Liaan laughs, a high throated joy, as I playfully bat her tail away. A moment later it curls back, and I leave it wrapped on my leg. She strokes my arm.

On the beach, I see a curl of smoke from the cleft between my dune, and a distant flicker of flame. I see quick movement, but cannot tell who it is, who is using my fire. The sun drops, glowing orange and gold, purples and pinks behind the dunes. A figure climbs, and is silhouetted there.

Beside me, Liaan raises her head and rears her body high, and lets out one long cry, a high pitched ululation, rising and falling, piercing the air. Birds rise and circle, startled by the sound. She's calling, and I don't understand. I'm right beside her.

On the dune, the Watcher raises his arm. She's calling to him, she's not calling me.

I look at her, and Liaan is gazing at me with an intense, indescribable look. "Coome baack insiide," she says, and I follow.

* * * *

I stay with Liaan on the island for a month. It takes that long to change.

Every night she feeds me, and I surrender my seed, spilling deep inside her; and every spill into her is accompanied by a deep heat, a thick ache, deep inside me. After five days my throat itches, my skin reddens and swells, splits; and I learn to breathe again.

Skin spreads between my fingers, and the flesh of my thighs slowly joins together. There's agony as a long seam of flesh thickens where my knees once were, and my bones break apart and new muscles shift and grow. My toes, previously clumsy and slow, lengthen into dexterous tendrils which shift and flow, and I learn it all, I learn it all. Liaan fusses and cares, teaching me what I never knew, holding me in her arms every night. It's her mothering time. I learn to dive and swim.

After three weeks, the biggest changes begin. The flesh on my legs joins completely below the curves of my ass, and the hot core of my bowel shifts and re-aligns, my shit streaming like liquid in the water, away from the cave. Everything changes, and Liaan shows me where there will be only one channel when the change is done; sex and waste and birth canal all in the one place, an evolutionary shift left over from ancestral fish.

My cock shrinks and folds, my balls are turned all up inside my body. My seed is all made and stored. Liaan explains that a seed is an egg, but I don't understand.

My breasts are budding and filling, and I'm taking Liaan's shape. Inside me, there's a hot swell, a heaviness in the base of my belly, I can feel it, a weight. I look down, and curve my hand over the swell of my belly.

The heaviness grows inside of me, but I don't wonder any more. I know what's happening. I know now why men go down to the sea. It's not to drown, it's to live and keep living. I look at Liaan my mother beside me, and I know what to do. She'll sing her song and guide me.

* * * *

At the highest tide, two Watchers look down from the height of the dune. They stand, motionless, watching. They have cleared away the bits and pieces of the camp site, and the sand is smooth and sheltered, ready.

Looking out to sea, the men see two trails of foam come in from the island, and watch the lean shapes speed down the rush of the ninth wave. The mermaids swim side by side, coming high up on the beach just as the tide peaks. Reaching the sand, they pull themselves higher, and there's an urgency in one of creatures, an intensity on her face, a tension in her body. This one makes her way to the sheltered place, and circles twice around on the sand.

She looks back to Liaan her mother, who nods. "Theere, Danieelle, it's your plaace now, I'm doone." Her song is a long, plaintive song, and above on the dune the first Watcher, Daniel's father, bows his head in the deepest respect. He'll never see the older mermaid again.

Beside him, a younger man waits.

Below them, Danieelle finishes scooping out a hollow in the sand, and curls herself there. The first time, the pain of the egg passing down through her cloaca shocks the young mermaid, and she gasps, crying out in shock.

Liaan smiles, remembering her first time on this beach, how she called to Daniel's father, not knowing who he was, back then. A good man from the fishing village, he was never drawn back to his water, but was always drawn back to her.

Above on the dune, Danieelle's Watcher hears her cry the first time, and he'll never forget her song in his heart.

Below, the mermaid twists and turns, and delivers her first egg. She covers it with sand, near exhaustion, but driven by the eternal need to do this, to protect her young. She waits five minutes, and the other souls are frozen in this place, watching over her. Finally, she moves, and joins her mother on the sand. The two mermaids return to the sea, their phosphorescent wakes trailing out towards the island.

After another five minutes, the young man descends from the dune, quietly goes to the sandy hollow. He carefully uncovers the egg, and wraps it in a soft cloth. Getting to his feet, he looks out to sea, but it's dark now, all he can see is the whites of the wind blown waves.

He walks beside Daniel's father as they make their way to the track at the rear of the dunes.

The father picks his son's bicycle up from the ground. Its panniers are filled with the boy's belongings. He'll sell the bike later, for a few dollars, not many. The car will be worth more, and he'll have to sort out affairs, down south. That can wait.

They walk back towards the town; the older man pushing the bike, the egg wrapped warm in the younger man's hands.

"Are they always so beautiful?" the young man asks.

"Yes," the older man replies, steadily walking on. "They're always so very beautiful."

"Did you ever want to go?"

"Yes. But they don't sing for everyone. They didn't sing for me."


© Electricblue66 2018

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FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi5 months ago

Outstanding! 5 stars!! I had to re-read it aloud because I wanted to hear the words fall from my lips as poetry, beautiful and liquid, like water itself! Absolutely wonderful!!!

Victoria14xsVictoria14xs5 months ago

Breathtakingly, wonderfully strange. Beautiful and artfully told.

LlehllaLlehlla7 months ago

Your story is a lyrically progressing incantation. You have the soul of a poet. Thank you for this gift.

AG31AG317 months ago

A second installment to my comment made earlier today. I had to get out of bed and write this down so I could get to sleep.

I kept thinking about the first half of this story. I think of it as two stories, because I'm just not into mythical creatures in erotica. Two thoughts kept swirling in my mind. Here they are.

1 - A highly polished, but irregularly shaped opal. A large one. I have no idea why, except that it seemed to go with the water sliding over the MC's body.

2 - How lucky men are that they have a penis that will sway pleasurably back and forth as they swim.

Good night!!

AG31AG317 months ago

The comment I had in mind until the mermaid appeared.

Beautiful! Vivid! Believable!

After the mermaid appeared I would stick with beautiful and vivid, but I can't say that the new entity improved the story for me.

A bit of diddley-squat

"spattering come against the dashboard" I've never seen the noun spelled this way before, but am glad to see it. I refuse to use "cum" as a verb, but I didn't know how to avoid the noun except to use semen, etc. Which is what I do. But now I have authorization for "come!"

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