Sophie's Adventures Ch. 04


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"No no you can get them yourself, now are we playing or what?" Sophie responded.

We started to play and it wasn't easy moving around in the water but we could jump a lot more than playing on land as the water would hold us high longer, the ball bounced around a lot and Sophie was at the net with Mark, with myself and Liz at the back. The ball would often go high and Mark kept telling Sophie to jump higher, it was clear what they where now trying to do... Two things really. Get her breasts bouncing as much as possible and to get her to jump so high she exposed what she was hiding under the water. She wasn't falling for this. We played quite well but after losing the first game Sophie and I wanted to stop. Mark and the others were keen for us to stick around the pool with them but Sophie was keen to put some clothes on if no one else was going to take anything off.

"Now thats and idea!" Luke approvingly said, "Liz, Eleanor take off your tops!"

Both girls where very pretty, young and fit, they had good bodies and I don't think any of us guys would have minded seeing more of them.

"No way, we aren't as brave as Sophie we would need to be very drunk to do that!" Eleanor replied.

"Ok where's the bar?!" Mark shouted keen to now get the girls drunk!

"I tell you what, lets all meet at the complex bar tonight at 8 and get some drinks then see where the evening takes us?" Luke suggested. It turned out Liz and Eleanor only met these boys this morning and they both shared an apartment. Mark, Jason and Luke had one in another area. Sophie and I started to go to the edge of the pool and she grabbed her sarong and started to tie it back up whilst underwater.

"Oh come on!" Jason screamed. "After all that at least let us see!"

"Boys you got to see quite enough for now, plus look at this wet see through thing clinging to me like a second skin, there isn't much left.." Sophie responded as we stepped out the pool, she then turned back around and lifted the bottom of her sarong to show her ass. "Theres a little extra!"

"But we want to know if the carpet matches the drapes!" Jason called back! "PLEASE!"

"Theres no carpet boys its a laminate floor!" Sophie retorted,

causing faces of shock and wonder in the boys followed by high fives all around. I shook my head and smiled before I took hold of Sophie's hand as we walked back to our apartment.

It was only mid afternoon but after the day of traveling and other bits we both felt quite tired so decided to go to sleep. Sophie walked into the apartment straight to the bedroom and just fell on the bed before untying her sarong and turning over. I followed and just lay next to her, both falling asleep almost instantly.

When we awoke it was nearly 6 and we needed to get ready for the evening, pick out what to wear and go get some food before we met the others in the complex bar.

Sophie was clearly eager to continue the tease and seemed to enjoy the idea of winding up 3 boys who unlike me weren't ever going to get any.

"Ok Ben I've two ideas of what to wear tonight, one is this black skirt/top combo and the other is this dress."

The skirt combo was actually really amazing, it looked like it covered more than it actually did. The skirt was around 6 inches long so it was very short and was a straight fabric that would fit snug up against the legs, but it had a slit that was probably 5.8 inches long leaving the thinest strip of material around the waistband holding it up. It was very short and as she walked Sophie's whole left leg was exposed, from behind you could see the line of her ass cheeks but everything important remained covered.

Then the top had a similar band of material that went all the way around the top of her breasts, at the front it had some material fall down from it which created a kind of loop. It plunged leaving a gap between her breast that went almost all the way down to the skirt showing her stomach too. This was very flimsy and simply lifting the material would expose her breasts, it had nothing on the side and back other than the thing strip going all around. it was stunning!

The dress was very sexy, it was a bright pink plastic like material thats stretched very tightly across the skin, the bottom half had a pretty short skirt element and then these ties came up from the skirt that looped around Sophie's body a couple of times before tying behind her head. Over her breasts it had some material to cover up and though a lot of cleavage and stomach was exposed it looked like it held her in much better, I thought this might be the better option but Sophie was feeling the combo more so went with that.

We went and found another place to eat and after a nice dinner headed over to the complex bar where everyone else had already found some seats, the group called out to us and we went over and joined.

"Damn Sophie even with clothes on you look hot!" Mark blurted out.

"Hi Ben you look nice too." Eleanor kindly said, realizing a lot of the reason I was there was simply the boys desire to see more of Sophie. In her getting so much attention maybe they felt left out and would wind the boys up by giving me attention too.

We got some drinks and sat down and started to chat, we talked of where we came from and what we did or at least hoped to do, how long we'd been on the resort and when we were leaving etc. The boys had been here a week and the girls a couple of days, we had only arrived last night of course and would leave after the others.

"Well it's our last night tomorrow so if you have anything to share we'd best all share it while we can!" Luke announced. We all raised our glasses and agreed.

"Can we go back to that bar Ben or at least find one similar?" Sophie asked me in front of the others. "They will love it and I know we will have more fun!"

"What bar is this?" Liz asked.

"It's down there I didn't even see the name it just had more people in than any of the others and had a wet T shirt contest when we arrived." Sophie answered.

"Did you enter?!" Jason excitedly asked.

"No we didn't but we played the game afterward, that was fun." Sophie giggled. "It was musical chairs, but strip musical chairs, when you didn't get to a chair you had to lose a layer of clothing."

"Wow that sounds great how did we miss that!" Mark shouted. "So what happened?"

Eleanor cut in. "We were there last night, we couldn't see much at the back but the crowd went nuts at that game, there was a girl who managed to keep her dress on longer than anyone else so they sort of made her lose and when she went to take her dress off it turned out she wasn't wearing anything underneath!"

"Yeah and her boyfriend then fingered her on stage before they ran off!" Liz added.

"Did you see all this?" Luke asked us.

"Er yeah you could say that." I replied.

"NO WAY! IT WAS YOU TWO!!" Eleanor shrieked! "It was! It was you two!!"

Sophie and I both blushed and laughed.

On that note we all stood and decided to go to that bar again and see what was happening.

When we arrived there weren't as many people as the night before and nothing was happening on stage, we got some drinks and stood chatting a while before the guy with mic got up on stage and said that in 15 minutes they would be starting the nightly wet T shirt contest and any entrants should make there way forward. The boys instantly shouted for all the girls to enter, none of which seemed too happy at the idea, including Sophie. They started to ask each other and Sophie was now the driving force, "Look I'll do it but you girls need to come on with me, it'll be fun! Wear as much or as little as you like its ok!" After a lot of arm twisting from the boys and Sophie, Eleanor and Liz agreed all 3 would enter. There was 150 Euro cash prize for whoever won, 100 Euro bar tab for second place and 50 Euro bar tab for third, the boys shouted the girls would get all 3 between them. And having seen yesterdays contestants they may well do that!

The girls went off to get ready and I was left making awkward conversation with the boys who'd just as soon not have me around. They wanted to know what Sophie was like in bed and what other exciting stuff we'd done. I was reluctant to say anything and just laughed along at there suggestions.

Suddenly the lights on stage came on and a big spotlight appeared for the man with the Mic, just like last night he spoke in French then again in English, not seeming to realize very few people in the crowd actually spoke French, but being in France we of course allowed this.

"Good evening welcome to Michaels, I am Michael (I laughed realizing the mic guy was actually called Mike!) and we will now have our nightly wet T shirt contest followed by some other games! Make sure you get your drinks you don't want to miss this! Tonight we have some lovely ladies who can't wait to get wet!"

His French accent irritated me but he had the crowd in a frenzy before they had even seen any of the girls. It interested me how, though it was mainly men doing all the shouting there where a lot of women in the crowd all equally interested.

"Ok this is how it works, each girl will come out by themselves for 30 seconds and get wet before going off stage again, then after every girl has been out using your cheering as a gauge will we eliminate 2 girls each round, there will be 3 rounds and on the final round...ANYTHING GOES!"

The crowd roared with approval and the atmosphere was electric as everyone waited for the first girl.

"Each of the 8 young women has been handed a T-shirt that they must wear over their naked breasts. What else they wear and how they wrap the T-shirt is entirely up to them. They can remove as little or as much as they would like to in each round and we will see what happens!" Michael explained.

The boys and I had quite a good view but we tried to push our way nearer to the stage, we had got quite close when the girls left us so we had a decent view but it was packed and we were being pushed around like cattle.

Suddenly the crowd erupted in noise as the first girl came to the stage, she was wearing the t shirt quite baggy and had only her panties underneath. When the water started pouring the T-shirt clung to her body and you could immediately see her nipples, she was quite attractive and danced around a bit before the next girl came out.

After a couple of really drunk, not very nice looking girls danced around finally it was showtime and Liz came out to a big pop, especially from Mark, Jason and Luke. She had kept her skirt on but had torn the t shirt and tied it so it was smaller on her frame, leaving her belly exposed and the sides of the T-shirt had now gone, the water poured and she squealed at the cold water exposing her hard nipples to the applauding crowd! Next out was Eleanor who was just in her Bikini Bottoms, she too had torn the Shirt in various ways clearly removing half the shirt from the waist as it now only covered her breasts. When the cold water hit this looked good and she danced around to a jubilant crowd.

Next up where a couple more girls who like Eleanor had ripped the shirt at the waistline, but then turned the bottom half of the T-shirt into a kind of skirt or sarong over their panties. These girls were both better looking than the first 3 and all the girls tonight where better looking than the final 4 we saw last night.

There had now been 7 of 8 people so it had to be Sophie next and my heart was beating out my chest once again at the thought of what she might be wearing and what she will do! She couldn't wear the skirt or top under her T shirt and she had nothing else!

"This girl was here last night and brought the house down playing strip musical chairs, she disappeared and we hoped to see her again and here she is!! - Sexy Sophie!!" Michael announced to the crowd.

Sophie came out to the biggest applause yet wearing a makeshift skirt tied at both sides leaving a small loop of material to hang down from her hips over her shaved pussy. When she took a step you could pretty much see straight up it, it was the shortest thing she had ever worn. Her makeshift top was the rest of the t-shirt but tied between her breasts. She started to dance to the music as the water poured and the crowd went wild.

Following Sophie's show the other girls came back to the stage and Michael would stand next to each girl in turn calling their name, as the crowd cheered for each it was clear who needed to go and the 2nd and 3rd girls left the stage a little embarrassed.

In the next round each girl came out and did much the same, however some of the girls in the middle removed their t-shirt skirts and teased at pulling their T-shirts off, but never actually did. Eleanor and Liz got big pops but I thought they might struggle as they just weren't teasing enough, it didn't seem likely they would remove any clothing but when Liz decided to remove her skirt the crowd went wild and she clearly liked it, it was difficult to say what would happen.

Sophie came out a second time and started teasing with her top, she untied it and held it in place over her boobs with her hands continually threatening to pull it wide but never quite doing it. She would take big steps letting people get good glimpses of what lay downstairs so the fans knew she was nude underneath, she never left it long enough for anyone to really get a good view though and this tease had to guarantee her a spot in the last 4.

The voting again cleared the way and two of the unknown girls left the stage to a good cheer, the loudest cheer by far was going to Sophie and it looked likely she would win.

For the final round all four girls would be on stage together for around 2 minutes, the music started and almost immediately the girl I didn't know the name of ripped off her top to a huge cheer.

The crowd much like last night was shouting "OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF!" and Liz and Eleanor danced together pulling at each others tops, they leaned in and gave each other a kiss, not to be outdone the other girl jumped forward and bounced around like a lunatic pulling at her panties gesturing to take them off. The crowd loved this but behind her Sophie was standing and as she had turned her back she lifted her arm in the air and stood delicately on one foot lifting her other leg straight out in front, bending it at the knee in what I think is known as the Crane position. As she stood with her arms raised all could see she had taken her T-shirt off and was standing topless - this then prompted Liz and Eleanor to pull harder and harder ripping each others tops, but both were embarrassed and covered their breasts with their hands. The other girl started pulling her panties down. She had quite a bush down there and it didn't appeal to me at all, but a lot of the guys nearby seemed to approve and the crowd loved it until Sophie turned around still in her karate kid position. As she turned she lowered her arms slowly down to her side and looked at her makeshift skirt then looking up again, she yanked on it and the crowd went ballistic still screaming "OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF!"

She then took a few steps forward and started to untie the knot holding her skirt in place. Her eyes scanned the crowd and her eyes eventually found mine, she looked me in the eye and licked her lips slowly and then violently raised her hands taking the remaining T-shirt with them and then throwing it towards me, I reached out but someone else grabbed it as she began to pose like a model, nude on stage with camera after camera taking pictures of her beautiful naked body. Eleanor and Liz had resigned to watching and the other girl soon realized she wasn't going to win, but clearly wanted second place!

Eventually the music stopped and Michael on the microphone came back onto the stage to find the winner, Liz and Eleanor both stood in their panties holding their breasts as water dripped from their blonde and brown hair. Sophie and the other girl stood naked, Sophie holding a pose with her weight on one leg and hand on hip giving it a real catwalk attitude. The other girl couldn't seem to stop just jumping up and down waving her arms trying to incite any reaction from the crowd. What could have been sexy just became quite desperate. Michael didn't even wait for the crowd and announced results as he saw fit.

"In third place, a joint position, Liz and her good friend Eleanor!! Well done here is your 50 euro bar tab.''

The boys went nuts thinking they could make the most of this but soon realized 50 Euros between 7 of us would only get a couple of drinks each.

"In second place, she wanted it so bad, winning a 100 bar tab its Christie!" Michael announced and the crowd cheered well in response.

"Meaning our winner, naked for a second evening in a row is of course SEXY SOPHIE!!"

The crowd went wild as the girls left the stage, Sophie went to leave but Michael stopped her.

"Sophie you win 150 Euros well done. But last night you had a Mr boyfriend where is he? You came right here on stage and we think you should cum again!

The crowd went ballistic and hands started pushing me really quite violently, suddenly Mark, Luke and Jason had picked me up and lifted me onto the stage.

Sophie looked at me and smiled, she mouthed at me "DO IT." And those watching saw this and cheered, I walked up to her and she turned and hugged me, talking into my ear over the noise.

"I want you to finger me here and now in front of all these people, I want strangers to masturbate over this thought for years to come and I want photos and videos of me to circle the internet somewhere so others can see you make me cum like I've never cum before!"

I looked her in the eye and thought about saying it, but I didn't need to say it I just gave an intense gaze and narrowed my eyes slightly letting her know I was the boss. With this I grabbed her hard by the shoulders and turned her around to face the crowd, I held her tightly from behind with one arm around her face and neck the other moving further and further south until I could feel the soft skin where her pubic hair had once been. She opened her legs slightly as flashes of light blinded us both, the noise was deafening. Sophie leaned back into me resting her ass on my cock , she raised one hand up and grabbed my head pulling it close to her shoulder, I now looked down and could see her breasts and body in the foreground with hundreds of faces looking up at us intently in the background. I put my fingers near her mouth and she moved her face to start sucking them, my other hand moved to her pussy lips and started finding there way in, making small circles causing her whole body to wriggle and move in an effort to make it even more pleasurable. She held one arm out to the crowd while her other continued to hold my head close to her, I then whispered in her ear.

"Can you see all these eyes looking at you? You're naked on stage and they love it, my fingers penetrate and stimulate you with them all watching and they are filming it, they want to see you cum and it will make them cum. They're all watching you wriggle, suck and moan, groan for them! Groan for me!!"

Sophie made loud approving noises, she continued to move and wriggle desperately trying to cum, her orgasm was close, her free hand became tense and would open and close into a fist gesturing how close she was.

"They're all looking at you, your smooth naked body. Mark and Luke and Jason want you to cum.. They're watching you, they're all watching you cum.

Scream here and now in front of all these people! Wriggle that naked body and scream to all these people!"

"GGGMhmh....OH!..OH!!....OOHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Sophie screamed and groaned so loud. Everyone went silent for a moment as she lost balance and she fell into me before the noise started up again. We took a step back and exited the stage much like before to the back area. The other girls had since left and I could see her skirt and top hanging in the corner. I went to get it but she looked up at me and still catching her breath and whispered to leave it.