Sorted at the Funhouse Ch. 02


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So Mark, that's how I researched our couples operation. I see it as a full service place where one of our sissy cocksuckers that still considers himself bisexual, gets to service a couple. For sure they like cum and it's my guess that they'll be thrilled to stick their tongue into a nice, wet cunt full of cum.


"A cocksucker rating system with a written skill list that the clients could peruse before picking out a cocksucker:"

I gave Mark my writing on this business idea and waited for him to finish reading it.

This will simply be a record keeping function for us. As a cocksucker reached a certain level, let's say 5 positive comment cards from men, then the cocksucker would be certified for that skill-set. If a particularly talented boy was certified for deep throat and ass licking by 5 men; he would then have a laminated placard hung around his neck with a pink ribbon listing his skill in those tasks. In this way we would be encouraging their learning curve and fostering competition. For the men it would be a great turn-on to pick and choose a cocksucker with the ability to please him.

It could easily be structured like an ancient slave market where Masters inspected the slaves for sale. We might incorporate a system that allowed demerits if the cocksucker failed to live up to the promise. The mere thought of being graded would spur our cocksucker customers to excel, a win-win for everyone and great business for us.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------"A cocksucker service training program:"

"This writing will outline what I think is the most promising business idea yet. Here's how it will work Mark."

"We could institute a school here; a kind of cocksucker training program. I visualize a training class we could run during our slower, off-peak times where a student could learn how to please his man. Separate courses on toilet duty, body worship, deep throat, ass and ball licking would be given, all for significant cash of course."

"Our business plan would be to identify and recruit men who frequented our Funhouse to get sucked off. If they showed the proper attitudinal arrogance we hire them on as trainers. We get paid by the Cocksucker students and don't have to pay the teachers much. What a boon to our business cash flow this would be."

"Mark, I've written a short scenario on Deep throat training to explain my thoughts on this training academy to you; I've set it in the first person viewpoint of the blow-boy trainee to help you understand it better, here goes."

"Well here I am, I finally had worked up the courage to sign up for the "Deep Throat training for Cocksuckers." I kinda surprised myself by going through with this. Now it was the foremost thought in my head, I sucked men's cock and actually wanted to get better at it."

"What I hadn't expected was how humiliating they made the sign up process. I had to enter the "Funhouse" and strip naked just like anytime I came here to service cock. Then I was sent to an office where a fully clothed staffer questioned me as he filled out a form."

"I see you want to be able to swallow cock right down your throat, is that correct" the staffer asked.

"Yes", I croaked.

"I hope you realize that as part of this training a 7 or 8 inch cock will be stuffed into your gullet and the training leading up to that will make you gag and cry like a bitch. Is that what you want", he asked with a smirk.

"Yes, that's what I want." I answered.

"Before we go any farther let me look at your mouth and tongue, come over here."

I went to him and opened my mouth which he began exploring with his fingers; when he had me stick out my tongue he just ran his fingers over it. There's nothing like being handled, while totally naked, by a smirking, laughing staffer.

I was taken to a dimly lit small room with another fully clothed guy in it. As I soon learned his name was Todd and he was assigned as my trainer. I stood there naked, waiting for an instruction, Todd just stared at me. I was becoming very uncomfortable when he finally motioned me to a place on the floor in front of him and began talking to me.

"Mark, at this point I wrote a short scenario that our trainer could use as a starting point to acclimate the cocksucker trainee. Putting it in a story context will help you understand the concept. You told me that you couldn't understand what motivates a cocksucker so I devised this little storyline for you." I told Mark before reading my prepared script.

"All I need to know about you became apparent when you signed up for this class; you get off on servicing a real man's prick and want to improve your skill at it. I get that, being the best at what you do is important."

"In training I've found that consistency is a much more reliable way to master my cocksucker than to go overboard with force; simply training him to be addicted to throating my cock gains the right attitude and generally promotes a much more desirable form of eagerness in the cocksucker than the kind you see in "uppity cocksuckers" who haven't admitted to themselves what they are."

"When I encounter a boy like that I always know and feel sad for him that he's never been properly trained, nor had his desires ever been properly nourished. He has never had the chance to enjoy the comfort of knowing he has a cock he can suck whenever he's in need. It can bring inner peace from knowing he won't starve for cum because he's aware of where his next load will come from."

"The couple of these boys that I've attempted to train are usually so desperate that they don't actually believe you when you tell them that all they have to do is settle down and just follow some very simple, very basic instructions and they will have more cock and cum than they've ever consistently had before."

"A boy that can take an alpha male's cock right into his cunt-throat is a valuable commodity. The few I've taught to fully service their man's cock usually end up being very, very happy. They were desperate to suck a grown man's cock all the time, right to the root, day in and day out; they just didn't realize that it's a normal and natural feeling for some sissy type men."

"They shouldn't be ashamed of it but instead learn to trust that the man they suck is aware of their needs, aware of their shame, and will help them through that growing process."

Todd was speaking to me in a very soothing low voice; having my thoughts explained kinda made me a little more relaxed and content.

Here was an alpha male type that seemed to understand my need to submit to other men. Todd, the trainer continued.

"Sucking a man right thru your throat opening on a regular basis keeps the man's balls and dick and all the stuff that make them work limber; that includes the muscles and cum factories inside him. It's best that his balls stay strong and fresh and constantly spurting new, fresh cream."

"This is actually a part of nature's way. A Woman can't keep a man's balls as empty as he wants them to be, no matter how hard she tries. Nature has found a way to keep men healthy and spurting new, fresh well-made sperm whether women assist him with emptying his balls or not; Cocksuckers do this job."

"It's a shame that being a male cocksucker is something to be hidden in our society. Most men who are walking around every day, be they at work, in the restroom, on the street, anywhere they are away from their regular sex partner still need to have their balls emptied. Hell, if a man could simply pull another man who is a cocksucker over to the side on the sidewalk or someplace and let him know that he needs his balls emptied of cum, it would make things a lot easier."

"By the same token how many cocksuckers do you know who are so completely aware that behind every man's zipper, inside every man's pant's, separated by just a flimsy piece of cotton underwear or jock strap, is a swinging dick that he would probably really like sucked. If he could only let the cocksucker just walk up to him and fondle his- crotch area allowing the cocksucker to expose his cock so that the man is there with his cock hanging out of his fly. Everyone would be happy with the cocksucker bending over to suck the man's cum out of his balls keeping him healthy as well as to help keep the cocksucker's natural cravings under control."

I was completely mesmerized as Todd continued; he knew me so well.

"Anyway, this is how I begin to train my cocksuckers, to teach them their place in the world; I require the place between my legs to be their primary concern, allow them to form a dependency on my cum that they already want to do anyway, once that dependency is established I let them serve me a way that not only offers trust but in fact teaches and reinforces it. For me nothing is better than thrusting directly into a boy's throat and that requires trust. The boy will gag and cry but if he trusts me he'll stay at it because he knows I'll let him get a breath before he chokes. That's trust."

"I like to let my trainee in on what's ahead for him. To me this is always a great beginning to the training of a cocksucker. My personal motto is "that the guy who my cocksucker gives a blow job to next should be getting a better blowjob than I'm getting now. This is the point where I begin my next step in their training."

"Now," Todd said calmly, "time for you to do what you've been dreaming about doing since we met." He smiled at me with his dark eyes. His belt buckle had been undone but the rest of his trouser fastenings remained.

"Go on....Unleash the snake." Todd chuckled at his own joke.

I rose up on my knees, still trying to convince myself that he would be nice with me, it would all be over soon and be easy. I slowly pulled down his fly. His cock inside was still trapped under his boxers.

I eased his trousers down to just below his thighs then past his boxer shorts. His large cock prevented me from getting them down very far. It was already stiffening. Todd grabbed at the elasticized waist and moved it down revealing his half hard beauty. He snatched the base of his cock with one fist and waggled it vigorously.

"Now suck!" He spoke softly with authority. My mouth moved slowly towards the large, purple head. I was wary about opening my mouth fully in case he would think me too eager; he shoved it in and out of my mouth without a word. My protruding tongue met with the head. I recoiled back slightly at the first taste of it. Then began moving in again for another lick. Just as I was to touch, Todd whipped the cock away to the side then slapped it across my cheek. 'Slap' across the other cheek. He laughed heartily.

"Open your mouth." He said more gently. I felt the tip of his cock against my lips.

"Open your mouth." He repeated. Very slowly I began to open wide.

"Good, good." He praised. I felt the cock lying still and heavy on my tongue. He withdrew it then repeated the order to open wide. He did it several times, just inserting the tip each time.

"Good boy, getting used to my cock" he said with approval.

"Now get your lips round it." I did as he said.

"Just slide up and down along it" he instructed.

It was like a step by step guide to cocksucking. I did as he said, very pleased he was taking it easy on me. My own cock began to stiffen as the taste of him filled my mouth.

"Good, good." He praised again.

I felt a guiding head on the back of my head. He dictated the rhythm of my sucks. I just kept sliding his cock in and out of my mouth, eyes closed, letting his strong hands guide me.

"Good, good." More praise from Todd. "You're a good little cock sucker sissy slut aren't you?"

He released his hand from my head. I kept on sucking his cock with the same rhythm. A few more strokes went by each just a bit deeper.

"Now that's good for a start." Todd said. "But we are going to have to get a little more serious if you're to be my blow boy." He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back to look at him. Our eyes met, he starred at me intently. I felt the soft textured tip of his cock trace across my lips and around my jaw as he gazed down at me. He gently rubbed my cheek then slowly slapped it; the slaps weren't hard but did reinforce my role here. He let go of me and I enveloped his thick cock with my lips once more, bobbing up and down on it.

"Ok." He said. I felt his fingers tracing across my chin and cheek. "Let's take it up a notch."

The anticipation of what he was going to do filled my body. I could feel my heart pounding forcefully inside me. A bizarre mix of horniness, dreaded anticipation and downright fear filled me. I kind of knew that this was the "easy bit" but didn't want to think about what was to come.

"Go on you cocksucker. Get it all in your mouth." He told me.

My own cock straightened in hardness as his words hit home. Something about his forceful attitude awoke the part of me that wanted to gorge myself on his stiff shaft, but the fear and apprehension remained. I leaned in to take his cock into my mouth. Then I felt both his hands clasping the hair on my head, pulling me down towards his crotch, gently at first but then with more force.

I shut my eyes tight and reached up with my own hands pressing against Todd's hips in an attempt to stop the forward movement. He thrust his groin forwards, his cock slid further into my mouth. Too far; I gagged in a terrible panic, coughing and spluttering. I was pushing full force against him trying to back away. He gripped tighter holding my face down on it. I struggled. Todd held on. Then, after a second he let go and I fell backwards.

Suddenly he was getting assertive again.

"Ok," said Todd, completely calm, "you almost had it up to here." Pointing about half way along his shaft. I coughed then swallowed trying to get rid of the strange tickling feeling in my throat.

"Get back here and have another go at it, it's what you want, what you were born to do." Todd showed no mercy, I had to please him.

My sexual desire disappeared. I felt anger, aggression and confusion rise up in me at his complete lack of compassion.

"Come on!" He barked uncompromisingly. Once again I felt my only play was to make him cum quickly and then get out of there. Todd though had years of experience and it wouldn't be that easy for a novice like me to do. I got up on to my knees and surged with my open mouth towards his cock. I took the small length that I was comfortable with in my mouth and sucked; sucking harder and faster than I'd done before.

"Ha, ha." Todd chuckled. "You're supposed to be taking the whole length boy." His hands grabbed me again and brought my face down on him once more, his penis bludgeoning into the back of my throat. I coughed and spluttered again, instinctively trying my hardest to push him away. The panic spread through me again as Todd prevented my release. I felt my saliva oozing out of my mouth, flowing down my chin like a river, wetting his crotch. I opened my eyes for a split second and could see I was still a few inches away from his groin.

Todd let go of me and I recoiled backwards. I felt like bursting into tears but knew it wouldn't bother Todd in the slightest; he would just carry on feeding his huge cock into my mouth cunt. I resolved to keep control of my emotions reminding myself that I wanted this more than anything in the world.

Todd shuffled forwards and slapped his cock against my bottom lip. "Come on! Again!" He said hurriedly. I began sucking again in the gentle novice way that I was comfortable with.

"No, no, no!" He barked. "You've got to take it all, you're sucking it like a little girl" Once again his hands grabbed at my hair.

"No!" I screeched. "Let me do it!" Trying to at least gain a little bit of control.

"Go on then. Take it all." He said sternly. I engulfed his cock with my mouth once more and slowly began sliding my lips towards his crotch. I reached the point of gagging and shot back again.

"Go on, do it." Todd insisted. My mouth slipped along his cock once more. I grabbed at his buttocks and pulled myself in toward him. His cock hit the back of my throat again. I gripped tight, ramming myself down on his cock as the sound of muffled choking and spluttered filled the room.

"Good!" Said Todd, seemingly delighted to see me almost choke on his cock. I shot back after a few seconds unable to take any more. "Do it again." He insisted.

I knew I'd have to do it or he'd just manhandle me again. I buried my face down on his cock once more. He pushed my head down again as the gooey saliva flowed from my mouth. I stayed there desperately trying to control my gagging and choking. He yanked my head off his cock, and pulled it back to look up at him.

"Go on, one more time. Go for the record." I spat down on his cock, trying to make it easier to swallow. Then I began sliding down it again; quickly this time. I sucked down on it, as far as I could go, as far as I felt was physically possible. "Hold it." Todd ordered. I stayed there, desperate to back away. "Hold it."

I could take no more and fell back collapsing on the floor. I sat there slumped in a heap, coughing and spluttering, feeling the saliva dripping down from my chin onto my body.

"Ok." barked Todd. "You're nowhere near throating this cock and you're doing it wrong." He jumped up onto the bed and knelt there. Impatiently he pulled me up alongside him. "Do you want to throat this cock?" He asked.

I shook my head, no longer interested.

"Tough shit boy all good blow boys can do it. Time to learn how to throat a cock, Go back." He instructed. "You've got to be stretching forward with your chin in line with your neck, otherwise your throat isn't straight. Now suck."

A rough hand grabbed my hair as I tentatively leant forwards. My gapping mouth fell on Todd's member. "Now." Said Todd. "When you hit the limit, keep on like you're swallowing something and it'll slide right in."

Two hands pulled me down onto him. The cock hit the back of my throat. Desperately I tried to swallow like he said. I was swallowing over and over again. His hands released me and I instantly shot backwards. A trail of the thickest, gooiest, saliva suspended from my mouth to the shaft of Todd's cock.

"Again! Quickly!" Ordered Todd, his hands already pulling me into position. As his dick tunneled into my mouth I remembered to keep my tongue under his cock and to swallow hard. I could see the base of his shaft edging closer. Somehow I was swallowing his cock, deeper and deeper into my throat. I tried to swallow again as the tip of my nose brushed against his dark pubic hair. His hands released me again and I shot back. A glass full of thick gooey saliva poured from my mouth. I panted desperate for breath.

"Again!" Todd shouted. I grabbed onto his wrists to try to fend him off.

"No, please. Don't pull me." I pleaded. "Then do it boy. Nose to the pubes. Do it now!"

I leaned forward and took his prick into my mouth once more. I didn't want to do it but he was so forceful. It was better that I have some control. I pushed my face down onto him and as I started to gag I made sure to make the swallowing motion over and over. Todd let out a deep groan. Slowly my face edged down towards him, his hard cock entering down inside my throat.

I took his length as far as possible, my nose just being tickled by the ends of his dark hair. I held the position for a second before recoiling back. Todd's dick was now slick with saliva. He got off the chair and motioned me over to a cot. "Lie down here." He ordered. "On your back, Head here." He pointed.

As I coughed and swallowed to remove the feeling from my throat Todd wrenched me into position. I was lying naked on the bed with my head hung over the edge, looking upside down across the room. I watched him from my inverted view; he approached my head, placed his hands on my face. He knelt down on one knee. I could see his cock right in front of my face; it looked huge and angry.