Soul Mates


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I myself knew in my heart I wanted to choose Jim, but even as I would think that the other side of me began speaking to me. That pull I would feel in the pit of my stomach beckoning me to reconsider. I knew then Jim was right. I needed to see this Frederick D'Angelo once more and get things straightened out in my head, my heart, and in my soul!

(Jim's View)

I am a coward! I have to be! My sweetheart, my Bright Eyes is inside of our house waiting for that asshole and I am sitting in my car three houses down! I look down at my laptop and see the wireless camera's I set up in the living room and bedroom are working. I am streaming and recording live audio and visual. I may be letting my wife make her own decisions, but I will be damned if I let her be alone in my house with a mostly unknown male! I had my over-under shotgun next to me, two loads of 12-guage silver buckshot already in place. I thanked my Dad quietly for giving me those silver dollars all those years ago.

I watched as the Escalade pulled up in our driveway. I gritted my teeth and watched as Freddy got out. He had a gift box, a few dozen red rose and a smile so wide he looked like a school kid on his first date! I hated him so much, at the same time I felt sorry for him. I know right? Feeling sorry for someone you hate sounds pretty contradictory. In the end though, this whole Soul Mate thing is a kick in the nuts for us both. He finds the woman of his dreams and she is already married. I find the woman of my dreams and she already belongs to someone else.

The Universe is one royally screwed up mess isn't it?

I saw her greet him at the door and beckon him inside. At that point I put on my headset, double checked all of my connections, and paid attention to what was going on inside of my home.

(Fred's View)

She is here! In front of me! The restraining order had been dropped and now here I am in front of my Mate! My wolf is wagging his tail and howling for her! I step inside and let my presents fall on the table, I reach for her, and hear the telltale double click that I hadn't heard in years. I feel a pressure on my chest and look down to see an old style revolver. By smell I can tell it is loaded with black powder and a faint scent of silver. I look up into my Mate's eyes and she is gazing back into mine. I know she could feel the pull, just as I am now, but her voice was steady as she said, "Slow down Frederick. This is all new to me. If we are actually meant to be together, I would prefer not to start our relationship by putting a silver ball in your heart." Her lips quirked into a grin.

"However, maybe you werewolves consider that a form of foreplay?"

I grinned back, then gave her a bit of room. She slapped the weapon back into her holster. I was surprised to see she liked to use the cross draw style of holster. Each to their own I guess, and now I could take my time and look her over, letting my eyes feast on her curves, the color of her eyes, how her bangs hung along the side of her face. To some human's she may seem plain, but to me...she was extraordinary!

I held out my hand, "It is good to see you again, I am sorry for how I acted in the beginning. I don't think I was in my right mind." She glanced at my hand, then firmly took it in her own and gave it a couple of shakes as well.

"That's what Jim told me, so...ready to answer some questions?" I nodded, pleased at feeling her fingers linger on my skin as she held my hand. I sat down on the couch and she sat on the other side. There were two cups of coffee on the low table next to us, I put a little cream and sugar in mine while she picked up hers and sipped it.

I explained to her the full meaning of the term Soul Mate, and how werewolves and others of the community would either see, hear, or smell someone and just knew...KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that this person was to be their Mate. Once the meeting took place between them it was a sure thing, they HAD to be together. She was nodding her head and looking thoughtful, her eyes drifting away then coming back to mine again. I could feel the tension in side of her building as we spoke. The conflict. If we were joined I would most likely be able to even feel her emotions, almost able to read her thoughts! It was maddening to sit this close to her and not be able to touch her!

(Beth's View)

It was maddening sitting this close to this man and not be able to touch him. Oh a part of me wanted to, but I didn't let it have a say in what was going on. I needed to be clear headed to deal with this situation. That handshake had been enough to get my panties damp. I wonder if he can smell...? No, don't think about that. You have a decision coming up here! I know that I could make him leave when I was done, no need to make the decision now before he goes. Yet I wanted to, I wanted this over and done with.

I thought back on what he told me, about how the werewolves reacted. I thought about my own reactions to him as well. It all fit, but something was holding me back...not sure what it was. I kept puzzling over it as he spoke. It was right on the tip of my tongue, right at the front of my mind...

I need to focus, to concentrate and took a slow, long, deep breath through my nose. The scent of Frederick filled my nostrils and threatened to overwhelm me! I held it for a moment as I closed my eyes and then slowly breathed out of my mouth. My lungs were halfway deflated when I paused and for just a few precious moments the world paused. I was rock steady, everything was still in "The Cupid" moment. Fitting since this was Valentine's Day. If there was a target in front of me I would have hit the bull's eye with all three rounds!

In that moment of clarity, I knew the direction I wanted to take, the questions I wanted to ask.

"Frederick?" I asked. "If I am to become your Mate, would I have to move in with you on the Pack lands?"

He nodded, "Generally it is expected that Pack stay close to each other, as Beta to the Alpha I have responsibilities and my job is there."

"What about my work? My career? Would I still be able to meet with my friends and continue my sales?" I asked. He paused, thinking about it.

"You could if you want to Beth, you won't need to. As my Mate you wouldn't need to work at all. Through the beauty of compound interest I have more money than you could make in an entire lifetime."

I nodded, thinking some more and taking another sip of coffee, "If I were to continue working, does the money I make all go to you then? Since you are the leader in the house?"

"Not really, it would be your own, though a percentage is given to the Pack Treasurer, who saves it for the general use of the Pack."

"So it is like a form of taxes, or membership dues?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Does this mean I would have to become a werewolf?" I asked quietly. He seemed a little taken a back by my tone of voice. He probably was surprised by my lack of enthusiasm.

"Yes. You would be stronger than you are now. You would live for a very long time, never grow old the way human's do. You would show some signs of age but you would grow in inner strength as well. You should see my parents, both of whom still are alive and well after a Millienia!" He smiled at me and I could feel the pride off of him as he spoke about family.

"Hmmm, so I would outlive my friends, and anyone else I know." I said thoughtfully. He nodded and set his cup down to turn to face me fully. One knee coming up so he could rest his bent leg on the couch between us.

"Think of the history we could see, together. I was around when America first came into being, saw both of the World Wars, and will probably be alive for the next. There is so much we could experience you and I...together!"

He carefully reached out and took my hand in his. I was still thinking, but the next words out of my mouth came from somewhere I was very familiar with and it almost made me smile.

"Do you like me?"

"I love you my Mate!" He responded.

"Yes, I heard you say that before...but do you LIKE me?" I asked again. He looked confused. I wasn't sure how to explain it better, but I think I knew how to give it a shot.

"What's my favorite color?" I asked him. He blinked and looked me over.

"Blue?" he asked.

"No, I like Pink best. I dress in blues and earth tones, because it compliments my hair and my complexion. Pink is the color of success for me, I liked it ever since I got my Cadillac from Mary Kay." I squeezed his hand a little harder.

"I love R&B, and Rap music. The beats drive me, and I get lost in the rythm. I don't like waffles but I love pancakes. Snakes don't scare me, but grasshoppers are creepy as hell. I like brownies better than cookies. I prefer coffee to tea. Modern Country music doesn't hold a candle to the real thing, but I can't stand cowboy boots because people who wear them are generally posers."

I leaned forward a little, looking at him intently.

"The thing is, Frederick...I don't think I would like you at all..." He opened his mouth suddenly and then snapped it shut.

"But...I love you!" he said roughly, "I feel it in here, in my heart. You are my Mate! I have seen this happen hundreds of times in my lifetime!"

I nodded my head as well, "I feel it too. But there is something you haven't taken into account..."

I brought up my other hand to cover his in both of mine.

"I am human, humans are prone to change. When I was younger, green was my favorite color and I liked waffles more than pancakes and cookies more than brownies. The only real constant in life is that we change. Everything you have told me about yourself tells me that you don't change much. Through the years you all stay mostly the same."

I gathered myself to speak again, but he cut me off, "That's right, we don't change, my love for you will always stay the same until the moon falls out of the sky and beyond!" He looked scared, and I guess I could understand that.

"Exactly Frederick. Since I am your Soul Mate you will always love me forever right?" He nodded. I took a deep breath and took the plunge.

"Then I feel so sorry that you are trapped! Even if you hated me you are trapped. We humans can choose to love who we wish, we can fall in love with anyone we choose if we are willing to work through our problems and wants and desires. We can choose to make it work. We can put in the time and effort to know some one well enough, that we become Soul Mates."

He looked as if I had slapped him, but I kept on speaking.

"Our souls are changeable, and we can match them to whoever we choose. Jim and I? We chose to love each other. We chose to get to know each other. We chose to work together to make something more than what we were alone. I usually know what he is thinking before he tells me, and while I was sitting here talking to you, he kept coming into my head because we are a part of each other. One of the things he told me once was this.

"There were two men. One was naturally inclined to do things that were evil, while the other was naturally inclined to do things that were good. The one who was evil decided to do things that were right, and he had much farther to go than the one who naturally chose to do this...Do you follow what I am saying?"

Frederick slowly nodded and I could feel his hand tightening on mine.

"So, look at the situation I am in now. Marriages are a coin toss now-a-days on if they stay together or not. Yet Jim and I have sweated blood, and wept bitter tears together to come as far as we have, by choice! Then you come along and tell me that because you are my Mate and we belong together. We will stay together no matter what..."

I trailed off watching Frederick's face, it was blank now, and he looked pale. He cleared his throat and said softly, "What is your point, my love?"

I blinked tears away, but not of sadness. It was of frustration because I wanted him, needed him to understand this.

"My point is that you are trapped, while I am free. I have paid, and will continue to pay and work and strive for the Love that I have. Because it is a True Love. It is true because I make it so. It has more meaning for me because I choose to make it have more meaning. I know my husband feels the same way, he trusted me enough to make my own decision, to not coerce me. He and I are one, and I will never let him go, because through us being together and being partners, and a team...he is my Soul Mate."


The years have passed since That Valentines Day 52 years ago. 3 kids, 8 grandchildren, two moves and one world cruise later we are in a wonderful assisted living care facility. I can feel myself waning, and Jim had an odd look on his face as we were helped into bed that night by the nurses. We hadn't made love in over 9 years, but he held my hand as we went to sleep each night. It was early in the morning, the sun not even peeking through the windows when I felt something shift in me. I blinked my eyes open, wondering what woke me up. Jim was usually up first before me, and would lean over to whisper, "Good morning Bright Eyes." I squeezed his hand which was still in mine. It felt cold, and stiff.

"" I croaked softly. I slowly turned my head to see Jim, laying on his belly, his head turned towards me, one unseeing eye staring at me. I didn't have to check his pulse to know he was gone! Something broke in me and I whimpered as I moved closer to kiss his cold cheek and run my gnarled fingers over his wispy bald head.

"I...will be right behind you Jim. Save a place for me, will be right behind you..." I whispered into his ear. I let myself relax as I lay next to him. That little bit of stubbornness that let me hold onto life was slowly ebbing. I knew my time was close.

"You don't have to go..." A rich voice from long ago said quietly.

I blinked and squinted my old eyes to see a dark form step closer. As it grew near I could see the face of Frederick D'Angelo once more. I smiled and held my hand out to him. He grinned and gently held it. It looked as delicate as a bird's wing in his thick fingers.

"There is still time. Join me my Mate. Let me make you like me and we can continue to live on. Your Jim has passed ...stay. Stay and live with me."

I smiled and slowly shook my head, then considered. "What' color?"

He rumbled a small chuckle. "Red, because it's the color you chose for your car, and you use it to highlight your clothing and features as you aged. Beautifully too I might add."

I gave a small dry laugh and coughed a little. "No Freddy. It's green again, it makes me feel peaceful, like when Jim and I saw the mountains and hills of New Zealand."

I shook my head softly. "I am so sorry for you Frederick, I have tried not to feel pity for you, for all werewolves. You are all trapped in a situation not of your own making."

I smiled up at him, "I am human, I have choices, and I choose to go follow my husband. Wherever he goes, I will go too."

I felt my strength faltering, and I tried to roll over to be closer to Jim. My arms weren't working right. Then I felt strong, warm hands gently rolling me onto my side and raise my arm to put it around Jim's back under the blankets. With a little bit of my remaining strength I hugged Jim tighter to my old body.

"Thank you Frederick. I hope you find what you are looking for one day." I said quietly. I heard a small sigh, and a sniff. Then I heard that big werewolf clear his throat before he replied.

"I have a good example of what to look for. Thank you, and Goodbye."

I heard the door close and the room was dark again, I saw the hints over orange light from the sun finally peeking through the windows.

"Sun's coming up Jim...I will be with you soon. Wait for me...wait...for..."

The End.


Thank you for reading. I am interested in any and all comments people wish to leave.



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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Sorry, the first time my wife says she’s falling in love with someone else she won’t be my wife for long. Well written but seems to skate past that fact quickly. Don’t understand how a man can just ignore that fact and stay. LM

Sexty04131Sexty041315 months ago

One of the best stories I've read on literotica so far but then I like paranormal romances!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Was not expecting that. Powerful stuff. Especially that ending. A true loving wife and a true love. Simply beautiful. You don't usually see that in this category.

alan_deealan_dee7 months ago

Quite an amazing but different story. Confusing at first yet when it all came together for me it was an absolute pleasure to read with an ending that is sad yet still lifts the spirit.

zonozzonozover 1 year ago

Outstanding. After the stare down in the bar I expected some type of violent action between Frederick and Jim. But was pleasantly surprised at how two people obviously not unfamiliar with violence agreed on a peaceful solution their problem, and once decided, honored that decision in full. But once Jim was no longer Beth's soul mate Frederick was there once again to try to gain Beth for himself; still not having fully learned what true love is, but recognizing Jim and Beth's relationship as a good example, and indeed demonstrating he had some love in his heart by the way he assisted Beth in her effort to turn to Jim and put her arm around him before following him into the next chapter of their lives.

I could easily see a movie from this story.

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