Soul Sucker Ch. 01-10

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The sole survivor of a Viking raid's life-changing decision.
19.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/26/2023
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Side Piece Saloon and Grille

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, South Dakota

Friday, August 5 th , 2022

"That'll be thirty dollars, love." I set the round of Budweisers on the round table, starting with the Club President of the Black Vipers Motorcycle Club. Blackjack stared down my ripped crop top as I leaned over the table. I'd stuffed my oversized boobs into a push-up bra, serving them up for the drunken bikers to lust over as I worked my section. The shirt hung loosely down from the stretch of my bust, barely covering the bottom of my bra and exposing my flat stomach. A diamond piercing drew their eyes to my navel, and low-rider jean shorts and cowboy boots completed my outfit. The bar was hot, and I was working hard, so beads of sweat ran down my neck and chest. It kept the white shirt damp and clinging to my darkly tanned skin. My glossy black hair was braided halfway down my back.

There wasn't a soft dick at the table after I finished handing out the beers.

"Keep them coming, Raven. Pay her, Bones." The man sitting two brothers to his right dug into his wallet, pulling out a fifty-dollar bill. He reached for my silver belt, thinking he could shove it into my thong like a stripper and get a feel.

I snatched it out of his hand before it got too close. "You can't afford me, sugar." I pocketed the bill before turning and putting a little sway in my hips as I walked away. I could feel the eyes burning into my ass, and it wasn't just from the Vipers.

"It's a target-rich environment," I said to my demon. "Can't swing a dead cat without finding someone worth killing." My spirit sight could see what men didn't want to show; I knew immediately who was good and evil, who deserved to be left alone, and who deserved punishment. The Vipers were into all kinds of crooked shit; drug running, prostitution, extortion, and murder. That made them the same as the other One Percent clubs here for the rally. They tended to behave while in the bars along the main drag due to the heavy police presence. It was at their private campgrounds that things got wild.

"Find one with a hotel room or a camper," the deep voice in my head replied. "Older is more believable. We don't need the complications from a tent or clubhouse."

I got back to serving my section of tables in the packed bar.

I didn't spot tonight's mark until just before midnight. He wasn't a biker; he was a poser and the target demographic for Harley-Davidson these days. He was rich, tall, handsome with a gym body, and in his forties. He dyed the gray out of his hair and still had a white indent where the wedding band usually sat. It was fresh enough to mean he was planning to cheat on his wife.

I overheard him talking to his buddies; he was a lawyer for a big firm in Chicago. He'd loaded his Harley into a trailer, paid thousands a night for a hotel room, and walked in with a pressed shirt under a leather riding club cut. He and a few buddies found a table near the pool tables and ordered rounds of Sam Adams. Why him? He bragged about getting a rapist off by sending people to intimidate her family into not testifying against him. He'd watched me all night and casually slipped a card with his phone number into my back pocket as I brought over wings.

Yeah, he'd do.

Getting a man to fall for me was easy in this place. I caught Todd returning from the bathroom and pulled him aside. I ran my hand over his pecs and down his side. "You think you can help a poor girl out?"

"I'll do what I can, pretty thing," he said as his hand ran down my arm.

"My friend's camper broke down on the way here, and I don't have a place to stay tonight," I whispered. "I'd do anything to sleep in a soft bed with a hot guy." If he needed any more convincing, my hand brushing over his erection did it.

"What time do you get off?"


"And I'll be getting you off by three." Yeah, he was that cheesy. "I'll be waiting for you out back," he promised.

I gave him a quick kiss. "Don't tell anyone about this," I asked him. "I don't want fights breaking out over me, and it's a long rally."

"It will be our little secret," he said as he cupped a boob out of sight of the others. I returned to my section, and he and his buddies closed the place.

I finished my shift cleanup and checked out with the bartender, walking out of the employee entrance right on time. He was waiting on a new Harley Road Glide with all the chrome. I hopped on behind him as he started it up, snorting to myself as I saw it only had three hundred miles on it. He drove us south to the Sturgis Lodge and Suites and then to his room. "You ready to have your world rocked, baby?"

I pulled my top off as I walked towards the bed. "Get my boots?" He pulled them off while I removed my bra. In this body, my boobs were large but firm. He pulled off my footwear and socks as I unbuttoned my shorts. In moments, I was reclining naked on the bed. "You like?"

"You're fucking amazing," he told me as he pulled off his shirt.

"I'm an amazing fuck," I teased back. "You'll never have a better one for the rest of your life." That was technically true, no matter what he thought of it.

I watched as he stripped. I rolled to the edge of the bed, taking Todd's average cock into my mouth. He was hard enough for sex, but I had him ready to blow in thirty seconds. He pulled back and grabbed a condom from the bedside table. After rolling it on, he leaned over and smacked my ass. "Hands and knees, baby."

I complied quickly, shaking my booty his way as he crawled onto the bed behind me. He pushed in without foreplay, not knowing or caring if I was ready for him.

It didn't matter. I was naturally wet and ready for sex at any moment. Sex was necessary for my survival, thanks to the bargain I'd made. Any pleasure I derived from it was a bonus.

Todd was a selfish lover, paying no attention to my needs or my feedback. I was merely a hole to satisfy his needs. Two minutes of constant speed pounding, grabbing my titties like a milk cow, and a smack on the ass was his entire sex repertoire. "Fuck yeah," he said as he filled the balloon.

He left me on the bed as he went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I pulled back the bedspread, lying naked on the sheet until he returned. He set the alarm on his phone, laid back, and closed his eyes. "I'm not done with you yet," I told him. I rolled on top of him, my tongue seeking out his mouth. I started kissing him deeply, then bit at his lip deep enough to draw blood. The venom in my bite rushed through his bloodstream.

In seconds, Todd was unable to talk or move. He was fully conscious, and his eyes widened in panic as he realized his now-helpless state. "You are selfish and evil, Todd Stanley Rivers, and your time has come." I sat up, letting my demon come forward as I shifted to my succubus form. Curved horns grew out of the top sides of my head, extending away a few inches before curving sharply back towards the top. Bat-like wings sprouted out of my back. I extended them out and curved them around like I was hiding us from the world. My eyes turned black, with golden reptile-like slits instead of irises. Finally, my body shifted back from the form I'd taken at the bar to my base appearance. Long, curvy red hair went around my shoulders and down my back, my skin turned porcelain white, and my teeth lengthened and sharpened.

Todd could only watch in terror as I sat above his body. The venom left him with a raging erection, and I reached back to grasp it as I looked into his eyes. "Do you believe in the God of the Bible, Todd?" Robbed of his speech, the lawyer had no more defense against me. He couldn't move or even blink. I could see in his eyes that he was praying for a rescue that wouldn't come. "God is real, and so are angels and demons."

I moaned as I lowered myself onto his staff, letting it complete the connection. "God designed sex as both a physical and spiritual connection between the man and the woman," I explained as I started to move up and down. "It is more than just an exchange of fluid, more than the method of populating the race. When your body is inside mine, a piece of your spirit can move across to me." I started moving faster, rocking my hips to get as much pleasure out of this as I could. It was the one thing in this act that was for me alone. My demon side didn't care about my pleasure; it wanted the ending.

I was careful not to break his skin as I gripped his chest. The room filled with the sound of our coupling as my hips slammed down faster and faster. I worked towards my release, knowing that with my venom in his system, he could only finish when I did. He could leave me wanting in human form, but my demon demanded its due.

"You're getting fucked to death, Todd. It seems like a fitting end for a slimy lawyer like you," I told him. "Will anyone mourn your passing? I think not. An ambitious associate will move into your office next week and take your part of the company. Your family will divide your possessions, and your wife will find a man who won't make her fake her orgasms. All that time and talent in this world, and what do you leave behind? Will anyone remember you with fondness?"

The sheer terror in his eyes tipped me over the edge. I slammed down on him, my body clenching around his cock as the spiritual gates between us flew open. I felt his essence shoot into me like lava, eagerly consumed by the demon as we pulled his soul from his body. His eyes glazed over as his heart stopped, and there was one less Todd in the world. I reached down and closed his eyelids.

I felt the demon inside me grow in strength as I rolled off the bed and covered him with the sheet and blanket. I found a plastic bag and placed my clothes inside. I then took five hundred dollars from Todd's wallet and left the rest, putting the cash in my shorts. It seemed like a fair price for the sexual services I'd provided him.

Turning off all the lights in the room, I opened the sliding door to the deck. I walked into the darkness, letting the cool air blow over my body and wings. I held the bag in one hand as I climbed on the railing before launching myself into the night. I rose silently and quickly into the sky, landing a few minutes later on the roof of the Side Piece Saloon.

I shifted to Raven's body and got dressed before climbing off the roof. I made it over to my bike, a red Indian Super Chief Limited, and got the leathers out of the saddlebags. Firing it up, I was on the road for Denver before sunrise.

Todd's buddies would discover his body when he didn't show up for lunch later that day. The autopsy was inconclusive. My venom doesn't show in toxicology, and the bite on his lip healed shortly after my teeth left it. There was evidence of recent sexual activity, which wasn't news to his long-suffering wife. In the end, the coroner ruled the death from natural causes.

Police found Todd's wallet, jewelry, and keys in the room. Surveillance showed Todd entering the hotel lobby with a young brunette but did not show when she left. Friends identified her as a waitress at the Side Piece, but the woman didn't return to work, and her identification in employment records was fraudulent. After the autopsy report, the investigation quickly closed.

Having a succubus vacuum your soul out through your dick leaves no physical evidence behind.

Chapter 2

"...And you, you better run because I'm going to destroy you for what you've taken from me."

― Samantha Young, Blood Will Tell

Frances Dortmund's POV

Portmahomack, Modern Day Scotland

Saturday, July 4, 847 A.D.

"And do you, Frances Amy McDonald, take James Edward Dortmund to be your husband? To have and to hold, to love and obey, from this day forward until death do you part?"

I looked up at James through the thin veil, seeing his love for me shining in his eyes. "I do," I said.

"Then, with the blessing of the Church and Kenneth MacAlpin, King of the Picts, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may claim your bride."

There were shouts from the crowd in the church as James lifted my veil and leaned forward, his hands wrapping around my narrow waist. My arms wrapped behind his neck as our lips came together in our first kiss. It was a magical end to a whirlwind courtship.

James was a soldier who spent the last four years fighting for his King to unite the Picts. He'd confessed his love for me just before he rode off with the King's Army. A sword injury to his thigh ended his fighting, and he returned home last month. James had been a brash young man of seventeen, the son of the village blacksmith. I was only thirteen when he left our village.

My father turned down all suitors for me as I grew into womanhood. He kept his promise, saving me for James to return or marry another before he would marry me off. He wasn't rich, but he was a good man. I couldn't wait to start our life together.

The doors to the church crashed open, and a man looked about with panicked eyes. "RAIDERS! VIKING LONGBOATS AT THE HARBOR!"

James drew his sword as he turned to the door. "Stay with your father," he ordered. "ARM YOURSELVES! DRIVE THEM TO THE SEA!"

My father led me out the side door of the rapidly emptying church. Women and children were running for shelter while the men grabbed any weapons they could find. Few had military training, so they gathered around James before heading to the fight.

"Get inside," my father told me as he pushed me through the door. "Hide, and don't come out until I call you."

I went into my room and hid near my bed. I covered my ears as the sounds of battle got louder. Men shouted, swords clanged together, wounded people screamed, and women begged for mercy. I could tell from the shouting that my side was losing badly. I was crying, knowing James would never allow them to pass while he was alive.

Then I heard the door crash open. My father screamed his defiance, only for his shout to be cut short. His body thumped to the dirt floor as the Viking yelled in triumph. I covered myself with blankets, hoping they would pass me by.

I was not that lucky. I heard and felt a man approaching; he paused, and I dared to hope he didn't see me. Instead, his hand gripped my hair and yanked me to my feet. He yelled something in Norse as I struggled in vain to escape. Soon, two more Viking raiders pushed into the small room.

*Trigger warning for sexual assault*

The man holding my hair threw me down on the bed, not letting go as I landed face-first. Another grabbed my dress, tearing it from my body as I begged them to stop. Whether they did not know my language or did not care, they did not stop.

The man holding my hair punched me in the temple with his big fist. The blow dizzied me, and he gripped my hands above my head with a single big fist. I stopped struggling after the punch, allowing the other man to force my legs apart. I felt something touching me down there before he grunted and shoved forward.

It felt like he was ripping my body in half as his manhood took my virgin opening. I screamed, tears streaming down my face as he ruined me. He rutted away for a few minutes before finishing inside. When he finished, another took his place. Struggling wasn't working, so I stopped. My first attacker moved to the side and got ready for his turn.

Through my tears and my hair, I saw my opportunity. I snatched the knife from its sheath before he could stop me and plunged it into the side of my chest. I would sooner die than let one more man defile me.

The first man grabbed the knife and pulled it from me. I could barely scream as the blade scraped against my ribs. Blood soaked the bed as he wiped the blade clean and returned it to the sheath. The men talked briefly, then left me to die.

Death, however, did not come quickly. I couldn't move, but I heard everything. The raiders carried away the women and children, killing every male able to lift a sword against them. I listened to the church as it burned and collapsed, wondering if the flames would spread my way. Daytime passed into the darkness of night as I rested in a pool of my blood.

I was on the edge of death when I heard soft footsteps approach. A woman crouched by my side, a small torch illuminating her face. She was beautiful in a way I'd never imagined, more like a painting than a real woman. What was someone like this doing in the burning ruins of a village? "Are you my angel?"

"Your God did not send me to you tonight," she answered. "If you wish for death, I can give that to you. You will suffer no more." She lifted the torn wedding dress from the bed. "Your men are dead."

"I know," I whispered back. "Damn them! Damn them all to HELL!"

Her soft fingers pushed my hair from my face, sending tingles down my neck as they moved to my shoulder. "If you had the power to do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?"

I didn't hesitate; I'd been dreaming of it for hours. "I would destroy the ones who did this to me. I would hunt them down and render them helpless. I would force them to watch as I burned their homes and killed their families in front of them. They would feel every bit of loss and endure every measure of pain I've felt. When they beg for death, I will not allow it. They will curse the day their mothers brought them into this world. Only then will I end their pathetic existence."

"You hold too much hate for such a young woman," she told me. "Should not God judge them? The path of vengeance leads straight to the gates of Hell."

"I am the one who hates," I replied. "My life is over. I care not for what happens to my soul. I will gladly drive them to Hell and lock the gates behind me."

"I can help you," the woman promised. "My Master will make you a bargain. He will heal you. He will give you the power to find these men and tear their souls from their dying bodies for him to feast on. They will suffer torments of Hell for all of eternity. You will be the instrument of vengeance upon them."

"What must I do?"

The woman started to change. Her face and hair remained the same, but horns grew out of her head. Wings grew out of her back, with the black skin stretched tightly like a bat between the bones and muscles. A long, hairless tail with a pointed end moved to wrap around my arm. The strange being began to glow with power.

She wasn't an angel of light. No, this was a demon, an agent of the Devil, with a power beyond any I'd ever felt.

Her voice was no longer her own. "Open your body and soul. Accept my Demon Lord as your Master and serve him will your entire being. Your enemies will become his, and he will consume their souls as you rip them from their dying bodies."

I hesitated, knowing I'd receive eternal damnation.

"These men killed your husband and your father. They raped you on your marriage bed. They are headed home now with the women of this village. You don't have much time to decide, as your life is nearly over."

Hate has a power all its own, and I made my decision. "I swear on my soul that I will accept your Master as my own, from this day forward, to obey and serve in all things." It was hauntingly similar to a vow I'd made just hours ago.

The woman smiled and reached out, her hands grasping the sides of my face. Her hands began to heat, and my flesh started to burn. I wanted to struggle, but I couldn't move. The pain was indescribable as I felt my new Master push into my mind and soul. As the demon shifted into me, the mystery woman shrank. She returned to a human form, aging decades before me in moments. "Finally, I'm free," the old woman whispered through her cracked lips, surrounded by her wrinkled face. She rolled her eyes back and collapsed, dead at my side.

"Stand, my slave," a deep voice ordered from somewhere inside my head. I stood up to find myself fully healed and impossibly beautiful. "We have work to do."