Spark the Runner Ch. 04


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We are much like you, she thought to Leeanni. A slightly smaller head to our clitoris and a slightly larger anus, but basically the same. Leeanni didn't hesitate. She used one hand to separate Tonya's labia and leaned down with her snakelike tongue to begin licking.

It didn't take long. Tonya was having a hell of a time keeping control and finally decided Screw That! She gave in and let herself be driven to the inevitable by Leeanni's very talented tongue. She was just peaking when Okami got into the act.

Tonya's "OH FUCK! YES! CUMMING!" immediately preceded a sort of howl, or long, loud moan from Leeanni as Okami took advantage of Leeanni's raised rump to insert her tongue, vaginally.

Leeanni kept bucking, and apparently cumming, as Okami reamed her and Tonya figured it out. Looking up and seeing Okami's muzzle pretty much told her what she needed to know.

Move up, Tonya thought to Okami. I want at her cunt.

Jamie is a bad influence on you, Okami thought back. Although pussy does seem a little absurd. I guess cunt it is. She slowly withdrew her tongue and leaned back, allowing Tonya to raise up and lick, and suck, Leeanni. Then Okami got a flash of inspiration. She stuck her tongue in Leeanni's ass. And almost got thrown off.

"NNNNnnnnnggggggHHHHH!!!" Leeanni came hard, almost crushing Tonya's tongue.

Wow, Tonya thought as she stiffened her tongue against the attack. Somebody forgot to tell me about that one! Then she went back to trying to drive the girl out of her mind.

She probably would have succeeded, especially with Okami's help, except that Leeanni was nearing passing out and didn't want it to be over. She lifted off of Tonya and pushed back, licking her way up Tonya's belly until she got to her breasts and was out of range of Tonya's mouth. Okami wisely backed off and just sat back, watching. Leeanni found Tonya's breasts fascinating, gently cupping and massaging them with her lower hands while supporting herself with her uppers.

So far, Tonya and Okami hadn't had to do much in the way of metaphysics with this little firecracker. She was hugely sensitive all on her own and easy to play with. Case in point, while Leeanni was hovered over Tonya's breasts, playing with them, Tonya noticed she was right under Leeanni's four nipples. Okami noticed Tonya noticing.

Give me a minute to get out of the way before you launch her, Okami thought to Tonya.

If my husband wanted to impale her, to keep her anchored in place, I would not object, Tonya thought back. Apparently, Spark was listening.

He eased up onto the bed, lined up behind Leeanni, and plunged in when Tonya lifted up to suckle.

And Spark thought Saelass had a tight cunt! Leeanni was hot, wet and excruciatingly tight, not to mention having crushing contractions as she came! He was basically holding on for dear life.

Okami, though, noticed that Tonya's groin was now unattended and decided to fix that. She moved down between Tonya's legs, eased her muzzle down and inserted her tongue.

"MMFKNGD!" she cried out, her mouth full of Leeanni's inchoate breast, "FKNCMMNUBTCH!!!"

"Mm-hmm," Okami paused for a moment. "You bitch is right!" Then she went back to tonguing Tonya. Tonya got even by directing a huge wave of libido through the Canilupe, who in turn was shaking with her multiple climaxes.

And that was pretty much the positions the four were in when they all hit their limits and essentially passed out. Tonya was only out momentarily, but the other three were wiped out. They ended up sprawled all over the huge bed and Tonya thought idly, as she surfaced, I wonder what one does about getting Housekeeping Service?

* * * * *

"And that was Day One," Spark muttered as he lay sandwiched between Tonya and Okami.

The four had woken up in the early morning, human time, and had gotten cleaned up, hydrated and refreshed. Then Leeanni had wandered back to her own quarters, after thanking Jamie, Lizzie and Okami for a glorious introduction to Solarian sex. Tonya had to point out that theirs wasn't the typical experience, and that she had enjoyed Leeanni immensely.

After Leeanni left, the three crawled back into bed and crashed, deciding to wake up when their bodies insisted on it. Now, they were drifting awake.

"It's going to be a marathon," Okami groused from one side of Spark. "Another six days? Arrghhh..."

"It will be wonderful," Tonya opined from Spark's other side. "Just think... we have experienced a Denebite, a young Crescian, we have an offer from a Sirian -- a male, at that -- and there are still Callistians and Arcasians we may be compatible with. I am not sure if the Regulans would be... they are like big cats. I doubt we would do well with the Altairians. They are more like large salamanders. I think those are the races currently aboard. This should be fun!"

Spark just groaned and pulled a pillow over his head.

"Well, if you need a vacation day from our diplomatic mission, husband," Tonya teased, "I am sure we can spend it staying here, fucking our brains out."

Spark just groaned again, then realized he needed to piss. "Excuse me, ladies," he told them as he wiggled out and staggered toward the head. "Nature calls." By the time he got back, he found out his fate had been decided.

"No sex today, husband," Tonya informed him as he crawled back in. "A day of rest and relaxation. The next day, though, you should have Aluxor. Then the day after that to recuperate. Day Five should be seeing how we do with Leeanni, Maya and Aluxor together... simulating a Crescian orgy, perhaps. Then Day Six to recover and Day Seven to prepare for Recensere. It took me a while to synchronize the clocks of the different races. Earth's SNT, or Ship's Normal Time, seems to have been adopted here, much like on the Aquila. I wonder what the days will be like on Recensere?"

"You're serious, aren't you?" Spark groaned as he hunkered down.

"Should I not be?" she asked in return.

"No, that's fine... be serious," Spark conceded. "You're probably better at running this mission than I am. I just hope I survive."

"You will survive, Jamie," Tonya told him softly. "I will make sure of it."

"So if we're not going to have sex," Okami spoke up, "can we go get some food, and maybe make some friends, or come back here and be lazy while favorite body parts get back to normal?"

"No problem here," Spark told her. "I could use some breakfast. Or whatever time it is."

"I am quite fine with that, also," Tonya told her. "Let us get rousted and up to the Mess."

* * * * *

Day Two was boring. Exactly the way the Solarian Trade Team wanted it.

Meals in the Mess, chatting up passengers and crew, relaxing in the stateroom... researching everything she could find in the Ship's Library for Tonya... generally taking it easy and deciding on some slow, easy lovemaking in the evening before getting a decent night's sleep, some of which was induced by Tonya, who didn't require the sleep.

Day Three got interesting, again.

Waking and breakfast began normally. It was at lunch that Spark approached Aluxor, to invite him back to the stateroom.

I told my partners about your interest, Spark told him as they sat together at lunch. They seem as intrigued with you as you are with them.

Tonya and Okami were sitting across the table from Spark and Aluxor, smiling.

Aluxor smiled back. That weird Canilupe smile.

I am very happy to hear that, Aluxor told them. As I mentioned to Jamie... oh, he did say to call him Jamie... may I presume to call you Lizzie, Mrs. McLeod?

Of course, Tonya thought back. This is certainly not a formal situation. Particularly if we are about to be propositioned.

Aluxor gave that little yipping bark that Spark had come to know as a Canilupe laugh.

No, being propositioned is hardly a formal affair, he agreed. As I was telling Jamie, I have been interested in you three since the embassy fête and was hoping to connect with you on this trip. He questioned my forthrightness and I explained to him how somewhat promiscuous we Sirians are. To have an opportunity to have intimate relations with a pack... or, um... family?... I'm not sure of the right description... anyway, to be able to have relations with you three is an incredible temptation. Partly because of your strong sexuality, and also because of a strong sense of metaphysical ability.

I would expect no little sense of sexuality and sensuality in a race who has a trade partnership with the Crescians, Tonya commented. And to your point about our relationship, to your culture we would be a pack, but unusual because we are three Alphas. From our point of view, we are a family, each of us coequal with the others. I did notice you mentioned an interest in all three of us. Does that mean an interest in my husband, as well?

Actually, yes, Aluxor nodded. Is that a problem?

Only insofar as I have never known of his having relations with a male before. Spark realized Tonya was paving the way for him to have an out if he needed it. I am not sure how that would work, since Alpha males tend to see submission to other males as belittling... an attack on their status and manhood. Since your culture has much more experience with this than we do, I wonder how you see that?

Ah, yes... Aluxor nodded. A problem we wrestled with for a long time. Part of what helped us overcome the tendency to try to be Top Dog, as it were, is the fact that we are shapeshifters. This canid form is the one we have found most acceptable to the peoples with whom we have established trade. In another of our forms, we are like blobs of light... condensed energy around a consciousness, wherein we are all 'coequal' as you put it. In another, we are sort of like hermaphroditic worms.

In any case, I have discovered, as have many of my brothers, that I like the feel of a tongue or a cock up my anus. It stimulates me to very strong levels of orgasm. I therefore hope to experience that with Jamie.

I assure you, though, Jamie... Aluxor turned to face him, even though he was using telepathy... that if you are not comfortable with interacting with me, I will never push you.

Spark sat on his first response. Then he sat on his second. Then he finally nodded, thanks...

Well, you've got a couple of females wetting their seats, Okami decided to chime in. So just in case Jamie is tentative, I will tell you, I'm in! You look pretty damned good to me, and I'd love to have you tied with me. Oh... you do knot, don't you?

Yes, in fact, we do, Aluxor smiled. I've been told I have a fairly impressive bulbus glandis.

This must be an example of what Leeanni meant by images to images and the mind makes the adjustments. Fascinating, Tonya thought to the others.

Fascinating is right, Okami came back. I love you guys dearly, and... there is nothing like a big, fat knot holding a girl in place while the guy empties a liter of cum into her.

A liter? Tonya questioned. Really?

An exaggeration, Lizzie, Okami hurried to explain.

It is? Aluxor asked, bringing Okami up short.

Perhaps, Spark suggested, we should finish up here and take the rest of the discussion back to our stateroom?

The others agreed, and did.

* * * * *

Welcome to our home away from home, Tonya thought to Aluxor as she crossed into their stateroom and began disrobing.

Yeah, welcome, Spark echoed as he, too, entered and began disrobing.

They wear too many clothes, Okami commented as she entered. Can I get you something to drink?

Aluxor just smiled and shook his head. No, thanks, he added to Okami. Still good from lunch.

Then come on with me, she told him. You won't believe the size of the bed they gave us. She led the way to the bedroom and he followed.

This must have been Rigelian, Aluxor commented, looking around. They are the only ones I know who require such a large resting space. Though for the three of you, as you say, it is huge.

So, Okami decided to assertive, you like a cock up your ass. What do you like with your females?

Just about anything that doesn't involve teeth, he smiled. Or at minimum, keeping them out of the way.

Do you like licking a cunt?

Almost always, when it's disease free and especially when it is as tantalizing as yours.

Good answer, Okami told him as she moved onto the bed, lying down near the center, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs.

Aluxor was not slow on the uptake. He moved onto the bed as well, centering himself between her thighs. Like Okami, his forelegs ended in human-like hands. Unlike Okami, so did his hind legs. In this case, though, he knelt on his hind legs like a human and used the hands on his forelegs to gently separate, and hold still, Okami's thighs while he lowered his muzzle, drinking in her scent.

You have a wonderfully strong and exciting musk, he told her as took a tentative lick from her anus up to and into her vestibule. Okami almost launched as he hit her clitoris.

Ah! You are sensitive there, too... like our Bitches, Aluxor commented as he withdrew his tongue for a moment. How fortunate! Are you also sensitive farther in? He inserted his tongue deep to find out.

Okami's answer was a simple "Hnff! Hnff! Hnff!" aloud as each probe ran across her version of a G-spot.

Excellent! Aluxor thought. And do you like anilingus, too? Of course, inserting his tongue to check.

Okami's moan reverberated through the stateroom and got Spark and Tonya standing in the doorway to the bedroom, watching.

"I think they've started without us," Spark commented to Tonya.

"What did you expect, husband?" she answered. "We are slow."

"We were dressed," Spark pointed out.

"Same thing," was Tonya's simple response as she moved forward to crawl up on the bed and see better what Aluxor was doing. "Ohhh... he has that same long, muscular, prehensile tongue that Okami has!" Tonya sounded delighted.

Excuse me? Aluxor thought to her as he drove Okami batty. I don't understand your speech.

Oh, sorry, Tonya answered him. I was commenting to my husband that you have the same wonderful kind of tongue our Okami has.

Aluxor paused in his tonguing and turned to face Tonya. You enjoy a good tonguing, too, then? he asked.

Okami reached up, grabbed his head and turned him back down into her crotch. Get back here! she told him rather directly. You're not done yet...

Spark laughed. He knew he probably shouldn't, but he did anyway.

Aluxor took the not so subtle hint and resumed giving Okami an expert tonguing, only easing up each time she came, pausing and holding her through her thrashing. By Spark's count, he gave Okami about a half dozen solid, crashing cums before Okami finally put her hand on his forehead and pushed him back, telling him, okay, you're done... for now...

Aluxor sat back with as self-satisfied a look on his face as a Canid can have, then turned to Tonya.

Jamie has indicated you are not 'his women', he told her, and yet you are husband and wife. Do I need to ask his permission before pleasuring you? I'm a bit confused.

At this point, you do not need to ask his permission, Tonya told him. He gave it when he suggested we all come back down here. You do, however, need to ask mine. Which, for the record, you have. I have been very curious about what a male Canilupe feels like, and I suppose you will do just fine for approximation. Besides, I am always interested in learning about new species.

Would you care to lie down next to Okami? he asked.

Silly man, she answered as she moved with inhuman speed to get into position.

Easy on the superhuman, wife, Spark thought directly to her. Sometimes her enthusiasm meant she got careless. Not often, and not when it really counted, but still... he wanted her to stay aware.

He saw his comment register, even as she was spreading her thighs as Okami had done and telling Aluxor, Okami and I are built quite a lot alike in what gives us pleasure. Just so you have a reference.

Thank you, he smiled. May I?

You may... and Spark could feel the sigh in her thought.

And he did. He started as he had with Okami with exploratory licking with his long, muscular -- yet gentle -- tongue and got about the same results, although Tonya's curiosity was dampening her responses a bit. She did give him appreciative moans when he got something right and it didn't take him long to have a good read on her. That's when he started going for the orgasms.

Tonya responded strongly, but was much more of a glutton for punishment because of being a construct. She was up to a dozen gut-crunching climaxes and was going for more before Aluxor slowed down a bit. Spark, in the meantime, had been noticing a few things.

For instance, as Tonya's energy coursed back into the big Sirian, his bright red penis began to emerge from its sheath. About ten centimeters emerged. And the tip was weird. Spark knew that male Canilupes, like their dog and wolf counterparts, had a sort of chisel tip, tapered to make intromission easier. This Sirian wasn't like that. He was corkscrewed. Like a boar. That had Spark curious.

And Okami thinks I'm a bad influence, Spark thought to himself as he decided on what he was going to do. Tonya's worse. A lot worse...

He eased up the bed until he was next to and slightly behind where Aluxor was going down on Tonya. Okami, who had somewhat recovered and was now on the opposite side, looked at him with curiosity. She knew he was mostly heterosexual. Spark, though, surprised her. He reached between Aluxor's legs from behind and gently pulled back on his sheath.

Aluxor gave a sort of low growl/moan as the rest of him popped out. All thirty or so centimeters of bright red hard-on. Only the tip, the first ten centimeters, were corkscrewed. The rest of it was long and tapered, about four and a half centimeters across with a five or so centimeter raised ring every five centimeters by Spark's estimate. He was guessing, but Spark figured the slight bulge behind the last ring must be where his knot would be. Tonya could take it easily, but he wasn't sure about Okami. She'd surprised him before, though.

Well, hell... as long as I'm here, Spark thought and started sliding the sheath up and down Aluxor's shaft. The effect was immediate. Another low groan from Aluxor -- still busy with Tonya -- and he started leaking what Spark presumed was precum.

Mind if I join in? Okami asked as she slid in from the other side.

Be my guest, Spark smiled. And she did. She got her muzzle in under Aluxor's belly and wrapped her tongue around the spiraled head. Another low groan from Aluxor as she began fellating him and his knot swelled.

I'm glad you ladies are the ones that have to deal with that, Spark commented as he saw the size of the bulb. Easily ten to twelve centimeters in diameter. Not girth... across. I can't think of an orifice that would fit in.

I can, Okami thought back. And when Lizzie's had enough, I'd like to try.

Libido nuke on deck, Tonya thought to them. Stand clear of the blast area.
