Speak Low When You Speak Love


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With her other hand Emily grabbed Susan's breast. It filled her hand, and the nipple was long between her fingers.

"Okay, you get to suck on mine, because I have seen you eyeing them and it made me hot, so, sure, get your mouth on my nips, but this is about me pleasuring you; so I get to swallow yours pretty damn soon."

Susan opened Emily's blouse and took one of her breasts in both hands squeezing the nipple up until it was shiny and tight. She didn't tease or tickle around it with her tongue. She swallowed it, sucking it deep into her mouth, pressing it hard with her lips, scrubbing it with her tongue. Her mouth was so wet.

Susan was tucked into Emily's side and she wrapped her strong dancer's leg around Emily's thigh that her crotch was riding Emily's knee. Gone was the elegant New England lady. In her place was a hungry animal whose instincts were in charge. And Emily wasn't thinking much herself. The kiss had been intoxicating, and this fierce nipple sucking was driving jolts down into her belly.

But she had promised Susan that this was her turn, and she kept her promises. After Susan had filled her other breast to electricity for a while Emily turned the tables. She flipped Susan around, bit her lightly on the lips and then buried her mouth in Susan's neck. Her friend's body surged up to meet her and Emily pulled Susan's chest up to her face and returned the favor, gobbling Susan's right breast with no ceremony. She felt Susan shake in what she hoped would be the small first of many larger orgasms.

"You want to be fucked; I'm going to fuck you until you are a rag doll. You want it?"

Susan's breathless moaned, "Please, oh please."

With her lips clamped hard around Susan's other breast, Emily slid her hand between Susan's thighs, already slippery with her own excitement. For just a second it seemed strange. Emily had never put her fingers on another woman's private parts before. But it was much too late for any concern about that.

Her fingers found Susan's lower lips, much more delicate and tender than her own. But they were already very slippery, and Emily had no trouble moving in with two fingers right away. Her thumb found Susan's tight clit and she squeezed, fingers tickling the puffy pillow on the inside. Susan came apart.

But Emily didn't stop.

"Oh, Em, I ... I ..., I'm just so... Oh that's good!"

Her body was vibrating against Emily and her wet mouth was buried in Emily's neck.

"More, please more, yes more and you can do another ... another finger inside me, please Em. I need it, please, Em."

Susan was so wet and slippery and her vagina was squeezing inside on Emily's fingers, but Emily had no trouble putting a third finger in. Susan was beginning to ride her hand unashamed, pushing hard to get it deep.

"Yeah, yuh, that's getting it. Oh dig into me. I want to feet it very deep. That's so good. I wish you could do what I did to you, but your fingers are so big."

"I'll bet you say that to all the girls."

Susan's chuckle was low and dirty. Who was this woman?

Now Emily's pinky was flicking Susan's asshole, which, in her excitement was slick and open.

"Sue, I'm going to slip my pinky into your asshole. If you hate it, I'll stop"

The last finger pushed into the back door up to the final knuckle. For a moment Susan froze and gave a deep groan. Emily was afraid she had gone too far. Susan pushed back against the hand and groaned again.

"Oh, that, is, so, fucking good. I am just totally filled up. Now fuck me, Emily and I am going to fuck you until I am just totally fucked up."

Emily was amazed that Susan's well-trimmed, tidy little pussy had become a fragrant swamp of lust. Her whole hand was sloppy with Susan's juices, and she was jamming it deep into cunt and ass without trying to be even a little bit tender. But Susan was taking it all, clutching tight to Emily's shoulders and neck and thrusting her hips against every stroke. If there was anyone within a quarter mile of that rock they could hear every hungry moan, every "Oh yes, FUCK ME!" The raw breath, the growls. For that moment Susan had become a she-bitch hungry for every single sensation.

Emily used her teeth on Susan's beautiful nipple, puckered and sweaty. She swallowed it and scrubbed it hard with her tongue.

Susan lifted high, her hips pumping out of control and then with one loud keening moan she crashed and burned. Her mouth was stretched to suck in the sky. Her vulva gushed all over Emily's arm. And then she died.

Or seemed to die, collapsing, shuddering, her vagina clenching again and again on Emily's fingers, and then suddenly, dropping into deep, deep sleep, so that her breathing was invisible.

Emily was wide awake, as one might be when an earthquake has stopped or a loud squall has blown through. She was panting; lying beside her friend on a gorgeous starry night in summer. Damp blankets. The sound of peepers creating a melody over the gurgling of the stream and the rush of the waterfall. What had just happened?

The whole week was a mystery. There was only this moment and the background hum of her own body; a subtle arousal, at one with all the chanting and meditating, but also the sexy meal and of course the yoni massage. She had never felt so present in her body, so grateful for her cinnamon skin, curly hair, strong hands, thick ass, cushioned breasts. She was very happy to be herself at that moment. And who was this sweet woman beginning to make little animal noises next to her?
She bent down and kissed the soft mouth that so recently had been crying out like a banshee. Susan's eyes popped open, and she gasped, "I've got to pee."

She leaped up and scuttled off the rock into the darkness.

"Better not be any P.I. around here. I don't want any itches on my VJ."

The sound of a steady stream of liquid hitting the earth. A voice from the darkness.

"God, that's good. I don't think I've ever had a better piss. But I have no TP and I don't really want to use my skirt. I don't dare use leaves I can't see. Oh, what the heck ..."

Emily had an idea.

"Sue. Susie, come back here. I have something."

Emily was lying on her back, a bundle of cloth under her neck when Susan clambered onto the boulder.

"So, what have you got?"

"Come over here and stand over me. I'll clean you up."

"You could just hand it to me."

"No, I couldn't, or rather I just did, you should pardon the pun."

"What? Oh. Hand. I get it. But now what?"

Susan was standing with one strong leg on either side of Emily's waist. Emily wished she could take a picture of her dark silhouette against the stars.

"Come here. You can kneel or you can squat and I will clean you."

"Oh, that's sweet, but not necessary. I can do it myself."

"Not unless you are a contortionist or the man from Nantucket. And you need to come forward, feet beside my head."

"Really? Okay."

"Squat. It's easier on the knees than kneeling on this rock, but it's your choice. This may not be quick."

Susan crouched, her sex, still wet and fragrant, inches from Emily's face. Emily reached up and took Susan's waist and drew her pussy down to her mouth. She gave it a huge pussycat lick with her spread tongue. Susan jolted.

"My god! Em, are you sure? I'm all covered with ..."

"Too late now."

Emily gave it another lick, bottom to top and top to bottom. She sucked the labia hard into her mouth like slurping noodles, getting every bit of juice off them. She dug her tongue as deep as she could into Susan's vagina. She resisted the urge to clean her back end, though she was very tempted.

The squat was too much and Susan collapsed to her knees.

"Ohmigod, I thought I was done, but this is ... this is ...."

Emily had deliberately been skirting Susan's clit; but she could tell from the way Susan was now grabbing the back of her head, fingers tangled in her curls, that soon she would demand serious clit sucking. Still, she stalled as long as she could. Then some light flicks on the hood. The fingers tightened, almost painfully, in her hair.

"Oh, please, please. Please!"

Susan was rocking on her hips, beginning to grind herself against Emily's full mouth. And Emily realized she would have to grab breaths where she could because Susan was lost. Her cunt needed what it needed.

Emily reached up and took a breast in each hand, finger and thumb pinching a nipple. Susan's pussy surged against her mouth bruising her lips.
"Eat my clit, bitch! Oh, I'm so so, so sorry. Please, eat my clit, right now, you sweet, teasing bitch."

Emily obliged. Susan's clit shaft was long and thin and very stiff. So Emily turned her head a bit and pinched it between her tight lips; and with tip of her tongue she found the tiny exposed tip and she punished it, again and again.

Susan jerked hard and cried out.

"Oh, no, no! I didn't mean it. That's too, that's too ... perfect."

And she rode Emily's mouth until that wild pony had run out its gallop and she was bent over and panting. But Emily was not about to let her off easy. She backed off on the clit bud, for a minute. More cat tongue on the lips, and a dip into the well, tracing the tight lower rim below the aching vagina, a flick at the taint (a yelp), and then back to business again.

Swathe the shaft. Flick it back and forth, back and forth, feeling the hips begin to get into it again; a new ride, this one on Pegasus, Susan higher, her moans like a hungry baby's cry, wanting, needing. Emily could hardly breathe; Susan's thighs were tight, clamped against her cheeks. For Susan her mouth was a fucking machine designed for her pleasure alone. Emily took two big handfuls of Susan's slick ass and let her pinkies slide in until they reached Susan's back door. And in. Susan grasped Emily's head for dear life and used it hard against her aching sex.

Emily's tongue flicked off the clit head again and Susan leaned way back, mouth wide a wail filling the night air, sex hard against Emily's lips. Not only was Emily breathless, but now Susan was pouring ecstasy wine into her mouth with each pulsing thrust of her hips. And then there was only the amazing flutter of her sex against Emily's lips as she returned to Earth again.

Emily waited. Tilted her chin up and took a grateful breath; blowing out cool air on the pussy next to her lips. Was Susan done? She was panting as though she had just run a marathon. Sweat and saliva occasionally dripped on Emily's face, and she didn't care. They had the same sweat and piss and sex liquor now. But was it time to call it a night?

Then Emily realized that even if Susan was done, she wasn't.

"Hon? Sue? I need you to help me out now. If you have the strength can you please turn around the other way. Oh, don't leave. Just reverse it. Okay. I know I had my turn, but I need some now, you've got me so turned on."

Susan was groggy, but she pivoted until her ass was above Emily's face.

"Suck me, please, Sue."

She felt Susan lean forward and now came the delightful, slippery feel of breasts to bellies. Her nips were tight and pressing into Susan's flesh. Susan's were tickling her belly. She waited until she felt her friend's warm breath on her sex. A hungry gobbling of thick slick Emily flesh. Emily copied. Wrapped her lips around as much sex as she could. Two tongues danced over the delicate electric inner skin, stirred the pot where glistening brew bubbled. Teeth took a soft-firm bite of the thick outer lips. A tracery on Emily's taint that made her cry out and spill a few drops. She returned the favor and Susan played copycat, anointing her lips.

Susan had ignored Emily's thick clit, the lavender cap as big as a thimble thrusting out from its purple-brown hood. But now was the time.

Two women sucked hard on tender buds and two women rocked together as the feeling echoed down deep into their vaginas, surrounded and clasped their wombs, squeezed their buttocks hard, buzzed through their breasts, open their mouths in Sirens' moans and locked their sex to each other's mouths until their legs shook with tension and their toes curled until they ached.

It was a deep dive into the Milky Way and they didn't come back until the stars were blinking out and the sun's pink blush began to rise above the cool body of the earth.

They pulled their odd blankets around them as best they could and, tucked into each other's bodies, using each other for warmth against the morning chill. Neither cared if someone found them there with the dawn.

Go with the flow

When Emily was barely awake Susan grabbed her hand and dragged her naked to a shallow pool of freezing water above the waterfall, and they screamed as the chill pinched their nipples and turned their skin to chicken flesh. But there was a quiet moment when they clung to each other seeking a little warmth and sharing a kiss inside each others mouths, and thought much the same thoughts without saying a word.

As the sun warmed the hillside they walked hand in hand down the mountain and returned to the car to stow the blankets, then did the 'walk of shame' in their mussed clothes from the day before to the dorm to shower to dress for the day. If the other women who were just rising saw anything strange about these old friends smiling at each other as though they enjoyed a secret there was no sign. No one whispered or made sly remarks because the custom of silence continued through breakfast and the final meditation and blessing.

Emily and Susan ate side by side, comfortably close, not sharing food this time; but it was as though they were.

As they left the dining hall Susan tugged at Emily's sleeve and pulled her away from the group moving toward the meditation theater.

"I don't want to go to the 'goodbye meditation' or any of the rest of it. Maybe that is supposed to make everything that happened during the retreat come together." She paused, and her smile was impish. "No, really, I'm done with the retreat. Oh, I got a lot out of it, but I think we need to ... "

Emily shook her head.

"Oh Susie, we can't. I mean, we could, but then we would surely need to get all cleaned up again. 'Cause I really can't do back to Darwin smelling of you."

Susan was shaking her head. "Not what I meant, even if it is what I want. No, I think we need to talk, so when we leave here we both understand kind of what happens next. 'Cause right this minute I'm a little unsure. So why don't we both pack up and leave. Don't look so sad. It's killing me. And let's go to the first little place by the stream. Two cars or one?"

"Two. Otherwise we have to come back and we might meet people, and it would be sad."

"Okay, I'll follow you."

They left the cars out on the deserted road and walked to the stream. As Emily spread the blanket and laid out the thermos, now filled with tea, and some snacks, she felt a strange melancholy. This was where they first touched, only as old friends. Now... Well, now was now.

They sat facing each other in lotus position and didn't speak, just explored each others faces with their eyes. Finally, Susan spoke.

"I don't think I'm a lesbian, only now I don't know. I have never had sex that was so satisfying. And I love you. I can't tell if I am in love with you, because it has been just these few days. But I know that I love to look at your face and your body. And I love to touch you and how you touch me. I know I am going to hurt when I leave here. But I don't think I'll cry, and I don't know why."

Emily just sat with this for a while. Clearly Susan needed some kind of response. And her thoughts echoed Susan's, except she was pretty sure she was not a lesbian.

"Sue, I love you dearly, too. And it has been an amazing experience being here and discovering each others bodies and how deep and sexy we can feel ..."

"But ... "

"No. I don't want to say 'but'. In fact, I won't, because ... because I want this to happen again ..."

Emily saw Susan let out a huge breath and light up like a candle.

"And ... and I want to go back to be with Darwin with a full and open heart ... and, and without a second's doubt or regret about what we had, no, what we have here."

And she grabbed Susan's hands and pulled her face close and kissed her hard, and tender. Doubts and delight in Susan's eyes.

"Is that mean, Susie darling? I don't want to put you in a tailspin. I know you don't have a 'significant other' to go back and cling to right now. And I really don't want you churning your brain with a lot of 'Will she, won't she? Does she, doesn't she?' So the simple answer is 'I do, and I won't and I can't' simply based on what we found here. Is that confusing?"

"Sort of, but I kind of expected it. It's what I would say and do. I know you and Darwin have a really good thing, and you have history, and I think you are also saying that you love love with a person with a penis, maybe not just because of the feeling we get from a thick cock, but all those smells and tastes and feelings that come with loving a man. I get that. I just don't know what will happen with this 'addiction' I am feeling for 'Emily' and what I will do about it. I also fucking adore making love the way we did. It was the best sex I've ever had and I want more. I'd jump your bones right now if I hadn't made a promise."

This time Susan grabbed Emily's arms and pulled her close and kissed her, wet and a little sloppy, and their tongues found each other, and that stopped the clock for quite a while. Hands found breasts and the connection was very close. And then they had to breathe. Emily pretended to frown.

"Hmm, you aren't making much of a case for a clean break, and getting on the road. I believe, girl, that you would be perfectly happy if I pushed you backward and dove into your lap, and snacked on tender Susan meat until you lost your mind, and then drove home to Darwin with Susan lip gloss on."


Emily drew a deep breath through her teeth.

"I'll fantasize about it on the way home. You can too. And, I'd like to leave here not all mixed up and stirred up. Maybe that's just me. And, I have two suggestions. I think we should start planning for another rendezvous in a few months, maybe a few weeks. And I think you should try something — you clearly enjoy girl-girl sex. Go get some. Find out where the gay women in town congregate and pick someone up. A bit of Lesbian Tinder, maybe. Look around. Find out what you like."

"But I like sex with you."

"You've only ever had woman to woman sex with me, right?"

"Yeah, sort of ..."

"Hmm, 'sort of'; well, there you go. Oh, I know women, even women who love men can fall head-over-heels for another woman, and then go back to a man again. So, if you discover you have fallen in love with me, then we are in a bit of trouble. I don't think Darwin is open to that kind of triangle..."

"So, you're not going to tell him."

"Nope. And you know why?"


"Because right now this is a sex thing. I enjoyed fucking and being fucked by you immensely. And I don't believe, right at the moment, it is a relationship thing, where you and I need to share a kitchen and talk about raising kids together. And one thing I learned in the last few days is that my body is my body, mine to decide what I want to do with, how I want to play, and how I don't. I loved the hell out of playing with you, and I want to do it again and I don't want to be owned by anyone. Can you live with that?"

"Pretty much. Guess I'll have to. Shall we go?"

"Don't be sad. We'll be together again soon. And you have an exciting personal adventure to begin. And I want to hear about it. In salacious detail. So what shall we do next? A ski trip?"

"I don't ski, but I could learn. And one of those cozy ski lodges with the huge fireplaces."