Special Stations of the Mind


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It was hardest for him when he reached where he always found a woman was smoothest and most velvety, the skin of the inner thigh. So often he had longed to reach that point to savour the promise of it. Now he was pinching and pummelling. But quickly he moved his hand into her pubic zone. Not gently, but with an unfamiliar, pushing and forceful delving.

"Lick me out," she suddenly demanded.

That sounded more favourable to his mind. He trickled his tongue from front to back in that gorgeous valley.

"Harder. Use your teeth. Dig."

God, this was difficult . Her clit was high and erect, and he ploughed his teeth over it. Then his tongue found the glory hole and poked into it.

"For God's sake, get your big cock in there, and do it hard."

Again this was, at least, familiar. Eagerly he pulled himself into position, and ploughed directly into her soaking cavity. Her hips heaved up at him and he was driven right to the hilt.

"Plough me. Harder."

Now that he could see her face, he saw no image of delight, nothing but .what he could only describe as, greed. But this, he thought, was his chance to really give it to her. He slammed his erection as hard as he could, felt it mash against some deep part inside her. He repeated it again and again. Yet he felt little sign of pleasure from her.

Then her voice came again, "Now, come out of me."

Surprised, Harry thought his efforts were being rejected. He didn't really want to come out.

"Out, I said." God, she was like some angry boss.

Reluctantly, he drew his penis out of her.

"Now slide it over my body, up to my mouth."

Harry couldn't believe this, "But it's all-"

"Just fucking do it, will you?"

Reluctantly he slid himself upwards, feeling his soiled penis gliding over her skin until he was straddled up near her head.

"In my mouth," she ordered, raising her head, with her mouth wide.

One final attempt at protest, "It'll taste—"

"I know exactly what it'll taste like. Now get it in, grab my hair and force my head onto it. You did say you liked to give a lady what she wanted, didn't you?"

Her mouth grasped greedily at Harry's dripping penis, as he gripped the hair on the back of her head, and pulled her onto him. Harry jerked his hips and could not deny that the sensations that filled him were exquisite. Her tongue somehow, found ways of lashing at his penis, and her head nodded fiercely driving his erection deep into her throat, over and over again. His hand in her hair was hardly necessary, but he pulled at it nevertheless. He was positive that she was deriving more from having him in her mouth than up her vagina.

Occasionally, she twisted her head so that his penis head slid along the inside of her cheeks. Harry was sure that when his pubic hair reached her mouth he had to be halfway down her throat. But then the pulsing in his scrotum started and he knew he was not far off shooting. Was it to be down her throat?

There was a clicking noise to his right and he saw that her hand was free of the cuff. It quickly moved down onto his buttocks, and even as Harry felt his scrotum about to release, her finger was thrust hard into his anus.

The action was so sudden, so unexpected, that his hips jerked wildly, but at the same time Sharon flung her head to one side so that his penis almost dislodged. A sharp click from the left now and her other hand was grabbing at his penis, dragging it from her mouth . Why? It would-In some horror, Harry felt his stuff flooding down his shaft, and saw it burst forth like an exploding volcano, streaking across her grinning face, onto her eyelids, her nose and up into her hair. At the same time, both her hands pushed at his thighs, and she groaned,"Slide back. Slide back." Thinking his weight must be hurting her too much he wriggled himself down as far as he could, well aware that his orgasmic rush was still flowing. Semen ran in lines across her breasts, like icing on a cake.

"Up on your knees," she called, while Harry was wondering whether his stuff would ever stop flooding out of him. But he did as instructed, and her hand, still clutching his penis, directed a final couple of gushes to splatter onto her belly.

As his pulsing eased, Sharon struggled up onto her elbows, with that insane grin still on her face. Her hand pulled at his penis, and like some obedient dog, he waddled on his knees towards her snow covered face. She leaned her head forward and licked at the few remaining drops on the purple head of his drooping penis. Then her mouth closed briefly around the head and she gave one final suck, and when she raised her head her green eyes were bright, as she smiled at Harry.

"Good and dirty!" she cried triumphantly.. "That's how I like it." Harry thought she looked like the goddess of all whores, with his abundant semen dripping off her. She added, "You'll get better at the rough stuff."

No, I bloody won't, Harry thought, but said nothing. Within fifteen minutes he was walking the dark streets on his way home.

On the train old Harry found that his head was shaking. Perhaps a sign of the disgust he was feeling, as he considered how weak he had been with the Sharon woman. No doubt there had been high spots, but, for the rest? He closed his eyes to shut it out.

"Are you all right, mister?"

Startled, Harry opened his eyes, to see a young girl sitting opposite him. "Yes, yes. I'm fine, thank you. Just passing thoughts."

If only she knew what those thoughts had been. Probably think him a dirty old man. Well, wasn't he? Pursuing memories like these.

The train began to slow, and the announcement came," This station is Claver Hill."

Harry jerked upright. Claver Hill, why hadn't he heard any earlier warning? The luxury houses? He peered out beyond the hoardings, beyond the first row of buildings. Still high class living. Even back then Claver Hill had been the estate where the rich folk lived. When he first bought his car he had taken a drive around this estate to view the grand entrance, the bold frontages, the mansions. It hadn't changed. Old Harry had to admit that this memory had less to do with the station and was more readily recalled from the estate name, Claver Hill..

Younger Harry was twenty four, he had his own flat by then, which he called a love nest, but it was rarely that. He had been generously promoted in his financial work, and was looking for opportunities to start his own advisory business.

A second or third hand Ford Cortina was a step towards total independence. His experience with women had gathered force, and, just from the comments of his various successes, he was beginning to realise that he was , if not perfect, then a pretty accomplished lover. Oh, God, what an ego, old Harry told himself.

Lucky to have an above average length penis, was naturally, a help. But he felt he had developed other skills. So it was that, on this particular evening he had driven down to an establishment, about two miles in from the coast. A five star hotel with a lavish bar area that was renowned for its top grade clientele. Would it be possible for him to test himself and see if he could charm a real high class lady? Would his confidence carry him through such a conquest?

On entering the bar, all high chandeliers, velvet drapes and matching furnishings, a stylish lady immediately caught his eyes. She was seated alone at a table near the door. Wearing a black dress, with a lacy jacket over it, she was not exactly beautiful. Her blonde hair was pulled back flat and severe, tied in a tight bun at the back. Her brow was too wide, her lips too pouting yet parted in a slight smile, as her dark eyes returned his gaze. Yes, there was a definite appeal about her. Sadly, there was also a suggestion of sexual unavailability.

Harry approached the bar where he had spotted an old acquaintance alongside an older man, mid to late fifties, greying hair, quite distinguished looking. Harry had known Colin Langer since university, and knew that Colin had inherited his father's bookmaking business, which he had developed and was making a goodly living from.

Colin greeted him warmly, and introduced his companion as Desmond Corven, a diamond dealer. Phew, Harry thought, high class indeed. Maybe he was way out of his league here. However, Corven, seemed a fairly amenable character. Within minutes, Colin was telling Corven how, in their university days, Harry had been popular with the ladies. Harry was just a little annoyed Colin would raise that subject.

However, the diamond dealer leaned towards him, "You could be just the man I'm seeking. Have you had any experience with neurotic women?"

What a strange question, Harry thought, but instantly he recalled his evening with the one called Sharon, from two years earlier, "Some," he said cautiously.

"And I assume you are out tonight hoping for a little adventure?"

"Well, yes, if it happens."

Corven was about to say something, but then looked past him, and sighed, "Ah, she's leaving."

Harry looked and saw the blonde lady in black. Now he could tell she was quite tall, slender and shapely, almost royal in the way she carried herself, as she moved towards the door.

"Do you think I could prevail on you to spend the evening with that lady?"

Harry could not believe what he was hearing. "But how? Why?"

Corven's eyes looked deeply into Harry's, and Harry noticed what a vivid blue they were. Glancing at Colin, Harry saw his head nodding. "That lady is extremely rich. Sensuous, but has a weird gap in her character. She only accepts incognito situations."

"What do you mean?"

Corven gave a gentle smile and slid from his stool, "Come, I will tell you more as we drive."

A little confused and uncertain, Harry followed the diamond dealer out of the bar, after giving a farewell nod to Colin, who returned a smile, and held up a thumb. Whatever that meant..

Comfortably seated in a top of the range Jaguar, beside Corven, Harry asked, "Where are we going?"

"The lady has a large house in Claver Hill estate. You know it?"

Harry told Corven he knew the estate. then asked about the incognito business.

He saw Corven's face twist, "Sadly, she will only accept a man that she has never met before, and after that night, will never see again. No matter what happens. She should be loved by somebody on a permanent basis, but sadly with this perversity in her nature, this cannot happen. She is my sister, and I'd give anything to see her happy. Her demands are not daily" He paused as he stopped for a red light. "Quite acceptable demands. Maybe once a week, maybe a fortnight. She is no nymphomaniac."

Harry was longing to know if he was really being taken to this mysterious lady. From what he had seen of her, she certainly had allure. Corven stopped the car seemingly in the middle of nowhere, and handed Harry a black blindfold. "I have to ask you to wear this. Must keep her location a secret as your experience can never be repeated."

Harry put on the blindfold, and as the car started again Corven said, "I must advise you that the lady may be very slow to respond, but when she does it can be worth all your patience."

Harry was then aware of the car turning several corners, none of them far apart, so he guessed they were into the estate. At last the car stopped, and Harry was told to remove the blindfold. He found that they were in front of a large front door.

"I'll have the car here by one a,m. Just knock on the door a gentleman will lead you to the relevant room."

The large oak front door opened and a formally dressed, grey haired gentleman welcomed him, and asked him to follow him.

Harry was dumbfounded by the grandeur of the place. Twin chandeliers over the most magnificent entrance hall. The wide central staircase they mounted, was something out of 'Gone With the Wind.' On the first floor, his guide indicated a large pale blue door with gold handles. "Just go in, sir." He said, and slowly walked away.

Tentatively Harry opened the door and entered more splendour. To his right a raised wide bed, with all rich cushions, and silken covers, dominated the room. Carpets under his feet felt about an inch thick as he walked over them. Seductive aromas suffused his brain, and he had never seen so many mirrors. They dominated every wall. Large mirrors on either side of the bed, small mirrors dotted around the walls, where they mingled with what looked like erotic artwork. Seeing his own image all around him was only a little disturbing.

Without thinking about it, he slipped out of his light jacket and laid it on a chair, just as the lady entered from a doorway in the corner of the room. At first, he thought it wasn't the same lady. She had changed her dress. A pale blue satin full length gown, held by two thin straps over her bare, tanned shoulders, was low cut enough to reveal the teasing glimpse of her rising breasts which pressed against the satin. Her face told him that this was indeed the same lady, with that pouting mouth, and the dark searching eyes. But what struck him maybe more than the exquisite curve of her body in the tight fitting , was her blonde hair. From being tight to her head, it now hung wildly loose framing, and adding much sensuality to her face. It also removed his first impression of a wide forehead.

Had he earlier thought her not beautiful? God, with that dress emphasising every curve of her body, that thick cascade of corn coloured hair framing her face, she was totally stunning. Her lips now blessed him with a gentle smile, Was she really here for him to pleasure?

The thought both thrilled and saddened him. Would it only be one night? He drew a deep nervous breath. Nervous? After all his experience with women? How could he best please her? What was her desire, and could he deliver it.?

Knowing that he was wasting valuable time on just ogling her beauty, Harry took a step forward. Her waist was so slender that it emphasised the push of her breast against the satin. Her skin seemed to glow as he leaned in towards her. Her dark eyes maybe had a faint shine as they regarded his approach. Her lips were moist and slightly parted, and the mysterious aroma from her filled his senses.

Carefully, he placed his lips on the skin of her shoulders, and moved his head over their fascinating curve. How delicate, how soft her skin was. The straps holding up her dress were there, and how he longed to push them aside to allow the dress to drop from her breasts. No, what he longed for was to strip the dress from her completely. To reveal her whole body and its promise of rich, hidden delicacies. But that was not the way with this lady. Her very unresponsiveness was a challenge to his gentility, his amorous skills.

Placing his hands on her satin clad waist, he moved his lips onto hers. Her lips were cool, and she accepted the entry of his tongue without offering her own. Harry remembered what Corven had said, and indeed, her responses were slower than he could have imagined.

There wasn't one tremble, one reaction as his hands began travelling over her body, the marvellous breasts ,the subtle waist, her amazingly flat belly, all encased in the erotic feel of satin.

She remained cool throughout, and that disregard in her manner drove Harry to greater efforts. His hands moving over her satin clad body, had informed him that underneath that layer there was only hert delicious naked skin. He had never known a woman to remain so unmoved by his intimate ministrations.

They were still standing, and he guided her back to the edge of the bed, and she sat down. Harry knelt, lifted her feet and removed her shoes from her bare feet. He kissed and caressed those delicate feet, his hands moving up her bare legs, so smooth, so sensuous that he wondered how long he could stand the pressure of his own hardness.

Her gown, he discovered was subtly split to the knees, and this helped the passage of his hands along her wonderful thighs. Harry knew he was moving towards the smoothest skin on her whole body. Then he found that her thighs were not parted sufficiently to allow his fingers to make that journey to her softest, warmest, most secret area.

He stood for a moment, looking down at her, and she gave that gentle smile in return. He kissed her, with just sufficient pressure to make her lie back, and as she did her thighs parted slightly. Harry moved his hands all over her body, hoping that somewhere, somehow he would strike a spark. In the whole of their contact not a word had passed between them.

His hands continued to stroke all over her. From her hair down to her feet, and back again. Every part of her should be alight, but there was no sign. On their journey his fingers trailed up over her bare thighs, intending to make contact with her pubic zone, but there was still a tightness in her upper thigh that debarred him.

Kissing her again, he saw that one of the straps of her dress had slipped down her arm. As he reached for it she raised her arm so that the strap was released, and that side of her gown lowered to reveal the wondrous orb of one breast. With his mouth and teeth he pulled the other strap down, and again, she moved her arm to free it. With just a gentle tug he pulled the dress lower to display both her breasts just as he had expected them to be, taut, pink tipped as though she were some adolescent schoolgirl. He kissed and licked both breasts avidly.

Harry thought about squeezing them hard to see if that could rouse any passion in her. But no, he had to maintain his gentle approach. He beginning to think that this was some kind of trick. Had he been given a gorgeous, docile, but frigid woman. An iceberg all of his own for the night? Surely not, the voluptuous lips, the silken skin, the constant promise of sensuality, could not be false.

In the mirrors that seemed to surround them he could see her bare breasts, her thighs slightly parted under her dress, and his own reddened face, as his hands caressed every inch of her.. There was one more step he had to take. The gown had to come off. He needed desperately to lie against her naked skin.

He began to tug the dress down and was pleased to feel her raising her body to assist its passage. And that long awaited body emerged from the gown like some gorgeous butterfly coming from its chrysalis. Immediately Harry was stoking and kissing every inch of her skin. He found her thighs parted sufficiently now for his fingers to dip into the exquisite mystery of her sex. Yet, still, it felt dry and unawakened. Harry had a surge of dismay.

Maybe he could moisten her with his mouth, he thought. Licking his way down her body, he parted her labia, in preparation. But he had to stop just to savour the sensual sight, of her pink folds of flesh, those rose petals of love among the natural blonde pubic hair, that wanted to curl on his willing fingers.. And it was at that moment that he was aware of the first quiver in her body. Her thighs trembled under his hands.

He heard her voice for the first time as she murmured, "Take off your clothes, please." Practically oozing his delight, Harry responded rapidly, pushing all his clothing away, knowing full well what effect his nakedness had had in the past.

And he was not disappointed. First he heard her little gasp. Then he saw her face, mouth slightly open, as she looked at his erect penis which had become so hard that his desire was to touch her labia with his tip. She stopped him. As her hands reached to stroke, she stooped and twisted her body so that she could lick and kiss the large purple head.

What had triggered her? Was it just a build up of all his caresses? It had seemed that his gazing into her opening had reached something inside her. Now, because she was so avidly licking, fingering and sucking at him down there, he found he had her labia right in his face.