Spencer Cove

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My husband wants to be Cuckold.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/29/2022
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"Ugh," I was burning up, trying to grade papers during my free period, sweat running down my neck and armpits, as I pulled the front of my blouse away from my body. The Mississippi heat was brutal today, hell 95 degrees in the shade!

Fanning my blouse trying to cool myself, I was unaware of Principal Manning at my door staring at me. Clearing his throat, "You look hot," as he stared at my chest, with a gleam in his eye.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in Melvin," I mumbled, I knew he wasn't referring to the heat, he constantly was making sly comments trying to flirt with me, as well as other females in the school.

As he strolled up to my desk, I went to stand and almost tripped, my foot catching the corner of my chair, he made me so nervous.

"Careful," he growled, grabbing my arm, his other hand around my hip, "I would hate my favorite teacher to hurt herself, it wouldn't be the same around here without you," he grinned.

"I'm.. fine... thank you," as I stammered and moved away from him, "this heat is just getting to me."

"Yeah, the central air conditioning is not working properly, that's why I installed a window unit in my office," he chuckled. "Too bad we can't do that for all the classrooms, but the school board said they would put in a new system this summer.

In the mean time, you're welcome to join me in my office,...you know to finish what you were doing," he smiled from ear to ear.

I knew he had a reputation for screwing several women, and suspected he was screwing Mrs. Brooks his secretary. He had been divorced twice, understandably, but I had to hand it to him, he was handsome as hell and probably good in bed.

What the hell, I thought to myself, why did I just picture him naked!

"I'll be fine, but.... thanks.... I will just go down to the teachers lounge....it's usually cooler there," as I fumbled around loading my brief case.

A shout from the doorway, "Mr. Manning," one of the baseball team members hollered, "Coach Wilson asked me to find you, he wanted you to come out to the ball field."

"Okay son, tell him I'll be right there," he frowned. "Guess I better go see what Bo wants, just remember the offer stands, you can use my office anytime,....you know... that you get hot," as he winked and walked out.

Jesus, what the hell! Sitting back down in my chair, my heart was racing, I felt flushed, here lately it seemed my mind thought about sex too often. Probably from my husband Bill constantly talking dirty in bed as we screwed, always saying shit like "oh baby, did you see how so and so was staring at your ass," or "God babe, our old neighbor, couldn't take his eyes off your tits," then he would come inside me before I was able to orgasm! Damn it had to be months since I had an orgasm, not counting the ones I gave myself in the shower out of frustration.

The lounge was cooler, and I got some work done, but was interrupted when Mrs. Brooks came in, "Hi Valerie, aren't you glad the school year is about over. Oh by the way, have you finally got settled in your new home?" as she pranced over to the drink machine.

She was an attractive 32 year old woman, but an airhead, but I could see why Melvin wanted her as his secretary, eye candy. With a fake smile I responded, "No I still have tons of boxes to unpack, hopefully this weekend I can get a lot done. I would like to have it all done by the time school is out, so I can just kick back and relax."

"It's a shame your handsome son is not around to help you," she giggled. "How's he doing at West Point?"

"Finishing up his freshman year and doing very well, we may fly up this summer and visit him one weekend."

"Tell him we all miss him around here. Well I better get back, Mr Manning was not in a good mood when he left the office to go see Coach Wilson, I need to be there when he gets back," she giggled again. "I hate to see him upset, he works so hard and then has to go home to an empty house. It's so sad, his wife leaving him," she frowned.

"Yeah it's really sad," I responded, wanting to throw up! She left because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants dumb ass. But I didn't tell her that, surely she already knew more about his dick than I did.

Thank God the bell rang for the last period, so I headed back to my classroom, as she sashayed down the hall to the office.

Last period ended at 3:30, and I felt like I had been roasted in an oven. Hell the kids were even too hot pay attention in class, and I couldn't blame them. A couple of times I caught a couple of boys staring at my chest, my blouse was pasted to my chest and you could plainly see the outline of my bra. As soon as I glared at them they dropped their heads and pretended to be working on their assignment. Thank God the final bell rang and I could go home.

Reaching my car was no help, it was like getting in a blast furnace, and only started cooling down about the time I got home. The a/c was probably low on Freon, something else Bill said he would take care of last week and didn't.

Hot, sweaty, angry I stormed in the house, of course Bill was not there for me to unload on, just a note saying he would be late. Meaning he had been home and left again. Going to the bedroom I quickly stripped and jumped in the shower, a cool shower, sure as shit didn't need a hot shower.

Feeling better after the shower, I stood in front of the mirror wearing just my bra and panties. For 43 I didn't look bad I thought, not as pretty as Mrs. Brooks, maybe my ass was a little big, but damn it was fairly firm. Bill himself said other men stared at my ass. Without a bra my tits might sag a little, but looked nice in my bra.

KNOCK KNOCK. Shit someone was at the door, so I grabbed a pair of shorts and tank top and threw them on and went barefooted to the door.

Opening the door, our neighbor Ed Spencer was standing there grinning down at me. At 6' 2" to my 5'2" he towered over me. "What's up Mr. Spencer?"

"Still insist on calling me Mr. Spencer," he chuckled. "I told you to just call me Ed, hell if my daughter disobeyed me I would bend her over my knee and spank her," he laughed.

Looking up at him I realized I had never really considered how handsome he was, for a 63 year old man he was built solid, gray hair, and gray eyes that sparkled when he smiled. "Sorry Mr.... I mean Ed, I've just had a terrible day, and just got out of the shower. Bill is not here if you're looking for him."

"Not really," he grinned, " I was just working in the backyard, and it sounded like your pool skimmer was stopped up, afraid if you didn't fix it, it might burn the motor up."

"Oh my," I groaned, "we have never had a pool and I don't know anything about them. Bill takes care of it and he's not home," I frowned.

"I'll be happy to take care of it for you, if you don't mind," he smiled.

"I hate to ask you Mr......sorry Ed, you have been so helpful already to us since we moved in."

"Nonsense, it won't take a minute, as a matter of fact let me show you how, then if it happens again you will be able to handle it. How does that sound?"

"Sure, that would be great, I need to learn how, in case it happens again."

Walking around the pool, he pointed out several floating chairs and said it was a good idea to leave them out of the pool when not being used. Plus he pointed out the water level was a little low. "Come here, this is where you can turn the motor off, then empty the skimmer basket. See how full it is, plus the return lines are blowing bubbles and air, that's what caught my attention. Go ahead, just lift the basket out, and dump it in the trash."

""Now what," I asked after emptying the basket, and putting it back in place.

"Now just turn this lever here to this mark, see right here? Then turn the motor back on and backwash. Try it."

"That's good now turn the motor off and move the lever back to the starting position then turn the motor back on and you're done."

"Gee, that wasn't so hard," I giggled, "thanks for showing me how to do that Ed."

"You did great, but you might want to drop a hose in and add some water, with this heat wave you need to keep an eye on the water level and it is a little low."

"God, it's 5 o'clock," I groaned as I wiped sweat from my forehead, "and it's still hot as hell."

"Yeah," he chuckled, "with daylight saving time it will be another 3 hours before the sunsets, then it will still be in the high 80's," as he wiped sweat from his eyes.

I laid the hose in the pool and looked up at Ed, his tee shirt was stuck to him from the sweat, and you could see his pectoral muscles, and firm abs. He was definitely in good shape for a man his age. His cargo shorts fit snugly, as my eyes traveled down his long body, to his thick muscled thighs. There was a bugle in his shorts, as I stared at his crotch, and I licked my lips, as a tingle ran down between my legs.

"Valerie," he snapped his fingers, "Valerie, you okay hon?"

"Sorry," I mumbled, "this heat is just really getting to me today."

"Hey Ed," my husband shouted from the patio, "glad you're here. Can I offer you a beer?"

"That would be great if you have an extra," grinned Ed.

Thank goodness he showed up I thought, Ed had just caught me staring at his crotch, and my panties were wet, and not just from sweat!

"Where have you been," I snapped, "the skimmer was stopped up, and Ed was kind enough to show me how to fix it before the motor burned up."

"Sorry babe, I had to run out and meet a customer, I left a note figuring I would be late, but fortunately it didn't take long to clear up his order," as he came over and threw his arm around my shoulder and kissed my sweaty forehead.

"Well," I stammered, "I'm going inside," before I make a fool of myself I thought, and maybe another shower and rub one out! Damn I seem to be thinking sex constantly.

"Oh, come on babe, throw your bathing suit on and enjoy the pool, that will make you feel better. Heck I'll fire up the grill and Ed can join us, and thank him for his help."

Before I could speak up and decline, Ed spoke up, "That sounds great Bill, I have a large batch of Margarita's made up if you would like for me to bring."

"That would be great, hell let's have a party and celebrate it being the weekend," agreed my husband as he squeezed my shoulder.

"I'll see you folks in a few minutes, is there anything else I can bring?" asked Ed.

"The Margarita's will be plenty, see you in a few," Bill laughed as he pulled me toward the house.

"Why did you do that," I frowned as we got inside, "I've had a horrible day, I have papers to grade, not counting a ton of boxes to still unpack I wanted to get done this weekend!"

"Whoa babe," lifting me up forcing me to wrap my legs around him, "relax, there is no hurry in getting all those boxes unpack. I think most are David's stuff, and I'll put them in the new storage shed I ordered. It should be delivered and set up next week."

Laying my head on his shoulder, I complained, "But I want to go through his stuff, and use some of his trophies and awards and put them up in the den. Plus that picture of him in his uniform."

By this time he had walked us to our bedroom, with me still wrapped around him, kissing me he growled, "Now my sexy wife, get your bathing suit on that I bought you last week."

"I'm not wearing that skimpy suit, I told you that when you brought it home, hell I might as well go naked!"

"That would be fun," he growled in my ear, "I'm sure Ed would like to see you naked."

Pushing him back and making him put me down, "Gosh Bill, is that all you think about, is me naked with other men," as I walked in the bathroom.

"Oh baby, I get a kick out of other men looking like they could devour you, but can't have you. What can I say, it gets my motor running," he chuckled.

Coming up behind me in the bathroom, he reached around and cupped my breast, and pushed his crotch against my ass, "God your sexy, I got hard just watching Ed stare at you, but at his age he can probably not even get it up," he softly chuckled.

"That's a mean thing to say, he has really been nice to us, and I'm sure he's just lonely since his wife died," I moaned defending Ed. With his cock pressed against my ass and him squeezing my tits, I was getting turned on.

"I know, but I'm sure he gets a thrill out of watching sexy women like you, and it at least gives him some pleasure," he nuzzled my neck. "You can at least let him look and admire your body, okay?"

"Okay, but I'm not wearing that red bikini you bought. I'll just wear my one piece white one," I finally consented.

"Thanks babe, get dressed, I'll hurry and change and go light the charcoal."

Pulling on my bathing suit, I realized the padding in the cups was gone, making my nipples form a little points in the soft silky material. Shit, I was sure Bill removed them. Fuck him, if he wanted to show me off, damn't I'd make him eat his words. Checking out my backside in the mirror, my ass looked nice I thought, my back was open down to just a few inches above my butt crack, the thin shoulder straps pulled the suit snug against my body. Damn, I still had a little tummy bulge, but not bad. Putting my hair in a pony tail I headed to the pool.

Walking toward the pool Ed was lifting a large machine on the end of the picnic table, wearing only a gray pair of tight fitting swim trucks. This was the first time seeing him almost naked. He flicked a switch and the machine started a low whirling sound and started stirring the Margarita mixture, as he looked up at me.

A huge smile lit up his face, as he stood, damn he was big, and gorgeous as a movie star. Bill was spreading the charcoals around and looking at me smiling. Well asshole you wanted a show here goes.

"That's an amazing machine you have there Ed, any chance I could have one of your Margaritas?" I grinned at him.

"Of course," he smiled, "it's my special recipe, tell what you think," handing me a large glass with a lime twist on the edge of the glass.

Taking a big gulp, it burned my throat going down, causing me to wince and slightly cough, "Myyy.... that... taste good... but took my breath away," I giggled in order to cover up my embarrassment.

"Take a bite of the lime," Ed grinned, "sip it instead of gulping it down," as he rubbed, and patted my back.

His large hand touching me sent shivers down my spine, and I moved away to sit down on one of the lounge chairs. Getting seated I took another sip, and looked up at Ed. He was smiling and running his eyes up and down my body, not really hiding the fact that he was ogling me.

Damn, Bill was right, he really does appear to have interest in viewing my body. His eyes seemed fixated on my breast, causing me to glance down, my nipples were hard and poking the white silk like fabric trying to punch through. I felt my face flush as I met his eyes, he had a slight smirk on his face, like he could read my mind. Making me squirm even more, and squeeze my thighs together.

My heart was racing as I took another sip, lost for words, when Ed groaned, "Well, what do you think?"

Damn was he wanting me to tell him what I was really thinking, or, oh he means the drink I finally realized. "I really like it as long as I suck... I mean sip it," my face turning bright red from the slip up.

He just grinned and told me to let him know when I needed another refill, as he turned and shouted and asked Bill if he wanted one.

"Sure, just let me get these burgers on and I'll have one," he looked at me and winked.

Ed sat his drink down on the table and said he was going to take a quick dip to cool off. He dove gracefully and swam the length of the pool. As he glided through the water, I admired his toned body, and watched as his muscles rippled, left stroke, right stroke. When he reached the shallow end he walked up the steps out of the pool, and I watched the water drip down his muscular body. Grabbing a towel he was drying his face, giving me a chance to look over his gorgeous body, without him seeing me ogle him. There was a notable bulge in his trunks, it seemed bigger than before, making me wonder what those trunks were hiding.

I was still staring, when Bill laid his hand on my shoulder, "Here, I refilled your Margarita," he grinned, "you look like you need another," he winked and smiled.

Damn he had caught me staring at Ed, which pissed me off, this was not going the way I planned. Ed was supposed to be lusting after me and making Bill jealous. "Thanks honey, I sure can use another," as I took the glass and downed about half in one swallow. Time to up my game I thought, as the buzz from the drinks flowed through my system, I knew I was wet between my legs, time to get in the pool.

Sitting my glass down I walked over and dove in the deep end and swam across the pool, at least now there was a reason my crotch was wet. Flipping over on my back, I floated in the water, and closed my eyes. Peeking through the slits in my eyes, I noticed both Bill and Ed drinking and staring at me, so I closed my eyes and smiled.

I would intentionally take a deep breath making my chest rise and I could feel my nipples harden more, plus slightly part my legs and move them back together, over and over.

Bill picked up a blown up beach ball and threw it out to get my attention, "Time to eat babe, you want to get out now?"

"Go ahead and start without me, but throw me one of those floating lounge chairs,...and....refill my Margarita," and blew him a kiss and smiled.

Ed walked over to the edge and put one of the lounge chairs in the water and squatted down, "Here let me hold it steady as you get in it," smiling.

I tried getting in and was having trouble, so Ed grabbed my arm and practically lifted me up and in the lounge chair with ease. "There, all comfy" his eyes raking my body.

"Yeah.... thanks....can you hand me my drink," biting my lower lip. When he went to stand I saw the bulge in his shorts had grown bigger, much bigger. A tingle ran through my body and I felt my core muscles spasm. Maybe, I needed to back off I thought, before things got out of hand. It wasn't fair to Ed I told myself. Oh well, at least I can float in the cool water and enjoy my Margarita.

"Here Babe," Bill smiled as he handed me my drink. "You think maybe you should tone it down a little," he whispered.

"Whatever you mean, I'm just enjoying the cool water and this wonderful drink," I smiled, then sucked on the straw he had put in my drink. He just shook his head and went to stand and I saw he had a bulge in his trunks, making me giggle softly.

I smiled as I floated and sipped my drink. Looks like Bill was finally getting nervous about me being flirty with Ed. Good, maybe he would stop pushing me to entice other men. I was enjoying my drink and about finished it, when I realized my float had drifted into the shallow end, so I slipped off and started up the stairs.

Bill and Ed were still sitting at the table, they had finished eating but were still drinking. Ed seemed fine, but Bill was slurring his words and seemed to have a hard time sitting up straight.

I wasn't feeling any pain, and had a great buzz going, which surprised, me because Bill could usually hold his alcohol. Sitting down next to Bill I put my arm around his shoulder and playfully said, "What's a girl got to do to get a burger and another drink around here," and giggled.

"Heyyy babby, lett..t meee get youraa burg..." and tried to stand.

"Hold on tiger," Ed chuckled, "let me handle that."

"OOKkkkkkky doookkyyy," Bill laughed, "ED'S aaa danggg nic...e guyyy, ain 't he......sweettcart." Then laid his down and passed out.

By that time Ed had a burger on a plate in front of me and just smiled as he looked at Bill. "What happened, how many drinks did he have?" I was puzzled.

"He must have had several beers or drinks before he came home, then a couple of beers here then several Margaritas," he chuckled. "One minute he was fine, then snap (as he snapped his fingers) he started slurring his words. He never ate his burger, which were damn good burgers," he laughed.