Spice Plantation Ch. 02


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The plantation had a refrigeration system and the two of them were busy trying to repair some part of it, so we soon left them to their task. Nate and Joan showed me around the other buildings in the group and suggested that we grab a quick bite to eat for lunch. Instead of going back to the dining room I had seen, we stopped back into the kitchen and picked up some sandwiches and fruits and carried them to a table outside.

Joan and Nate sat opposite me so I had a clear view of Joan's rather magnificent chest. I tried hard not to stare, but with limited success. However, even though both Joan and Nate must have been aware of the direction of my gaze, neither seemed to mind. I asked about my luggage - small though this collection was - and Nate informed me that it would be delivered to my hut - I was finding that "hut" was the general term used for any building here - and that one of the "hut girls" would unpack things for me. I understood that the "hut girls" were somewhat like maids and my general cleaning, laundry, and such would all be taken care of.

At some point our conversation turned to the other staff. The two mechanics each lived in a separate hut, but not alone. Each had a native girl who shared his abode. From some of the comments Nate and Joan made I gathered that they also shared the two girls and often others as well. I was beginning to wonder just how "free" this entire enterprise was. I asked about Jenny and Deborah and Joan smiled at me as she replied, "They aren't tied down to any one man - or woman."

My eyebrows must have shot upwards because she laughed and went on, "That's right. They share a hut and while both like men - to say the least - they also enjoy each other and occasionally other women. Look, Alex, here we really don't have much in the way of sexual taboos. Pretty much anything is acceptable."

"Sure," Nate added, "there's only one really rigid rule. No one is ever forced into anything. Any native who was forcing himself on another would be gone before the day was over. And any staff member who tried to use his position to intimidate someone would meet the same fate - if he was lucky. Fortunately, that isn't a problem. The people here grow up with almost no inhibitions and most of them have learned the delights of the flesh by the time they are fourteen or so. We are careful who we select and besides, there's no real reason to try and use force to get what is being given away almost everywhere anyway."

This island is going to take some getting used to, but I'll admit I like the concept. Perhaps if the two nurses like men as well as each other, I may even persuade them to join me for a repeat of my French encounter. (Better keep such thoughts to yourself, Alex. Uninhibited or not, don't get your hopes up too far.)

Nate explained that they had adopted the custom of some of the warmer Western countries and generally everyone rested for a couple of hours after lunch each day. Work started early with the early light of the tropics, so taking a long break during the warmest part of the day seemed reasonable, even though, cooled by the ocean as it is, the temperature never climbs too exceedingly high here, although the humidity is usually pretty elevated.

Nate said, "This afternoon, Alex, we'll show you around some of the processing facility and the various groves. We can all get better acquainted at dinner. And don't worry about getting up early tomorrow. We'll let you recover from the trip for a day or so. Then I'll be introducing you to your job over the next few days. Gives you a chance to get acclimated."


We ate dinner in the dining room I had visited earlier. At the long table were Nate, Joan, George, Bob, myself, and the two native girls who were evidently living with the two mechanics, Chau-lei and Mei-ho. The men were all wearing only sarongs as was Joan. I still had on my kilt and white shirt, although now I had rolled the sleeves up somewhat. Chau-lei and Mei-ho were pretty island women with dark, straight hair and dark eyes. They were about nineteen or twenty, both were slim and stood about five foot two and both were completely naked. So were the two other girls who served us dinner. And, except for that tiny apron, so was Ly-mei who stopped in to make sure everything was satisfactory.

I can't fault the view, however this wonderful display of feminine beauty combined with the often suggestive conversation at the table to cause me certain other problems. I will just say that I am very happy that I could remain seated, the table above my lap, throughout the meal. Matters weren't helped any by the three women. Joan was seated across from me and the island girls were on either side. All three managed to contrive to have their feet and calves slide against my own bare legs a number of times throughout the meal. I am sure they were all very aware of what they were doing and I suspect from some of his smiles, that Nate was also. I'm just glad they seemed to stop a few minutes before we finished so that I could stand up without embarrassment.

After dinner the group of us moved outside to a group of chairs, covered by a roof, where we could look out over the sea. Joan sat next to Nate and their hands frequently wandered to touch each other - not in any really erotic manner, but still displaying an intimate closeness. This didn't really surprise me now that I had found that these two had a close relationship and, of course, Nate had been absent for some time. However, I was still a little surprised by Bob and George who each had a girl sitting on their lap, their hands casually stroking bare legs, breasts, and buttocks. The girls didn't seem to mind and, in fact, often encouraged and reciprocated such actions. I spent a lot of the time with my legs crossed.

A couple of times the two girls who had served at dinner brought us some cool fruit drinks. One of these was Che, whom I had met earlier, and Nate introduced the other as Mai-quan. I noticed that the other men - even George and Bob who had their hands full, so to speak - had no hesitation in closely watching these two as they approached and even more so as they left, bare buttocks swaying in an incredible fashion. I have decided that if that is acceptable behavior here, I'll take full advantage of it and joined them in observing these lovely women.

I think it was about nine when Nate suggested we should perhaps turn in a little early. I suspect weariness from our journey was not the major reason for this, but rather a desire to become reacquainted with Joan in a less public setting; however, I was feeling a certain languor myself, likely derived from the level of uncertainness resulting from not being used to the attitudes and expectations of this new environment. In short, I was worn out from trying not to stare and at the same time trying not to look like I was trying not to stare, all the while staring whenever possible. There was also the strain of trying to keep my kilt from sticking straight out in a certain place.

We broke up and Nate said that he would have Che and Mai-quan show me where the bathhouse was and make sure I had everything I needed. "Don't worry about getting up in the morning. Just come over to the kitchen and grab something to eat when you do get up."

I said my good nights and then was led to the bathhouse entrance by two lovely, naked girls. Actually there were two entrances, one they explained was for the shower and the other contained the sanitary facilities. They waited outside this one while I went in and made use of them. When I emerged, each took an arm and led me to the hut Nate had designated as my own.

I expected them to leave me at the door, but both accompanied me inside. The hut had two rooms: a larger one with table, desk, and several chairs. The smaller room was the bedroom which contained a double sized, Western style bed with mosquito netting surrounding it, along with a chest of drawers and a small closet with shelves and a hanging area for clothes. There was also a small bedside table and a large mirror over the chest.

The two girls moved past me and proceeded me into the bedroom. They moved to either side of the bed and folded back the light cover and sheet, and tucked the netting up at the sides. I assumed the netting could be easily lowered if necessary. Now I thought they were finished and I thanked both of them and said good night. Che turned to me and lowered her eyes slightly. "You want Che to warm bed tonight?"

I froze. Did she mean sleep with me or was she only referring to some mundane thing. It wasn't cold enough to even consider any kind of bed warming pan, but I didn't want to make a fool of myself. For that matter, even if she did mean the more pleasurable alternative, I wasn't sure if I was ready for this yet. I said, "Thank you, Che, but I am all right tonight."

Then Mai-quan removed any confusion as to interpretation by saying, "Rather Mai-quan stay with you tonight instead?"

I looked from one to the other. How could I get out of this without insulting one or the other of them, something I certainly had no intension of doing. Slowly I said, "Thank you, Mai-quan, too, but I'm really all right."

Che and Mai-quan both looked hurt. "You not like us?" Che asked, her lower lip starting to quiver.

Now I had done it. I thought quickly and replied, "I like you very much, Che. And I also like you very much, Mai-quan. But if Che stays, Mai-quan would feel bad. And if Mai-quan stays, then Che would be hurt. I do not want to hurt either of you."

I was just congratulating myself on having escaped from a situation I wasn't sure I was ready for yet - with either of them - when I saw the two girls turn and look at each other. I couldn't see directly, but their eyes seemed to be communicating and then Che said, "We understand. We will both stay. Then no one be hurt." Before I could do more than let my mouth drop open, both girls advanced on me, reaching for my shirt and kilt. I was too startled and confused to think clearly and in only a few seconds, the two women had released both my shirt and kilt, leaving me stark naked myself, my tool now positioning itself at the horizontal.

Suddenly I had two bare female bodies pressing against me, four hands caressing me in intimate places. It had been more than five months since I had been with a woman. Now, as two pairs of lips kissed my face, and four hands squeezed by private parts, and four firm, pointed breasts slid across my bare skin, hard nipples seeming to burn trails on my flesh, I could not have stopped what was happening no matter how much I might have wanted. And I don't think I really wanted to stop at all.

Mai-quan continued to kiss and stroke me and I began to return her caresses when suddenly I noticed Che drop to her knees. I had found that in Europe - even France - most women were at best hesitant to engage in oral sex. The few times I had found willing companions had, indeed, been wonderful, and on a few occasions the woman in question had been as interested in these activities as I was. But it was still a somewhat rare thing. Now Che did not hesitate at all and immediately applied her warm and soft mouth to my rigid tool while Mai-quan continued to stroke and tease and otherwise stimulate my body with her own. After five months it was not surprising that I lasted only a minute before I cried out and could feel myself beginning to convulse. On one of the few occasions when I had found a very willing lady I had been pleasurably surprised when she continued to suck and swallow as I reached a climax. All the rest, few though they were, had avoided any taste of my fluids. Che had no such hesitation and greedily gulped down each drop.

I groaned and collapsed onto the bed, pulling Mai-quan down with me. Che slithered her way up my body and snuggled closely against me, her tongue finding my mouth, surprising me with a taste of my own juices mingled with hers. While she was doing this, Mai-quan slithered in the other direction and suddenly I felt a second darting tongue beginning to tease my sensitive organ. Soon she had me inside her mouth and I could feel myself begin to harden almost immediately. As I became rigid once again, Mai-quan, kneeling between my open legs, slowed her actions and began to slowly traverse the length of my shaft. Che changed her position and suddenly I had a smooth leg on either side of me and the aroma of an aroused female overwhelmed me as she lowered her sex to my mouth. I had found that the few women who could be persuaded to give this form of play a try usually enjoyed the experience, so I didn't hesitate to begin applying my tongue to the warm and wet treasure at my lips.

I was busily engaged in this activity when I felt Mai-quan's lips slide from my shaft, but a few seconds later I felt her other lips, wet and hot, engulf my shaft as she lowered herself, impaling her body on my rigid member. This time our action lasted several minutes until all three of us had climaxed, the women two or three times each.

With bare breasts and legs pressed against each side and two small, soft hands resting on my reduced and recovering member, I slipped into sleep. However, I did not sleep straight through the night. Far from it. Before morning I happily reached fulfilment repeatedly with both women. I did not keep an accurate count - I was otherwise engaged - however, I believe I climaxed at least seven or eight times that night. And both Mai-quan and Che far exceeded that.

Another thing I am fast discovering is that, unlike most Western women, the island girls - at least these two - have no exclusive fondness for the missionary position, but often prefer to be in the superior station, a state I, too, found exciting. However, I still managed to be on top - or at least between - several times. If I am forced to compare, I would have to say that these two could probably teach the mademoiselles of Paris a few things.

February 22

When I awoke the sun was well up, but, remembering Nate's invitation to take my time, it was nearly another hour - and two climaxes - later before I arose. I hesitated slightly too long and suddenly a girl seized each arm and began to drag me from the bedroom. I wasn't sure what they had in mind, but went with them, even though all of us were still stark naked. They didn't stop at the front room, but rather pulled me on out the door. I protested but they continued insistently, pulling me away from my hut. I quickly realized they were conducting me towards the bathhouse. This time they pulled me to the other door from the one I had used last night and, also different from the previous evening, they accompanied me inside. Inside I saw that there was a single large shower area, such as might be found in a gym or on an army base. However, there seemed to be no differentiation as to gender. There were three islanders - two men and one woman - just drying off from a shower; otherwise we had the room to ourselves.

I gave up being embarrassed and let the two playful girls wash me under a spray of salt water and then quickly under a fresh water rinse. There were towels on shelves and we dried off, but when I tried to wrap one around my waist, both girls strongly insisted that the towel was to be left in the bathhouse. I finally shrugged and, still naked, ventured back out, hoping no one else was about who would see me before I got back to my hut. I was in luck and made the short trip unnoticed.

The two girls came inside while I went to find something to wear. The clothing I had brought with me was neatly stacked on shelves or distributed in the chest of drawers, but there were also several sarongs of light weight material which had appeared on one of the shelves. The kilt and shirt had been really too hot and I decided to give one of the sarongs a try. I could see that dressing here would require only seconds and soon we left the hut again and made our way over to the kitchen.

As we entered the kitchen, Ly-mei turned and saw us. She spoke first to me. "Good morning, Mr. Alex. You want to eat?"

"Yes, thank you, Ly-mei," I said.

She indicated a table with plates of food, like a buffet, where I could select what I wanted. Then she turned to the two girls and said, "You two both late today."

Che answered, "We stay Mr. Alex last night. Warm his bed."

I turned bright red at this, but no one seemed to take any notice. Instead Ly-mei looked from one to the other of the girls. "You both stay with him? Both warm bed?"

Mai-quan nodded vigorously. "Yes. Both warm bed. Kawi-kawi."

Ly-mei again looked from one to the other and then around at me. She looked back at the girls and said, "Kawi-kawi?"

Both women nodded vigorously again. "Yes. Both kawi-kawi," Che replied.

Ly-mei raised her eyebrows in a very Western gesture and then turned and gave me an appraising look. I'm still not sure what this was all about, but at last she told the girls to eat and then get busy.

I ate and went to find Nate.

I found Nate in his office and he spent the next several hours going over the work I would be doing and showing me around the remainder of the plantation. It was nearly noon when Joan, along with the two nurses, found us and suggested lunch. We were just getting ready to accompany them when one of the men came up and told Nate that there was a problem over in a grove of clove trees at the far edge of the plantation. Nate spoke with him a minute and then said, "I'd better go get this straightened out. Alex, you might as well come along and see what you've gotten yourself into. You girls go ahead and we'll grab a sandwich to take with us."

There were vehicles on the plantation - mostly lorries or specialized contrivances. We took a small one with an open bed and quickly made our way to the grove in question. As it turned out there was no real problem. One of the workers had seen something he took to be a beetle which attacked clove trees, but Nate was certain it was a harmless variety. Just to be on the safe side, he put one in a glass bottle to send somewhere where it could be examined by an expert. As for myself, all I could say was it looked like a bug. I've got a lot to learn about this business.

The most noteworthy occurrence - from my own standpoint - happened on our way back. Nate was mostly still talking about the trees when he casually threw in, "Too bad we missed lunch. I'm sure you would have enjoyed seeing the girls without their sarongs."

My head snapped around and he laughed at the expression on my face. "I guess I didn't mention it, but even though we usually dress for dinner like last night" - (dress for dinner!?! in nothing more than sarongs!?! ) - "usually for lunch and our 'siesta' afterwards, the staff takes the chance to strip all the way down. If you've never tried it, you'll be surprised how free it feels."

Free, maybe, but I don't think I'm quite ready to show up naked for lunch. Although I'll admit I like the idea of seeing the three women that way. Now that I think about it, I'll admit that when they came by to get us for the meal earlier, I thought nothing of the fact that all were wearing sarongs and were bare from the waist up. I guess we really do adapt quickly.

When we got back Nate suggested I go over to the clinic. There was a dose of malaria medicine we were supposed to take each day and I had missed it since I wasn't at breakfast. I asked about the danger of the disease and Nate told me there was really little trouble: the quinine was just a precaution. As I entered the clinic Lhei greeted me and then looked me up and down in what I thought was a very appraising manner. I told her what I was there for and she took me back inside where Jenny and Deborah were sitting and talking. Lhei was of course completely nude and the two nurses were again dressed in their short white coats which were unbuttoned nearly to their waists. Jenny handed me the medicine and as I took it she and Deborah both looked me over in the same way their receptionist had. The two looked at each other and then Deborah said, "kawi-kawi, huh?" Then she and Jenny both burst into laughter. I have got to find out what that means.