Spiraled Into Control Ch. 01


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"Oh..." Vivi bit her lip, squirming, shifting in place slightly as the tail-tip stroked along her ankle. "W-Well..." She looked at those lips, then back down at Celeste's breasts, bouncing so nicely as the demoness leaned in closer and closer. "Well, I've always heard it's, like, bad luck to kiss a demon, y'know?"

"Ooh, of course!" Celeste giggled. "But sssuch a sssilly sssuperssstition. Kissssing a demon is wonderfully good luck, you know!"

"Ooh, it is?" Vivi blinked, wide-eyed, as if this was brand-new information.

"Of courssse," Celeste purred. The coils snaked forward, and even as the tip-end trailed along Vivi's feet, the middle section coiled forward and began to settle over Vivi's shoulders. Vivi squirmed a little as she was encouraged to lean in closer. It was like a massive feather boa. A very heavy feather boa that made it... a little difficult to stand up straight, actually...

"It's sssuch good luck, in fact," Celeste went on slyly, "that sssome girls will do aaaaanything... For jusssst. One. Kissss~"

"Just one," Vivi mumbled, blushing brilliantly. She was nearly flush against Celeste, and her eyes kept drifting dangerously close to the demoness' lips--dangerously because she knew what lay above them. She knew it was very unwise to gaze into the eyes of a coil fiend. Only the dumbest bimbo in the world would do something like that--and still unable to help herself, because those lips were so plump, so juicy... She felt her mouth watering slightly. Just one kiss, and Celeste would be hers. Just one kiss, and this slutty demoness would begin melting into Vivi's cute little obedient toy.

And just one kiss would... would... feel so good...

"So good," Vivi mumbled, trying to keep up appearances. She had to not look too desperate. It wasn't easy. She needed Celeste to think... to think Celeste was in control, to think Vivi was slowly giving in to temptation, and not the other way around... "B-But I.... ooh, I dunno, it kinda seems like... a kiss might be, like, totes the thing someone... really subby and dumb would let you have..."

"Oh?" Celeste teased.

The coils settled over Vivi's shoulders, and Vivi nearly stumbled. So heavy... She had to arch her back deliberately to keep standing up straight, thrusting her chest out and her butt back, the very image of a perfect bubblegum bimbo. She had to use every bounce of her willpower to take her eyes off those lips as Celeste drew out her sensuous, hissing purrs even further, as if merely speaking gave her indescribable pleasure⁠--maybe even as much pleasure as Vivi felt from just... listening...

"Jussst... one kissss," Celeste said sweetly, "and that'sss all! It'sss wonderful luck. Don't you think you'd feel sssooo lucky with jussst one kissss from me?"

"Mmm..." Vivi moaned softly as the fingers grazed her quivering lips. A little side effect of her lipstick was that her lips could be... awfully sensitive. It was getting harder to maintain her posture, but she absolutely could not afford to slump, to fall, even... all her concentration was on Celeste's words, on her lips, on standing upright despite those heavy coils on her shoulders weighing her down. "Just, like... I mean, m-maybe one kiss..."

"Yesssss," Celeste hissed, leaning in so, so close... "Jussst... one..."

Vivi's heart sang with excitement, her heart racing. She was so close! "I... guess so..." she mumbled, licking her lips in preparation, as her whole world began to center on those luscious lips drawing so, so close to her... "As long as you promise, like... only one..."

She was giggling inside, of course. It was working! She was about to win! Such a gullible creature, a demon. So easy to tempt.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Celeste asked curiously, tilting her pretty face to one side as the fingertips continued to graze over Vivi's lips. "A kissss for those sssoft, sssensssitive lipsss of yours..."

"Ah?" Vivi squealed as the coils around her ankles started to tighten. "Well... I... I mean, um..." sensitive?"

"Oh, yesss," Celeste said softly. "I can sssee it in those pretty, vacant eyes of yours, little ssslut. You loooove kisssses~"

"Oh. Yes." Vivi pouted as openly as she dared, heart racing. Get on with it. Why won't she kiss me? Just kiss me!

"I-I mean... I guess so.... like... whatevs..." Vivi idly kicked her legs, making the gesture appear so thoughtless, so ditzy, it could surely only be an accident that it happened to free her from the coils at her feet.

"Mmm..." Celeste giggled at the display. More coils descended around Vivi even as she wriggled her bare feet clear. "Yesss, my sssweeet little ssslutty bimbo, you looove being kissssed, don't you?"

"Aaahh..." Vivi whimpered, watching with open need as Celeste's, luscious lips slowly formed each word with seductive sensuality. "I-I mean, yes, I... please, can't I just..."

"Just what?" Celeste asked innocently. "You want a kissss, sssweetie?"

"Uh-huh," Vivi mumbled, blushing furiously. Was Celeste going to make her beg? Gods, demons could be such bitches. "Umm.,.. yes, I would, Celeste, I'd like... just one kiss, please..."

She didn't mind begging, of course. She loved playing the subby bimbo--it made the eventual reveal all the more delicious. But still, something about it felt... awfully embarrassing this time.

Maybe because she was starting to really, really crave that kiss.

But only because she wanted to take control, she reminded herself. She needed to kiss Celeste to win this. That was all. She needed to make Celeste her cute little toy.

She needed that kiss.

She needed that kiss so, so very badly...

"My, my, look at you~" Celeste beamed. "And here I thought you were just a hot little buttssslut. But you're a sssexy little cocksssucking bimbo too, aren't you?"

"I... I just want a kiss," Vivi whined, trying to lean in--but the coils stopped her. Celeste wasn't even a foot away now. Her voice surrounded Vivi like a warm shower. "Please, Celeste, just... gosh, I'm sooooo horny, and, like, I bet one kiss would make me... soooo dumb..."

"That'sss awfully hard to imagine!" Celeste giggled again. Vivi found herself giggling back and stopped herself. "Sssilly little ssslut. Those lipsss of yours are sssoooo sssensssitive, aren't they?"

The tail-tip grazed along Vivi's lips. Vivi squeaked as it vibrated slightly, the vibration spreading through the coils draped over her shoulders and looped around her ankles. It was like an achingly comfy massage, relaxing her shoulders right to sleep, and she couldn't help but briefly melt into the pleasurable feeling. "Ohhh... yes, Celeste, they're... like... sooooo sensitive..."

"You're just a little bimbo, aren't you?" Celeste cooed. "Jussst a cute little bimbo ssslut!"

"Oh, y--" Vivi squeaked as she felt the tip gaze over her lips again, almost prodding, as if... as if trying to slip past them. It felt wonderful. So vibrant, and... pulsing, pulsing with a fell, warm glow... "Oh, y-yes, Celeste! sssooooo sensitive!" She giggled without even thinking about it. She was just getting into the role, she told herself. Had to pretend to be a cute little bimbo slut for Celeste. "Gosh, like, I'm... gosh, I just wanna kiss sooooo bad!"

"Of course you do," Celeste purred as Vivi gave a needy pout. "Aw, I'll bet you're sssoooo pent-up right now, aren't you?"

Vivi gave a meek little nod.

"All you want,"' Celeste said silkily, "and all you can even imagine, is just one little kiss. One. Little. Kissss.~" With every word, the tail vibrated, and Vivi whined at the sensation. It was like her lips were... maybe not a second pussy. Sometimes they were even more sensitive. It just felt so, so nice....

"Yes, Celeste," she moaned needily, squirming beneath the coils, starting to realize just how hard it was to actually move... and in turn wonder if this was a problem. But she just needed... "Just one kiss, please, oh, please, your little slut neeeeds it!"

"You'd do anything." Celeste's voice was like spun silk.

"Aaanything!" Vivi gushed, her head bobbing. She stared at those lips as Celeste's voice swept around her, her own lips starting to part--before she caught herself and closed them just in time to avoid the tail tip. "Gosh, like--like--like--"

It was so hard to think of dumb things to say. She just wanted to scream and squeal and demand it, but she had to keep pretending to be a dumb bimbo just a bit longer... She was so close, but it was like Celeste was... teasing her...

"Aww, are wordsss getting hard?" Celeste teased. "Just thinking about a kissss from Celessste is getting you aaaalll dumb and needy, isn't it, preciousss?"

"Nnnn..." Vivi moaned softly, pouting, and nodded her head.

"You want it, don't you? Just one kissss."

Yes! Vivi wanted to cry out. But she just meekly nodded. Surely now, surely any second now... even as the coils continued to tighten down below...

"Sssuch a needy ssslut," Celeste murmured, her voice like molten honey, drizzling over Vivi, seeping into her and filling her with helpless need, "to need it sssoo badly she's reduced to pleading~"

"Uh-huh," Vivi whimpered, watching the lips embrace each word like a lover.

"Jussst ssstaring at my lipsss," Celeste went on, "and thinking about how nice it would be to get one kissss, or maybe to wrap your own sssexy cocksssucking lipsss around sssomething more... fulfilling..."

"Fulfilling," Vivi breathed, not fully registering the words. Celeste was leaning in so, so, so close...

"Because hot little bimbos," Celeste hissed, "hot little sssluttsss... need to be filled, don't they? They need every. Hole. Filled."

"Yes, Celeste," Vivi moaned with a wiggle. She felt her pussy clenching with excitement, watching Celeste's lips part and purse and pout and plump, curve upwards in a smile that grew smugger by the second... "Yes, I'm just a little... a little slut... who wants to be filled, please, just--" She whined. "Just a kiss, please, please, please!"

Vivi's own cadence surprised her a little. She sounded... desperate. Helplessly, earnestly desperate. It's just an act, she assured herself. I'm just... putting on a show to lure her in.

The reminder mollified her ego, but still uncertainty lingered in her gut. If it really was just an act... why was her heart racing like this?

And why were there so many coils gathering around her ankles?

She squeaked in sudden realization and tore her eyes from those lips, squirming and quickly stepping clear of the lasso-in-waiting. "N-No, um, I-I mean..."

She quickly collected herself, managing to shrug away a couple of the heavy coils piling onto her shoulders. She'd gotten a little... distracted just now. That was all. She nodded to herself, suppressing a smirk. No doubt that little hypnotic-lips trick worked perfectly on the kinds of dumb bimbos Celeste was used to dealing with. Celeste had no idea, though, who she was dealing with.

Trying not to give away the game, she cleared her throat. "No, I just--I'm not, like--I'm not--"

Sensing the coils moving beneath her again, she glared, deliberately spreading her legs to a wider stance so she'd be harder to grab. She folded arms with an indignant pout. "I'm not about to be taken in," she said brattily, unable to keep a hint of genuine affront from her voice, "by these silly little--EEP!"

She squeaked as, without warning, the coils tightened and caught her right between the thighs--and directly between her plump asscheeks.

In the same motion, the coils proceeded to lift her directly into the air, lifting her so her tiptoes barely touched the ground. Her cry broke into a sudden gasp as the vibrations came again, pulsing with sinfully erotic energy right up against her slick thong--now riding up a little thanks to the new assailant.

"Sssoooo cute," Celeste gushed. Almost despite herself, Vivi squirmed with pleasure at the voice pouring into her ears--and at the tail thrumming between her asscheeks, stimulating both her dripping pussy and her... and her...

She bit her lip and squirmed.

"Jussst look at you," the coil fiend whispered, plainly amused, as the coils returned to winding around her ankles, keeping her legs nice and spread to the point that Vivi's skirt more resembled a frilly belt. "Sssooo easy! Jusst a ssslutty little bimbo who needsss to be filled."

"Ohhh...?" Vivi squirmed and wiggled, then blushed brighter and hotter as she realized she'd started unconsciously grinding against the tail. "No, I'm... like..."

The coils wound up her legs. They massaged her calves, still sore from the boat ride and walk, into a pleasurable, relaxed limpness, and rose up towards her thighs. Vivi swallowed.

"So horny and needy," Celeste purred, "just at the thought of one. More. Kissss." She leaned in close, and Vivi panted as those luscious lips planted little kisses along Vivi's neck. "Oh, but sssweetie..."

She pulled back, grinning wickedly. Vivi quivered in lust and desire.

"Sssoon you're going to be begging," the coil fiend cooed, and Vivi squeaked as the tail began to slide back and forth between her legs, "for sssoooo much more~"


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warelliswarellisover 2 years ago

Very enjoyable to see Celeste seducing some someone into her coils again~.

As for Vivi's memories on "Aphrodisia", judging from your other stories on Celeste, I get the feeling Vivi may not be quite remembering correctly how encounters with a coil fiend often go it seems~. 😁

GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks for reading! If you liked this story and would like to see more like it, consider checking that Patreon out! There are alternate Bad Ends, bonus stories, polls on future content, early updates, roleplay/erotic D&D sessions, and much, much more! My patrons really help me keep releasing these regularly. <3

Plus, the second chapter of this commissioned series is already available there for anyone pledging at least $3 a month!


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