Split in Time Ch. 10


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Susan nodded and sat ready to hear Amy out. Amy sat next to her to help keep her calm. "Okay the reason I had to stop that was simple, we don't know what will happen if you bite each other. Destiny is some kind of Vampire and you are kind of Were."

Susan frowned. "Kind of? I thought I was Were."

"You are... kind of..." Amy answered. "I turned you but what am I?"

Susan didn't have to think long, she made an O with her mouth and nodded as she realised what Amy was going on about. Amy wasn't actually Were, she could turn someone but that person wouldn't be a true Were either although they would have all the characteristics of a Were including their abilities. They were simply something else.

"I don't know how you will react, you are immortal now, my bite gave you that. But what was my bite is now your bite... I think. Let me run my tests; make sure of what will happen. Fate chose to put you two together as immortals this way, I won't stop you but I just want to keep you both safe." Amy explained.

Susan nodded, she understood. "So..."

"So I should have some answers tomorrow." Amy said and made a sample jar appear in her hand. "Spit." She told Susan and offered the open jar to her. Susan waited a few moments before she spat some of her saliva into the jar. Amy capped it then gestured at Susan who vanished.

Destiny hissed at Amy.

"Oh stop it... I just willed her back to her room and sealed the door so she can't get out until tomorrow." Amy told the distraught woman. Destiny tried to calm down but for some reason she couldn't, the beast, the creature within her which was dark, vicious and dangerous, which only considered its own needs and its needs were focused completely on Susan. It wanted Susan; it wanted her body, her scent and her blood. It snarled and raged within her wanting to be free, needing to be free, to hunt down what was hers and Susan was HERS.

Crystal knelt before Destiny and locked eyes with her daughter. Crystal let her beast out; let it surface, her eyes went black as the beast came to the fore of their mind. Everything sharpened and she could see the strain in her youngling. "Be calm... she is safe... no one will get her... no one would dare take her from you before you claim her. If they tried I will hunt them down, drag them back and let you slowly skin them alive, slowly peel away the layers of their frail body." She gave Destiny a cold smile, "and don't get me started on what will happen if they hurt her. I would let you turn them, torture them for as long as you like then stake them out."

Destiny couldn't help but relax, her Maker hadn't ordered it, but she calmed down all the same. Crystal would never make a promise she would not keep. If anything happened to Susan, Crystal would set it right and let her exact her revenge. "Thank you." She said and bowed her head, Crystal's eyes returned to normal. Crystal knew what she had promised her daughter, it went against everything her mother had instilled in her but she knew Destiny needed to hear it, she doubted she would have to carry out her promise as Amy would never let harm befall her friend

"I think you should go to your room and stay there until I come and get you." Crystal said, it wasn't quite an order but at the same time it was. Destiny nodded and stood, she walked off to return to her room.

Crystal turned to Amy, "That will work for a day, do not delay it further or they'll snap."

Amy nodded she knew. "Then I best get started then," she then vanished leaving a bemused Vlha and a slightly annoyed Crystal.


Wolfgang found Amy in the lab early the next morning, he was finding it increasingly hard to sleep, his dreams were plagued with her. He watched as she leant over a device he had no knowledge of, in fact the entire room looked alien to him.

"Why are you up?" Amy asked, her eyes not leaving the reaction she was viewing.

"Why are you?" He asked back.

"Ancient... I don't really need to sleep, I do it out of habit or simply to pass time, to stop thinking or because I have nothing better to do." She answered, "You?"

"I can't sleep." He said as he walked carefully into the room, he was afraid to even brush pass the equipment and machines which filled the room, as he made his way to her.

"I gathered that, why can't you sleep?" She asked as she finally turned to him.

"I close my eyes and I see you." He said when he finally reached her. His arms snaked out and gathered her in his arms, gently pulling her close afraid that this was just another dream, that she would turn to dust and slide from his fingers. "Then when I get to you, you turn to dust and slide through my fingers."

"I'm sorry." She told him guessing how much the dreams were distressing him.

"Don't be..." he told her, "it is helping me come to grips with the fact that I will lose you. I just hope it's not too soon." He leant down and captured her lips, the kiss started out as soft, coaxing as he moved to hold her tighter. Groaning when her lips parted for his tongue and the kiss became more than just a gentle caress. His hands slid down her back until they rested on her behind which he groped as he lifted her up.

Her legs wrapped around his hips as her arms moved up to wrap around his neck. Stepping forward he came to a small cleared space of bench. He placed her on the bench to free up his hands which instantly started to explore the body of his mate.

Vivian walked in wondering if Amy needed a hand to finish her analysis. She smiled as she watched the couple who were oblivious to the audience and who probably wouldn't care. She cleared her throat hoping to get their attention. Nothing. They continued to kiss and if anything they got hotter as Wolfgang's hands slid into Amy's clothes.

Amy went to stop him but stopped as he grazed a thumb over her nipple which infused heat into her body and had her moaning.

Vivian suddenly realised that if she did nothing Wolfgang and Amy would probably mate before her, she knew they wouldn't care but she honestly believed there were just some things she was not meant to see. She made a deep pot appear in her hand and a ladle; she flipped it over then banged the ladle against the base of the pot and got a deep gong each time she struck it. Nothing! They just kept kissing as if nothing happened.

She glared at the couple for a moment and a bucket of water appeared in her hands and she went to toss it over the couple. She quickly reconsidered as she remembered all the delicate machines in the room. The bucket vanished as she considered another way of getting them to break it up. Grinning a little deviously she made two cubes of ice appear before her, before she willed both cubes into Amy and Wolfgang's underwear where they would have the most effect.

Wolfgang yelped and jumped back from Amy who cursed and hopped off the bench. Both reached into their clothes to get at the evil cubes of ice which as suddenly as they were there, were gone. Vivian wasn't evil; the ice had done its work so it didn't need to remain there.

"Now that I have your attention, kindly take that to your room." Vivian told them sternly.

Amy took a deep breath and shook her head, Wolfgang however was all for that suggestion, in fact a bed would make it better, mind you he wasn't fussy, bench, wall, floor, bed, as long as he got to make love to her he didn't care.

"Let's go." He said reaching for Amy.

She stepped back, "we can't, not yet." She told him.

"Why?" Vivian asked and suddenly she wished she hadn't broken them up, better for Amy to jump the hurdle than keep putting it off.

"Because we don't have the time." Amy told her grandmother.

Vivian chuckled, "Amy... time is an illusion here... you are in the temple, the home of the Ancients and doorway to the otherworld. There is a room where time stands still. You could be in there for a month and return only a moment after stepping through the door."

Wolfgang turned to Amy, "you spoke of that room, we could have used it immediately." He said a little hurt. "Instead you keep telling me to wait... why?" Anger bloomed in his mind and made him quiver as he tried to rein it in.

"Let's see..." Amy said feeling herself get angry, she knew what he was thinking, that she was hoping Fate would take her back to her world before she gave herself to him. He was wrong, it wasn't going to be that easy, she couldn't just get the Alphas to agree. She had to force a merk to change his thoughts, to realise the truth so that they could help pass the message, to turn those against them to those for them. She had to change set minds before Fate would allow her to go back to her universe.

"I didn't tell you that because I didn't want to add a new demanding mate to the hassles of having to get all the Alphas together. You keep forgetting, I know you... I know how you reacted before and that was without all the Alphas around, possible rivals. I can't afford to let you pick a fight with someone simply because they were talking to me." She told him firmly.

He knew he had made her angry... actually pissed was a better term, he had misjudged her intentions and deserved to be yelled at. "I'm... sorry..." he said gently. "I understand your trepidation now that I know your intentions. I probably would have attacked someone if we had mated sooner. I don't think I will now though." He slowly gathered her in his arms.

Amy rested her chin on his chest and glanced up at her mate.

"So sate the lust then try to get some uninterrupted sleep." Vivian said breaking into the moment.

"But the..." Amy started to say as she begun to turn out of his arms.

"I'll keep an eye on them. Have you set them all up?" Vivian asked.

"Yes." Amy answered as she took Wolfgang's hand and led him from the room.

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Hungry_VaginHungry_Vaginover 1 year ago

I know I'm over a decade behind the times, but here I am reading these stories for the first time. I think someone from Destiny and Susan's line will end up being Amy's second mother. It could explain quite well why nobody can put their finger on what, exactly, she is. Amazing stories btw! The universes being built make Harry Potter world seem tiny.

NatYanNatYanabout 12 years ago
It's a boy?

I'm just curious did anyone else wonder if Thais's comment about its a boy maybe means Amy's baby from this alternate reality?

LynnMckLynnMckabout 12 years ago
Me thinks we have two REALLY horny beasts right now :)

Really!! :)

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOover 12 years ago
I'm all caught up yay!!

Poor Wolfgang, you cant leave him without a mate that is just to sad.. Would you really do that?.. There has got to be a way so all the Wolfgangs in all the paralle worlds have there Amys!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Have you checked her bio, there are five chapters left of Split in Time and knowing Sabre there will be some HUGE twists and possibly some annoying cliffies. Whitesabretooth if you read this PLEASE, pretty please no cliffies...

However still looking forward to what is to come.

PS Please submit soon.

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