Spoiled Heiress Gets Kidnapped Ch. 01


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Rod, Nick and Dwayne looked at each other blankly, and I laughed. "You three twits haven't even worked out how you're going to get your money, have you?"

"Shut up!" snapped Rod. "We'll get it, we're too clever for the pigs."

"Yeah the pigs are fucking useless," said Nick. "I don't know why we even have the filth in the first place."

"Rod and Nick are right, the cops are useless," Dwayne assured me. "Last year, Rod and Nick done over this fucking shop and the pigs never even showed up for three days."

Nick glowered again at his younger brother. "Again Dwayne, feel free to tell her about any crimes we've committed. Just go ahead and open up your mouth, say whatever comes out."

"My point is that you need to send the ransom before the police get involved," I said.

"And you need to keep your trap shut and stay out of it," said Rod. "You're a posh princess who's used to giving orders, but round here you do what you're fucking told."

"I can see I'm wasting my time talking to you," I said. "I guess I'll have to talk to your boss when he gets here then."

"Our boss?" asked Rod. "What are you talking about? What boss?"

I put my most smug and superior look on my face. "Oh, I imagine some guy called Shemp."

Rod, Nick and Dwayne looked at each other, confused. Dwayne was never going to get the jibe I had thrown at them, but Rod and Nick both did after a couple of moments or so and got angry.

"Shut up bitch, we won't tell you again," said Nick.

"I've had enough of her fucking big trap, gag her again and shut her up," ordered Rod.

Nick grabbed the cloth gag and forced it in my mouth. He was angry about me comparing him and his brothers to the Three Stooges so was pretty forceful and I fought back against being gagged again. Nick pushed the gag against my tongue, applying the same pressure in the same spot as a person who is trying to induce vomiting would.

The result was inevitable. I gagged on the cloth being forced in my mouth and brought up a mouthful of watery vomit that soaked the rag and went all over the carpet. It was mix of water and the milk, fruit and cereal I had eaten for breakfast. Given several hours had gone by, the contents of my tummy didn't smell too great, and I sat on the bed with a vomit soaked gag in my mouth, watery sick that smelled like turned milk running down my mouth and a puddle of vomit on the floor. The carpet was really manky, it looked like it came from the 1970s and was completely worn out but regardless would have to have my vomit cleaned off it.

Rod, Nick and Dwayne stared at me, then Dwayne looked at his brothers. "Did she just throw up?"

"No you imagined it, you fucking idiot," said Rod, looking at me in revulsion, himself turning white and pale. "Nick, get that fucking gag off her mouth right now."

Nick hurried to obey his brother's instruction, and soon the vomit soaked gag was removed from my mouth. "Why did you throw up like that? You silly bitch."

I glowered back at Nick. "Because that's what happens if you stuff rags in people's mouths, you fool." I then looked at his brother. Rod looked pale and very queasy, like he had been on a fairground ride at the seaside, a cross Channel ferry in rough weather or found that air travel wasn't compatible to his stomach. "What's wrong Rod?" I asked, deliberately looking smug. "Not feeling to well?"

Rod visibly heaved, put a hand to his mouth and another to his stomach before sprinting from the room. A few seconds later there came the sound of Rod vomiting, so loud I think they would have heard him in Scotland. He threw up again, just as loud, then belched loudly with this followed by more vomiting which sounded like it was going everywhere in the toilet.

I looked at Nick and Dwayne. "What's up with your brother?"

Dwayne laughed. "Oh, Rod's scared of people throwing up. If he sees, hears or smells anyone vomiting, he chucks up too."

"Really, I'll have to make a mental note of that, don't throw up around Rod," I said, an amused expression on my face.

I heard Rod flush the toilet and he returned looking pretty much the worse for wear, consciously avoiding looking at my vomit.

Rod was carrying a handful of tissues which he thrust at Dwayne. "Make yourself fucking useful Dwayne, wipe all that fucking sick off her mouth."

"Still not feeling too good, Rod?" I teased, as Dwayne roughly cleaned my mouth with tissues.

"Shut it you brat," Rod warned me.

"Don't worry as soon as Dwayne's cleaned her mouth I'll get another gag, that will shut her up," said Nick.

"No, don't gag her," said Rod. "I hate hearing her fucking smart-arse mouth, and that fucking posh bitch accent of hers, but I'd rather have that than her throw up again."

"Finished Rod!" announced Dwayne, thrusting the tissues covered in my sick in his brother's direction, which of course failed to impress Rod.

"Get those fucking things away from me, you fucking dickhead. Chuck them in the outside bin, throw out that fucking gag at the same time and on your way back get her a bucket in case she vomits again. Don't just fucking stand there being useless, go and fucking do it."

Dwayne did as he was told and returned carrying not one but two plastic buckets, one red and one blue. He placed the red bucket on the bed next to me, and the blue bucket he handed to his older brother. "Hey Rod, I thought you could use this in case you throw up again too."

"Cheers," said Rod. He took the blue bucket, raised it as high as his arm would reach and hit Dwayne over the head with it.

"Ouch, what the fuck did you do that for?" protested Dwayne, rubbing his sore head.

"For being a twat and pissing me off," said Rod.

"Who's going to clean this up?" Nick asked. He indicated my vomit on the carpet.

"You, because it's your fault for putting the gag in my mouth too hard," I said.

"Did anyone ask you, Duchess?" Nick snapped. "No, so shut the fuck up."

Rod wasn't about to look at my vomit, but he said, "She can. She threw up, she can clean it up." He looked at me. "I bet you've never cleaned up sick before, hey Princess?"

"Not every day," I said sarcastically.

"Rod, Nick, I was just thinking of something," Dwayne said. "If her hands are tied up, then how can she clean up her own sick?"

Rod sighed deeply. "We'll untie her hands, dickhead, then tie her up again when she's done." He thrust the blue bucket at Dwayne. "Go and get this half filled up with warm water, get a cloth and disinfectant then come back."

Dwayne obeyed his older brother's instructions, returning with the requested items, and the three brothers approached me.

"Now Princess, you're going to be a good little girl while we untie your hands?" Rod told me.

I put a sweet, innocent look on my face. "Of course I will."

Dwayne stood close watching as Rod and Nick untied the binds to my wrists and my hands were free. I still had my bag over my shoulder; obviously with my hands tied it could not be removed and Nick took it off my arm and set down on the bedside table.

Despite my hands being released I had no chance of escape, with my ankles still bound tightly. It was probably unwise to do what I did next. However, a 'flight or fight' response seemed to come over me, along with the anger towards the three brothers for kidnapping me in the first place, and Rod, Nick and Dwayne were all within my reach.

With lightning fast speed, I lashed out, scratching Rod on his face with the nails on my left hand, before punching Nick in his face with my right hand, both of them yelling in pain. I then put my left arm to good use again, elbowing Dwayne in his groin, he like his brothers yelling out in agony as my elbow connected with his balls, Dwayne doubling over in pain.

"What the fuck, vicious little bitch!" yelled the furious Rod, blood running from the cat-like scratches I had inflicted.

"Yeah, fucking nasty little stuck up cow!" Nick yelled. I could see where I had punched him, and hopefully he would be getting a black eye from my efforts.

Rod and Nick grabbed my arms roughly and held me down, and I spat at both of them, my saliva landing on their faces.

"Dirty little tart!" shouted Rod. Clearly he wanted to wipe the spit off his face, but was too occupied with restraining me.

Dwayne was still writhing on the carpet in agony. "My balls!" he lamented, clutching his groin.

"Shut the fuck up about your balls and get up off the fucking floor Dwayne and help us tie her up again," snapped Nick.

Dwayne gingerly got to his feet and took over Nick's position holding me down, while Nick again tied up my hands, only this time they were bound in front rather than in the back.

The three men took their hands off me and I glared at them. "Impressive, it took three six foot guys to restrain a five foot four girl."

"Shut up you bitch," said Rod, taking a tissue from his pocket to wipe the blood away. "Jesus fucking Christ, look at what you done!"

"I'll give you a clue guys, if you kidnap girls they aren't going to be too happy and most of them will fight back," I said. "What did you think I was going to do, curl up in a ball and cry for my Mummy and my Daddy?"

"She's like a fucking cat, never seen anyone that fast with her hands before," said Nick.

"I don't like cats, cats are mean, they always scratch me and hiss at me," Dwayne put in.

"If I was a cat I would scratch you and hiss at you too, you fucking moron," said Rod. "Shut it."

"If I was your Dad, I wouldn't be paying twelve million pounds to get you back, I would pay them twelve million pounds to take you away for good, and another twelve million pounds to drown you in the Thames," said Nick, rubbing his sore eye.

"And we're back to chucking me in the Thames, you haven't thought up Plan B or Plan C in case you can't get me to the Thames and need to murder me another way?" I asked. "Oh, and Nick, you might want to put some ice on that eye, and Rod should probably put something on his face. He wouldn't want to get an infection or tetanus, would he?"

"Smug little cow," grumbled Nick.

"Um, Rod and Nick, can I ask something, it might be a bit of a dumb question?" said Dwayne.

Rod and Nick sighed. "Can we stop you?" Nick asked.

"How are we going to stop her being mean again when we untie her hands again? You know, so she can clean up her vomit?" He indicated my sick on the carpet.

"She don't get her hands untied again, you cockhead," said Rod. "Think we can trust her after what she done? Jesus Christ."

Dwayne looked confused. "Then who does?"

"You, because you're a fucking dickhead who asks fucking stupid questions that a spastic, mongoloid or retard would be embarrassed to ask," said Rod. He thrust the bucket, cloth and disinfectant at his younger brother. "Get the fuck on with it."

"But it's gross," protested Dwayne.

"I hear one more fucking word about it, and I rub your nose in it, and then I rub her fucking nose in it because she was the one who threw up in the first place." Rod pointed at me.

Rod and Nick left the room, leaving me and Dwayne alone as he set to work cleaning my vomit from the carpet.

"Do you always do everything your brothers tell you to do?" I asked Dwayne, my tone more friendly. None of the three brothers was bright, but dumb Dwayne was clearly the weak link, he wasn't assertive nor as aggressive as Rod and Nick, and maybe I could use this to my advantage?

Dwayne shrugged. "I've got to. They're older than me."

"You don't have to follow them mindlessly, you're a man not a sheep," I told him. "You're not like them, it wasn't your idea to go around abducting girls and holding them for ransom, was it? You just went along with them because they told you to. You're a petty criminal, a bit of thieving here and there, maybe stealing a car every now and then. Your brothers are Premier League, you probably not even Division Three. You don't want to hurt me or anyone else, do you?"

Dwayne scrubbed away more of my sick and again shrugged. "I want four million pounds. And I don't care about you. You're mean. You elbowed me in the balls."

"I'm sorry about that," I said, lying through my teeth, I wasn't sorry at all. "But have you noticed how your mean your brothers are to you? You shouldn't put up with that. You're about 18 I guess? Don't you have any pride in yourself?"

"Yeah, turned 18 in February," said Dwayne. He looked confused. "But Rod and Nick and our sisters joke around, saying that I'm like four and half."

"Four and a half? When's your birthday?"

"February 29."

"Oh, you were born on February 29?" I laughed. "That's because that date only comes up every four years, when there's a leap year."

"Yeah, I was always real confused by that," said Dwayne.

"I can understand that," I said, keeping a neutral expression while making a mental note of this information. By his own admission Dwayne had a criminal record having been to reform school as a teenager, and how many criminals named Dwayne would have been born on 29th February 1976? Another little tit-bit of information to give the police when I got out of this mess.

"So when is your birthday Harriet?" Dwayne asked.

"April 15, the same day that the Titanic sank," I said.

Dwayne looked confused. "But didn't the Titanic sink like a really long time ago?"

"Same date, very different year," I said. "Anyway, earlier you were saying about how wanted four million pounds. Do you really think that you are going to get a twelve million pound ransom for me with your brothers' insane scheme?"

"Rod and Nick planned everything," said Dwayne as he cleaned up the last of the vomit. "They had a book, like one of those school books what you write in and planned it. I was allowed to watch and ask questions, but they seemed to get pissed off when I did. The most important thing of all is that if we don't get our twelve million quid, then you're going to get chucked in the Thames."

"Jesus, if I hear about me being thrown in the River Thames one more fucking time I'll throw myself in and commit suicide so I don't have to hear it again," I said. "So, this plan of yours, you and your brothers thought about everything? I mean every little thing?"

"Yeah," said Dwayne.

"You didn't overlook anything?"


"Is it possible that there's something you might have forgotten about?"

"Yeah, I mean nah, I mean dunno." Dwayne looked worried. "Are you saying we didn't think of something?"

"Exactly," I confirmed. "Now go and get your brothers, all three of you need to hear it."

Dwayne, looking very worried, went out of the bedroom and called out at the top of his voice "Rod, Nick, Harriet wants to talk to us!"

Rod and Nick stormed in, Rod with ointment on his face covering up my scratches, Nick with quite a black eye coming up thanks to my fist.

"Dwayne, you think you could talk a bit louder, I don't think they quite heard you in Manchester, Birmingham or Liverpool," complained Rod.

"It's okay Rod, all the houses in this street, most everyone who lives here has moved out before they get bulldozed."

Rod, Nick and Dwayne stood looking at me as I sat tied on the bed.

"What is it, Princess?" Rod demanded.

"I just need to tell you three clowns that there's something you forgot in your plan to kidnap me," I said, regarding them evenly.

"Yeah, what?" Rod asked dismissively.

"I need to go to the toilet," I said, watching in amusement as their faces fell.


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gunhilltraingunhilltrainalmost 3 years ago

A pink sports car! I think you have to custom order one of those. So it has to be British, I assume. A Lotus perhaps?

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77almost 3 years ago

Awwww, MAN, no Chapter 2 yet? Cannot WAIT! 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

OMG, how funny is this story going to be. Can't wait to be rolling in the aisle!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Aw. Why’d you have to end it as it was getting good? Hope Chapter 2 is up soon.

Bigguy731Bigguy731almost 3 years ago

How long before chapter 2? This is pretty funny.

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