Spoils of War Ch. 01

Story Info
A young English wife gets caught up in a revolution.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/09/2021
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This story is entirely a work of fiction and all characters depicted are over the age of 18.

I chose the theme as a complete alternative to my more usual Loving Wives stories and would like to emphasise that I do not condone rape in any shape or form whatsoever.

If stories of non-consensual sex offend you, I suggest you do not continue reading.


Lisa Gerdner looked at herself in the mirror and sighed before running the brush though her long blonde hair for what seemed like the one hundredth time. Pausing from her task, she took a moment to look in the mirror to check her make-up, tonight was important and she wanted look her best for her husband.

Her false eyelashes were nicely coated in mascara while her eye shadow was just the right shade of a light grey. Foundation and lip gloss gave her the look she wanted and, she thought, it suited her pretty 23-year-old face.

At 5' 8" she was a little above average height especially when compared to the local women who tended to be shorter and rounder. Her slender, willowy 34B-23-34 figure was also very much in contrast to the heavier, bustier indigenous female population.

Finally, and probably most obviously, she was a natural blonde as opposed to having the natural dark-hair of the residents of the country.

"Are you ready to go yet? We need to leave in a bit." Her husband Justin called from downstairs.

Going to the bedroom doorway she shouted back, "Nearly done. How long have I got?"

"Fifteen minutes at most. We want to be there before the guest of honour arrives." He yelled up at her.

She went back into the bedroom and smoothed down her new cocktail dress. The cream knee length gown hugged her slim figure, the neckline hinting at, rather than exposing, her cleavage. Beneath it she just a wore matching lacey white bra and thong while her 3" white strappy sandals completed the elegant outfit.

Sitting down at the mirror again, she continued to brush out her hair and reflected on the roller-coaster of the last half-year.


Just six months ago Lisa had been planning a big white wedding with her fiancé Justin. They were in no rush to get married and the big day was more than a year away but there were so many things to put in place and to pay deposits for. The whole affair seemed to take up all of their spare time.

Then without any warning everything had come to a shuddering stop when the company Justin worked for had, literally, stopped trading overnight. The whole workforce, from management to cleaners and catering staff, had lost their jobs and everyone suddenly found themselves unemployed and seeking work.

Given the current downturn in the economy and the fact that several hundreds of people had been abruptly thrust into the local employment market meant that the chances of Justin finding another job, especially locally, were quite remote.

Although Lisa was still working the income from her occupation as a beautician was in no way enough to fund their wedding plans. So, with little hope of Justin finding another post quickly Lisa decided to talk to her fiancé about postponing the wedding, and cancelling all the arrangements they had made so far.

They weren't living together so she had to wait until her fiancé came round to her parent's house that evening to actually broach the subject with him.

Sitting quietly watching nothing in particular on the television Lisa took a deep breath and got up the courage to speak.

"I think we should postpone the wedding." She blurted out without warning.

It was almost with a sense of reprieve that her fiancé responded.

"Really. Thank god for that. I was getting so worried about how we were going to pay for it." he replied.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, "You don't mind? I was so worried about mentioning it. Are you sure you're ok about it?"

"Absolutely, I need to find a job first and, who knows, I might even have to move away for a bit." He stated calmly.

With the matter settled they spent the rest of the evening relaxing and discussing more mundane matters, especially how Justin might find another job.

However, over the next couple of months, Lisa's fiancé slowly became more and more despondent. Despite sending off dozens of job applications, many for positions he was over qualified for, he remained unemployed. Apart from the occasional letter informing him he had been unsuccessful he didn't even receive a response to his enquiries most of the time.

It was quite by chance that he saw an advertisement for a role as an engineering consultant for a company based in London. Taking a chance, he decided to apply. It wasn't local but even if it meant moving away it was work and it would mean that the wedding could be rescheduled.

Justin didn't mention the application to his fiancé, he had sent off so many applications previously and saw no point in raising her hopes yet again. He wasn't even expecting a rejection letter, so he was completely astounded when he received an invitation to go down to London and attend a meeting with the head of the engineering department.

He decided to keep the interview a secret, not wanting to get into any unnecessary arguments with his fiancé about moving or working away before he had even got the job. Far better, he thought, to cross that bridge if and when he came to it.

The interview went very well for him but he still kept the application a secret thinking there was no need to create unnecessary problems when he probably wouldn't even get the job. So, when the offer letter came, he knew he was going to have a difficult conversation with Lisa.

"I applied for a consultancy job the other week." Justin told Lisa when he saw her that evening, "They invited me down to London to meet me."

She looked up in surprise, "You didn't tell me you went to the city. Did you hear back from them?"

He nodded and looked almost miserable, "Yeah. They wrote to me the other day. I got the job."

"You did!" Lisa jumped up and hugged her fiancé, "That's brilliant. Tell me all about it?"

Justin looked at the floor, "The... err... the job... it... umm... it isn't... well it isn't here."

"Oh, is it in London or somewhere like that?" she asked.

"Umm... no, not exactly." Justin replied quietly.

Slightly exasperated Lisa looked at him questioningly, "So where is it silly?"

He paused, "It's a two-year contract in... err... in... umm... in Central America."

"WHAT!" Lisa exclaimed loudly, "Two years in where?"

Slowly Justin explained the job to his fiancé; the contract was for 2 years as an engineering consultant working on major infrastructure projects for a small central American republic. He would get a house with the job, along with an excellent salary, where he would live and could take his wife and family but not a girlfriend.

Lisa was totally distraught "But... but you mean that I won't see you for two years?"

"No, I get a return flight home every six months."

She shook her head, blonde hair swaying around her shoulders, "Six months! No, I'm sorry, but you can't take the job."

Justin held her arms and gazed into her eyes, "I have to. In two-years I'll have made enough for a deposit on a house and to pay for the entire wedding."

"I don't want a deposit or anything else. I want you here." Lisa stated firmly.

"There is a way round it" Justin said quietly after a few moments breaking the silence that had descended on the pair of them.

"How?" Close to tears she wanted to know.

He swallowed nervously, "We get married quickly and then you come with me."

"What! You mean like now? Just a quick ceremony?" Lisa sounded stunned.

"Yeah, just me and you, a few close family members and then we go over there for the two years." Her fiancé stated almost matter-of-factly.

She sat silent for several minutes just thinking over what Justin had proposed before answering.

"I... I guess we could." Lisa finally answered nervously, wondering what she might be letting herself in for, "It would be a rush but I suppose it's possible."

It took them a while to make all the arrangements and book a registry office but four weeks later Justin and Lisa were married with just their families and a few close friends present.

Three days later he flew out to take up his new position.

Two weeks after that Lisa said goodbye to her family and jetted out to join her new husband.


"We need to go Lisa." came the shout from downstairs.

Sighing she made one last check in the mirror then, picking up her clutch bag, she headed for the stairs.

"Coming." She called back.

Their drive to the five-star Madison hotel took about twenty minutes through the light evening traffic. Normally Saturday evenings in the city were a throbbing multitude of people and cars but for some reason there was hardly anyone about.

She gave it a moment's thought then put the lack of people down to the independence-day celebrations that were going on throughout the city.

Dropping the car in the hotel car park Lisa took her husband's arm and they walked up to the main lobby, greeting familiar faces as they made their way through to the bar.

The ball they were attending that evening was part of the anniversary celebration for the republic's independence and several members of the government would be present, including the country's president, as well as a number of foreign guests. Most of these were the various business consultants employed by the current administration, along with their wives.

"Drink?" asked her husband as they entered the bar.

"Please. A white wine would be nice." Lisa smiled and went back to her musings as he went to get their drinks.


Lisa had been in the country for more than two months now and she had found the poverty under which most of the population lived hard to comprehend. Because of this, and the disparity in lifestyles, the opportunity to meet the locals just didn't really occur, much to her disappointment.

She had been there long enough to get to know a few people though, mostly other ex-pat wives who like herself had followed their husband's out here. A few of the women were younger, around her age, but most of the couples were much older, here just to top up their pension pots before retiring.

Setting up her new home had taken up a lot of her time initially during the day and, more recently, she had joined the other wives at the local tennis club, either to play or just to get out. There was also a thriving social community, particularly at the week-ends, which ensured that they were never short of company or bored during the times Justin was not working.

The only problem was their sex life. Justin was fairly well equipped in that department but he seemed more interested in his work than in keeping new wife happy in the bedroom. Initially she had put his lack of enthusiasm down to the stress of the move but now, after a couple of months, things showed no signs of improving.

Even when he did summon up the interest, Justin just satisfied himself and seemed to give little or no thought to his wife's pleasure.

However, tonight was the first formal engagement of its type that the couple had attended and Lisa wanted to properly support her husband in front of so many important people. She was also hoping that maybe seeing her dressed up sexily, in the right environment, might stimulate her husband's interest in her again.


"Penny for them?" Justin returned with their drinks jerking Lisa out of her daydream.

"Sorry, miles away." Taking her drink, she let him lead her off to join the main assembly.

Everyone gathered around to applaud the president when he and his wife arrived to open the celebratory ball. Then with the formalities done the band started to play and people made their way onto the dance floor or to the bar.

An hour or so later the event was well under way, the dance floor crowded, when it all happened.

Suddenly, in the middle of a tune, the band stopped playing and a lone figure, dressed in camouflage fatigues and carrying a gun, stepped up to the microphone.

"Good evening Mr President and all of you ladies and gentlemen. I am General Varquez and I am now in charge of the country." He stated bluntly.

It was only as he started to speak that people noticed the large number of roughly dressed, heavily armed, rebel soldiers that had congregated around the edge of the room.

"Please do not consider resisting." The general instructed everyone, "We have control of the city and of the army. You are now all prisoners of the new regime."

The silence that had descended on the crowd quickly changed to a general buzz of muted chatter as people began to talk amongst themselves. General Varquez let the murmur continue for a minute before interrupting.

"SILENCE!" he roared and the throng fell immediately silent.

Somewhere in the distance there was a muffled explosion and the occasional burst of gunfire but it didn't deem to faze the leader of the rebels at all.

He looked around letting his eyes settle on the president, "Ah Mr President, perhaps you would like to step forward and do bring your lovely wife with you."

Hesitantly the former head of state moved to the front of the crowd with his wife. A good twenty years younger than her husband she was an attractive woman in her early thirties, part Spanish and part Venezuelan.

"Please let the women go." The president tried to negotiate with the rebel general.

"Ah I would love to but, unfortunately, I cannot. My men have suffered under your corrupt regime for far too long. They want to enjoy some of the pleasures that you have taken for granted." General Varquez stated with a smirk.

"You have me. Let them go. I beg you." The former head of the country pleaded with him again.

"Take them both away." The general ordered and several of his soldiers moved to escort the former president and his wife away, their hands freely groping the president's wife.

Waiting until they had been taken from the hotel's ballroom General Varquez addressed his men.

"Today we have overthrown the corrupt tyranny that has ruled this country for too long. Now you, the people, have the power and the rewards that I promised you would be yours." He looked leeringly at the faces of the frightened women in the crowd.

He waited as the soldiers cheered and waved their guns in the air, several of the men firing shots into the ceiling.

Waving his hands for silence he waited until everyone was quiet.

Then stepping down off the stage the general began to walk along in front of the guests scrutinising the younger females before stopping in front of Lisa. Pausing he looked at her for a moment then grabbed her arm and pulled out to stand before him.

"You. What's your name?" he asked her firmly.

"L... Lisa... G... G... Gerdner." She stammered, her face pale.

"Strip!" he commanded.

"What... n...no... I won't." her face flushed as she refused.

General Varquez grabbed her hair and yanked her head back hard forcing her to yelp, "Don't argue with me foreign bitch!"

As he assaulted her Justin lunged forward to protect his wife only to receive a rifle butt in his stomach, doubling him over and leaving him on the floor gasping for breath.

"No, please... don't hurt him." Lisa screamed trying to pull away as the general tightened his grip on her arm.

With his free hand he drew his pistol and placed the end of the barrel against Justin's head.

"You have until I count to three to strip bitch. Now get your clothes off." He snarled and let go of Lisa's arm.

Trembling she reached behind her back, her slender fingers finding the zipper on her dress, slowly drawing it down before she eased the straps off her shoulders. Tears ran down her cheeks as the garment slithered down her body to pool around her feet.

"And the rest." General Varquez ordered still pointing his gun at Lisa's husband.

Unhooking her bra Lisa slipped it down her arms and let if all on top of her dress. Her modest, firm breasts with their dark pink areola and slightly swollen nipples now completely exposed to the leering men watching her.

Around her the rebel soldiers began jeering and whistling as her fingers hooked under the waistband of her white panties and slid them down her long legs leaving her totally naked.

"Sergeant Mendez." The general shoved Lisa towards one of the rebel soldiers, "Hold onto that."

The sergeant grinned grabbing hold of Lisa's arm with one hand while he reached across and openly groped her tits with the other. She squirmed in his grip, still quietly sobbing, as his thin fingers squeezed and mauled her modest breasts, viciously pinching her hardening nipples while he fondled her.

Quickly tiring of her breasts Sergeant Mendez transferred his attention to Lisa's pussy, jamming a hand between her legs.

Ignoring her struggles and protests he roughly forced a finger into her slit, making her squeal in discomfort.

"Ow! You're hurting me." Lisa squeaked.

"Shut up bitch!" he jerked his hand free and slapped her hard across her cheek, stunning her for the moment.

Pushing his fingers back between her thighs the sergeant resumed his fingering of her cunt.

"Ahhh... no please... stop... please!" Lisa moaned and struggled in his grasp.

General Varquez continued down the ballroom as his subordinate molested the young English wife, picking out a young French girl by the name of Marielle next, dragging her out to stand next to the struggling Lisa. Four more of the younger wives were selected; a busty American, two Spaniards and a blonde Swede.

"Now get the rest of these people out of here. Men to the compound and take the rest of the women to the restaurant and get them naked." He ordered when he had completed his selection.

If the six girls were unsure of their destiny it soon became clear when half a dozen mattresses were dragged into the ballroom and strewn about on the floor.

"Enjoy yourselves men." The grinning General Varquez announced as he turned and walked out of the room, leaving the half dozen terrified females to their fate.

The hotel ballroom was rapidly filled with screams as the naked women were forcefully dragged by soldiers across to the mattresses that had been laid out for their rape.

Sergeant Mendez who had been holding on to Lisa pulled her resisting form across to the closest of them and shoved her roughly down onto her back.

"Time for you to try a real man bitch," the ferret faced, wiry sergeant began to unbuckle his belt.

"No, please no, don't please." Lisa pleaded trying to rise as he dropped his ragged pants only to be pushed her down onto her back again.

She struggled under him, scratching and hitting at any part of his body that she could reach until he grew tired of her fighting him and slapped her firmly across her face. Dazed she lay back as he yanked her legs apart and started to push himself into her.

"Noooo... nooooo!" she screamed squirming under his skinny rancid smelling body.

Half his cock was inside her now, his weight pressing her slender thighs wider as she turned her face aside. The man's foul breath reeked of garlic and onions while his body odour made her feel nauseous.

Around the room the other women were screaming and fighting where they could, all of them trying to resist the inevitable. Next to Lisa the French girl, Marielle, was pinned down on her back, a rebel soldier already riding her hard.

"Aaarghhhh.... No, please." Lisa begged as Sergeant Mendez forced his full length into her cunt and started to fuck her.

His bony arse rose and fell between her spread legs as the scrawny soldier thrust his prick into her slim body. Beneath him Lisa lay writhing, spreadeagled and crying, unable to do anything to prevent her rape.