Spoils of War Ch. 02

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Lisa and the other women are taken to the garrison brothel.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/09/2021
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Lisa remembered very little of the lengthy journey to the soldier's barracks. The truck had rolled along smoothly to begin with but once off the well-constructed main roads in the city centre it had begun to lurch around and rattle noisily. Sitting naked in the back with the other five traumatised women she had struggled to keep her seat as she was bounced around. Maria, her two female colleagues and the two guards on the other hand seemed totally unconcerned by the vehicle's jolting.

"Where are you taking us?" Consuela, one of the Spanish girls asked part way through the drive.

All of the other five women looked up at the question, each of them wondering what the answer might be.

Maria smiled crookedly, "Never you mind puta, you'll be at your new home soon enough."

The way she said it and the look of disdain on her face was enough to silence any further questions from them.

Marielle leaned closer to Lisa and whispered, "Where do you think we are going?"

"I don't know but I'm pretty sure it can't be good wherever it is." The English girl replied quietly.

They sat in silence for the remainder of the journey, each of them lost in their own thoughts about the events in the hotel ballroom. A few sobbed quietly while the others just stared unseeingly as they reflected on what had happened to them earlier in the evening.

Eventually the truck slowed and the total darkness outside gave way to flickering lights, although it was impossible to see anything more through the heavy material covering the back of the lorry. A few minutes later they stopped and the two guards threw open the canvas flaps and dropped the tail-gate before jumping to the ground.

"Out!" Maria ordered tersely.

Slowly the women got their feet, wincing and grimacing at the pain from their abused bodies and shuffled towards the rear of the truck. The two soldiers stood on the ground and stared at the naked girls until Maria intervened and ordered them to help the six of them down.

Any embarrassment Lisa had had at being nude had long since evaporated and she stepped forward to be the first one to be helped down. The two soldiers leered at her naked body, reaching up and grasping her hands they lifted her down. As soon as her feet touched the floor their hands slid over her, groping her breasts and sliding up between her legs to stroke her pussy.

"We fuck you soon bitch." One of them mocked her as he squeezed her tit.

"I gonna fuck your arse baby" the other one whispered salaciously.

Letting her go the two rebels turned back to the other girls in the truck, freely fondling each of them as they assisted them out, taunting each one in turn.

As the half-a-dozen women stood nervously huddled together at the back of the truck, a number of soldiers gathered around calling out and whistling until Maria ordered them away. It was a clear indication of the influence the former prostitute held within the garrison that they all obeyed without question.

A rapid exchange of Spanish between the madam and one of her assistants, another former prostitute by the name of Catalina, followed before the aide took charge.

"This way." Catalina ordered and started to lead led the small group through a doorway into squat, mud-coloured, flat-roofed building.

"Not you." Maria grabbed Lisa by the arm and held her back, "You come with me."

As she spoke, she handed Lisa a grubby cotton shift to put on. The garment wasn't very flattering and was quite short but it was, at least, sufficient to cover her nudity.

"What... where are we... No... no... I want to stay." Lisa protested as she was led away from the others.

"Silencio puta!" Maria spat out in Spanish, quickly putting a stop to any argument the young wife might have had.

Nervously the young English woman allowed herself to be marched across the darkened compound towards a well-lit building on the far side. As they reached its entrance Lisa jerked back suddenly not wanting to be taken inside.

"No... no... please... no" she whimpered struggling to break free.

Unfortunately for her Maria was as strong as she looked and a sharp slap across Lisa's face put a stop to any thought of resistance. The hefty blow stunned her momentarily, leaving her cheek reddened, and she meekly allowed herself to be led in through the door.

Inside, the well-lit room was empty apart from an unmanned desk, some filing cabinets and two chairs but Maria ignored these and dragged the anxious girl behind her to a doorway in the far wall.

Rapping loudly, she stopped and waited.

"Entrar!" a man, whoever he was, on the other side of the door called out.

Pulled in after the madam Lisa saw that the inner office was similarly furnished to the outer room with one main exception, this one was occupied. A tall uniformed man with a Zapata moustache and a large paunch stood by a metal desk, his manner suggesting to Lisa he was a senior officer of some sort.

His eyes slowly travelled disconcertingly up and down her scantily clad body before he turned to Maria.

"Asi que?" his voice was a soft baritone.

Maria briefly nodded her head, "This is one of the new whores, coronel. I believe she is ingles."

The tall officer smiled thinly, "Excelente. Gracias Maria. Wait outside I will call for you in a while."

Dismissed the former prostitute backed out of the office and closed the door leaving Lisa alone with the colonel.

"Please... you have to help me... please...I've been..." she started to plead for his help.

"Silencio!" the soldier shouted making her flinch, "I am Coronel Martinez, the commandant here, and you will speak only when I say you can. Do you understand?"

Nodding Lisa bit her bottom lip and stood still, trembling, as the colonel moved closer to her and ran his hand along her cheek.

"Bien muchacha." He smiled again.

His thick fingers slid down to cup her pert breast, groping it through the thin cotton shift, pinching her nipple and making Lisa yelp as she shivered anxiously.


She stood, shaking, as the officer fondled her modest tits, switching from one to the other and then back again until he had aroused her teats into hard bullets. Groaning at the touch, her swollen buds pushing out sensuously against the rough fabric, she could feel tears of humiliation forming at the corner of her eyes.

"Bien, bien." He leered at her as he stepped back a pace, "Now strip puta."

For a second or two Lisa thought about refusing but she didn't want to contemplate what her fate would be if she did. So, reluctantly, she dragged the thin garment off over her head. Dropping it to the floor she stood naked again, her eyes downcast, the cool air teasing her aching nipples.

"Ah bonito." He commented on her nude form as he unzipped his combat fatigues.

Looking up at him Lisa could see the same lust in his dark eyes as had been in the eyes of all those soldiers who had used her back in the hotel ballroom.

"Please... no... don't... please." She stammered and took a step back only for the colonel to grab her arm, his thick fingers pressing firmly into her soft pale flesh.

"On your knees, puta!" he spat at her as he shoved her roughly onto the stone floor and fished his cock out from his pants, "Now suck it."

Tears trickled from the corners of her eyes as Lisa wrapped her hand around the semi-erect phallus before her and slowly stroked her fingers along it. Grabbing her blonde tresses, the colonel pulled her head sadistically towards him so that the tip of his prick was pressed against her lips.

"Suck.... It!" the command was accompanied by a tightening of his fingers in her hair.

Her lips parted to slide onto his cock, sealing around his thickening member as she wrinkled her nose trying to ignore the smell of stale piss that clung to his dick.

"Mmmmm... Uuunnghhmmm... Nnnnggghhmmmm!" she gagged and spluttered as he forced his rapidly swelling shaft deeper into her mouth.

Twisting his fingers in her blonde mane the colonel started to pull and push her head, driving her lips back and forth along his organ almost choking her every time he rammed it down her throat. The coppery bitter taste of urine stung her tongue as she sucked on his manhood and made her want to vomit.

Tears ran freely down Lisa's cheeks now, her lips wrapped around the colonel's shaft, while her hands slapped futilely at her rapist's thighs in a pointless attempt at resistance.

"Ah si... si... ahhhhh mierda." Above her the soldier groaned with delight as he made her pleasure him.

"Uuuummmfffff.... Uuuurrrrggggg!" Lisa retched, drool running down her chin, as the hard flesh in her mouth prevented her from breathing.

With a vicious yank he pulled her off him, letting her cough and gasp for a moment before brutally dragging her to her feet by her hair. She was still spluttering when the shoved her face down across the desk and kicked her feet apart.

"Nooooo... please, no!" she whimpered as he moved behind her and pressed his bulbous cockhead against the entrance to her pussy.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears though as Colonel Martinez unceremoniously slammed his length in to Lisa's cunt, impaling her forcibly.

"Aaahhhhhhhh... noooooooo!" she screamed, going up onto her toes, her fingers clutching the desk as the rigid shaft speared her abused slit in a single hard stroke.

Pulling her head back by her long blonde hair the arrogant officer started to fuck her, pistoning his erection between her red puffy labia and into her pussy again and again.

"Ah dios... dios... si... si!" thrusting hard into Lisa's slender body the colonel groaned and panted as he pounded away, his hips slapping her arse, as he sought his release.

Laying under him all she could do was accept his cock, letting the unwanted arousal start to grow in her belly. Clinging to the edge of the desk, her breasts crushed against its hard metal top, she bit her lower lip and waited for him to finish.

"Ahhh... aaahhhh.... Mierda!" the colonel yelled as he buried his prick inside her cunt one last time.

With a series of jerky thrusts, he emptied his swollen balls into Lisa's belly flooding her womb with yet another load of sperm. Then, satisfied, the colonel pulled his softening cock out of her and zipped himself up, leaving her face down across the desk, stunned at yet another rape. Her own satisfaction had been disregarded and she was left feeling frustrated and violated.

Lisa didn't move, remaining prone while semen ran down her thighs, waiting as Colonel Martinez opened the door and called for Maria. It was only when the madam returned and took her arm that she finally stood up, her eyes glazed and unseeing as she picked up the shift off the floor and put it back on.

"Was she satisfactory?" the brothel keeper asked.

"Si, si, she was compliant but I'm sure you will soon have her more than eager to perform." The camp commandant replied before turning his attention back to Lisa.

"I'll be seeing you very, very soon puta." He stroked her cheek as the madam led her docilely out of his office.

Taking her back to the building where the other girls had been dropped off earlier, Maria ushered her inside. She led her along a wide hallway with several stout wooden doors situated along either side of it and, reaching the first pair she stopped and turned to face Lisa.

"This will be your room from now on. Tonight, you sleep and tomorrow after breakfast you will see the medico." Maria informed her, opening the door, "Do not try to escape, you will be locked in and the windows are barred."

She pushed open the wooden door and shoved Lisa inside, closing and locking it behind her, leaving her alone. In the dim moonlight that shone through the small window she looked around her. Against the far wall, under the small barred opening, there was a large bed which took up most of the room. There was also a chair, a wooden cupboard or wardrobe and a table with a basin and a pitcher of water on it.

Trying the door, it was immediately obvious that it was locked just as Maria had said. So, with little else that she could do, and no way to clean herself properly, Lisa climbed onto the bed pulling the rough woollen blanket over her body and was soon fast asleep.

Beams of sunlight were streaming through the small barred casement when the door was opened noisily, the following morning, waking Lisa from a deep sleep.

"Wha... what's happening?" she said groggily as she struggled to open her eyes.

"Up puta. Time for breakfast." Catalina told her offhandedly, throwing another grubby cotton shift onto the bed, before moving on to the next doorway.

Lisa shook her head, every muscle of her body ached and, when she looked between her legs, she could see her abused cunt was red and inflamed while her inner thighs were coated with dried semen. It felt like she had only been asleep for a few minutes but she picked up the fresh garment and used it to replace the soiled one she had on.

Just like with the other shift the thin cotton hung loosely from her shoulders down to mid-thigh but, also like the first one, it at least offered her a little modesty.

"Apuro or you no get food." The woman, Catalina, returned and poked her head through the doorway, shouting tersely at Lisa.

Reluctantly she stood up and, making a face, she shuffled out of her room to join the other five girls in the corridor.

"What happened to you? Where did they take you?" the American, Tracy-Ann, whispered.

Lisa shook her head and shuddered, "I was taken to the commandant's office,"

"Why? What did he want?" Marielle joined in the conversation.

Grim faced Lisa turned to her and replied, "Do you really have to ask?"

"Oh!" was the only response she got.

"Follow. This way." Catalina ordered, leading them out of the building's entrance.

Outside two new soldiers fell in behind them, escorting them across what was obviously some sort of military parade ground to a cantina on the left-hand side. As they walked a number of rebel troops gathered around to follow them, whistling and jeering at the small group, intimidating them and causing them to bunch closer together.

Inside the mess hall the women were given a simple breakfast of flat bread, some fruit and a local porridge with a mug of black coffee before being ushered to a table well away from the men still eating in there.

"Eat, eat. After you see medico." Maria's assistant told them, urging them to quickly consume their breakfast.

As she sat at the table Lisa realised just how hungry she was and despite the poor fare she hurriedly devoured the simple meal, trying to ignore the lascivious stares of the soldiers surrounding them. Once they had all finished eating the former prostitute who was their overseer gathered them together and, along with the two guards, took them across the compound to yet another building.

This one marked with a large red cross.

The girls were all shepherded into a waiting room and taken in, one at a time, to the examination room. Lisa was the second one in to see the doctor, a short, balding, brusque man with a clipped moustache. Also in the room with him was the formidable Maria, there to ensure that her new girls behaved themselves.

"Take off your clothes, get up on the couch and put your feet in the two stirrups." He told her curtly, without even looking up, as soon as she entered.

Nervously she followed his instructions, unsure as to what was about to happen. Draping the simple cotton dress on the side she slid up onto the leather covered counter and placed her feet in the two supports. Laying back in this position with her legs spread apart she was reminded of the previous evening and how she had been repeatedly ravished by General Varquez's men at the hotel.

The stern little doctor turned back to the couch and gave Lisa a cursory external examination, spending most of the time checking her breasts and oral cavity.

"Most of the bruises will heal quickly although her breasts may be tender for a while. No damage to her mouth." He ignored Lisa and reported his findings to Maria as he snapped on a latex glove.

"No, no please..." she stared at his hand, wide-eyed, and started to whimper as the doctor approached her between her legs.

Maria quickly moved across to the examination table, "Silencio, stupid puta."

Lisa stifled a sob and bit her lip as the doctor inspected her pussy before inserting two fingers inside her to check her internally. Closing her eyes, she trembled, trying to relax as his fingers twisted and probed up inside her cunt.

"Were you penetrated anally?" the doctor finally spoke directly to her.

Lisa shook her head, "N... n... no."

There was no further comment from him as he took a small flashlight and, opening her vagina with a speculum, visually examined her for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally, the doctor finished his assessment and, peeling off the latex glove, left Lisa to get herself off the table as he turned to Maria.

"No permanent damage. Let her rest until tomorrow. I'll give her some cream to ease the soreness." He told the madam, "She might have contracted gonorreah or syphilis so I'll give her an antibiotic shot just in case."

"I've what?" Lisa interjected in alarm.

"Quiet puta. You will get a shot. That's all you need to know." Maria reprimanded her.

The doctor glared at Lisa for a moment then returned his attention to older woman, "Like the others we will do a pregnancy test in four weeks but she will also have her regular weekly checks."

"She can start work tomorrow then?" the madam asked wanting confirmation from him.

"Si, manana." He went back to his desk, picking up a hypodermic and filling it from a small vial.

Lisa watched him as he walked over to her and coldly pushed her face down across the examination table. Injecting the needle into her backside he swabbed the point of insertion and then ignored her leaving Maria to shepherd her out of the room after she had put her thin cotton shift back on.

Once all the girls had been in to see the doctor Maria came out of the examination room and, along with her assistant, Catalina, and the two soldiers, escorted the six women to the washing facilities.

When they reached the showers, Lisa was shocked to see they were completely in the open. Comprising of a simple row of open-air booths behind the barracks they were totally public with no provision for modesty, just four supports and a roof. Adequate for the soldiers, but certainly not constructed with women in mind.

The water was heated in a big wood fired boiler adjacent to the washing facilities and it was patently apparent that the soldiers manning it would have a perfect view of the girls. Maria shouted up to the men on the boiler to make sure that the water was hot then turned to speak to her latest batch of whores.

"You will come here every morning at 10 o'clock after breakfast to clean yourselves. Make sure you do it properly. We don't want anyone getting unnecessary diseases." She informed them firmly, "Now strip."

With no place to put their clothes inside the shower the six women were forced to remove them in the open. Reluctantly, they began undressing to the cat calls and whistles of those soldiers who had gathered some distance away to watch the free show.

The girls had to wash themselves without any regard for modesty, with the watching men able to see them from all sides there was no way to hide what they were doing. A couple tried to crouch down to wash between their legs but Lisa didn't even bother trying to cover what she was doing. She needed to clean herself thoroughly and brazenly used the soap liberally on her pussy almost seeming to anyone watching that she was relishing rubbing her cunt in front of the men.

On finishing their showers, the women were all given rough cotton towels with which to dry themselves before dressing, all done under the smirking watchful eyes of the rebel troops.