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Entering the house she doesn't see John. She walks into the bedroom and sees him standing by the bed taking off his shirt. She smiles, as his lightly haired chest appears. Thinking all is right in the world, she grabs her neckline and pulls it down until her breast spring out. Her nipples grow hard as he undoes his pants letting them fall to the ground. Linda unfastens her skirt and it slides down, finally exhibiting her shaved wet angel wings.

Linda manipulates her nipples, pulling and twisting them as she watches her husband's cock sway as he swings into bed. As she moves forward and puts a knee on the bed to join him, John says, "Get the light will you I am exhausted." as he pulls the blankets over him and roll to face the far wall. Linda, just stares at him, turns to the wall and swats at it, as if it were a bug to be smashed. Climbing into bed the charged mood of a few minutes ago, got grounded. Climbing into bed she yanks the sheets hard up and over her, partially uncovering her husband. He was already asleep as she lay there for some time.

Thoughts of her lost night of passion keep her awake most of the night. When she does finally fall asleep dreams of dancing with her arms stroking huge dicks carry on until morning. Waking up in one of those dreamy states, she coasts out of bed, washes, dress, and out to the kitchen to start the morning coffee. While sitting with her coffee, the sound of a lawn mower breaks the Sunday morning solitude. A shuffling in the bedroom announces her husband's morning. For the most part other than breakfast, they both went about their own weekend routines.

After dinner, they pour themselves a glass of wine and sit out on the porch. Living on a quiet road they listen to the birds settling in the trees for the night and the last of the scampering squirrels for the night. Sipping their wine, John chats about how he did at golf, and Linda, chats about anything else. Then grow quiet as they watch the sun as it melts in a blaze of majesty as it sinks into the far off mountains. Together they grow contemplative as they watch. John thinking about the coming office work and golf, while Linda leans back and lets her mind wander. As her new Mantra echos through her thoughts, the sexually charged dances of the night before, relive themselves.

Her hands clutch as her mind replays the scent, words, feel, and willingness of each of the men as they held her tight. As the last of the sun's light extinguishes her body has relived its reactions. Her nipples harden and a tingle below brings the moisture back as the excitement is reborn. Coming back to the present as John stands to head inside, she whispers, "For John's Pleasure." She gets up and follows him into the house.

As they go to bed, Linda touches John's shoulder, as he is taking off his shirt. He hesitates as she steps up to him and placing the other hand on his cheek, she leans in and kisses him with passion. He returns the passion for a moment and then breaks away, saying that tomorrow is an early day for work. With a weak smile she turns to away and goes into the bathroom as he finishes undressing and climbs into bed. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, she puts her hands on the counter and closes her eyes.

Standing there she lets her mind wander. Her nose picks up the scent of wine from just a little while ago on the porch. Then it slides back a night. The smell of the wine slowly brings back the DJ's music. Her body starts to sway to the music, as she releases the counter with one hand allowing it to wrap around her waist. Leaning against the counter her other hand travels upward along her body to her breast. Giving the side tit a gentle squeeze she starts whispering here mantra, "Be a hot woman. Let my dance partners excite me. John will enjoy it.

The more she sways to the memories and the touches continue she slowly undresses. The mantra evolves, "Be a hot wife. Let partners excite me. John will enjoy it. As the shirt comes off and her nipples harden to pink eraser tips it continues to change "Be a hot wife. Let my partners excite me. Enjoy it." As her pants slide past her hips and puddles onto the floor, "Be a hot wife, excite me, enjoy it." Her fingertips brush over her clitoris, and dips into her moist tunnel, the new mantra repeats. Moans get louder as she works up to the edge of a massive orgasm. One last deep plunge with her fingers sends her over the edge, like none John has given her in years. She opens her eyes and looking into her own eyes she say her mantra one last time. "Be a hot wife, excite me, enjoy it."

The smell of her sex permeates the room. With a smile, she uses her shirt and pants to soak up her juices that have run down her legs onto the floor. She tosses them into the hamper, and hopes John smells her passion as he shaves in the morning. Without wiping the moister dripping down her legs she leaves the bathroom and climbs into bed next to John and goes to sleep.

The next morning with breakfast finished and just the last sips of coffee left. John takes his wife's free hand and kisses it. She smiles back at him as he says, "Love you." Then he gets up, puts his mug into the sink and heads for the door, grabbing his laptop as he goes out the door. Linda remains sitting, taking the last two sips before getting up to prep a thermal tumbler for work. She doesn't have to be to work for another hour and a half. Since she works from home she can start and stop any time she needs. Today she feels the need to do something different. Clicking away at the keyboard, while listening to the squirrels nails click across the metal roof was not enough.

The computer room was her private sanctuary though. It was her place to get away from the rest of the house. Lifting the iPad onto its upright stand, facial recognition kicks in and her dating app opens. Looking at four messages, she pops them open one at a time. The first two, were deleted because they were in their 20s. To young for her preference. The third was from BigDick, a short message of how he would love to hold Squirrely in his arms. Swaying to the music their body's made, as his big cock swayed over her body. Swaying from her lips, around her beautiful breast, depositing precum as she fumbled it with her fingertips. Finally as it passed over her mons, she would desire this magnificent cock to enter her. The need to feel what a real man's cock would feel like would be overwhelming. Ask and it would be yours any time you wished. Included was another picture, of this large, thick, cock with an even thicker purple helmet. A drip of precum glistening at the tip ready to fall.

She stares at it for a long time, her fingers squeezing her breast. Pulling at her nipples as they are already hard and pressing through the thin t-shirt she is wearing. Saving the picture as her breath comes in raspy gasps, she click onto the next message. Sex4Reel's message opens up with a short story of dominance. How the release of herself to a Dominant, would take her to another realm of reality. Where morality fades, and erotic, decadence overwhelms the senses. Within the body can drift, pleasure is accented by pain, they become one. Pain is no longer registered in the brain as a bad thing, but an erotic release mixed with pleasure.

The feel of a slap on the ass as a cock drives deep inside. A hard pinched nipple as the other is sucked deep within her Master's mouth. Naked she is bound, with her arms helpless to protect herself. This submission to her Master's will is the ultimate gift one can give to another is of herself to her Master. He can tease your body into ecstasy, every inch of yourself bared for his use. Every erotic thought is his to implant upon you with the only expectation of the slave would have is that he would not toss you aside. Acceptance of you in this personal gift of domination of your mind and body offer to your Master is your only want and need. It would be an honor to receive you as a slave. Imagine the erotic pleasures that could be yours if you offer yourself to me as your Master. When we chat next I will expect you to be nude and say Master I am ready.

Her breathing before opening sex4reel's message was raspy, but now it is so deep, as her whole body is sexually alive. She never even realized that her hand was rubbing herself. Her sweat pants are soaked. Squirrely's response of looking forward to your next breath taking message Master sex4reel. I went dancing and learned some of what a hot wife's pleasures are. Thank you. She re-reads the full message and then hits send to her response.

It takes a while, before Linda returns to herself enough to look at the clock and finds that it is after 8:00. Turning to her work computer she tries to concentrate on work. The squirrels overhead are unheard, as her mind flickers from work to bigdicks photo, and Master sex4reel. The release of herself to another for sexual adventures she has never experienced with John. If the tantalizing, taste from Saturday night, was a glimmer of what may be she wonders what else is out there for her future. How much more is there to experience, her husband's conservative nature is no match for her blossoming imagination.

Her work hours have ended for the day and the feeling that her work mind ran on auto, as her dating app messages, took her to other realms of expectation. Shutting down her work computer she reaches for the iPad. No messages, just hearts from voyeurs that scroll through the pictures, but have no interest in chat or can't because they didn't pay. As she is ready to turn shut it down a message pops up. Clicking on it she sees it is from AbitRandy. I think I may have seen you dancing at the club Saturday night. If it was you the men you were dancing with were so lucky to have such a beautiful hot wife in their arms. Your husband must enjoy sharing you with others. I hope one day to have you in my arms. If it was you, please tell me so my dreams will be of the right woman. Bra less with a Peasant shirt that screamed to be pulled off of you and be tossed aside as your body is explored. Tell me true, was it you.

Already in a state of exhilaration she types back. It was me, my husband with three of his golf friends that seem to enjoy dancing with me. Where were you sitting? Pressing send, she waits to see a response.

A few moments later another message pings receipt. If I knew for sure I would have loved to take you for a spin on the dance floor, You are such a beautiful MILF crushing your body against mine as we swirl around the dance floor. Taking you to the far side with your head on my shoulder. For some privacy as we started exploring each others body. I would make love to you so many times a day, it would be impossible to leave you. Your soft lips, generous breast, and those long legs would wrap around me as we took each other to multiple amazing orgasms. Next time, it will be you and me. Just ask and I will be by your side.

Linda, responds with, That sounds yummy. We will see. After a few moments to see if he replies she reaches over and shuts it down for the day. Time to get dinner started and while she waits for John to get home. Thoughts of a sex filled night flicker through her thoughts as she preps the meal and tosses it into the oven. Now it is just a matter of waiting for John to walk in the house. Going into the bedroom she strips out of her sweat pants and t-shirt. Flipping through her dresser, she finds a set of matching red french cut panties, and a half cup push up bra. A quick search of the closet and she comes out with a low cut cross over shirt that ties on the side. For pants she grabs a pair of skin tight shorts.

Linda looks into the mirror and says to herself, I am going to get laid tonight. Dinner is starting to smell good, as the time for him to leave work gets closer. As she is checking dinner to turn it down the phone rings. John is going to be late. A report has to get out and he is the one that has to do it. Should be home around ten tonight. Turning the dinner low, Linda stomps down to her computer room. Grabs up her iPad with stand and heads back to kitchen. She sets a place setting for one turning the iPad on and putting it within reach.

Turning the oven off and pulling dinner out wraps one up and into the fridge. She servers herself a plate full and a glass of wine as a side she sits. As she eats, Linda scrolls through the dating app. A bunch of cute guys, but so many looking for one night hook ups, or they look too good to be real. So much cat fishing is done on these sites. All they really want is a green card, money or a side to their partner. Finishing her dinner Linda takes care of her dishes, tops off her glass of wine and with the iPad in hand heads out to the deck.

Sipping her wine, as the sun heads closer to the mountains her iPad sits on a small stool she slid up between her legs. The more she thinks about John working late when she went to the bother of dressing for him pisses her off. She has four hours to kill before he gets home and already half of her second large glass of wine is gone. Taking another sip as she looks out toward the road she can see deer out by the tree line on the other side. As the sun travels further west the shadows appear on the far side giving them protection to come out of the woods. A ping draws her attention to between her legs. A message icon is lit.

Bigdick sent a message to Squirrely, 'Hi beautiful lady. What are you doing online tonight? Thought you would like to do some sexually stimulating reading as Hubby tries to find his tiny dick?'

Linda thinks arrogant shit, but responds. 'He lost it, think we will need to send in a search party if he can't find it in the next couple of days. It is definitely smaller than yours, but then not many are as big and thick as yours. I did dance with one Saturday night that could give you a run for your money.'

Bigdick smiles as he comes back with, 'Oh, Did you get to feel how long it was? Wrap those dainty hands around his monster cock? Feel that bulbous head swell as you stroked it from those huge balls all the way to the tip? Did you reach into his pants and feel the real thing, or did you chicken out and only slide along his pants teasing him?'

Linda drains the rest of her wine. Her breathing has gotten deeper and she reaches into her split top and massaging her breast responds. 'We were on the dance floor and hubby was near. I felt it bump my belly as we spun deeper onto the dance floor. Eventually we settled into a darkened corner. Once there he squeezed my breast as he took my hand to drag my fingers over his pants. From the big cock head, down that long thick cock. He took me all the way down to his balls. All of it was a straining against his pants.

Bigdick has his cock out and is slowly stroking it as memories flood from his mind to his now pulsing cock. 'That must have been amazing compared to what your husband has packing? So he forced you to stroking his cock?

Memories flood back on that lovely cock as her fingers make their way underneath her bra and pinch the nipple. Pulling it hard between her finger and thumb. She types back, 'No, he started the action, but he let go and I stroked it and squeezed that lovely tip. My fingertip had moisture as I rubbed the very tip. I had him going as bad as he had me.'

His cock is throbbing, Bigdick keeps slowing his strokes to recover control, then stroking faster as he applies more pressure. Precum is flowing freely. Taking his phone he snaps a pic of his cock and balls. Moisture is obviously coating the length. He sends the pic with a message, 'Do you think you can handle this one. Imagine what it must feel like deep inside. Show me!' then he hits send and waits.

Undoing her shorts she forces her fingers down and starts to stroke her clit and down into her dampness. Taking a shot showing her hand reaching into her shorts and under her red panties. Her wedding ring caught on the edge of her panties shines bright in the picture. She types, 'You know what you are doing to me, and it feels so good.' Her head falls back as multiple things happens. She hits send, a massive orgasm rolls through her, and her jerking orgasm knocks the phone and wine glass over.

Bigdick's eyes go wide as the picture comes up. Suddenly he can't hold out any longer, and shoots his load all over his hand and the table he is sitting at. Leaning back he smiles at the thought. Soon I will be in her, and I won't have to use my hand.

Sitting on the deck her fingers are slowly pulled away as she comes back to herself. Looking around guiltily she smiles as the only thing she can see are a couple of deer across the road. Standing she re-zips her pants. Licking her fingers dry, she bends to pick up her iPad and the empty plastic wine glass. Bigdick has signed out so into the kitchen she goes, with a sway in her hips and a smile on her face. As she pours another glass of wine she looks at the clock mutters a curse at John. Taking a healthy sip of wine, she looks at the glass afterward, and pours again to level it off. As she walks back out to the deck. She now understands the craving for a cigarette both when a man frustrates a woman and after good sex.

As the sun is about to touch the mountains. It is always so dramatic as the tree line on top seem almost to burst into flame as they touch the sun. Sitting she never gets tired of the sun setting spectacle of nature. The wine she places on a side table. As she puts the iPad onto its holder on the stool between her legs, it vibrates as the message ping sounds. At least someone wants to talk to me she thinks as Linda drops her silent phone next to her wine.

Linda taps open message as she sits. Sex4Reel sends, 'Hello, is my submissive hot wife ready? Typing a quick message back, she states, 'Yes. What do you want to talk about tonight Sex4Reel?'

During a pause of a few minutes. Linda takes another sip of her wine and waits for a response. Eventually one comes back from him, stating, 'You were told when you declared yourself my slave by stating, Master sex4reel. This means your response should have been, Yes Master I am ready. Although you were not to respond as such unless you are totally nude. Are you nude?'

Linda sits startled by the response. Reading it three times before she remembers her last conversation with him. She responds, 'Master I am Ready. I am nude.'

Sex4Reel says, 'Prove that you accept me as your Master. Turn on your camera for inspection.'

Linda stares at the screen, camera for inspection. Finally she messages back. I am on the front deck. I can't strip out here.

Sex4Reel replies, 'Last warning or I will block you. Yes Master, I am nude. Any command I give you will be followed, otherwise you will never learn to release yourself fully to another and gain the sexual freedom in doing it. Now Prepare and then Respond as You Turn on your Camera for Your Master. I will wait only 2 minutes.

Linda looks around as she unties her shirt. And lets it fall from her shoulders. Sliding low on her chair, she undoes her shorts and grabbing her panties and shorts, she pulls them off. As they come off another message appears. '1 min left.' sitting upright she undoes her bra and pulling it out from her body she lets it fall onto her shorts beside her. Her finger floats over the camera button as precious seconds flick by. Her hand shakes so hard she has to stab the iPad twice before she hits the button. Suddenly her own image flashes up on the upper left of her screen. Only her shoulder and half her face is showing. Then she remembers and types quickly 'Yes Master I am nude for you.' And hits send.

Master Sex4Reel smiles once he sees her camera go live as his remains off. In only a few weeks of sexy chat, she is ready to show all and give her all to me. Then his excitement drops as he sees the angle of the camera shows more of the room than of her. Frustrated he types, 'Linda, adjust the camera, I can't see you at all.' As soon as he hits send he sees his error. He quickly types. 'You haven't proven your worthiness by not proving you are naked. I guess I have wasted my time with you and should go on to another who will be obedient.'