Stacey's Feet Ch. 03

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Jill gets a turn.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/26/2020
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"Oh fuck!" screamed stacey, jumping off of her brother and onto the floor.

"That's exactly what it looks like!" shouted their mom, gaping at her kids and still somehow looking shocked, sad, and furious all at the same time.

"Mom, it's... Oh, hell, I guess it is what it looks like," Jake mumbled lamely.

"You!" she screamed. "How could you take advantage of your sister like that?! Sweet, innocent girl and what, you just raped her?"

"Mom! No! If anything, I forced him to have sex with me!" Stacey interjected, and her mother seemed to be completely flabbergast.

"Wait... What?" she asked, her entire idea of the situation upended.

"Well, Hannah left him and took Brady, so I figured it was finally my chance..." Stacey trailed off, blushing fiercely.

"That bitch did what?!" the matriarch of the family demanded, suddenly no longer angry with them. Jake explained the whole situation with Hannah and Brady - how the little boy was apparently not his son and therefore she was not technically a grandmother - and then Stacey explained how she used Jake's shattered emotional state to convince him to take her virginity. Thankfully, she left the kinky details out, just saying they had sex and she loved it and loved him.

"This is... This is a lot to handle," their mom whispered. "I guess... Oh hell, I loved being a grandma!" she burst out, crying. They both moved to hug her, and took it as a positive sign when she didn't push them away or scream.

"We're sorry to be so... Inappropriate," Jake started, "but we really do love each other. I know we're siblings, but -"

"Adoptive siblings," their mom said with a laugh. "Oh fuck, I might as well tell you. Jacob, you're adopted. We thought we couldn't have kids, so we decided to try adoption - you are our son, really! We love you to death! - but then it turned out we could have our own biological kids, so... Stacey."

"So you mean..." Stacey trailed off hopefully.

"I guess that wasn't technically incest!" laughed their mom, and the two siblings smiled at each other. "Well, maybe I'll get to be a grandma sooner than I had feared! I had always been hoping for 2 sets, though..."

"Wait... So you're okay with this?" Stacey asked, completely shocked.

"No, not really... But you're both adults and there's not much I can do to stop it. Besides, you always did love each other so much and, well, neither of you are unattractive..." she laughed. "It'll be a bit strange to tell people, but whatever. Ever since your dad passed away, I don't really give a rat's ass what other people think!" she laughed crazily, and then smiled.

"Just... Please try to be more discreet, okay?" she asked teasingly, and they both blushed and nodded. She laughed again and walked out of the room, very pointedly closing the door to her own bedroom, as if to let them know that she was very much no longer in their presence.

"So... Adopted, huh?" asked Stacey playfully, poking Jake in the chest.

"Yeah... That's... Huh, I don't really know how I feel about that," he said with a hint of sadness.

"I know that's probably a lot to handle, me not being your 'real' sister, but Mom loves you just the same as me, and Dad always did, too," she said helpfully, though it didn't really help clear the fog from his mind.

"Yeah, but that means my mom isn't, like, really my mom..." he breathed, and Stacey gave him a sympathetic look.

"You know what, I have a solution!" she suddenly exclaimed, causing him to look at her with a startled expression.

"What's your idea?" he asked, hopeful that his adorable sister could make everything better; she always did.

"Well... So since we're not blood related... That means there's not any risk from us having sex, right? As in, our baby wouldn't come out with 3 eyes," she giggled, "and I've seen what an amazing dad you can be, and I kinda want to be a mom..."

"Wait, what?!" he sputtered, not sure what he was believing.

"You have, like, a year left in law school, right?" she asked sweetly. He nodded, not sure what she was getting at.

"Great! So once you graduate and become a big, fancy lawyer, I can stop taking birth control and you can knock me up!" she enthused, her eyes sparkling with desire.

"You'd really...?" Jake asked, utterly shocked at this development. What had been shameful - though amazing - incest just a few hours ago was now mother-sanctioned, eventually reproductive love-making?

"I'd love to carry your baby!" she told him happily, and kissed him lovingly on the cheek.

"I guess Mom did just lose a grandson..." he said, "it would be inconsiderate to not give her another..."

"Exactly! And why stop at 1? I'd love to have a big family, and I know Jill does, too - really most of my friends would love to have your babies..." she ended in a sultry purr, then began slowly kissing her way down his body. "You just have to promise you'll knock me up first, okay? I want to have your first real baby!"

"I don't know what to say, sis..." he whispered, completely dazed by the day's revelations. "I just know that I love you, and I love having sex with you and touching you and playing with your gorgeous feet... And if you'd really want to make a baby together, I mean... That would be the most amazing thing you... Oh my god, Stacey, yes!"

He gasped the last part, as his adoptive sister had reached her destination a while ago and stayed there, waiting for him to agree to impregnate her eventually, and upon hearing his confirmation she had slid his huge, throbbing cock into her sweet, wet mouth, sucking him as deep as she could.

"Mmmmm aaa o ooo" she gurgled around his shaft, bobbing back and forth and bathing him with her tongue.

"Stacey, you're amazing!" he told her, shuddering in pleasure. "I love you so much and I cannot wait to start a family with you!"

This set her off, and she started arching her back and cumming while still impaling herself on his cock. "Ooooooo" she moaned deliriously, feeling his cock in her throat and loving it.

"I'm so happy, Stacey!" he told her truthfully. It felt like everything was good - no, everything was perfect - as his cock slid past her lips and she gazed at him adoringly.

She pulled slightly off of him, leaving just the tip in her mouth, so that she could say, "you better get used to fucking a lot, because I have a whole group of friends who will try our best to keep you drained..." and then sunk back down on his prick.

After that statement, she made quick work of him. Bobbing up and down like a woman possessed, she drooled and moaned and gagged on his throbbing cock, taking him all the way inside of her throat when she felt him starting to tense up.

Before he was pushed over the edge, though, Stacey thought better of it and pulled back, letting his pulsing cock slide out past her lips. "Uh... Wha...?" he asked dumbly, too close to orgasm to really understand.

"Hold on," she said with a wink, and moved so that she was sitting back on her ass, her feet surrounding the base of his cock and her neck bent forwards to leave her tongue near his crotch. "There!" she said happily, "now you can fuck my feet and cum in my mouth, all at once!"

Her words made Jake's face light up in a giant smile. This was going to be amazing! She started jerking him off with her feet and sucking on the tip of his cock at the same time, and he felt like he had exited the mortal plane to experience something far better.

"Aaa uuu ooo" Stacey moaned, looking up at him with big eyes. He put his hands in her hair and helped guide her up and down, though it was not necessary - she was blowing him quite enthusiastically all on her own!

"Oh Stacey, I - I love you too! Here it comes!" he warned her, and she quickened slightly, eyes watering as her throat was filled with the last few inches of his cock.

She felt his shaft pulse, and knew what was happening. Smiling to herself - at least in her own head, as her mouth was stretched full - she drove down, taking him deep in her esophagus just as his muscles contracted. He gripped her hair more tightly and trembled, letting out a tortured moan as she swallowed everything he gave her.

"Oh my god! Yes, Stacey!" he practically shouted, emptying his balls into her eager throat.

When he had spent his entire load - Stacey not missing a drop - Jake pulled his sister up for a big hug. "That was so amazing!" he complimented her skills, and she beamed appreciation for his praise.

"I'm so glad you love my slutty little mouth!" she told him genuinely, and they both laughed a little at the naughtiness of her words.

"Were you serious, about everything we were saying?" Jake asked, suddenly remembering their conversation and worrying she had felt pressed into making promises she didn't want to keep.

"Completely, 100 percent serious!" she assured him. "But before you put a baby in me..." she moaned at the idea, loving the thought of carrying her brother's child, "I really should introduce you to the other girls."

"I've already met all of them!" he said defensively; he'd been serving as host for their parties and sleepovers for years!

"I know, silly... I meant introduce you to their virgin pussies," she giggled, seeing his eyebrows arch at what she was very un-subtlely suggesting.

"Oh, right... Um, sounds awesome," he admitted, and Stacey smiled big and hugged him tighter.

"Great! Like I said, I'll talk to Jill tomorrow and then we can come to your place after school?" she asked hopefully, and received a decisive nod. If Jake was going to be impregnating a group of younger women eventually - this was crazy! - he might as well get to know them intimately, right?

The two lovers just hung out the rest of the day, talking and watching TV and cuddling up. It was basically the same as any time before, with how close they had been as siblings, except now the cuddling often involved Jake's hand on Stacey's pert, young ass or her grinding on his lap. At the end of the evening, after a shockingly normal dinner where their mom grilled Jake on his performance in law school, the two shared a sizzling good-night kiss at the door.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Jake!" Stacey had excitedly promised, "does, like, 4:00 work for you?" He nodded that that would be fine, and then walked to his car and drove home. He'd need to get the locks changed, and Hannah would need to come get her things eventually, but he no longer felt depressed walking around the home they had shared.

The next day, at 3:50, there was a knock at the door, and Jake quickly got up to go answer it. He had been slightly nervous about them not showing up, but not really - he was completely confident that Stacey would come, and when he thought about it he had realized that Jill had always been maybe a bit into him. He had passed it off as kids being weird, but now saw that she must have been fantasizing about him like his sister had been!

"You're early," he remarked, opening the door and stepping aside so Stacey, pulling a disbelieving Jill in her wake, could enter the house.

"Hi, Jake..." his sister's friend said softly.

"Hey, Jill! How're things going? Your softball team doing well?" he asked, being friendly and bringing up what he knew was one of her passions.

Jill looked startled, as if she had not been expecting that. "No, see, that's what I mean!" she exclaimed to Stacey, who just giggled. "He's too nice! Like he actually listens to us and cares about our interests and problems and... You really mean to tell me this incredible man fucked his sister raw?" she asked incredulously.

Jake fidgeted, not sure if he should be the one to answer, but Stacey didn't let the silence last long. "Yup! And it was amazing."

"I... Well, thanks I guess," he laughed, smiling at his lovely sister-to-be-wife.

"But, like... He's your brother..." Jill struggled to say, flushing with embarrassment.

"Adopted brother, so it's fine! And he's getting divorced from that absolute bitch, so now he's all mine! And I generously offered to share him today..." Stacey purred, moving closer to Jill and rubbing the other girl's arms softly. "Don't you want that?" she asked softly.

Jill nodded, still not believing this was real but definitely willing to go forward until it stopped. She had fantasized about Jake for years, and had saved herself for the possibility that one day, he would be theirs. Now, he was! Well... He was Stacey's, but she was sharing!

She gulped, and looked Jake in the eyes. "I've always loved you, and," she looked away shyly, "seeing the outline of your cock in your swimming trunks or PJs was the first thing I ever masturbated to..." She blushed, embarrassed, and Jake just smiled at her.

"I've always thought you were so cute," he told her, "and I never let myself get too explicit in thinking of you, since you were like a little sister to me, but... Well, I noticed how hot you were, and part of me always looked to try to catch glimpses any time you were sleeping over," he admitted shyly.

"Okay, great, we get it," laughed Stacey, "you two both were shy, but wanted each other. And guess what? You're both here now! Jill, his cock is huge, and Jake, her little cunt gets sooooo wet and squirty..." With that, she pushed the two together, and neither resisted being guided to kiss.

After about 10 seconds of gentle kissing, their tongues began to duel, and their hands roamed over each other's bodies. Soon, Jake was grabbing handfuls of Jill's athletic ass, and she was moaning into his mouth, practically panting with the anticipation of years of fantasy coming true.

"I want you to fuck my tits," she breathed, pulling back suddenly. Jake just chuckled, and looked at her questioningly. "I always rub my biggest dildo between them and imagine it's you..." she said quietly, "I want it to be real this time!"

She knelt before him, and Stacey quickly joined her to help undo his pants. Then Stacey pulled his already-hard cock out and gave it a quick lick before offering it to her friend. "Here, it'll be more fun if it's wet..."

Jill, ever the eager participant, quickly began licking him wildly all over his cock. While she was doing this, Stacey leant forward and sucked his head into her mouth, bobbing shallowly back and forth. The combined sensations were amazing, and Jake moaned his appreciation for their efforts. "Oh, girls, that's so good!" he exclaimed, putting a hand on each of their heads.

"Okay, titty time!" Stacey squealed, yanking her shirt off and starting to slowly lift Jill's. "Her little titties are delicious," she confided in her brother, loving the effect her naughty words had on him. As the shirt came up, Jake noticed she had not been wearing a bra, and her firm nippls poked out obscenely from her small-ish 32B breasts.

"You're so beautiful, Jill. And you, Stacey, but I told you that already," he added, smiling when both girls perked up at his praise, making their chests more pronounced.

"Thank you, Jake, and your cock... Wow..." rasped Jill, her breath catching at the supreme arousal flooding her system and her pussy. "No, please, could you fuck my little titties?" she practically begged.

"Of course, Jill, that sounds amazing," he told her, and Stacey abruptly pushed the girl onto her back.

"There you go, tit-slut!" she encouraged, "now he can straddle you and fuck those perky little boobies of yours!" Jill moaned at the promise of what was about to happen, and looked pleadingly at Jake.

"Please..." she moaned, shuddering as Jake moved on top of her torso and slid his large cock between her supple mounds.

"Here, let me..." Stacey said, grabbing a tit in each hand and squeezing them around Jake's shaft. "There you go! Real, honest-to-goodness tit-pussy for you to fuck, babe!" she told him, quite pleased with herself.

Jake smiled his thanks, then locked eyes with the panting, already-writhing Jill and slid his cock forward. It bumped into her chin, and her tongue darted out for a taste, but then he slid back. He repeated the process, building speed, until he was well and truly fucking the girl's small tits, the friction amazing for both of them.

With her deepest-held fantasy being realized, Jill was in ecstasy. She started to pant louder and louder, her breath coming in gasps as she arched her back, creating more pressure from her tits on Jake's shaft. Soon, the feeling was too much, and she started thrashing and screaming under him.

"YES! Please, oh yes, fuck my titties! Jake, yes! Pinch my nipples, do it!" she raved, and Stacey fiercely twisted her friend's erect little nubs, causing her to plunge over an even deeper precipice of pleasure. "FUUUUUCKKKKK!" she shrieked, squirting onto the floor and starting to tremor like she was having a violent seizure. She panted, shook, and moaned for several minutes, finally coming down and gazing at Jake with love and desire in her eyes.

"Thank you..." she finally breathed, her breathing slowed to the point she could talk again. "That was... Everything I hoped it would be..."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Jake told her fondly. "That was super fun! I'd happily fuck your perky little tits any time you want..." he promised her, making her tremble with an aftershock.

"Fuck, that was hot," breathed Stacey, and Jake smiled when he saw she was playing with herself. "But now, Jill, I think we should do something for Jake..." she suggested wantonly.

"Of course! Anything," Jill immediately agreed. "What do you want? My mouth? My pussy? My asshole?" she moaned, imagining his cock filling her everywhere she listed.

"Totally, eventually," Jake laughed, but, uh..."

"So Jill, what my shy big brother here is having a hard time saying is," she ignored his warning look, "he likes feet."

Jill looked surprised. "Oh, that's..." she trailed off, causing Jake to panic and feel intense embarrassment, "great! I love getting my feet rubbed after practice and stuff, and I've always thought mine were pretty cute! Kinda like yours, really..." she purred, looking at Stacey.

"Shall we put on a show?" her friend asked, and after a quick, whispered strategy session both girls pulled off their shoes and socks before sitting on the floor facing each other.

"So, Jake, would you like..." Stacey started to ask, reaching for Jill's petite foot with purple-painted nails, "this?" She brought the foot to her mouth and licked it from heel to toe, causing Jill to giggle from being tickled slightly and arch her back from the eroticism of it all.

"Yeah... I do," he groaned, loving the image.

Jill eagerly grabbed Stacey's foot and did the same, and then the two girls sat there, massaging and licking each other's feet, for a few minutes.

"Would you want to cum on Jill's pretty face while she sucks on my toes and you suck on hers?" asked Stacey, a mastermind of her brother's kink. He nodded, unable to form words, and the girls rearranged themselves.

When Jake took Jill's toes into his mouth and she licked Stacey's, his sister's friend started cumming from the thought of how slutty she was being. "Ooooo aaa uuu iiii" she moaned around the delicate toes between her lips.

The vision of what was happening was beyond Jake's wildest dreams, and he could feel his own orgasm building while he stroked himself. "Yes, girls... I'm getting close..." he moaned, and the girls both cried out in pleasure and desire.

"Please, Jake, cum all over my friend's face and my cute little feet!" Stacey begged, rubbing her toes all over Jill's mouth. Jill just moaned crazily around the offending toes, clearly wanting him to finish on her.

"Here it comes, I... I... Fuck! That is so fucking hot!" he shouted, arching his own back and shooting rope after rope of hot, sticky cum onto his sister's feet and her friend's face. After 8 squirts, his targets were covered, and he sank back, completely spent.

"Watch this, bro..." Stacey moaned, moving forward to lick the cum off of Jill's face while her friend cleaned her feet. Jake groaned at seeing both of their fetishes realized.