Stand for Love Ch. 14


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Adrian stared at Nicholas and smiled. He had his husband with him and the worries were not that worse anymore. He knew he could count on his husband to guide him and help him out.

"Do you think you're the heir?"

"I don't know. All I care about is to find out about why my mother called me that and if I'm related to the company." Adrian said softly. "But I'll not be at peace until I find out what the truth is. Up to now my mother's prophecies have all come true. It wouldn't hurt to find out, would it?"

"No," Nicholas nodded. "But...what do you plan on doing?"

That was a really good question. And there was only one way he'd find out once and for all. It was gonna take long but it was worth every time.

"Where is the headquarters of Equilinias? Is it in the capital?" He asked curiously. "I know this may..."

"No, I totally understand you." He said softly. "But the headquarters are in the next city. There are only branches in the capital. Do you plan on asking questions? I can help you with..."

"No!" Adrian muttered, rubbing on his lower lip. "The only place I can find out if Jack was related to me is to go to the headquarters. I'm pretty sure that we are somehow related to the company."

"We," Nicholas asked, confused.

Adrian looked at Nicholas and smiled. "I'm really sorry for what I'm going to say next." He apologized and then gave a gloomy sigh. "By we, I mean Jake and I. There is no way I would be told about Equilinias and find a paper with the same name in his room. That is not a coincidence. I have a strange feeling about it and it's also the reason why I am worried. I have a feeling that Jake and his family knows about this and that's why I had seen that paper. It was probably a document which had its cover ripped."

Somehow what Adrian had said was starting to make sense. Now he was sure that what he had seen was not only a paper but it was also a cover which had ripped from a document. Why didn't he think of that?

Hearing Jake's name made a wind of anger to blow on his face. He was filled with lot anger and he clenched on his fists. But he was soon back to his normal self as he couldn't be angry in front of the wonderful boy. But what Adrian had told him rang in his mind. He was somehow feeling that there was connection. Why would Jake have the same name of the company which Adrian had dreamt his mother telling him about? He was starting to smell something fishy.

"You may be right," Nicholas gave a gloomy sigh. "So what do you want to do now?"

Adrian sighed. "I was hoping to get some answers but the headquarters is just far away." He chuckled bitterly. "Guess..."

"Why don't we go there?" Nicholas suggested, almost jumping up. He didn't like seeing Adrian in that mood that he was in. He figured he needed to help get him out of it. Besides, he needed some time off. Getting his husband's mood back to the way it was, was now his top priority. He was gonna do it even if he had to prove him wrong.


"Baby," Nicholas moaned softly as he got up from the bed. "I won't take no for an answer. Besides, I think I need to visit my company and hotel in that area. It's been quite long since I last visited. And..." He paused and then wrapped his arms around Adrian's neck. He brought his face closer and then breathed in his sweet smelling cologne. "...I think I need to make love to you in a different place. It will also be beautiful to visit another place as a couple."

Adrian laughed and then hit Nicholas on the chest softly. "You're crazy," He chuckled. At least he had gotten some beautiful news. "But thank you so much. That really means something to me. Even if I don't get anything, I'll be able to get rid of the burden that I feel. So thank you..."

"Wanna make me feel happy?" Nicholas knew what would make him even happier.

"Promise you'll forget about everything and be happy." Nicholas said softly, licking his own lips. "I know that it'll be on your mind but can you at least...not think about it that much?"

Nicholas' request was already granted because Adrian was feeling better already. Just the thought of going with his husband to another city was really lovely. He couldn't have wished for anything more. His body had suddenly relaxed and his heart was racing. He loved Nicholas and the fact that he was gonna go with him to the next town. He loved it a lot. He was no longer worried or confused because he was gonna find out the truth once and for all.

"But if you want..." Nicholas moved his hands to Adrian's hips and brought his body closer. "...I have one more suggestion on how you can thank me." He winked, moving his hands to Adrian's ass.

"Which is?" Adrian frowned. From that grin on Nicholas' face, he pretty much got the idea of what he wanted.

"Tonight," Nicholas squeezed Adrian's ass, whining his waist while feeling his cock throb. "You can make it up to me."

Adrian moved his hands up and cupped Nicholas' cheeks. He gave them a tight squeeze and enjoyed the wonderful look on his face.

"You know I can't deny you that." Adrian chuckled, circling his index finger on Nicholas' lips. "I know you can't get enough of me. I love the way you moan, moving your hips while you sweat."

"So now you're teasing me." Nicholas said in an orgasmic voice. "You know I can take you here, right? I haven't forgotten about what you did to me this morning."

"Just a few hours,"

"Alright then," Nicholas moaned, capturing Adrian's lips. "While don't we go down so that we can get on with it. We'll have a quick dinner and then..." He gripped Adrian's ass and brought him closer, feeling his thigh rubbing on his hard cock. It sent shivers all over his body and he couldn't help but moan.

"And while we are at it," Nicholas moaned. "Let's tell the family that we'll be going out of town."

"You mean..."

"Of course," Nicholas moaned loudly, licking his lips furiously. "We'll be going tomorrow so that we can have some alone time and...find out the truth of course."

Adrian was happy. He was really happy that he didn't even know how to express it. The only way he knew was to smile and gasp. He needed to award Nicholas so he kissed him furiously and then chuckled nervously.

"But...what will we tell the..."

"I'll tell them I've got an important meeting in the next town and..." He breathed in audibly. "...I am taking you with me."


"Yeah," Nicholas smirked. He was getting horny by each second. "And let's quickly go down so that..." He paused and then licked his lips. Then he gave Adrian's ass a tight slap and felt him squirm. " that we can get granny to complain quickly. Then we will come back."

"I can't wait," Adrian moaned softly, moving his head from side to side.

"Let's go," Nicholas smiled. He kissed Adrian and let go of his ass. Then he moved his hand to Adrian's waist and they both began moving.

Adrian was really happy. He was so happy that he couldn't move his eyes away from his husband. He just wanted to award him by riding his monster cock. He had been really worried and his husband just solved his problem for him. He loved him so much for that.

Adrian moved his head to the front, blushing brightly. Then he took his hand and wrapped it around his husband's shoulder. He just wanted to have him just like that for as long as he lived. Every step he made was confident and brought him a lot of excitement.

Moving out of their room, Adrian gave a soft chuckle. He couldn't wait to come back to the room and have Nicholas make love to him or fuck him...whatever. But most of all, he couldn't wait to go to the next town with his husband.

With a beautiful smile which painted his face, Adrian had only one question, "What was he going to find out?" Whatever it was he knew it was gonna be helpful.

"I love you." Nicholas said.

"I love you too."

Then with a kiss on the head, they both went downstairs to have dinner with their family.


The next morning Adrian was busy looking in the mirror, checking himself out. He was just putting on a simple blue skinny jean, red shirt and brown snickers. His eyes were in a pony tail, as usual and he couldn't help but admire himself. Something was different with him and he had been observing it, his body especially his ass was getting fat. Guess Nicholas really giving him proteins.

Nicholas slowly opened the door to their room and he just stood there and froze, staring at how stunning Adrian was looking. He was looking so yummy. Nicholas wanted to devour him right there. But he had not still recovered from the hot love making they had the previous night. He could still feel the pleasure traveling in his bones.

He slowly moved towards Adrian and slowly gripped his waist. Then he buried his face into Adrian's neck and kissed softly, drawing a wonderful moan from him.

"Why do you always have to look so damn sexy?" Nicholas moaned as he softly sucked on Adrian's neck.

Adrian dropped his head and gave access to Nicholas. He felt him suck on his beautiful neck and he gave a low moan.

"To make you yearn for me." Adrian moaned, trembling from the pleasure he was getting.

"You know how crazy I get," Nicholas groaned. "The pleasure you gave me was just too much. I can still feel it vibrating in my system."

"Good," Adrian slowly pulled away from Nicholas and turned. Their faces were now closer to each other, sending powerful vibrations of lust to their bodies. But their cocks didn't react. They had been fully satisfied after making love 3 times. They were rather a little tired.

"I just came to say that," Nicholas gulped and then licked his lips. He was staring into Adrian's eyes and he couldn't help but fall deeper in love with him. Their love was really beautiful. "The driver is waiting outside. We need to leave early so that we could reach early."

"I know," Adrian said with a chuckle, feeling Nicholas' heat hitting his face. "Did you tell Gabriel..."

"It's done," Nicholas smiled. He loved how much Adrian was concerned for Gabriel. He knew he was safe in his papa's arms. "Let's go," He smiled.

Adrian gave a teasing chuckle and then held on to Nicholas' arm while the both of them left, staring at each other from time to time. Adrian just loved how his husband looked. He had a deep yellow shirt on, a black trouser and white shoes. His hair was just the way it used to be but he was looking really handsome and mouthwatering. He loved the fact that his husband was helping him search for the truth even though he had seen it in a dream.

As they came down the stairs still staring at each other, they were met by the family members who seemed sad they were leaving. Oh, last night at dinner the family members didn't like the idea of them leaving but Adrian had no choice. He was feeling a little at peace but if he chose to ignore it he'd definitely go insane and that was for sure.

"Why the wrong faces?" Nicholas chuckled as he took one final step at the sad faces. "It's not like we are going to our deaths or are you..."

"Don't joke around," Granny said softly. "You know you'll be leaving this house for a few days but do you have to take Adrian along with you?"

"Of course," Nicholas let go of Adrian and then wrapped his arms around granny. "It's necessary." A thought hit him and he was gonna use it. "I just want him to get familiar with all the companies and the hotels."

"Granny," Adrian wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I'll be back and don't worry, all of you." He looked at the faces. "Now give me a wonderful smile."

Granny sighed and then smiled brightly. She then gave him a wonderful tight hug which he loved and yearned for. He wished he could stay like that for long but like all good things, it came to an end within a few seconds.

"Don't forget to call," Noah said softly.

"We will," Adrian said as he took him in a tight hug.

Adrian passed around, hugging and giving them pecks together with his husband. He knew it was emotional for them but he had to do what he was doing if he truly needed his peace of mind. He needed to find out if he was truly the heir of Equilinias.

After what felt like hours, the time had come. It was time for them to leave for their destination. Slowly starting to move with his husband's arm on his waist, Adrian waved at the smiling faces telling him to hurry it up. He waved at them till he eventually stopped and then turned. He left happily with his husband. When they went outside, the car was already opened and they were gonna use his brand new car. It still smelled fresh and it made him happy.

They entered the car and the driver entered. There was no need for guards or anything like that. They just needed a driver. Adrian was really happy and he was nervous at the same time. He was really hoping he'd get answers he was looking for.

Adrian only had one thing in mind, to find out if he was the heir of the multinational company. Just thinking about it made his heart race. He couldn't wait to find out the truth.

With a wonderful kiss which his husband gave him, Adrian felt Nicholas' hand grasping the back of his head. He then stared at him and smiled brightly. Then he slowly laid his head on his husband's chest while he smiled, breathing in his sexy cologne. Then the car began moving out of the compound. This was it, time to reach his destination and find out the truth, he hoped.

Will Adrian's search for the truth pay off or could he be getting into something even more dangerous?


Thank you very much for reading this chapter till the end. Don't forget to drop your comments and don't forget to rate. We are almost wrapping things up. Chapter 15 is on its way. Stay tuned.

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GeorgepulseGeorgepulseover 6 years ago
Please edit.

I am really loving this story and can’t wait to read your others, but please, please, please edit it. If you can’t do it yourself , find someone to do it for you. You seem to be getting names mixed up a lot and a few other things which sometimes makes it a bit hard to follow. I am not being negative here as I truly do love your story.

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Wow,i wish Adrianicks success plz let us succeed,no more splitting

oh thinking about culprits make me panick thats why i dont put them in ma comments,DAMN THEM

Equlinius!!!!!!,Jesus,my Adrian is rich??Oh yeah the most rich couple in Belenia,,ooh i cant wait

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

By dj khaled and Riri

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago
"i'l fuck u till u bleed"

wow for sure i miss arough moment,toking dirt'show me what u got nick'

'let me fuck u adrian....' damn thats hot,after reading again...Page 3 made me horny incase vanalas u're here,we would..........(am joking hahahaha atleast in that i can joke with u)

infact,page 3 has its own them song-wild thoughts

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

i miss gabriel alot,i wish he spends smetym with his dads

the more we go,the more i panick for sure vanalas is unpredictable,u expect east he brings west THE BEST WRITER

am i rqst next chapter to have rough sex,very dirty words.Let them moan eachother's names

i wish the culprits dont seperate my couple PLEASE I KNOW

they're upto athing,thats why am panicking

thanks for entertaining us,we love u but me muchest

let read it again

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