Stand for Love Ch. 15


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As days went by, John got used to the house as granny always took him to the living room to talk with him. He was happy, laughing and he also talked to the rest of the family members. He spent time with Adrian but not when Nicholas came home. It was usually their alone time but he was happy and Adrian couldn't have loved seeing him in any better condition.

They talked and talked and Adrian opened up to his friend about his mother's death and how he suffered in the hands of his uncle's family and how Nicholas had rescued him. John felt like their story was somehow like a fairytale but Adrian thought it as a compliment. He even heard his friend tell him that he wished to find his prince charming.

A few days and John was fully used to the house. Everyone loved him and George started talking to him an awful lot and Adrian noticed it too. He didn't mind if the two of them fall in love at some point. All he wanted was for the two people he loved to be happy.


Coming down the stairs, Adrian had his arms on his husband's waist, feeling warm with each step they took. It had been 8 days since they came back from the other city and he hadn't received any news from the lawyer. That didn't bother him though because he had his husband by his side and he wouldn't have loved for anything more than that.

His husband was looking super hot in a tight black designer's suit which made him look sexy. He had a deep green shirt inside and he was putting on red designer's shoes. His hair was perfect, cut short which made him look younger and sexier. What Adrian loved about his hair was the way it showed his beautiful green eyes. He was sexy.

"Alright," Adrian said, stopping on the last step. "I think I need to go back now."

"Really," Nicholas grabbed him and brought him closer that their faces were almost meeting. He was about to go to a really important meeting but somehow he didn't want to go. He had been feeling uneasy since he woke up and making love to Adrian in the morning didn't quite help out. "But maybe I should..."

"No!" Adrian chirped, putting his hands on Nicholas' wonderfully curved chest. "You have an important meeting, remember?"

"I know," Nicholas breathed, gripping Adrian's waist tightly. "But it is not as important as you."

Adrian chuckled and then looked around to check if there was anyone around. Seeing that no one was around, he coiled his arms around Nicholas' neck and bit his own lip sensually.

"I think the image of me will see you through. And my love will be with you okay?"

"Alright," Nicholas breathed, tightening his arms around Adrian's sweet waist. "But I'll come back as soon as I get out of the meeting."

"I'd love that." Adrian chirped, tightening his arms. "And I can't wait either. But you have to go. The clients are waiting for you. Besides, the earlier you go the earlier you'll come back."

"Hmm, I'll take you out." Nicholas said with a breath of lust. "But can I get a kiss?"

"You don't have to ask."

Hearing Adrian's answer, Nicholas pulled Adrian's waist closer and then dipped his head and captured Adrian's lips. He kissed on them, sucking on each of the lips. Then he found his way into Adrian's mouth and sucked on his tongue like the last thing he was gonna do on earth. He didn't want to pull away from that sweet mouth which made him moan in pleasure. He just wanted everything to go on.

But as the kiss got sweeter, they both pulled away for the much needed air. Even out of breath, Nicholas wanted more of that mouth. Somehow he just wanted him by his side. He didn't want to go away.

"Alright," Adrian moaned softly, pulling away from Nicholas. "I think you need to go now. I'll see you later."

"I love you." Nicholas said in a nervous tone.

"I love you too."

Then with a chuckle, Nicholas turned to leave before he quickly turned back and stared at Adrian. Fuck, the boy was looking really sexy that morning. If only he didn't have the fucking meeting. He would have been out with the boy by now. Now he had to go to meet some fucking clients.

"Hey why are you still here?" Adrian asked, crossing his arms on his chest. "Are you waiting for George?"

"No!" Nicholas chuckled. "He said he's not feeling well so I have to go alone today."

"Alright," Adrian waved. "Bye."

Nicholas turned to start leaving before he quickly turned and grabbed Adrian. He started kissing him furiously, melting in that kiss. His lips had become swollen but he didn't want to stop kissing the beautiful boy. He just wanted for that kiss to continue for all eternity but when the boy pulled away and stared at him as if he had done something wrong, Nicholas trembled a bit.

'Hey," Adrian cupped Nicholas' cheeks. "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't wanna leave you." Nicholas said, staring into those piercing eyes of Adrian.

"You'll be back soon." Adrian said softly, wondering what was wrong with Nicholas. "Just go and I'll be here waiting for you. Then we'll go out and spend some quality time together."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." Adrian then leaned and captured Nicholas' lips for one final kiss. Then he rubbed his sweet lips and watched him going away. He waited till Nicholas left the house and he smiled, waving at his husband.

After Nicholas had left, Adrian began climbing up the stairs. He was in a really happy mood and he knew who exactly to talk to, his best friend. He really loved spending time with his best friend especially when his husband was not around. He always felt like they still had a lot of catching up to do.

Reaching the door, Adrian quickly opened it and froze. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped, panting like he had just come from a long run. Then he began shaking terribly and breathed in deeply. What he saw got him surprised big time. Just in front of him, on the bed was his friend but he was not alone. He was with George, naked...making love. George was on top of him, sweat dripping from his body and he was giving out a low scream of pure ecstasy while gasping. Adrian knew that scream...George was in orgasm. What really bothered him was that they didn't even stop even when they saw him.

"Oh my God," Adrian gasped, quickly turning around to give them his back. He had his hand covering his mouth. Seeing George buck naked, on top of his friend was too much for him. He couldn't take it so he decided to leave them alone.

"I am really sorry," Adrian gasped as he quickly left as fast as his legs could carry him.

As he left the room, he heard George and John's cries of ecstasy. Getting out of the room, he leaned towards a wall and took a deep breath. Fuck, he swore, trying to catch his breath. Why the fuck did he has to see George naked? Why? He couldn't get that image of George fucking his friend with his hairy ass. What could he do to make that image go the fuck away?

Leaning to a wall, Adrian calmed himself down and then took two deep breaths. He was now back in his senses and could go to the room and ask his friend about it later.

As he was about to take a step, Adrian heard the door to his friend's room opening. He quickly moved his eyes to the door only to stare into George's eyes. He noticed that George had a towel wrapped around his waist. He had never seen George naked before and the guy was really hairy...even more hairy than his husband.

Adrian positioned himself and looked at George who seemed shy.

"I thought I would find you here." George said softly, holding a firm grip on the towel.

"I'm really sorry." Adrian apologized. "I had no idea I would find you..." Then he paused and crossed his arms on his chest. What was he apologizing for? He was supposed to be interrogating George and not apologizing at him.

"Wait!" Adrian said in a serious tone. "John has only been here for a week and you two are already..."He signaled George to the room. "...George you are a nice guy and all but please my friend has really been through a lot. I know it's out of place for me but he doesn't need...fucking or whatever.. You should have controlled yourself and...

"Please listen to me." George said softly. "What happened back there was not what it seems like. I love John and..."

"You love him?" Adrian exclaimed, raising his eye brow. "You two barely know each other and you are..."

"That's what you think. How many weeks did you and Nicholas fall in love and marry?" George chuckled, leaving Adrian stunned. He was really embarrassed for Adrian finding them fucking. "Actually ever since he came here, I had developed feelings for him. Since the very day you brought him, I have been going to his room every night just to talk to him. I know everything about him and he knows about me too. I felt something about him the very day I saw him. The feelings were getting out of hand and I couldn't control myself today."

"Well, if you are really serious about him then..." He paused when he heard his phone ringing. He got out the phone, unknown number. Adrian then moved his face to George and excused himself.


"Hello, is this Adrian Wilson?" The voice sounded somehow excited.

"Speaking," Adrian answered.

"Good!" The deep manly voice said. "This is Jason Killian. I am the lawyer of Equilinias and I got this number from Mr. Bailey."

Immediately he heard that it was the lawyer, Adrian's heart skipped a beat and began pounding in his chest. He was somehow excited and nervous after finding out that it was the lawyer.

"Err...sir, it is an..."

"Can we meet?" The lawyer sounded impatient. "It is important that I meet you. I really need to fulfill the wish I made."


"I'm in the capital." The lawyer said softly.

"Really," Adrian chirped. "Where can we meet?"

The lawyer gave Adrian the address of their meeting. They were to meet at a hotel restaurant and discuss everything. Adrian was really happy because he wanted to get it over with.

He cut the call and was really excited. There was only one thing left to do, call his husband and tell him about everything. He quickly dialed his number but the phone was off. He tried again but the same thing. Guess he was gonna have to go alone. But he wanted to go with Nicholas so much but he had to meet the lawyer and get everything over with.

"Adrian!" George called.

"Uh," Adrian said, moving his face up.

"Are you okay?"


"Can we..."

"I'm sorry," Adrian apologized. "I have to go take a shower and go to meet a lawyer."

"A lawyer," George gasped. "Is there anything wrong between..."

"No!" Adrian chuckled softly. "I'll explain everything later. But Nicholas' phone is off. I might come back a little later. Can you please tell him for me that the lawyer called? I'll continue calling him but if he comes back tell him to call me and I'll give him the address."

Without even getting a response, Adrian quickly began rushing before he quickly turned back and smiled back at George.

"And this conversation is not over."

After saying that, he left laughing softly. He went back to the room, took a quick shower and dressed his best.


Adrian came rushing down the stairs, tucking in his shirt. He was putting on a bright blue designer's skinny jean, red shirt and blue striped sneakers. His hair was tied in a pony tail and he had a small bag on his back. He was still trying Nicholas' number which was unavailable for some reason. Though he was going to meet the lawyer alone, Adrian would have loved for Nicholas to accompany him but the guy was busy and the lawyer sounded desperate.

As he was rushing down the stairs, nearly reaching the floor, Adrian almost bumped into granny who immediately frowned and asked where he was rushing off too. Adrian smiled brightly and then gave her a quick peck. Then he leaned down and got her blessings.

"I'll see you later." He said as he quickly rushed passed her, leaving her looking stunned and confused. He went outside and called the driver but he didn't need any guard so there was no need to carry one. What was the purpose of that?

The driver opened the door for him and he quickly entered, excited and looking forward to his meeting. He couldn't still believe he was gonna find the answers to his questions. Real soon, all his worries would be erased for good.

Adrian sighed when the car started moving out of the compound. He instructed the driver to take him to the location where he was going and watched as they left the compound and began heading in their direction. The journey was gonna take at least an hour to reach but Adrian was happy he was going. Thinking about it actually made his stomach to be filled with butterflies. He just wanted to get it over with, once and for all.

After about twenty minutes of driving, Adrian's nerves got the best of him. His body was vibrating in excitement and he knew it was not good to be as nervous as he was. He still needed Nicholas by his side, holding his hand throughout the entire meeting.

Thinking about Nicholas, Adrian got out his phone and then dialed Nicholas' number. He got the same response he had gotten and it got him worried. He knew his husband might have mistakenly switched off the phone but maybe he was gonna call after he switches on the phone.

Still thinking about Nicholas, Adrian put the phone back in his pocket and smiled to himself...remembering all the wonderful things that he had done with Nicholas. It seemed to be working as he felt himself get calm. His mind took him back to the time that Nicholas had kissed him in the morning, a few hours earlier. He got a tingling sensation on his spine just by thinking about how wonderful the kiss had been. He was really happy about the kiss.

Adrian moved his hands up and then traced his lips, imaging Nicholas' fingers rubbing against them. He couldn't believe he was getting pleasure from just the thoughts in his mind.

Adrian was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even see the car speeding up and blocking his own car. The only thing he felt was the driver suddenly stepping on the break which made his body to slightly move. He quickly got out of his thoughts, frowned and looked at the driver.

"Hey what's going on?"

"Sir, a car just blocked us."

"What?" Adrian hollered, trying to see the car. What happened really scared him a lot. Right there in front of him, some men came and pointed a gun at the driver. He was suddenly scared and his heart began pounding...he began shaking and he simply froze.

"Get the fuck out." The thug shouted at the driver, pointing a pistol to his head. "Get your ass out or I'm gonna fucking blow your brains out."

As the driver moved out with his hands on his head, shaking terribly, Adrian got to see just who was threatening his driver. They were about three and they were armed but he couldn't see their faces because they were wearing masks. What was going on and who were those men? Adrian had no idea what to think but he was really scared, more scared than he could ever imagine.

Adrian's happiness had just turned to fear and he had no idea what to do. He was shaking terribly and his heart was pounding deeper into his chest.

Still looking as the thugs made the driver kneel, Adrian heard his door opening and he gave the thug who opened the door a look of horror. His breaths were violent and never had he been as scared as he was at that very time. The sight of the gun in the thug's hand had him at his weakest.

Then like a flash, the thug grabbed his hand furiously and dragged him out of the car. Adrian was speechless and fear crept through him. He was visibly shaking and he had tears in his eyes. Only one thing was on his mind, what if those thugs kill him?

"Who are you?" Adrian quaked, trying to release his hand from the thug's grip. "What do you want from me? Please, take anything but don't hurt me or my driver. My husband is really rich and..."

At his pleas, the thugs laughed manically, leaving Adrian breathless. He felt a sharp pain in his chest but he couldn't move. He was frozen and the thugs had him at their mercy. He wanted to run away but what if they shoot him.

"Do you think we want your money?" the thug who was holding him yelled. "Now let's go." The thug began dragging him.

Adrian didn't know where he got the strength from but he quickly released his hand from the thug's grip, punched him hard on the face. Then he quickly moved his legs and kicked hard on the crotch of the thug, leaving him on the ground convulsing while he cursed and held on his crotch. Adrian saw it as an opportunity to run away. He quickly began running away from the thugs, hoping none of them shoot him.

Running away, Adrian heard the thug he had kicked wincing in pain.

"I'm gonna fucking blow..."

"No!" One of the thugs hollered. "Don't hurt him. We need him alive."

Adrian continued running as fast as he could even when he heard what they were saying. There was no other car on the road and he kinda got scared. What scared him as he run were the footsteps that he kept on hearing behind him. He wanted to run as fast as he could but he couldn't add any more speed. He had reached his maximum.

Adrian had only run for a few seconds before he felt a hand gripping his arm. He was suddenly pulled closer to the thug who smelled of sweat and alcohol but he was not gonna be helpless especially since he heard they didn't wanna hurt him.

"You think you're smart uh?" The thug sneered, holding Adrian tightly close to him. He wanted to shout but to who? There was no passing car around and it was on the road. The town was still a bit far.

"Let me go." Adrian shouted, furiously beating on the thug's chest. He was moving around so much that the thug lost his grip but was still holding his wrist.

"You're one strong...Ouch!" He paused and yelped when Adrian kicked him in the balls. Adrian felt him let go and he continued his run, breathing like a panther.

Adrian had probably run for just a second when he felt the thug's hand on his. Before he could move, his mouth and nose was covered with a handkerchief, preventing him to breath. Adrian struggled with his movement and tried to breath. When he did breathe however, he breathed on the handkerchief and something strange happened to him. When he breathed on that handkerchief, he inhaled something that he felt travelling to his brain. He was suddenly weak and couldn't move anymore.

The more he breathed the weaker he became till he felt a terrible headache. His body was weak and his vision started blurring quickly. The thug let go of him and he fell on the ground looking at the thug who was coming closer as his vision darkened.

The last thing Adrian saw before he passed out was the thug chuckling and gripping his arm to pick him up.

Will Adrian survive?


Thank you so much guys for your great love for my stories. I just hope you found this chapter interesting to read. Don't forget to drop your comments and rates below. Chapter 16 will be posted real soon and I do hope it will be interesting. Stay tuned...

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josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

May be the theme song is Breathe Again-toni braxton

oh plz astonishing vanalas post soon

damn,why is victoria so involving???Gosh the woman is not only amoron but also AMURDER???,atleast for todd's family i can know,they were outsiders not real blood of wilson

damn school keep me away from my wonderful vanalatic stories-QUALITY AT ITS BEST

OHHH my Adrian

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Our chapter was so excellent,its where love making was haha-rough i'l loved it

our George got Lovely Johnny here,Btw their scene hahahahahahaha was mwaaah

but my Adrian,see,he was the victim

oh Nick,how is he gona behave...After knowing that Adrian's missing???Poor bubu

am just too sad

iam not even finding the words to use

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Do u know what hurts me???,the culprits tend to hurt us more

bye the time they are punished,they would be far..DAMNN THEM

i knew it,they had been silent for 3 chapters,sth was fishy

OOHH VANALAS,I WANA CRY,why ar u doing this to us van???

truly all the pages were good,but P.8,gosh

plz spare us dear

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago


my Adrian...Please let them not do that to my Adrian..NO NOHOOOOOO

At 1st i thought it was my Nick but now....Its my little A..Adrian!!!!! OHH he tried to fight but the jerks had him

NADA0713NADA0713over 6 years ago
Not again.

So they killed Adrian and Nicolas 's fathers ,cause they wanted the company this people are evil pure evil ,and why should Adrian suffer again its time he becomes the hero ,and exposes all of them , for once I want all of them in jail ,they tried once not again ,and can Nicolas be the hero this time rescue his husband, and redeem himself, nice one again can't wait.

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