Stand for Love Ch. 16


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"I don't care about... "

"Hey... " Todd chirped. "Don't you wanna hear what happened to your father?"

"Please," Adrian begged, crying of pain and anger. "Please don't... "

"Where's the fun in that?" Todd chirped. "Anyway, after being gone for almost 10 years, that stupid father of yours came with a bitch and a spoilt brat. He came back and my hatred for him increased. I made a vow to make him pay for being the cause of what had happened. So that's why I hated all of you. I hate everything that reminds me of my father and I hated him so much so I made his life a living hell as you saw it. But turns out that stupid lawyer was still looking for the other son. We had a meeting to discuss about what we were gonna do because our past had come back to haunt us and that stupid father of yours heard everything. He threatened to call the police on us and... like an idiot that he was... he decided to go to the police but... we got our way with him and... "

"No!" Adrian hollered out in pain. He was trying to move out from the chair to spare his heart from the pain that was about to be inflicted on him. But it was helpless and he cried out even more as he heard all of them laughing manically. "Stop,"

"Why?" Victoria chuckled. "Didn't you want to hear everything that had happened? Besides, it's a gift from us to you. Consider it our... "

"Please stop!" Adrian begged as more tears left his eyes. "I can't... "

"Well you're gonna hear it," Todd yelled, angrily pointing at him. "So if I were you, I would listen attentively." He warned as Adrian's cries intensified. "As I was saying, when he got out of the house, we followed him and when he had reached the road, crossing as if he was the king of it... we... swoosh!" He signaled with his hand. "We ran him over, making sure that he was dead. Do you even know how many times we passed on him with a heavy car?"

"Please," Adrian cried.

"4 times and he bled to death."

The pain that Adrian was feeling was... excruciating and really terrible. Each beat his heart made brought him closer to death. His heart was feeling weak and his whole body was contracting, making his movements quiet painful. His chest had tightened up, making the pain even more unbearable. And he had thought his father's death was just an accident but it was just deliberate.

"We thought it had stopped there but then do you know what happened?" Victoria said softly. "We continued finding ways to get our hands on Equilinias but as time went on... we tried to make Jake the heir but the stupid lawyer still had the DNA. And then things got out of hand when one of the board members actually found out that we had killed Jack. But unfortunately for him... before he could do anything... we killed him, literally. But this time we kidnapped him just like you and then we tortured him. Guess who killed him?" Victoria's face turned like she was in orgasm. Then she grabbed Jake and patted on his back. "Since it was Jake's time, we gave Jake the owner and he killed the man. Up to now the man had been reported missing."

Adrian's eyes were now on Jake who had been quiet since they came. Instead of crying like he had been earlier, Adrian was staring at Jake as if he was something that he had never seen before. He had thought Jake was a monster but killing, Adrian was more than surprised.

Still looking at Jake, Adrian felt warm tears strolling down his cheeks. The pain was too much and he wanted to die right there. After telling him how they murdered his father and poisoned his grandfather, it was too much to bear. And he had thought he knew everything about it.


"No!" Adrian yelled in a rasping tone. "Please no more."

"But we are not done yet." Jane chuckled. "Don't you wanna hear about what you got yourself into? Don't you wanna hear what you destroyed and the intensity of it?"

"What... " Adrian's cries didn't seem to stop. Not even for a second.

"We are talking about Nicholas." Jane said softly. "We are talking about the man that you seduced and married, destroying five years of hard work."

"I'll tell him." Victoria chirped. "Let's just say we wanted our families to be one. We wanted our businesses to unite so that they can become powerful and influential. That way, we could easily get into Equilinias."

"Please," Adrian's pleas were futile to the evil people that were around.

"Anyway," Jane started. "Our plan was to get Cynthia married to Nicholas in the first place. But when he turned out to be gay, it was really an opportunity for us for us because my son was also gay. The truth is that we made Jake seduce him and the plan was going perfectly and it almost got destroyed by that bitch that gave birth to Gabriel. We were so mad that we couldn't allow her to get away. She might have gotten away but Jake was still mad at her for sleeping with Nicholas so... he traced her together with Cynthia and they killed her. There were no more obstacles until you used your little ass to seduce and sleep with him. You destroyed everything that we had planned for."

"I didn't destroy anything," Adrian's heart was slowly losing its beat. "I love Nicholas and... "

"And now you want to enter Equilinias?" Todd snapped, clenching on his fists. "Now that you know what secrets lie with Equilinias... it is only a matter of time before you die."

Hearing the word death sounded better than he had hoped for. He didn't know if he would live freely, knowing, the pains that these people had caused his family to pass through. What really hurt the most was the way that they said it confidently without even blinking. It was like they were stone cold killers and they didn't care who died.

"You were married," Adrian cried, looking at Victoria. "You were married to a rich man. What was the point of killing my grand... "

Victoria gave out a teasing chuckle. "Well, you're wrong." She nodded, breathing harshly. "That time my husband was just a spoilt mama's boy. He wasn't even interested in inheriting the company. Why stress on that, when I can get my hands on something bigger? You've got to know what I can do... "

"Is... that why you hate me?" Adrian asked, sobbing uncontrollably. "Is that why you allowed my... "

"That bitch deserved to die for bringing a threat into this world. And maybe God heard our prayers because we were planning on killing her too. As for you," Todd paused and then looked at Adrian in the most irritating way possible. "We hate you because you were born." Todd yelled. "Your only mistake was being born. Without you... none of this would be happening. We would have been happy. My son would have been married and our two families would be one."

"Why didn't you kill me then?" Adrian cried out. "Why tell me such painful things before I die. You should have just killed me long ago."

"We have no idea why we didn't." Todd laughed bitterly. "I think that would have been a really good idea though. But seeing you suffering was pleasurable. I wanted to torture you for what your father did to me."

"Killing is not... "

"It is." Victoria snapped, pointing her angry finger at him. "If I killed my own husband just to keep the secret why should I spare you?" Victoria's face glowered and then her breaths became harsh. She had totally said that in anger.

To say Adrian was surprised was understatement. He felt like a really heavy load had just fallen on his tiny body, inflicting more pain on him. He couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe what Victoria had said to him. How could a woman kill her own husband just for the secret? What kind of human being was she?

Staring at Victoria, Adrian's breaths shortened as the pain shot through him. His mind froze and his heart pounded so hard he could feel it in his throat, literally ripping out of his chest through his neck. How could a woman kill someone that she was married to, someone who gave her the children that she has?

'You... " Adrian breathed harshly as tears of pain shot through his eyes. His face felt it was being poured water on. He couldn't believe it. "How... could... "

"Yes," Victoria hollered in pain as tears formed in her eyes. "Yes I killed my husband for the secret and that is an assurance that you are also going to die."

"How... "

"You wanna hear it?" Victoria's face glowered and she shrugged, raising her eyebrow as if she was gonna kill him with it. "Well have you heard of, 'do anything to keep your secrets secret?' That's what I did and I don't... "

"Did you love him at all?" Adrian's heart got weaker by the second.

"I love him a lot but I couldn't allow him to find out the truth."

"Victoria!" Jane tried to touch her before she quickly turned and looked at her.

"No he wants to know then I'll tell him." Victoria was raging and her anger was totally out of control. Remembering what she had actually done was more painful than anything else. She then came closer to Adrian's face and breathed on him harshly. "He somehow found out about it and confronted me about it. He vowed to make me rot in prison together with everyone but before he could do anything, I hit him with a bottle and kidnapped him. Then that very day, all of us forged a plan. We caused all the brakes to fail from his car and pretended to be gone while leaving his knots loose. Then he saw it as an opportunity and left. Before he could do anything he crashed into a truck and died on spot." She breathed harshly. "There now you've got it, all the people that we have killed and now it will be your turn. We'll kill you here and we'll make sure that... everyone watches while you die."

Adrian moved his face as Victoria screamed in it. He couldn't take the pain anymore. It was really painful and the very thought of the pain that all the people that had killed made him somehow mad. It was really painful but he was gonna die anyway. He couldn't take it. He just wanted them to kill him so that the pain wouldn't be that much anymore.

"I hope you now know what the hell you are dying for." Jane gave a bitter laugh. "Next time try to stay out of our path."

"In your next life," Cynthia chuckled.

"So... Victoria knew about me before... "

"I knew every little thing about you." Victoria said irritably. "I knew that bastard you called your father and he was just like you. Too bad you'll experience the same fate as him."

Adrian closed his eyes and then opened them again. Fuck, the pain was too much that even his eyes were suffering. They felt like they were on fire and the tears that were in his eyes felt like hot pepper. He just wanted them to get over with it.

"I wonder what kind of sick parents you are." Adrian was still crying but at least he couldn't die without giving them a piece of his mind. "You disgust me. How could you have put such evil in your children? And you call... "

"Shut up!" Todd yelled, gripping Adrian's arm once more.

"What?" Adrian yelled, crying out in pain. "Isn't it the truth? Just look at those evil things you call your children and tell me what you see.'

"I said shut up and... "

"I won't," Adrian winced out in pain. "Truth hurts doesn't it? All of you are sick, killing for something that you knew you couldn't get. Whether you killed or not you still don't have the company... " He gave out a low cry as Todd kept on twisting his arm. "... even if you kill me... ouch... you'll never be able to get your hands on it because you are just nothing but photocopies."

"What?" Jake who had been quiet since he came was now angry.

"Yes," Adrian said angrily as more tears came out. He didn't care about what they would do to him later. "I'm the only surviving Wilson... " Then he paused and cried out in pain when he felt Todd's hand gripping him so hard. "... all of you are a bunch of fakes."

Adrian then moved his face and looked up at Todd. Then he opened his mouth and began giving a loud laugh of pain as tears flooded his face. He didn't care that Todd was hurting him. All he cared about was telling the truth.

"Now I understand why your real parents couldn't raise you." He gave a teasing chuckle as he stared at Todd whose face had suddenly turned blank. Then his grip got weaker as what Adrian had told him made him weak. "It's because they accept that you were their son. They couldn't stand your presence and... " He paused as what he said made Todd pant and groan. "... you were such a bastard even for a baby." He yelled out in Todd's face.

Todd's face glowered in pain... his breaths became violent... his fists trembled and his jaws shook. Then almost like a flash of lightning, he raised his hand in the air so high. Then he swung it in the air and smacked Adrian on the face, leaving a red mark.

The slap had hurt Adrian a lot and it hurt like hell. But it was not compared to the trauma that they had made him pass through a few minutes ago. He was still crying but he was still fuming. Then he quickly raised his face again and laughed out loud while all the people that was in that building looked at each other in shock. Then they directed their faces at him almost signaling him to tell them what he had just said but Adrian's eyes were on Todd who seemed mad.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" He gave out a bitter chuckle. "Imagine your own parents hating you so much that they couldn't handle you. I can't believe my grandfather even adopted someone like you. Guess even dogs need cuddling."

"I'm going to kill you." Todd then furiously started moving, panting and grunting. He had his hands in fists and he was ready to kill but Victoria blocked him and held out his chest.

"Stop," Victoria said, trying to make him calm. "Don't you see what he's trying to do? He's trying to make us give him a quick death. He wants you to lose yourself and... "

"Yeah," Adrian laughed out. Even pain could be heard from his voice. He was in so much pain but he was still the fierce Adrian. He was gonna die the same fierce Adrian. "Coming from someone who was found in a dump I totally understand. I might be dead by tomorrow," he shrugged. "But the fact still remains that I was born and my parents loved me unconditionally. The name that I carry is mine. I am not like someone who borrowed it. He doesn't even know his origins and he has the nerves to preach to me. I will be dead tomorrow but I have a husband that will love me till the... "

"Shut up!" Todd didn't care which death was gonna be for Adrian. As long as he was dead, he was okay with it.

"I said keep it down and... "

"Yeah," Adrian laughed. "Listen to the old ugly... bitch!" He made sure that he yelled out the word 'bitch' so that Victoria could hear it loud and clear.

Hearing Adrian's comment Victoria quickly turned, breathing like a dragon. She was surprised at the sudden of events but either way, Adrian was going six feet underground.

"Did you just... "

"Yeah I did," Adrian smirked with his glassy eyes. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Well... I don't care what you say because... "

"I'll die tomorrow." Adrian chirmed in. "So what else is new. I might be dying but I'll remain in the memories of the people that love me."

"Yeah," Jake laughed. "Just how long will that be? I'll get back my... "

"Says the bitch who couldn't even keep a man to himself," Adrian said with a fond teasing look. "You always preach about how you're going to get back Nicholas but you forget something." Adrian chirped and then gave a mocking laugh. "Nicholas' love for me is growing stronger every day. He is looking for me and he is ready to kill for me. Have you forgotten?" Adrian laughed, drawing a glower from Jake. "You were with him for years and he only saw me for just a few weeks and we were married. And the ugly bitch was... " Before he could finish the sentence, he felt his cheek hurting. Jake had slapped him so hard, it hurt. But he still looked confidently at him with tears in his eyes.

"I don't care whether I die because I have seen the depth of that love. He is ready to punish anyone. This bastard is the perfect example." He signaled with his eyes to Todd. "And before you even think he'll get back with you try to remember what he said before he had beaten you to a pulp." He chuckled teasingly. Though he was strong, the pain was building up like a tornado. "He said he'd rather make out with a dog before you so if I were you... " He stopped and took a long look at Jake. "I would count myself after a dog because you're nothing more than that."

Jake was in rage mode. He walked straight to Adrian and gave him another hot slap. Then he gripped his hair and removed the band that was tied around it, releasing it all over his face. Then he gripped it and raised Adrian's head, enjoying the wince he got from him.

"I don't care what you say." Jake said angrily, tightening his grip on Adrian's hair. "I am more handsome than you and he'll forget about you once... "

"Beauty is in the people's eyes. No one can tell... ow... whether he is handsome," Adrian said, clenching his teeth in pain. "You talk about being handsome but do people tell you? No! It's because you're an ugly duckling just like that devil's reject you call your father."

Jake was more than angry. He had no idea what to do.

"Don't you fear death?" Jake gripped the hair firmly.

"Why don't you fight like a man, uh?" He clenched his teeth as a million tears made its way to his face. "I bet all those people you killed are waiting for you."

"Prepare to join them,"

With another slap across the cheek, Jake let go of Adrian's hair and chuckled in anger. His anger could be felt emanating from him but Adrian didn't care at all. If he was gonna die, he was gonna die with a light heart. He wasn't gonna allow them to made him something that he wasn't.

"I am ready to die." Adrian said confidently. "You've killed all my family but even in death I'll continue to haunt you."

"That's what they all said." Victoria chuckled. Then everyone else did and Adrian couldn't hold himself anymore. He couldn't suppress the groan that escaped his throat. He just broke down and began crying again.

"Hmm," Victoria teased, running her fingers on Adrian's face to rub his tears. "You're crying now? What happened to the Adrian who was... "

"I'm not crying because I am going to die." Adrian sobbed. He was speaking to Victoria in a rude way. "I am crying because a big ugly bitch who can't keep her ass down is irritating me. Now if you can just move you lousy self out of my sight maybe I'll stop crying."

"I'll pretend I didn't... "

"Well you did," Adrian said as more tears came out. He could feel his eyes getting more swollen. "That still doesn't change the fact that you're all ugly whores who beg for nothing but attention. I just get it naturally because people love me for me."

"Well you can kiss those people goodbye." Victoria whispered as her face glowered.

"A bunch of idiots trying to beg... "

"Enough!" Todd snapped. "Let's just get it over with. He's beginning to irritate me."

"Yeah," Adrian cried. "Why don't you just kill me like the attention seeker has suggested. I am ready to die now. Just kill me. Free me from... "

"Shh," Victoria whispered. "I think you've said enough for today. It's time to decide your own fate."

"Ooh," Cynthia chirped. "I love this part."

"What are you... "

"Now how would you like to die?" Victoria asked, folding her arms. "Would you like a gunshot to different parts of your body, paralyzing you and then putting you out of your misery?"

Victoria remained quiet but Adrian's heart was on fire. He was more scared than ever and the pain had reached its maximum. Why would Victoria do something as brutal as that?

"No!" Victoria chirped, rubbing on her chin. "That would be too loud especially when I want... no."

Adrian was now trembling in fear. He hadn't known that Victoria had done all those things to his family. And to think that his father's death was an accident, it was really painful.
