Stand for Love Ch. 17


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Adrian laughed and flipped his hand in the air and said, "Please come here,"

Adrian crossed his arms on his chest when he heard footsteps coming near. He loved the look of horror on Victoria and the others' faces. They were making him ecstatic and he loved the feeling.

"You," Victoria gasped, feeling as if her heart was about to burst out of her chest. "What..."

"Yes," Adrian chuckled, dropping his hands to his him. "He is the one who saved my life."

He looked in the direction of the man in a brown designer's suit and wrapped his arm around his neck. Then he diverted his eyes to the scaredy cats that were slowly getting up. He never missed the wonderful shock that was on their faces. It was too beautiful to miss.

"You," Todd gasped, trembling. "You were..."

"Yes," Adrian hissed, rolling his wonderful eyes. "Wanna hear a story...?"



"...keep my family away from the likes of Victoria and her gang. Punish them oh lord. But most of all, guide my soul. Let me take all the pain with me...Amen."

Adrian then dropped his eyes and hoped for his soul to find eternal peace. He was crying but none of that could be compared to the pain that was in his heart. He knew he was gonna be dead once the timer stops. It was gonna be over for him. But then suddenly something happened, something that made him surprised and shocked.

"Adrian!" Adrian quickly moved his face up and saw Drake running towards him with a frown on his face. He was running like his life depended on it. Adrian's cries stopped. Now he was surprised.

"Drake!" Adrian hollered, trying to move out of his chair. "What are you doing here?"

"I am getting you out of here," Drake hollered, getting a really big sharp knife from the pocket.

"But I..."

"Don't talk." Drake said as he rushed behind Adrian. Then he held the roped and furiously began cutting it with his sharp knife. "I never left or something. I hid behind a box and when I was sure they were gone, I came back to save you." He said abruptly, breathing faster, probably from fear of being blown. "I know that I was a jerk to you in high school but you just made me realize that I can change my life. I have never killed anyone before and I can't either. I can't bear to see you dead. You are right, my behavior in high school was really bad and I am sorry for it."

Adrian could feel that his hands were getting somehow loose. His heart was still pounding because he was not out of danger yet. His fears intensified when he looked at the time and realized that there was only a minute and twenty seconds.

"Drake, please, hurry." Adrian screamed out in horror. "We don't have much time."

"I am almost..." Before he could even finish his sentence, Adrian's hands were free but they hurt a lot too. He brought them forward and stretched them a bit, realizing that his ring had slipped off when he was struggling to release his hands. He watched as Drake moved to his legs and started cutting the rope. Now they only had a minute left.

"Drake!" Adrian cried. "We won't survive. The time is so little and..."

"I am not leaving you here," Drake groaned, cutting on the rope as fast as he could. "If we die...we will die together. I'll not be able to live knowing that I made you to die."

"Save yourself," Adrian cried. "I know it's not your fault that..."

"No!" Drake yelled. "I won't leave you here alone. Not ever again will I leave you when you are in danger. So you better get that into your thick skull and allow me to do what I want."

Adrian cried in pain and closed his eyes. He was dead anyway. There was no way he was gonna survive that. The time they had left was too little and there was no chance. He closed his eyes and prayed again.

"Done," Drake hollered, getting up. "Get up we need to go now."

Adrian quickly opened his eyes and got up, feeling his legs failing him. He looked at the timer and it was just 25 seconds which was left. He couldn't move because his legs were hurting for being tied for too long. He was dead anyway.

"I can't move," Adrian cried. "My legs are in so much pain. Just go without me. I forgive you for everything. Tell my husband that I love him and..."

"Shut up!" Drake yelled in his face. "We are gonna get out of here alive. Do you hear me?"

What happened really surprised Adrian? Drake quickly removed the bag with money from his back and threw it down. Then he quickly turned around and leaned.

"Hop on my back now."

That was something that Adrian didn't want to disobey. He leaned to the chair and hopped on Drake's back. Then he held on to his neck tightly as he felt Drake's hands wrapping on either sides of his thighs. Then fast as the wind, Drake began moving but Adrian saw the ring.

"My ring,"

"Forget about it."

Drake began rushing out of the building opposite the direction Victoria and the others left. What surprised Adrian the most was the speed at which Drake moved. It was as if he was not carrying him at all. In no time at all, they reached the exit and saw another bomb.

"7 seconds," Drake hollered as he increased his speed. Adrian prayed for them not to be harmed or anything. He just wanted to be alright so that he could go back to his family.

Drake ran as fast as his legs could carry him in the remaining seven seconds. They reached the forest and abruptly heard the loud explosion from the building. The ground shook and the intensity of the wave sent them flying into the forest. Adrian was alright as he was on top of Drake but Drake had a small cut on his forehead.

Adrian was really scared and his harsh breaths could show exactly that. He was trembling in fear and tears were coming out of his eyes though his voice couldn't be heard. He slowly got off Drake, moving his eyes to the uncontrollably burning building. The thought that he had almost been burnt into that fire made him quiver and cry even more. His mind was concentrated on that burning building. He was scared as fuck.

"Ow!" Adrian heard Drake's sudden expression of pain and he moved towards him. He saw him getting up, holding his forehead.

"Oh my god," Adrian felt scared when he saw Drake bleeding from his forehead. "You're bleeding and..."

"I am fine," Drake winced, rubbing the blood from his forehead. "It's just a small cut. I'll live. Are you alright?"

More tears formed in Adrian's eyes when he heard of Drake's concern. He was at the verge of giving out a loud cry. Moving his hand to his mouth to stifle any groan from coming out, Adrian quickly wrapped his arms around Drake and sobbed softly.

"Thank you so much." He was happy. Drake was the reason that he was alive. "You have saved my life and even sacrificed your money for me. I will never forget this kind of gesture."

"Adrian!" Drake chuckled, pulling away from the hug. "I am really sorry for everything. To be honest I have never done anything like that before and I was guilty. When I agreed to it, they never told me it was kidnap. I might have been strong but I was really scared. When you talked to me, I couldn't do it anymore. I knew I had to save you but not just yet. I couldn't let you die and besides, you apologized to me. I had to save you."

"Now I can go back to my family in one piece." Adrian couldn't wait to hug his husband. "Now I can tell them everything but...I wish I could expose Victoria and..."

"You can," Drake gave a painful smile and raised his phone. "I recorded every conversation that you had with them. In this phone is everything that they told you. It was meant to blackmail them but...I will willingly give it to you."

Adrian's hands moved to his mouth. He was gasping and more tears came to him. He loved the fact that Drake had recorded everything. Now he was gonna expose them.

Adrian took the phone and smiled at Drake. Then the anger and pain came back to him. With all the killings, the pains and everything that Victoria and her gang had done, Adrian promised to make them pay. He promised to do it in the most humiliating way. He had never thought he could be that angry and hurt at the same time. He was gonna execute his revenge and finish with the no sense.

He was alive and it was thanks to Drake. He was gonna be more than happy to deal with Victoria and her cowards. But to do that, he had to stay away from his family. He had to seek help from higher power and the police.

It was now his turn to play the game.




"Drake and I left that place and I was about to go back to my family." Adrian continued with a smile. "But I figured I couldn't just give that evidence to the police so I decided to call the lawyer. We met up that very night and I told him everything. He took me back to the headquarters where he told me they had already taken a sample from me and the DNA matched. The next day I signed every document and eventually took over the company. I came back with him and everything that had happened was planned by me. Of course, I couldn't call my family because I would have ruined everything. You fell for it and now...your game is finished." He laughed. "I also made that plan of driving you here because you are such stupid and greedy people. You came to take over the company but too bad I already have that company."

By the time Adrian finished his story, Victoria and the others were in tears of pain. They couldn't believe that it was all over. They couldn't believe that Adrian was alive and kicking. They couldn't believe Drake had betrayed them like that.

"But I saw you..."

"Yes you did," Adrian chirped, rubbing his hair. "You saw me that night as a ghost. I wanted to torture you mentally and it actually worked. Drake and I planned that since I said I would haunt you even in my death..." Adrian chuckled, squeezing Drake's shoulder. It was clear that Drake was enjoying everything from the smirk and giggles that escaped his throat. "I decided to show myself to you in my ghost form. Things even got better when you came to the living room. I love seeing you all vulnerable and crying and..." He gave a teasing chuckle. "...wetting your pants. So pathetic if you ask me," He laughed with Drake. "The guard knew about everything because I bribed him and he played his part."

Adrian let go of Drake and then smirked before his face got serious. "You see...leaving me with Drake was your biggest mistake. And now you have to pay for it. After all, you said it yourself, I am too...nosy."

"But how..."

"The video," drake laughed in his deep manly voice. "Actually, I recorded everything just to blackmail you into giving me more money. I was meant to save Adrian and I bought a knife for it. When you left, I ran inside and saved him." Seeing the wonderful shocking look on Victoria and her gang's faces brought nothing but laughter to Drake and Adrian. Everyone just watched in shock and disbelief. "You see madam," Drake teased. "Your mistake was to trust me."

"Yeah," Adrian smiled. "Leaving him with me was your greatest mistake. You only met him but you forgot that he was my friend for so many years. Seriously, I thought you were smarter than that." He said angrily. "Had you left me with someone else, maybe," He shrugged, looking at shocked Victoria. "Just maybe I would be dead by now. But I just can't be killed, can I?"


"Me what?" Adrian yelled, pointing his fingers at Victoria.

"How could..."

"You killed my father," Adrian shouted out. "You killed my grandfather for his wealth. You also killed my father in law...Gabriel's mother and the others. As if that was not enough, you tried to kill me. I barely escaped and you have the guts, the effrontery to come here and claim what's mine?" He chirped, crossing his arms. "Your game is up. I have defeated you and now you are going to pay for everything that you have done to me and everyone else. All the police men and the guy that was helping you at the company have been arrested and you'll soon join them. I stayed away from my family just to expose you to the entire world. I endured the pain of staying away from my husband just to organize this event. Just call it...a gift from me to you." He laughed out loud. "Now everyone has seen your true colors. They have seen what kind of people you are. And I promise that I'll make sure you rot in jail."

Victoria's mood just went from fear to anger. She was enraging.

"You bastard," Victoria barked, clenching her hands on her dress. "You foolish little..."

"Oh don't you dare shout at me," Adrian warned, signaling her to stop her madness. "Just who do you think you are? You are nothing to me. You are nothing but a shameless old bitch that can't do anything and guess what?" He chuckled, getting closer to her. "You are going away for...forever. I will make sure you get punished for all your crimes. The world will get to see what kind of people you are. They will read this story. My father, my grandfather, my father in law and everyone else you have killed will get justice."

Nicholas' eyes had watered up again. He was crying, crying of joy and pain at the same time. He loved Adrian and knowing that he was still alive was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him. He was dying to hold him and kiss him for all eternity.

"People like you are demons," Adrian yelled out. "Your only goal is to kill, steal and..."

"Adrian!" Nicholas gasped, feeling a warm sensation take over his body.

Hearing Nicholas' voice, Adrian moved his eyes in the direction of the voice and saw him, his loving husband. He was looking so eyes...tears all over and dressed in white, mourning his death. It hurt him a lot, especially thinking about what he had made his husband go through the past two days.

Adrian felt tears building in his eyes when he looked at Nicholas who was getting near slowly. He too started moving and when they met, they just stared at each other, getting lost in each other's eyes. Everything disappeared for Adrian. It was just him and Nicholas. No one else was there but them.

Looking deep in those green eyes, Adrian moved his hand up and caressed Nicholas' cheek. It felt really beautiful and he loved the powerful vibration which was building in his body. Suddenly, just like an explosion, he felt waves of pleasure taking control of his body. His heart began racing and his smile shot up. He loved his husband a lot.

Nicholas on the other hand was on fire, feeling that wonderful hand on his cheeks. He still couldn't believe that he was with person, feeling his hand. That hand was giving him immense pleasure, softening his heart. He then felt a powerful force enter him, making his heart beat rhythmically. He was able to live again. His soul was back again but he couldn't hide the tears that made its way to his face.

They just stared at each other for what felt like forever, staring in each other's eyes.

"I thought I'd lost you," Nicholas sniveled, moving his hand up to catch Adrian's hand. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"What did I tell you?" Adrian smiled, enjoying the warm hand which was on his. "I told you it's you and me forever."

They then just stared at each other, enjoying the way they made each other feel. They loved each other a lot and nothing was gonna change between them.

"Now that I am back," Adrian said softly. "I will never..."

"What do you think?" Jake's loud scream of horror and the surprised expression from everyone brought Nicholas and Adrian out of their pleasure. They diverted their eyes to Jake, finding him with a sharp knife in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Adrian yelled out.

"Do you think I will allow you two to be together?" Jake shouted, clenching on the sharp knife. "Then you don't know me. I will never sit and watch you two be together."

"We are together," Adrian chirped. "Nothing is gonna stop us from being together. Not you or that bitch behind you. Haven't you learned by now that I always win at every game? That's just me; you have to accept that I will always be a step ahead of you."

Looking around, Victoria could see that the people were somehow getting closer. She couldn't afford to get caught. With a pounding heart and a short gasp, Victoria grabbed the champagne bottle and hit it on the table. It was now a perfect weapon. She held it, swinging it in the air to prevent people from coming closer. Her plans worked as the people began taking steps behind.

"Are you that shameless?" Granny shouted out. "What kind of woman are you?"

"The best," Victoria gave out a bitter laugh. "Do you think I'll give up that easily? I can never give up and right now I don't care whether I'll be arrested or not. The only thing that I know is that..."

"You don't give up, do you?" Adrian asked with a chuckle. "Face it; all of you are going to jail. You are all going to jail and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You are going to pay for killing all my loved ones and the others."

"What can an evil woman not do?" Noah hissed, venting his anger on his mother. "She is really shameless and deserves nothing more than death. She killed my father just to save herself and..."

"Shut up!" Victoria yelled. "Yes, I killed him and right now I have no..."

"You are going to pay." Nicholas shouted, gripping Adrian's waist. He brought him closer and held him tightly, feeling a deep intense feeling get a hold of him. He had missed holding Adrian like that. He had him back but what was left was to keep his mother in her place and probably kill her. "I'm going to make sure that all of you pay."

"This is your entire fault." Jake shouted, pointing the knife at Adrian. "Had you just died then..."

"But I am not," Adrian chirped, holding on to Nicholas tightly. He could feel his husband's heart beating rhythmically. "People like you deserve nothing but death. You are here holding the knife but can't you see that this whole place is filled with guards? Do you think I can hold an event like this without proper security? I know how you people think so..."

"I should have killed you when I got the chance." Todd yelled, clenching on his fists. "I should have killed you long..."

"Yeah... so what else is new?" Adrian laughed. "Do you think your weapons scare me? I have my husband and my family with me and that's all that matters. You don't even have any feeling of remorse. But what can I expect from stone cold killers like you?" Adrian's voice was rising. He just wanted to kill them all and cause them pain.

Jake breathed violently and with groan, he clenched on the knife so hard, it began shaking.

"All I ever wanted was to be loved by Nicholas. I got..."

"I don't love you." Nicholas snapped, holding on to Adrian tightly. "Not even in my next life. I will never ever love someone like you. You are despicable. Not even a dog deserves someone like you. You are so stupid and I hate you so much. You are not my type because I have got the best thing right here." He pointed at Adrian. "Not even in my insanity would I allow someone like you to be near me. You thought killing him would make you stronger and..."

"I gave you everything," Victoria chuckled bitterly looking at Nicholas. "But now...I wish I..."

"I hate you so much." Nicholas sneered, looking at his mother. "I have never seen women as evil as you." He yelled. "Just look at yourselves. You are nothing but losers and killers. I am going to make sure that you pay for everything that you have ever done. You killed my father and my father in law. What kind of woman are you?"

"I don't care," Victoria sneered.

"I am ready to rot in prison," Jake chuckled manically. "But do you remember my promise? I told you if I can't have you...then no one will ever have you. I am sticking to my promise and I will be happy knowing that this boy is dead."

With a bitter chuckle and a harsh breath, Jake raised the knife high up in the air, shaking like a leaf. Then he screamed out and began heading to Adrian who was being held by Nicholas.
