Star Struck Ch. 01


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Lonnie sat down again on her bar stool leaning back against the counter. She lifted one leg up and rested it on the bar spreading the other and letting it dangle. "I'm horny again," she said. "Take care of me."

Again, regardless of any other considerations, right now it was all about opportunity. Louis wasted no time in driving his cock inside her and pounding away.

Giggling, Lonnie noted, "I like doing it on this slippery barstool."

It made him chuckle also.

"You're probably going to think I'm just saying this, Louis. But I swear this is the truth. I fuck a lot of guys in the movies, and occasionally some just for pleasure. I haven't had a cock that felt as good as your does in a long, long time. So, if you want another bit of honesty, part of my motive is selfish."

That enticed him to screw her even more intensely.

"I've dreamed of finding a cock like this for years."

Despite her affirmation, he knew she was doing her best to convince him. However, after all they had discussed, he allowed himself to believe her. And regardless where this went, graduation day was a time in his life he would never forget.

"I'm slipping," Lonnie said. "Let me get up." She then stood and bent over the stool allowing him to take her from behind. When he started again, she cooed, "Oh, that's good."

He grabbed her hips and held on to her.

"Oh, yeah, hold onto me." As he pumped away, she was surprised that she was feeling the beginnings of an orgasm. Usually, when she did come, it took her a while because of so many missed opportunities when filming. "I'm gonna come!" she announced. And a minute later, she did. She actually felt a tingling throughout her body that she hadn't experienced in a long time. She couldn't help but cry out.

"I'm ready too," Louis groaned.

Lonnie quickly got on her knees. "In my mouth."

He quickly grabbed hold of his cock and pumped it furiously. But she replaced his hand with hers and did the same. She alternated hand and mouth. He then took over again and she knelt there with her mouth open, tongue sticking out.

"Give it to me," she urged.

And he did. The first jet was so strong, it bypassed her mouth landing on her nose and upper lips. The next spurt made it onto her tongue, and the last hit just above her chin. When he stopped pumping, she grasped his rod and licked off the excess come, then used it to scoop the globs that didn't make it into her mouth. She then slurped the clump on the tip of his penis. Finally, she used her finger to scrape any residual from her face and her tongue to get what remained on the mushroom.

* * *

"You're home early, Louie."

He hated that his grandmother called him that. But she had as long as he could remember, and at 80 years old, he knew there was no changing her. He found her where she always was: in her easy chair watching television. She stayed up for the late shows and slept until noon.

"Did you eat, granny?"



"I ate, Louie. Don't worry about what. You know I don't have much of an appetite."

It aggravated him because if he didn't fix her something, she ate junk. Of course, she really couldn't stand long enough to cook anything anyway. He tried to fix her little dinners she could microwave when he wasn't going to be home. But she wouldn't always eat them.

"Sorry I couldn't come to your graduation. How was it?"

"It was okay, granny. I'm just glad to be out and away from all of those idiots."

"Did you make it to any parties?"

"Wasn't invited to any," Louis told her with a shake of his head.

"I'm sorry they treat you so badly."

"Not your fault, granny."

"So, what have you been up to all this time?"

Louis didn't answer right away, not because he thought she was prying, it was almost a typical exchange. But the question launched him into a quick retrospective of the afternoon and evening. A smile involuntarily formed on his lips and he had the beginning of a hard on. He quickly sat to hide it.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me. Just making conversation." She said this with no animosity.

"Oh, no, it's not that. I met a woman—"

"Oh!?" Her voice went up an octave.

"No, no." He hadn't realized how that would sound when he said it. "She's a businesswoman from Los Angeles. She runs a production company." Louis had not considered if he would tell his grandmother about Lonnie's offer, and if so, how much and how he would disguise it. But without thinking, he'd already said what he said, and now he had to come up with a story.

"What's a woman like that doing in a town like this?"

Again without thinking, "She's from here."

"Oh, would that be Mae Carter's daughter?"

Louis rolled his eyes. He just kept digging a deeper hole. "You know Mrs. Carter?"

"We used to be good friends. But her daughter—now, what was her name—oh, Lonnie—put her in an assisted living place. I visited her a few times, and then I just couldn't get there anymore."

"Why didn't you say something? I could have gotten you there."

"Just got to where I didn't want to go anywhere I didn't have to. Besides, she was getting forgetful."

"She actually has Alzheimer's and is in full care."

"Not surprised. So, you spent some time with Lonnie?"

"She saw some of the idiots hassle me," Louis explained with a grimace. "She invited me to sit and talk. Apparently, she was treated similarly when she was my age, and in her mind that gave us some bond." Now, he chose his words carefully. "Turns out her company has a program in which they hire people right out of high school to work while attending college as long as your degree can be applied to their business."

"Well, everybody uses computers. You'd fit right in. Would you have to move to Los Angeles?"

"Yes. But I'm not sure I'm ready for a big change like that. And I don't want to leave you."

She had been watching TV most of the time they had been talking. Now she turned to face him. "Louie, we knew the day would come that you would have to go out on your own. I can take care of myself."

It was tough for him to say this to her, but he knew he had to. "No, granny, you can't. You can't stand for very long, you can't cook any more, you can't clean. I'm sorry, but you can't take care of yourself."

She frowned as though she was going to argue with him, but then she pursed her lips and, defeated, said, "You're right. I'm sorry to be a burden."

"You're not. How many years did you have to take care of me? Now it's my turn to pay you back."

"But we're talking about your future. I don't have much of one. I wish I could afford to live in that assisted living place."

"You would want to do that?"

"Mae Carter loved it. Always had things to do. Never had anything bad to say about it. Food was good, people were nice."

"What if I told you that was possible?"

"You going to rob a bank?"

With a chuckle, Louis told her that Lonnie's company would pay for it.

"Why would they do that?"

"It's part of the package they offer," Louis explained, "particularly if they really want the person."

"And they really want you?"

"Lonnie does. I would have to go to Los Angeles for, uh . . . an interview."

Granny considered all of this for a few minutes, and then said, "She tell you anything else?"

Nothing he could tell her. Or did granny know what Lonnie really did? "No," he answered to see where it would go.

"Then you have Miss Lonnie come around tomorrow afternoon. I want to talk to her."

"Granny, I haven't decided what I want to do yet."

"Louie, this may be too good an opportunity for either of us to pass up." She gave her grandson a stern look. "But I want to make sure she's sincere. Please have her come tomorrow."

There was a firmness in her voice he had not heard in a long time. "Yes, ma'am."

During the night, after granny finally went to bed, Louis spent a few hours on the Internet looking at porn—but not sex. Instead, he researched the business end. The results he found were both enticing and frightening.

* * *

Bright and early the next morning, Louis was knocking on Lonnie's door. She answered surprisingly quickly. He had feared he would awaken her, but that had not stopped him. She only opened the door wide enough to peek out. Upon seeing that it was him, her eyes widened and she giggled. But she quickly stepped aside and allowed him to enter.

"Sorry," Louis offered. I would have called first, but I didn't have your number."

"Well, what a nice surprise," Lonnie commented, casually strutting off clad only in a very sheer robe that clearly revealed her nudity underneath. "What brings you around so early?"

"I've been doing research on the porn business."

"Have you now?" She stopped walking toward the stairs and turned. "Come on up while I get ready and we'll talk." She resumed her climb. "And what did you learn?"

"It's an interesting business," Louis reported. "Few upsides, but a lot of down sides."

"That can be true." Lonnie led him into the bathroom, where she removed her robe and continued applying make-up.

Staring at her shapely ass, Louis really had to concentrate on what he was saying. "Many porn stars end up addicted to drugs. Not many earn a lot of money. Sounds like the producers make all the money. Then there are the sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Many have a short career because they get used up. It can mark you for the rest of your life in terms of employment in other fields." He paused. "What? No comment?"

"You're right about all of that," Lonnie agreed, looking at him through the mirror. "But there are exceptions. People in many other lines of work become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Every occupation has people that make little money and people who make lots of it. All of the bigger adult production companies have their actors regularly tested, so the occurrence of STDs has virtually disappeared. And those who have short careers have short careers because they were poorly managed. They come into the business and make movie after movie and burn themselves out. No one wants to see them anymore. The only way they can get work is by doing the way out stuff."

She turned to face him. "You've pointed out all of the negative elements. There is a positive side. You would be working for a successful star and producer who takes care of her actors. I've never done drugs, and I wouldn't let you. I've never had any STD nor AIDS, and unless you went with someone I had no control over, you wouldn't get any either. We would change your appearance, give you a stage name, and unless you told someone, it's unlikely anyone would ever know what you do. So, is all of this your way of telling me you're not interested?"

"No, I still haven't decided."

Lonnie gave a satisfying nod, and then turned back to the mirror. "But it turns out my grandmother knows your mother," Louis informed her.

"Really? Who's your grandmother?"

"Eleanor Robbins."

"Wow! What a small world! I love your grandmother. She was the only person to visit mom after she moved into assisted living. Why did she stop?"

"She just got to where she couldn't move around much anymore."

Lonnie nodded her understanding. "So, you told your grandmother?"

Louis explained how he had characterized the situation, and finished with: "Now, she wants you to come by this afternoon. She thinks this might be an opportunity neither of us can pass up."

Clearly impressed, Lonnie said, "That's a great cover story, Louis. And it's not at all far from the truth, just a few omitted details. And she was right about the opportunity."

"Yeah, I figured you'd agree with that."

"I'll go you one further. If you come to work for me, and if you want to, you can help work on our web sites and any other IT things since that's ultimately going to be your area of expertise."

"It already is my area of expertise."

"Then you'll fit right in."

"So, you'll come visit my grandmother?"

Lonnie turned around again. "Of course, I'll be there. I would love to see your grandmother again." She noticed the bulge in his pants. "Hey, do you have a boner?"

"Well, you're just standing there naked like I'm not even here."

"You want to fuck me again, don't you?" She said it teasingly, but there was also happiness.

He shrugged. "That's not why I came here."

"But it is what you want." It wasn't a question.

"Well, why wouldn't I?"

"You realize if you came to Los Angeles you could have me almost any time you wanted?"

That surprised him. He'd never thought that she might be part of the deal. "No, I guess I didn't."

"Now you know." She sat up on the counter. "Here okay?"

Louis didn't expect that either.

She reached out for his belt, undid it and slid down his zipper. His pants fell to the floor. "You'll have to do your undies."

Still somewhat stunned, he looked down, and then pushed his jockeys below his knees where gravity pulled them the rest of the way. Lonnie raised her legs, bent at the knees, and planted her feet on the edge of the counter. She grabbed Louis' penis, pulling him to her and driving it all the way into her wide open pussy. He latched onto her thighs and began his drill. His thrusts made it difficult for her to maintain the perch with her legs, so she had to hold them in the air and let them dangle. He gripped her ankles to help her out and she leaned he back against the mirror.

"Faster," Lonnie whispered.

Regardless of the position, Louis continued to have a hard time believing how wonderful her pussy always felt. He wondered if they all felt as good. That made him curious about his possible future occupation and if he would get to sample other women or if he would be exclusively Lonnie's. These thoughts quickly brought him to the edge.

Seeing Louis shut his eyes tight and clench his teeth told Lonnie he was ready to come so she grabbed the base of his cock, pushed him out, aimed it at her abdomen and jerked him until he splattered her belly. She then took his hand and pressed it against her snatch. He got the idea and wormed two fingers inside her. She used one of her own fingers on her clit, and between the two of them, she got off within minutes.

Reaching for a wet cloth on a nearby rack, Lonnie cleaned herself and them him. "Well, that's always a great way to start the day. Gets your heart pumping. Glad you came—in more ways than one! It also makes you work up an appetite. Let's go get some breakfast."

* * *

Naturally, they went to the diner. Lonnie surprised Louis by dressing in a more business-like outfit: short skirt, but not as brief as the day before—she could sit comfortably without showing too much thigh; her button up blouse was just sheer enough to hint at her undergarments, but not really reveal detail. This was capped with a classic blazer and moderate heels.

But what really impressed Louis was that, even in conservative mode, she was still strikingly beautiful.

"Believe it or not," Lonnie said to snap him out of his trance, "I dress like this more often than not. You look like I'm a stranger."

"Sorry. I'm doing something that irritates me when other people do it because they do it to me all the time. I'm typecasting you. You're a porn star and you're not dressed in the slutty manner that people associate with such people."

"I get it, Louis. Everyone thinks that way. But you have to realize, we're regular people who are just engaged in work that most people don't understand or accept."

"I have a lot to learn."

"And I would be only too happy to teach you." She took a bite of her toast. "So, what are your thoughts about my offer?"

It amused Louis that someone who had worked up an appetite having a quickie in her bathroom was having only coffee and toast. "I'm really trying to consider this honestly. But my thinking is continually clouded by all the sex I've had in the last day and a half since meeting you here."

"It's hard when you're hard, isn't it?" Lonnie joked.

He chuckled politely. "That's one way of putting it. I'm trying to considering the educational opportunity and the long term effects, but all my mind will focus on is having sex with you."

"And others."

"Oh, there would be other women?"

"I have other female stars under contract. All ages. I just assumed you would want the experience."

He shrugged. "I hadn't really considered that," he commented, though he really had.

* * *

After breakfast, they walked to visit Mrs. Carter. She still didn't recognize her daughter. Lonnie seemed to have accepted that fact. Louis didn't know if he could cope with that as well if it was his grandmother. But Lonnie had lived away long enough and that probably helped.

Without forewarning, she took him to visit the director of the facility who showed them the assisted living accommodations. He was impressed. It was like an efficiency apartment, but very tasteful and comfortable. They visited the common area where a number of residents were playing cards, watching TV, exercising and engaged in other activities—and they all seemed content.

After they departed, Louis said, "Well, that was a dirty trick."

Perhaps it had been, but Lonnie didn't admit it to Louis. Instead, she apologized. "I'm sorry. I just thought that since we were here you might like to look. What did you think?"

"It was nice," he conceded.

"Is it too early to visit your grandmother?"

Louis noted that it was just a few minutes after noon. "I wouldn't be surprised if she got up early today. We could try."

* * *

By the time they walked there it was 12:30 and granny was waiting for them. As usual, she was in her chair with her morning juice. Of course, the women recognized one another so introductions were unnecessary.

"Louie, offer our guest something," granny instructed.

"I'm good," Lonnie said, raising her hand to stop him.

"Important things first," granny began. "How's your mama?"

"Not good," Lonnie answered with something of a grimace. "Her physical health is starting to fail and she doesn't even know me."

"I'm sorry to hear that. She's a fine woman. I wish I could visit her, but I just don't get around like I used to."

"She wouldn't recognize you anyway."

Granny nodded. "So, this offer is real?"

"Yes, ma'am, it is," Lonnie responded firmly, surprised by the quick change of subject.

"And paying for Louis' school, living expenses and for me to live in assisted living is something your company usually does?"

"Well, each case is different," Lonnie answered with a grin.

"And how is this one different?"

"I'm not sure what you're asking."

"I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth," granny said, almost apologetically, "but you meet a young man in a diner, talk a little and now you're making this very generous offer."

"Granny, what are you doing? Why are you asking that?"

"Because there's more to this. Isn't there, Miss Lonnie? I'm not against this, Louie. Just want you to know what you're getting yourself into."

"I know, granny, and I still haven't even decided I want to."

"Then you really need to know all of the facts before you decide."

This was a cagey old woman, Lonnie realized. She never knew this about Mrs. Robbins. Short of telling her what the real job for Louis was, Lonnie knew what granny was trying to get out of her. She just hoped that saying it wouldn't make the whole thing backfire. But she might as well take her chances. "She's right, Louis. There's something else you need to know."

The shock on his face was alarming. He said nothing, but his expression demanded explanation.

Taking a deep breath, Lonnie plunged in. "You wanted to know what made me go to California, but I didn't tell you the entire reason. You know that what I did was part of it. But the rest was because I was in love with a man who was a few years older. We were deeply in love and wanted to marry." She gave a fiery look at granny. "We both did. But then he learned that he wasn't my first."