Staring at the Sun Ch. 04


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But I could tell he wanted to come, the oral sex turning him on more than I realised and with a final thrust he erupted inside me, his face screwed up with pleasure. I held him tight, feeling him grow smaller, my pussy saturated with our mixed juices.

"That was good," he breathed in my ear as I finally relaxed my hold on him. "You're so good Louise."

I smiled and turned over, the lunchtime meal and wine making my eyelids heavy. I felt myself drifting off, sinking deeper into a state of bliss.


The sun was slanting over the hotel car park, bathing everything in its warm glow. I made my way down the small flight of steps and shielded my eyes from the glare. Cursing myself for forgetting my shoes, I looked down at the bright pink flip flops I was wearing with my smart black dress and hoped nobody would see.

Our car was parked in the shade of a tree and after retrieving my black high-heeled sandals from the boot I turned and almost screamed out in shock.

"Hi, Louise! How are you?"

I stood and stared at Jake Harper in confusion, my mind reeling with the implications of his appearance.

"I must say, the flip flops don't do your dress justice..."

He laughed and I continued to stare at him, my mouth open but with no words would come out.

"Are you OK? Did Richard not tell you?"

"Tell me what?" At last I had found my voice, but a terrible realisation had dawned. Was this whole trip engineered by my husband? And if so, why?

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, my manners deserting me.

"Oh, Louise! This isn't like you! I thought you'd be pleased to see me. After all you were so lovely on the phone last night."

I made to walk away but he grabbed my arm and I tensed. He was gazing down at me and I felt myself blush as I remembered back to the middle of the night when I'd fantasised about making love with him.

"Don't go. Can I get you a drink?"

"Richard's waiting for me in the room."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll find you. He knows I'm staying here, too."

"What are you doing here, Jake? Richard never told me you'd be here. And why didn't you mention it on the phone last night?"

"Change your shoes, Louise, and I'll treat you to a glass of champagne. It's the least I can do. And then I'll explain. I have a feeling you've got me down as the bad guy in all this."

I stared at him in amazement. His theory was spot on, but the only time we'd met was the first night of our holiday and I was sure I hadn't let slip my feelings then.

"I think I should get back. Richard will be wondering where I am."

He laughed. "You're a grown woman, Louise! He'll come and find you, don't worry. I can explain why I'm here..."

He held out his hand and I hesitated. Part of me wanted to have nothing to do with him, but to refuse would seem immature. The last thing I wanted was to appear stupid in front of Jake. After all, no matter what I thought, our worlds were linked now, whether I liked it or not.

"OK, let me change my shoes."

After throwing my flip flops onto the back seat I reluctantly followed Jake across the gravelled drive and around to the side of the hotel where a couple of tables were set out under the trees. We were alone and I settled into my seat, feeling the tension in my shoulders and back as Jake ordered a bottle of champagne.

He took the seat next to me, opened a packet of cigarettes and lit one, inhaling deeply.

"That's better. Now we can talk in peace. Why did you phone me last night?"

"You know why...I told you."

"You said you preferred to stay at a hotel nearby, Louise. And I agreed, against my better judgement, but I'd far rather you stay with us."

"I said I didn't want to put you to any trouble and asked about a hotel you could recommend. I really think that's the best thing to do."

"Well I don't."

"But you agreed!"

"I've changed my mind." He flicked some ash into the ashtray and looked at me, his eyes locked onto mine. "I want you to stay with me, Louise. It makes sense."

"Why? What's Richard told you?"

"About what?"

I shrugged and watched as the waitress brought out a bottle of Dom Perignon and two flutes. "What have you and Richard been discussing lately?"

"Oh, this and that. He stubbed out his cigarette and smiled. "We go back a long way, Louise. Just old memories."

"I feel as if you're here for a reason and I need to know."

"There's no mystery. I'm here with a friend who owns a vineyard in the South of France. I'm introducing him to a wine producer who makes wine here and I recommended the hotel to Richard. It's lovely, don't you think? Perfect for you both."

He lifted his glass and gestured towards me. "To your holiday, Louise."

I took a sip of the champagne and closed my eyes as the bubbly liquid slipped down my throat. "Thank you, Jake, but I'd rather stay at a small hotel. I'd just feel as if we were in the way."

"Does Richard know you called me?"

I hesitated, but he realised what I was going to say. "Ah, he doesn't. Why are you keeping that a secret from him?"

"Well, he would have found out, Jake. When we arrived and I told him about the hotel."

"I just think you're being silly. I've got so much room and my wife adores entertaining. You'll love her."

I doubted it. I could just imagine Jake's wife and dreaded having to make small talk to her while the men indulged in their mutual bonding sessions.

"Look, Jake, I've always felt uncomfortable staying with people. I explained that last night and I hate feeling as if I owe people something."

"Nonsense. You're old friends. Plus Mike's staying as well. Now he is someone you need to get to know." He chuckled.

I looked up to see the man from the restaurant staring at me. He was even better looking close-up and I felt my heart quicken as he smiled and took a seat.

"Mike...this is Louise, the wife of a very dear friend."

Mike took my hand and shook it, his touch warm and gentle. He had the friendliest of faces and I felt myself melt under his gaze.

"Hi, Louise. It's nice to meet you."

Jake grabbed the waitress as she walked past and she giggled as he let his arm rest about her waist. Speaking in perfectly accented French he ordered another bottle and two more glasses.

"Where's Richard, then? Making himself beautiful, is he?"

I smiled, but hated the tone of voice Jake was using. He seemed to think he was so superior to my husband and the thought of being in his house and at his mercy was more than I could bear.

"I'm trying to persuade Louise to stay with us, Mike. She's digging her heels in."

Mike shrugged and smiled at me. "It's up to Louise and her husband surely?"

Jake lit another cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Of course, but I'm just trying to make life easy for them, that's all."

"Bullying, more like," replied Mike, grinning, and I felt that flicker of desire again. His brown eyes were so warm and genuine. Why couldn't it be Mike who was inviting us to stay?

"I'll leave it up to you, Louise, but you know you're more than welcome. We're here tonight and then we're heading back tomorrow. Jilly's arriving late in the evening and I promised I'd pick her up."

"How is Jilly?" Mike asked, and as they chatted about mutual friends, I sipped my champagne and wondered where on earth Richard was. It had been half an hour now and he must have known I was in the garden, especially if he also knew that Jake was staying in the same hotel. Just as I was about to get up and find him, he appeared, a look of confusion on his face.

Jake stood at once and held out his hand. "Richard! Great to see you! You know, you really shouldn't let your wife out on her own...we very nearly kidnapped her!"

Richard laughed but I could sense his bewilderment. Looking at me, he said, "I wondered where you'd got to."

"Sorry," I replied, the champagne making me suddenly feel rather tearful. "Jake persuaded me to have a drink."

"Well, that's great. Thanks Jake," he said, accepting a glass of champagne.

"I think another toast's in order," said Jake, looking at me and winking. "To you both!"

We all sipped the delicious wine and I realised I was on my third glass. My head spun slightly and I was aware of Mike watching me, his eyes thoughtful.

"Oh, by the way, Richard, this is Mike. Another good friend. He owns a vineyard near Avignon."

The talk turned to wine and vineyards and I sat and watched the three men talk. All of them were good-looking, self-assured and confident, but it was Mike my eyes kept returning to again and again. He was much the quietest of the three but whenever he did say something the other two men listened intently. I had the feeling that Jake had the greatest of admiration for him and I could understand why.

"Are you having dinner here tonight?" asked Jake looking at me. "The food here's great.

It's very good."

I looked at Richard. "I don't know. I suppose we could."

"If so, why don't you join us?"

I felt a shiver of excitement run through me at his words. Jake's influence on me, whatever it was, was waning and I realised that when we first met I'd been excited by his looks and his air of authority, his obvious charm and personality, no matter how dangerous it seemed. But meeting Mike had thrown me completely. He was quiet, but confident, kind and friendly. I wanted to get to know him more and find out about what sort of man he was.

"Are you OK with that, Louise?"

I nearly jumped at my husband's voice and nodded. "Of course. I'd love to."

Jake left to see about a table and my husband started to quiz Mike on his vineyard. He answered all the questions smoothly, addressing a lot of his comments to me and I found I was enjoying the attention, his eyes never leaving my face as he explained about grape varieties and soil.

"I love the way of life," he said. "I find it so fulfilling to take the grapes in their raw state and make them into something beautiful and desirable." He looked at me again and I felt my stomach contract with excitement. What was wrong with me lately? I was acting like a love struck teenager, moving from man to man without the slightest thought for my husband who, at the moment, needed all the help and support he could get.

Jake returned and we went through to the dining room which overlooked the gardens. The setting was immaculate with starched white tablecloths, glistening cutlery and gleaming plates and I felt very special as I sat with the three men, their looks and presence earning them glances from the other female diners in the restaurant.

I looked at the menu prices and gasped. This was certainly not the cheap hotel I'd imagined we'd be staying in and I felt a sudden sense of anger towards Jake who must have been aware of the state of our finances. We just seemed to be getting deeper and deeper into the mire of financial problems and I could feel a sense of panic set in as I mentally calculated the amount of money we'd spent already. After our lunch today, a simple salad was all I wanted but when I announced my choice Jake looked at me in amazement.

"I'll choose for you, Louise," he said, studying the menu intently. "I've eaten here so many times before, I've a good idea of what you'd like."

It took all my effort to stop myself from being rude. How dare he assume I wanted him to order for me? And what the hell did he know about my preference in food?

"Jake...let Louise choose herself," soothed Mike, putting one hand on Jake's arm. "I'm sure she's old enough to know what she wants."

I was still speechless and could only smile my thanks at Mike who grinned back at me.

My husband was still reading the menu and I could see a look of doubt cross his face as well.

"Louise? A salad then?"

I nodded my agreement and closed the menu. Tomorrow night when Jake had returned home we would be finding somewhere else to eat. Again, I felt that twinge of sadness and guilt, my enjoyment at eating out marred by our money worries. I thought back to the conversation I had with Jake about staying at a hotel and knew that I was making a mistake. We would only be drawing attention to ourselves if we opted to go to a hotel and I knew that would give Jake even more ammunition to throw our way and more scope to treat us as a joke. That was the last thing I wanted.

The meal passed pleasantly with Jake dominating the conversation and putting us in no doubt of his wealth and status. He went on and on about the refurbishment of his farmhouse, making it quite clear that there was certainly room enough for us all.

Mike listened patiently, no doubt having heard all of it before, but he showed no irritation or disinterest and I wondered how long they had been friends.

As we were drinking the last of the wine, Jake turned to me and fixed me with his gaze.

"So, Louise, are you looking forward to staying with us? Jilly would be glad of another female opinion on the house. You know how women are!"

I laughed out of politeness but inwardly cursed him for putting me on the spot. I longed to be rude to him and I stared back at his handsome face, my eyes drawn to his as they bored into me. I could feel my colour rising as he waited for me to answer, both Mike and Richard sensing the tension between us.

Unable to bear the atmosphere any longer, Richard replied for me, shooting me a warning look. "Of course, we're both looking forward to it, Jake. It'll be great to stay in a home rather than a stuffy hotel."

"I really wanted Louise to say that, Richard," Jake said smoothly, his eyes still on mine.

"It's so important that she's happy..."

I suddenly felt smothered and the feeling of panic rose again. I seemed to have no control over this holiday at all, no say in what I wanted and I felt the desperate need for some fresh air. Rising to my feet I threw my napkin on the chair, my head spinning from the wine we had drunk.

"I need some air," I said, reaching out for the table to steady myself. I felt as if Jake was a terrible ominous presence in our life and the urge to get away from him was growing more intense by the minute.

Mike stood up and I looked at him helplessly before turning on my heel and walking out of the stuffy atmosphere of the restaurant. Willing my husband to join me and ask what was wrong, I walked out onto the terrace and leaned against the stone balustrade. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and a terrible tight tension beginning in the back of my neck. I just wanted to go home and be with the children, back in my own house – but how much longer would it be mine?

I heard footsteps behind me but didn't turn, almost convinced it was Richard come to find me and reassure me that everything was going to be alright. But when I eventually turned it wasn't my husband standing there with a concerned look on his face. As I felt the tears start, it was Mike who put his arms around me and held me tight.


Thank you for reading Chapter 4 – all feedback is welcome. I will always reply to any comments, but as this was submitted before my annual vacation, there might be a delay.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Three into one can go

excellent part 4 but i am sure there is more to come

with Jake and now mike joining in. i can see both taking you

when you get to jakes home.

MacDukeMacDukeover 17 years ago

This was the best sex scenes of the series.

But Jake doesn't fit. No reason for him to be in Louise's nightmares or her fantasies - somewhat forced foreshadowing. And his overbearing, stultifiying conversation and presence at the hotel is not consistent with a smooth, powerful man who would stimulate Louise's libido. Why does Louise seem susceptible to any attractive man, like Mike? We have no reason to believe she is on the make or looking to pull, do we? Richard is not a good lover, but that does not really explain it.

LightpenLightpenalmost 18 years ago

I just hate the wait between chapters! What a story you weave, Janie - so real. Keep it rolling!

PEATBOGPEATBOGalmost 18 years ago
Keeping us on tenterhooks!!!!!!

The story is getting more complicated but interesting with the arrival of Mike who, while seeming to be kind and considerate, definitely appears to be part of Jake's overall plan. Richard seems to be less and less a player in that plan. Janie, the direction that you are going still fills me with apprehension! Looking forward to more of this excellent tale. Pete.

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