Starting from Scratch Ep. 034: DURESS CODE


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"My ears are still on fire." Piper chuckled. She was afraid to know the reality behind Dakota's comment. Sable beside Piper fidgeted, rocking back and forth while biting her lip.

"I almost gave Travis a handjob." She blurted out. "He finished."

"Oh Christ! My ears just melted off. Please don't go into detail." Piper just knew it was going to be a messy story.

"A LOT!" Sable emphasized leaning toward Piper grinning devilishly. "More than he did on the bleachers yesterday."

"About never answered my question." Piper tuned out Sable letting her pout.

Looking up from her cell after buckling her seatbelt back up Dakota shrugged, "What question? I told you I'm biding my time because of Robin. I haven't lost my virginity since then." She chuckled.

"Oh! Well that's certainly good."

"Maybe this weekend."

"What?" Even Sable had to join that word with her own version. "What?"

"I'm joking! Gawwwwwwd! You guys are so naïve."

"Is he who you'd want to lose it too?" Piper grew curiously nervous.

"I don't know. There's someone I have in mind for that but I don't think he's...thinking like I do." Dakota smirks, "Don't tell Mom."

"My lips are sealed. So are my eyes. Shit I can't drive with my eyes closed." The girls laughed as Piper turned on her stereo and programmed a song list on Spotify. Seconds later they were rocking out to Five Finger Depth Punch, as Piper called them, the mental vision of being fisted made her giggle, not that she wanted that kind of high five. The remainder of the ride was tuning out the world. Sable however contemplated asking out Corey Samson, as well as that notion of losing her own virginity. Travis was on her thoughts too. So was a certain much older man. They were both growing up waaaaay too fast. Auntie Piper felt dead set in the crosshairs.


"Okay, I had an idea yesterday." Henry McKellen spoke to Tessa Harper via skype. This early in the morning the busty blond beauty still wore a nightshirt boasting this time Star Trek instead of Star Wars. Unlike many other sci-fi fans she was equal opportunity. Her hair a mess from sleeping and not caring if Henry saw her made him smirk, but he certainly didn't put her down. Even at her worst the kid was drop dead gorgeous. He was actually becoming quite fond of her. Having a hot sexy Russian roommate didn't hurt her chances one bit. Having fucked both young women in his very own kitchen his imaginations were on warp factor seven without the assist of Mr. Sulu.

Everything of late increased his storytelling abilities toward his RPG game Frisque. From his new neighbor's scalding hot everything, to his wife's appetite sexually, to Kelly Herbert's slave dedication episode after episode of the game was coming together hard, in a very delicious way. Having Cheerleaders practicing next door at Piper's was the topping on one hell of a layer cake.

"Decide on the daughter incest?" Tessa interrupted his idea, stretching vividly in front of him in her Trekkie almost nekkie shirt. Her beautiful breasts poising as if to say "Lookie at us." Henry couldn't resist, pausing in thought to watch her. Before she could return her posture to normal her roomie Svetty entered the monitor moving behind Tessa and placing her chin on the girls shoulder. Tessa's hands loitered in the buxom blonds hair while Svetlana reached around devilishly and squeezed her roommates bulging breasts.

"Breakfast is served." Svetty winked at Henry across the server and pulled Tessa's t-shirt up to show him her tits. Wrinkled up over her chest while Svetty teased her flesh Tessa melted and the two girls began kissing right in front of him. Henry just sat back and enjoyed the show. He totally forgot what he intended to tell her about Kelly and the dominance topic. For the next ten minutes he just observed them making out and taking it to the bed behind Tessa's computer desk. "Gotta love bisexuals. From Russia with Lust!"

In studying their sexual ravishing he heard both girls mumbling, "Oh Daddy. Watch us. Play with us Daddy." He knew damn well this was staged to antagonize his thoughts on putting his daughters into Frisque. While he had been mulling it over the idea of actually using his real daughters as template models just seemed too out there. Making matters harder was the fact he overheard Dakota moaning just like Svetty and Tessa concerning the term Daddy. He was already struggling inside that Dakota might have a daddy crush on him. While it felt wrong, it also made him smile. He loved his daughter very much. Deciding this ordeal was not getting much work done he just shut his laptop down and went back to design work on his own. Let the kids play.


Pulling into the Horton-Dexter faculty parking Piper shut her music down. Turning to the twins she had to ask. "Alright Munchkin's. Aunt Piper has to ask...underwear on?" She looked straight back at Dakota knowing if anyone was breaking the law it would be her. "I know there's no bra up North, but what about South Dakota?"

"Are you wearing any AUNT Piper?" Dakota resisted showing her, her knees clenched tightly side by side. Although not their real Aunt the girls rather liked the adoption idea.

"Just checking. No I'm not. But, I just don't want any boys getting too intimate with you guys."

"Jealous?" Dakota flipped her tongue out at Piper.

Smirking at her Piper added fuel to the debate, "Sweetie! Miss Cherry could get any man or woman in this burg."

"Got that right." Sable chuckled feeling better in her imbalance of emotions since yesterday. "I'm wearing a thong. No bra though."

"Good. Listen ladies, I'm not telling either of you what and what not to do. You're old enough to make your own decisions. I'm just..." She frowns at herself, "So not Mother Hen. Go peck. Just not pecker."

The girls giggled as Piper rolled her eyes, "I don't know why I felt as if I needed to give you two any peck talk. Just be careful out there. Although you're both foxes, the henhouse is bound to be invaded today. Take a look out there." She pointed at a dozen girls walking from the parking lots, all but one had a short dress like Piper's. Dakota's while short still rode lower than theirs.

"For the record?" Dakota spoke up, "I was wearing panties." She lifts her ass from her seat reaching up under her skirt to yank her own thong down, then peeled it from her pumps. Into her book bag they went. Piper had to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"So seeing all these lovely ladies wearing dresses you presume they're all going CUMmando?"

"Cheerleaders for sure. None of them wore any at practice last night." Sable informed Piper, as if she didn't know. "Especially you Piper."

"Not a good example am I?"

"We're used to it. Remember our Mom?" She pointed out.

"Right! Okay Wenchkins." She switched up the Munchkin thought, these young ladies were no longer kids. "Let's strut the smut." Taking the lead the girls followed. Once the SUV was locked up they trailed behind Piper along the sidewalk. Admiring her orange dress sinking so low on her back the girls giggled at seeing a very faint hint of butt crack. Her wiggle was enough to mesmerize even them. Admiration played into Piper's every step. Not only from the twins, it became evident that every boy Piper passed was glued to her skimpy outfit. The wolf calls were circulating from all sides. Turning to walk backwards, Piper uses her hands as if to introduce the twins to their echoes.

"I give you the McKellen cuties. Whistle away boys."

Jaws dropping the girls noticed the change in the wolves, now eying Dakota and Sable as if they were the best thing since cherry pie. Compliments were sent their way as much as they were Piper's. Hugging one another's arms for support the twins fluttered fingers as if walking the red carpet at the Oscars. Pausing slightly in step they lagged behind Piper as she moved on toward the entrance. She wanted space to flirt more on her own without the girls seeing too much. She knew if the boys outside ran interference she could tease once inside the school.

Scanning her badge to enter the turnstile Piper was greeted by a number of her cheerleaders. Octavia, Deanna, Tawny, and Lily who wore dresses with cleavages expressed in a Dakota way. Skirts so high that their own butt cheeks were tempting the boys long before Piper had the chance.

"Hi Piper." Lily spoke first, "Oh my God! Thank you."

"For what?" Piper smirked, as if she didn't know.

"The dress code change. This is soooo much fun." Lily giggled then whispered, "I've been felt up four times since I got here."

"Only four? You're lagging behind." Lily snickered at the Counsellor's smartass remark.

"I love your dress." Octavia paced around Piper, "Daaaamn girl! No back all bumper." She dared to even step up to Piper from behind and use an index finger to hook her skirt at the lower spine pulling it out to see bare bottom, "Nice twerkers." The other girls just had to see for themselves, soon six boys raced for their own peeks.

"Hey! Bumper stickers. Do you mind?" She laughed and twerked just for the hell of it. As soon as Piper did Octavia hiked her own skirt up to show her chocolate cheeks and did her own twerk for the gathering. It was fun to share in their youthful enthusiasm until it was quickly abandoned by the cranky voice of Home Economics Teacher Elsa. At her age this behavior was taboo. While she knew of Carl Manley's every Wednesday dress code lift, she just knew it would be abused. Piper altered her actions to disperse the guilty pleasure party. "Go on heathens shoo."

"Counsellor Cherry?" Elsa scowled at her dress, "Are we at a night club or are we at a place of higher learning?"

"Live and learn I say Elsa. I know this might be a tad more than you're used to but you must trust me. Loosening up will get your students to act less belligerent. Give them a chance. Besides I'm the new Cheerleading Coach, I was showing Octavia how to twerk for the game on Friday. I shouldn't have been in the hallway, but like I said...loosen up and get on their level to a point and you'll see a huge change in them." Piper looks around to those overhearing her, "Am I right?"

Students acknowledged her and spread the word to go out of their way to be kind and attentive in Elsa's classes. Elsa although not happy withheld her distaste. "We shall see." Taking her leave Elsa headed straight for Carl Manley's office. Piper grit her teeth then giggled along with a mass of students.

From every angle Piper heard two things. "Don't worry Piper we got this." and, "Can we see your ass?" Looking about for safety Piper just hiked her skirt and twerked again, this time her whole ass in view. Silent cheers applauded her perfect moves. Just as swiftly, Piper moved on toward her office to drop off her purse.

Within she spotted Elsa talking to Carl and edged by her to reach her cubicle. Noting Elsa's tone of voice lower to finish her words Piper just sat down at her desk taking out a note pad and pen to jot down three things she had to do today. Mace had forgotten to text her about cable and internet so a reminder for herself was needed. There was just too much going on yesterday to make that call.

Secondly, she wrote down to look up a local T-shirt designer about new shirts for the cheerleaders. If she had to pay extra to get them made by Friday with her own money she would. Piper wanted the game to be perfect. No more of these horrible outfits, they had to go. "Gooo Swallows." She mumbled shaking her head.

Her third note was written specifically for Carl saying, "Hijack Tiffany Martin one more day. Make her take that Psyche test again saying it required closer attention."

Finishing up her chat with Carl, Elsa broke rank and stepped into Piper's space, "I want to apologize Counsellor. I'm just not accustomed to such unorthodox methods in bonding with our students. I'll try to overlook your...approach."

"No need to apologize Elsa I absolutely understand. Our ideals have a large age gap dividing opinions is all. While yes this dress is...youthful, so am I. All I ask is that you give me a chance to work my magic. New tricks, old dogs?"

"You act as if you expect me to bark."

"Only a woof." Piper winked. Elsa winced as Carl lingered over her shoulder smirking. Taking a deep breath Elsa giggled, "Woof!"

"Oh my God! That deserves a hug." Piper stood up and pulled the elderly woman into a tight embrace, "Bless you Elsa. No more woofs though. Elsa was a lioness so try Rawwwr!" With her chin on Piper's shoulder Elsa dug her nails into Piper's lower back and growled, "Roooaaarrr!"

"Dang Elsa!" Piper giggled, "Can I have my DNA back from beneath your nails?"

"I'm sorry I got carried away." Elsa released Piper and blushed. Behind Elsa, Carl mouthed the word, "Lesbian." Eyes bulging Piper grinned sheepishly at Elsa, "MeeeeOUCH!" Their own bond suddenly strengthened Elsa snickered and went back to her den.

"Nailed it!" Piper chuckled at Carl then winced touching her back. Twirling in step to peer over her shoulder at Carl she said, "Did the lioness draw blood?"

"If she had she would have eaten you alive."

"Damn! Kiss my boo boo?"

"Not kissing your ass Counsellor." He shook his head and turned away for his desk, "Nice dress though."

"Too revealing?" She giggled knowing it was.

"You can probably do better."

"Ohhh! That is so a challenge Mister. I'm going for coffee. Want one?"

"Cups full already." He poised his personal coffee cup that said, "I know the Drill." Military career inspired it was cute.

"Be back after I bounce on Roger."

"Don't hurt the guy I need him."

"I need him more." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Uh huh!"

"Oh! Before I forget." She slaps her note about Tiffany Martin on his chest. "Pep talk!"

Reading it as she abandoned the office Carl shook his head. He might need that Psyche exam himself before year's end.


At her locker Dakota McKellen stood proud of herself knowing guys were into her more than they had let on before. Even over the last few days keeping her blouse unbuttoned she knew guys were looking but not many really said much, they just drooled. She needed to hear compliments more for her expanded horizons. Spotting Angus Furlong coming her way acting all moody, with a few of his posse steering clear of him she fidgeted. While she did like Angus, and he did ask her out, the revelation of Robin Banks telling her they broke up must be true. His head hanging low must be his way of showing he was sad over the break up. If that were only true.

Walking right past her without even saying hi she pouted and felt very alone all of a sudden. In his place Corey Samson approached her without notice. "Hey Dakota, nice outfit." Hearing the compliment she perked up until she realized who it was.

"Thanks Corey. You hurt my sisters feelings yesterday." So much for further compliments. He frowned with a shrug.

"I'm just not into her. Now you...maybe."

"Why? I'm her twin. There's not much difference between us unless you mean her braces."

"It's not that. She's just not as..." He had to think about his words, " minded, maybe?"

"She had her shirt unbuttoned yesterday for awhile. You didn't notice?"

"She did? I guess not. That's unlike her."

"I know right? She's trying but she's just shy. Give her time. Once her braces come out Friday she might be a whole new person. Anyways, what you did to Travis was wrong."

"The trash can yes. I had nothing to do with tying his nerd ass to the bleachers. I told Manley and Counsellor Cherry that."

"If not you, who?"

"No clue. Honestly!"

"I'll take your word on it." She looks back toward Angus shuffling to his locker, "Any idea why Angus is so down?"

"I heard he and Knox Hardecker had a fist fight. All I know."

"Knox? Where was this?"

"His house I think. Not really sure but I'll find out more before the day's over." He looks down at her opened book bag on the floor and spots her thong crumpled up between books. While she took another look down the hall wondering what prompted Angus to even be in her neighborhood she surmised it was because of Robin. Surely it had nothing to do with herself, to her knowledge he had no idea she even lived by Piper. Unless someone told him. With the first period bell about to ring in ten minutes she turned to notice she was alone, Corey had taken off in her absence. Zipping her bag up after bending to procure it she hadn't even noticed something missing. She would very soon.


Teacher's lounge...fifteen minutes before the bell...

"OH SWEET JESUS!" Damon Rice the school's resident Shop Teacher stepped in for a morning snack and spotted Piper Cherry in her orange dress bending forward to get a snack herself, HoHo's of course. That clam was nice and moist.

Sitting in his normal spot Roger Dundee smirked at the middle aged black man with his ballcap backwards. "Just now noticing her?" Roger leered over his shoulder as he sat back slouched in his chair, arms folded over his abs.

"Ohhhh I noticed. Daaaamn Counsellor." Damon grinned as she stood up to face him. "That there is one short dress."

"Short front and back." Roger chuckled.

"So I see. Glad ole' Carl gave you a chance pretty lady."

"Be glad I persuaded him to give me a chance." She sheepishly smirks and takes her cupcakes to the table and drops right into Roger's lap, making his hands release one another to give her room. Bare bottom on his crotch he had to grin.

"My laps available in about two minutes if you get tired of the Science guy and want a real man." Damon beams his pearly whites and plants a dollar in the vending machine selecting a bag of peanuts.

"Oooo! Peanuts envy." She notices his choice when opening them. She hopped on Roger's lap four times just for meanness. Across the table Dewey Knowles just watched and stroked his beard, he always enjoyed Piper's antics.

"Mine's bigger." Damon winked, "Bet on black."

"Are we playing Roulette?" Roger chuckled.

"Nothing red so certainly no one is blushing." She giggled picking icing off of her HoHo. "Is it bigger than this swiss roll?"

"Bigger than all those side by side. Thicker too." Damon boasted tilting his peanut bag up to his lips to feed himself. Mid chew he added, "Creams even sweeter."

"Sounds like he's offering you something Counsellor." Roger winked rubbing his palms along both her legs as she sat there flicking her tongue in the white icing with a seductive look in her eyes.

"You first. If you're no good Saturday I might take him up on his offer."

"Well now!" Damon looked surprised, "You two hookin' up?"

"We are. He's taking me boating."


"That too." She winked. "I might even put his big oar between my tits."

"You're a lucky man Dundee. I guess I'll settle for my girl Patrice. Don't you tell her I said that."

As they prepare for more banter in walked Mimi Alexander making Piper bulge her eyes. "Nooooo! You didn't..." She crawls out of Roger's lap but lets her skirt stay up offering her cheeks to the faculty members. Mimi blushed heavily and cornered Mimi against the coffee machine to lift her chin, "Are those hickies?"

"Maybe." The Mouse in the house squeaked.

"Kevin?" Piper whispered in awe of that possibility.

"No." She flared her eyes, "LeAnne. I stopped by her apartment and she let me borrow more dresses. I...let my guard down."

"You go Princess." Piper hugged her tightly, Mimi's hands surrounding Piper's waist to find no back to her dress, fingers sliding lower until she discovered the top of her skirt. Her eyes bulged at Dewey who nodded a confirmation that her dress dipped into dangerous waters.

"Is there no end?"

"Keep going." Roger laughed.

Mimi was becoming more and more bolder as the days of encouragement continued. Wanting to be a part of the girls, Mimi took the risk and slid her palms beneath the back of Piper's skirt then realized she had no panties on either. Squeezing her cheeks Mimi blushed and squealed. Removing her fingers she just patted Piper's back.