Starting from Scratch Ep. 046: DRIFT WOOD


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Across, the hall from Josie's bedroom her eldest daughter Dakota was getting ready for school herself. Having stayed up late texting Angus she was running behind herself. All night long he had been a gentleman, promising her to have her stolen thong back when she got to Horton-Dexter. Not once did they discuss what happened between them at school, their kiss, his sucking her nipple, his girlfriend sucking her other nipple. How fucked up was that? Regardless thinking that, she did find it hard to resist smiling over it. Knowing she had her Dad's attention too fueled her imagination. She really didn't know who to think more about, Angus or her Father.

"I wish I could wear a dress again. Wednesday is so far off until I can do that. I can go button down shirt again I guess. Jeans this time." She spaces out in thought standing in her panties only, "Oh my gosh! What if Angus had taken my dress off there at my locker? I would have been so humil...I was so freaking wet. All the boys watching him kiss on me...when Robin...stop thinking Dakota." She danced in step almost giddy, yet confused as to why.

"What if...they do that again?" Part of her wanted more, the sensible part of her knew it would only lead to trouble. "Why did Angus let Robin...?" Why did she not tell them no? "I think I'll wear a bra today but keep my shirt unbuttoned. If Angus doesn't look sad I'll know he's not looking at me just Oh my God! I have no idea how to even have sex properly. I really hope Daddy..." Her eyes flare up with a hopeful exuberance, "...shows me what to do."

A knock on her door she expects it to be her Father and just blurts, "Come in." Shocked to find it to be her Mother she quickly covers up her chest. "Sorry! I thought it would be...Sable." She had truly wanted it to be Henry.

"Nope! Just Mommy. Can we talk a second?"

"Sure! I'll get dressed while you talk." She waves Josie inside as she goes to her dresser for a bra to match her panties.

"A bra today? I'm shocked."

"I like going without but I know it's...wrong."

"Sweetheart, I'm over the scrutiny. Be yourself. If you want to go without...any underwear then do so. I'm not wearing any."

"I can tell." Dakota giggled pointing at her Mother's nipples sticking out like eraser heads. Josie looked down at herself and smirked.

"We didn't really get much time to talk on the phone last night about your missing panties. How exactly did that even happen?"

"I took them off at school. A lot of girls went without. I...just wanted to see what it was like. Corey Samson took advantage of that when he swiped them from my book bag."

"It feels great doesn't it?" Josie hugged her daughter from behind and takes her bra from her placing it back into the dresser drawer. Dakota shivered at her Mother's theft and bulged her eyes, "If you want to get the bra back out that's your choice. If you don't I'm not going to scold you. That was my way of showing you I'm not going to raise hell over it. Anyway, just know you can come to me if things like that thong scenario ever happens again. I understand I haven't exactly been the model mom of late, but I am your mother none the less. I love you and I'm all ears if you ever need me."

"Actually, need advice." She ignores the bra and finds a pair of blue jeans with red thread in them. As she slips them on Josie awaits her questions. "Man these jeans are getting tight. Am I gaining weight?"

"That was not the advice you were asking for. You look beautiful in the jeans. Now ask before we run out of time."

"Well, Angus kissed me yesterday."

"Both of my girls got their first real kiss the same day?" Josie shook her head grinning.

"Ewww! Don't make me picture Travis and Sable."

"They were cute together. About Angus?"

"He...kissed my neck and shoulder too. Is that...normal?"

"I suppose so. Any lower I might think otherwise." Josie suddenly envisioned Angus kissing herself like that and held her breath trying not to appear obvious.

"Mom? You...kissed a girl right? Piper?"

"A few in my time...if being honest." Namely Annette and Kim in the gym just yesterday. Her first period girls as well.

"I'm embarrassed. I wasn't going to tell you but I want to...Robin Banks kissed me too." She just didn't say her chest.

"Oh? Angus...and Robin?"

"One after the other. Is that...wrong?"

"I...don't know. Did it upset you?"

"At first yes...the more I think about it...I'm curious."

"I see. Only you can decide if that was right or wrong sweetie. Just...tell them to give you time to understand yourself, if they care they won't push you."

"Okay! Thanks Mom." Dakota takes the time to hug her mom then blushes at being so close and their chests touching. "Sorry. Better put a shirt on."

"Come to me if you need more advice, my door is always...well...after 1st. period. 3rd. period would be better." Protecting her boy toys and her sexual time with them sacred Josie at least made room in her schedule.

"We going or not?" Sable stepped into Dakota's bedroom as Dakota puts on a button down plaid shirt in red and black, the material thin for warmer weather. Without even looking at them Sable fired off a text to Travis, a simple, "Good morning. I can't wait to kiss you again." It seemed everyone wanted another kiss. Joining them from behind Sable, Henry McKellen peered in with interest.

"Everything okay here?"

"Perfect." Josie eased Sable out of the way and slipped her arms around Henry's shoulders, lifting up on her toes to kiss her husband. Looking at their Mother from behind both Dakota and Sable see Josie's bare ass and bulge their eyes. Glancing between each other they blushed for their Mom. That dress was way too short.

"Get your own room." Sable chuckled.

Kiss broken Josie peered over her shoulder at Sable, "Get your own living room." A razz made Sable turn beet red. Dakota had to snicker at her sister's expense. It was true, she and Travis were sprawled out on their living room sofa making out. She got over it as Josie headed downstairs, Sable following behind her to give her mom heck over the comment. Maybe she wasn't over it.

Leaving Dakota to step up to her Father just as she saw her Mother do, she went tiptoe to kiss her Father's cheek. Without warning he switched profiles to kiss Dakota directly on the lips with more passion than he should have used. Catching her off guard Dakota moaned into his mouth and kissed him with as much as she could muster. Mind blown by his move she pulled away in awe, smiling up a storm.

"You wanted lessons."

"Yes I did. Do! Wow! That"

"Don't get carried away." He winked. "Those lessons can stop at any time. I'm only doing this until you get confident."

"That might take awhile." She giggled. "I love you Daddy."

"Love you too Punky. Go to school. Learn something other than kissing boys."

"Seeing Tessa today?"

"Yep! Going to work at her place today."

"Have fun."

"All work."

"Tell her I said hi."

"Will do." Why yes he would. Svetty too. Henry watched his daughter wiggle all the way downstairs. Even the bookbag on her shoulder was cute.


"Wine it is."

Piper Cherry utilized her dress choices from yesterday, after choosing orange per her dog's selective eyes, she had set aside the wine colored dress that echoed a resemblance to the earlier orange for today. Slipping it on over her nudity it felt like silk, it's design just tight enough to hug every curve on her pristine flesh. "Second skin. It's like I spilled my wine glass on my body and it formed around me." Squeezing her tits over her dresses material she chuckles, "The Gropes of Wrath!" She found it funny.

"As if the eyes weren't on me yesterday, although a darker color it knows my body well. So will those eyes. I'm sooo glad Carl and the teacher's are all...lustful. It makes my job that much more fun knowing I'm wanted by 90% of Horton-Dexter. Okay 95%, Can't forget Elsa." Sliding her feet into black heels that roped up around her calves imprisoning them she applied the necessary bangle jewelry. The bling included a micro thin necklace that dangled a cute gold heart right between her fabulously bulging breasts with a tiny engraving saying You Love It! Her cleavage displaying the trinket like a speck between mountain ranges. To read that caption you would have to have 20/20 vision or be mountain climber.

Making her bed by merely pulling the covers up neatly she frowned, "MACE?" ,yelling out while awaiting his reply. In stepped Mace fully dressed for once in his life, jeans and a black button down shirt, sunglasses atop his head, he had Rotten's leash in his hand.

"Yeah?" He coaxed Rotten to his side and bent over to clip the leash to the dog's collar.

"Wash my bedding again. After that stunt we pulled last night I'd like to come home tonight and sleep in clean linen. No more ideas about a repeat performance tonight. Understood?"

"How many times are you going to tell me this?" He rolled his eyes, "By the look sexy as hell."

"Damn straight I do. Stop right there before you get a boner." She steps around him and palms his forehead with a gentle nudge, "Coming through. Oh, after you walk Rotten you should GPS the school and familiarize your way there. I'll need you to go get those shirts I had made up and bring them straight to school tomorrow so I can pass them out to the girls before they head home and get ready for the football game."

"No problem. Can I come to the game? I'm tired of being cooped up here so much. I need to spread my wings."

"If you had said my legs I'd have kicked you in the nuts." She smirked, "Still might."

"Tina's maybe. I want that hottie again. Maybe even Octavia. That Lily girl was cute too."

"You can go to the game just...don't counter distract my girls from their own mission. Their jobs are to distract the opposing team."

"I can't help it, I have what all the girls want." He pats his dick beneath his jeans. Sadly, Piper looked then grit her teeth. His words stung, she was a girl. Even she was distracted into shaking her head clear of the images of his monstrous cock.

"School address is on the fridge next to Jesse Manley's phone number." She grabs her purse and keys wiggling her way to the front door. Following closely behind her Rotten got a bit too close to her and lifted her skirt up, his cold snout touching her butt crack. Jumping at his close call inspection she turned brushing her skirt back down, "Did you teach Rotten to be a skirt chaser?"

"Would I do that?" Mace chuckled.

"I know you would." She crouches down and kisses Rotten on the nose. Pointing at Mace she instructed her pup to, "Bite his dick off." Rotten turned to look at Mace and woofed. Mace covered his crotch just in case as Piper razzed him with her tongue, "Better be careful Nephew. Puppy loves his Mommy more." Standing up she opens her door and steps outside. Opening her garage door using her keychain she took a moment longer to stroll out to her mailbox and check her mail. Nothing but bills and advertisements.

Joining her on the driveway Mace and Rotten watch her return toward the garage. Passing by on the street Josie McKellen tooted her horn, the twins riding to school with her. Stopping in her tracks Piper waved then took another side trip to visit them briefly.

"Wassup Pussycat? Hi girls." The girls were absorbed with texting and reading things on Facebook, too much so to even reply.

"Ignore them. Our dresses look alike just different colors."

"Good! Everyone can think we're twins too." Piper giggled.

"Hi Mace." Josie waved, that got the twins to look up and smile, waving vividly at he and Rotten. "You got him to wear something other than sweatpants?"

"He did that on his own. I have a feeling he wants to impress someone today." Both Dakota and Sable flare their eyes. Did she mean one of them? The girls were all over the stage when it came to boys of late. Even though Sable adored Travis, Mace was cute. Dakota felt much the same. "I told Mace to drop by Horton-Dexter so he knows how to get there tomorrow. He's coming to the football game."

"Really?" Sable pepped up, "Maybe I'll try to cheerlead again. If you still want me to." That was all it took to change her thoughts on the matter.

"I was hoping you might change your mind."

"When is Mace coming by the school?" Dakota leaned over her mom.

"I'm not sure. Probably after he walks Rotten." Piper shrugged.

"I can show him how to get there if he takes me to school." Dakota jumped at the chance. Mace overhearing her moved in closer.

"We can show him." Sable was not going to be left out. Both Josie and Piper wince at one another knowing the sexual tension of all three of them. Technically all five of them.

"Mace?" Josie spoke up as he stepped right up to the car door. "Would you mind taking the girls to school? They want to show you how to get there." Piper just went with it.

"Awesome! I can do that." Hearing him agree the girls busted free of their Mom's SUV and raced to join him, using Rotten as a scapegoat by petting him.

"He just wants to see the cheerleaders again." Piper whispered to Josie.

"Fresh air will do him good."

"Speaking of fresh air." Piper waved a hand in front of her nose, "Yo Ziploc! Might wanna pick that up before you go." Mace looked down to see the pile of steaming shit Rotten had left in the grass next to the driveway. Dakota and Sable danced as if grossed out by it, pinching their noses and hiding behind Piper. Mace reached into his pants pocket and procured a baggie and plucked up the waste, turning it inside out to hide the scent. Taking the bag to the trash can discarding it he then entered the house to wash his hands and put Rotten out by the pool for safe keeping. Water bowl full, food in dish, Mace returned outside to find only the twins. Josie and Piper had both gone off to work.

"I say we skip school and party." He threw his arms to his side.

"I wish we could. Mom would kill us." Sable beat Dakota to any response.

"Your boyfriend is home still." Dakota winked, "You could have him come over once Dad goes to Tessa's." She was razzing her sister knowing of their affections stepping up as of last night.

"Travis who?" Sable razzed back, "You don't want to miss out on Angus kissing you all over again."

"What?" How did Sable know, she didn't tell her that part. Someone must have told her. That or she was bluffing. "He did not."

"Come on I overheard you and Mom talking earlier. I want details."

"Me too." Mace laughed jingling his truck keys and unlocking his Dodge Ram with a remote. "On the way to school." He knew he had to take them, it was just fun making them think he wanted to party with the girls.

"Don't spread that rumor Sable." Dakota pouted.

"As if others didn't see you. Come on Dakota."

Opening the passenger side door, the girls fight to see who got to sit next to Mace. Dakota winning out, climbs in first, her unbuttoned shirt fanning open in her crawl allowing a beautiful tunneled cleavage. Mace saw nipples that time and smiled. She knew he had seen her and blushed faintly, keeping her lustful thoughts hidden.

Settling in hip to hip she ignored Sable getting in next to her. Eyes meeting with Mace's, Dakota dares to flash him a tit when Sable turned to find her seatbelt. Mace instantly grew hard. As much as Dakota was teasing, his mind shifted to Tina Wiles instead of what was right before him. Dakota noticing his eyes waver as he started his truck up wondered why he seemed distant. Their sexual tension ceased in the blink of an eye and Dakota clammed up. All the way to Horton-Dexter conversation was minimal. He couldn't even ask the twins about Tina for fear they might not like her. Luckily for him, Travis texted Sable that he missed her. Mace who? So confusing. Neither girl even recalled seeing Tina Wiles leaving as they were being dropped off by Kelly Herbert.

Reaching Horton-Dexter the school yards were full of students loitering. It was just like old times for Mace Belmont, only being out of High School barely over a year. Same atmosphere, same horseplay, lots of hot girls. Home sweet home! Pulling into the circle drive for student drop off Mace noticed some cheerleaders, most of them surrounded by the jocks. No Tina Wiles however, but he did notice Lily and Octavia, even Robin Banks.

Wanting to be noticed Mace honked his horn to get the girls to look for his truck. Some of the jocks had already zoomed in on the killer ride, envious that they didn't own a truck like his. Once all eyes were on him Sable decided to climb out and act as if she were hot shit. Dakota seeing the girls drooling behind their men made her consider something that could change her life. Without warning Dakota leaned over to Mace and kissed him on the lips. Stunned by her actions Mace dropped his jaw the second she left his truck.

Jocks witnessing her kiss the new guy immediately shot texts to Angus what they had seen. Even Robin texted Angus of Dakota's actions. As Dakota shut the door she turned to the crowd and smirked. Off she went. Mace however lingered there a minute until the next person dropping kids off tooted their horn. He really wanted to see Tina again. What he got was Octavia stopping him from leaving, her man Darryl watching her with a strange expression, uncertain what she was doing.

Motioning cars around him Octavia hopped up on his step side and greeted him, "Morning White Boy."

"Hey Octavia. Tina around?"

"Somewhere. I heard you rocked her world yesterday. If I skip school today can I get some of that big Georgia cock?"

"You already had a taste of it." He chuckled, "That your man looking at me like he wants to punch my lights out?"

"Darryl? He doesn't own this sweet ass. So can I come by later?"

"Sure. Bring Tina."

"I can do better than that. How about I bring Lily too? She's my girl."

"Three girls? I can deal with that. What time?"

"Just be home. We'll be there when we can." Without permission she yanks Mace to her and kisses him. He accidently honked his truck horn again. "Love those lips White Boy. Gnaw on my clit later?" She winked at him and climbed down racing back to Darryl and kissing him equally as hard. Mace just shook his head and pulled away.

"What the fuck was that about?" Darryl questioned his girl.

"Relax! He has a huge cock, you don't. I love you though." He caved, she had Darryl wrapped around her finger. Leaving him she joins Robin and Lily. "Yo Lily? We're hooking up with Piper's nephew later. Find Tina and tell her we're sharing her conquest." Lily found herself giddy and raced away to find Tina. Robin grabbing Octavia and pulling her aside had to ask questions.

"What's going on? Is he seeing Dakota?"

"No clue. Don't care. I'm getting that huge cock again. You and Angus can have McKellen."

They wood...would.

Garbled woods...WORDS!

It was too early in the morning.

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SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Oh it's not going to be peaceful G. ALL OUT WAR! LOL!

Welcome back Brother, you were missed. Hope everything goes smoothly the rest of your year Buddy. I'm back to offering 8 Chapters of Scratch a month until the start of 2022. So they're moving along fast. After the first of the year I will cut back again to give me time to write ahead. I have a lot in inventory but again I'll need to connect bridges to line up those other episodes. I think I need 15 chapters written to reach like 220. LOL! So...the Soap Opera continues.

Ever need someone to talk to I'm all ears Buddy. I'll always set aside room in my day to chat.


GenericmaleGenericmalealmost 3 years ago

Starting back up again after a long absence. Had a lot of changes in my life at the start of this year, but getting back into the rhythm of things now. Got over 40 chapters to read so I definitely will not be starved for stories. This is like the war and piece of erotica.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
PUN too write

I was recently called on on far too many puns. That's just the fun of finding links in that said English language. Between puns playing off things and inner meanings there's a whole new language to be deciphered.

You get 5 stars for being my buddy Boby.

Thanks as always.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

Love your grasp on the English language and your PUNishment of same. Always 5 🌟.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor

Here until the bitter sweet end my friend. This series is not going away even if I only have 10 readers. LOL! I love it far too much. I've written 5 new chapters just in December and it's only the 4th. so that should tell you something. Another few weeks I'll have reached Chapter: 92 in chronological order. With that I have another 40 written which are not in order but fit nicely when I get there. With the series releases only at Chapter 46 currently that gives you another 46 episodes to reach where I am right this minute. Fun fun!

Thanks again.

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