Starting from Scratch Ep. 052: POOL BUOY


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"Tell numbnuts to stop looking at me." Knox informed Lily of Mace's checking them out, vice versa.

"He can do whatever he wants." Lily trembled, "I have to go."

"LILY WAIT!" Knox cursed.



"Bye Knox." She hung up on him leaving him to swear profusely on his balcony. Tapping Tina on the back with the balls of her feet Lily asked for escape, Tina lifting away wiping her chin. Blowing a kiss at Tina, Lily crawled in over Octavia's face and sat down facing Mace, "Kiss me."

"No problem." He leaned over to meet the adorable blond and made out, Tina scowling at being left alone. Beneath Lily, Octavia ate her bestie in a duet of tongues. Triad technically, Mace now Frenching Lily and poising a fuck you finger toward the window for Knox to witness.

Tina easing to her feet walked over to the window and danced in step like a stripper, offering her own double barreled birds at Knox and Dip. She could tell Knox was ready to find a gun, seeing him pacing in circles, she found it too funny. Turning back to Mace and Lily kissing she skipped behind Mace and knelt watching his deep thrusts sinking in and out of Octavia, balls full and mashing up as his thighs collided against hers. She found it mesmerizing between his insightful impacts and Octavia's tender squirts around each embedded insertion. Feeling frisky she taunted Octavia's butt pucker with one hand and Mace's with the other. Mace in particular did not approve of anything near his butthole unless it was a tongue. Giggling Tina chose to hop up and just kiss Mace's shoulder, toying with his scalp. She rather liked Mace. If only she had it in her to remain faithful to any one man.

As Octavia came hard Mace found himself reserving his nut for Lily. For some strange reason kissing her was intimate, sweet lips eager to embrace his helped his emotions. Pulling out of Octavia he opted for a breather and encouraged Tina down to her knees and to eat out Octavia a bit more. Lily setting up straight pouted at Mace for abandoning her. One look at her yearning eyes and he plucked her off of Octavia's face and walked her to the window. Whispering in her ear he offered, "Wanna make that douchebag really mad?"

"No." She looked up at Knox as Mace reached around her squeezing her tits. "Maybe." She felt his cock rubbing along her butt crack and pushed her bottom closer to him, it felt really good. "Yes."

"You really dated that guy? He's been a pain in my ass since I got in town. Messes with Travis, and Sable constantly. Probably things I don't even know about yet." Absolutely!

"I know. I still hear about girls he slept with behind my back. I used to care for him deeply, but now..."

"You're still confused. I can stop."

"No, please don't. Fuck me Mace. I want him to see what he's lost."

"Behind your back?" His erection slid lower and jabbed upward between her thighs making her rise up on her tiptoes, cute pink socks masking her nails.

"No I want to face him while you make me crazy inside."

"I can do that." He removes his remaining hand from her chest and presses her up against the glass. Her 36C's imprinting themselves on the pane, nipples like diamond cutters etching circles in the window. Kissing her neckline Mace nudged his way up into her tight little cunt and began spreading her lips wider than she had ever experienced, Knox being much smaller, the few other boys like Finn Rice not even close to Mace's size. Jaw dropping with awe and emotional acceptance she moaned, her eyes locked on Knox screaming down at her. Not even Dip could calm his buddy down.

Mace ignored him sealing his eyelids against the afternoon sun, focusing on this sweet smelling young blond that felt really good to be with. Her soft almost childlike moans made him harder than either Tina or Octavia could achieve. Even Lily could sense the growing appendage.

"You feel soooo good inside me." She whispered reaching her right hand back to caress his scalp as he kissed her neckline. Everything was bliss until Rotten jumped up on the window and barked at the activity on the other side. Trying hard to overlook Piper's pet Mace just kept on course. It wasn't until Rotten...acted rotten and began licking the glass directly over Lily's compressed breasts. If not for the glass the pup would be licking her tits. She whimpered at the imagery but kept her eyes lifted toward Knox. Huffs of sensitivity plaguing her G-spot Lily panted and moaned. "Mace?"

"Yeah?" He mumbled barely lifting his lips from her neck.

"Your dog is licking my nipples." If only through the glass shielding her from drool. Mace slapped the glass attempting to dissuade the Rottweiler from his sloppy intrusion.

"Get down. Don't ruin this for me Asshole." She sighed at his desire the second he added, "You're freaking beautiful." Melting at his breath exhaling warmly on her shoulder she realized something. Both Knox and Dip were gone.

"Where did Knox go?" She huffed hoping not to ruin her own delightful moment in time, hearing only Octavia and Tina playing behind them. With so much going on Mace was losing a bit of his earlier arousal, Lily whimpering at it's loss. "Mace? Please don't give up, make me crazy."

"I want to make you scream." He fucked her harder deciding that the only way to escape the distractions was to lift her up and carry her to the bed again. In doing so without his dick leaving her pussy's warm recesses the carry was more just picking her up and walking with her. She giggled at his decision not to pull out of her. Turning toward the bed Mace bent her over the mattress just above Tina's head. Octavia and she had switched places but with a bit extra in their appetite. "Are you fucking Tina with Bodzilla?"

Octavia looked up grinning, "Bodzilla? Really?" She was plunging the toy deep up into Tina's cunt, the girl squirming and squealing at her rapid insertions.

"My Aunt's...fuck! Clean that good after you're done." He gave up and coaxed Lily's ass up under his clutches for a better angle to tear her pussy up, the blond pixie crying out to compete with Tina Wiles wails. Under the ecstatic orgasms building in both girls Lily's phone was blowing up. Finally, Octavia snatched it from the blankets and answered it but just threw it aside. They could hear Knox yelling, "I'll kill that bastard."

With a smug glint between Octavia and Mace sharing thoughts on the matter both of them increased their vigor to bring out a louder more aggressive round of sensual screams. Lily was cumming hard on Mace's plunging nine as if a fist ramming her so deep her guts were tingling. She began tugging her hair even with her face buried in the covers, nothing was truly muffling her insanity. Slapping her ass brought out even more jolts of lively expression.

Octavia puckered her lower lip at Mace's power play praising him with, "Nice! White boy's got skills. You better slap mine like that next time you and I wrestle." Tina grew uptight at Octavia's ignoring pause and bellowed, "GIVE ME THAT THING!" Claiming Bodzilla Tina destroyed her own cunt and never looked back. Octavia merely patted her girls thigh. "You make a darling couple."

Hearing Octavia's jest Lily lifted her head and looked toward her bestie who smiled at her. Suddenly, Lily thought to herself, "We do don't we?" Mace was on her thoughts effortlessly after that. Trouble in more than one paradise, far too many apples in one basket for even Eve. Adam was on a roll.

Loud snarling heard the girls quickly realized it wasn't coming from the throat of their lover Mace. Eyes bulging they hear screams and savage barks. Mace refused to end his reign, his nut brewing for a hardcore eruption. Lily moaning with loss of breath at his dedication to drive her beyond anything she had ever experienced sexually, just whined a repetitive, "Don't stop! Don't stop!"

"Not gonna! Not gonna!" Mace huffed, thighs striking like lightning against her cheeks. "I'm gonna cum."

"I'm on the pill." Good thing, Mace didn't want to retreat, Lily felt too perfect. Snarling as loud as the ordeal unfolding outside over the cell, Mace Belmont exploded inside lovable Lily. Her shrill cries of fulfillment led to her own window shaking orgasm. Even Tina had to stop fucking herself and sit up amazed by their girl's earth shattering convulsions. Trouble was Mace just couldn't stop fucking. With a short slowdown he found a burst of energy and took Lily for a second round. The girl shrieked, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" almost a hiss as she hid herself in the covers coping with her new reality.

"Damn White Boy." Octavia praised him then tilted her gaze outside the bedroom window to see Knox running around the swimming pool screaming like a bitch as Rotten gave chase, nipping at his heels. Octavia just shrugged and caressed Lily's hair assisting in her emotional rescue, she was adored.

Tina cumming at her sole efforts also sat up and panted in exhaustion, smiling at Octavia as Mace consumed Lily's soul. Jealous slightly at how deeply invested Mace was in Lily, Tina crawled to her knees and joined in rubbing Lily's back softly. The devotion amongst girlfriends was admirable.

Outside, Dip was trying to distract Rotten away from Knox to no avail. Out of no where something struck Dip in the middle of his back taking his breath away. Crying, "Owwww!" he looked back to see Travis Herbert laughing on his balcony. High above Pervert Herbert had been videotaping the entire chase scene, taking time to load his paintball gun and firing at the invading forces. To him it was all a game, protect your allies, they would protect you. With Dip giving up and hightailing it back over the fence into the McKellen's yard he was gone.

Turning his attention on Knox, Travis took aim but knew the distance was too far to meet his target. Instead he just recorded Knox forced off the sidelines and into the warm waters of Piper Cherry's pool. Laughing his ass off at Knox getting tossed into the drink this time he waited until Hardecker surfaced to yell, "SERVES YOU RIGHT DICKHEAD."

"FUCK YOU PERBERT! YOU'RE DEAD." Rotten snarling from the shore darted his gaze between the enemies. Knox had no options but to try an escape, sadly his cell was on the bottom of Piper's pool. Yet, even without it he could hear Lily as clear as day. Octavia had gotten up and opened the window laughing alongside Tina.

"You always were wet behind the ears." Octavia chuckled. "Give it up Knox, you lost Lily long ago."

"I LOVE YOU LILY!!" Knox ignored Octavia's harassment, hoping his ex might hear his honesty. Seeing the cheerleaders look behind them they parted ways and Lily stepped into the window, the screen opening at Tina's assist. Once open Lily leaned out the window as Mace took her from behind once again. Wrapping his hands around Lily's throat she took one last look at Knox then moaned exhaustingly, "FUCK ME MACE! FUCK ME!"

Knox went pale viewing her passionate yearning for Mace's attentions. He could see Mace lost in his sweat nailing Lily from his own realm of reality. Twitching under each cross over of her G-spot Lily just tuned the world out in a blissful grasp on who she was. Who she wanted to belong to. For now, her thoughts were solely on her final orgasm of the day. Facing it head on Lily yelped and hissed her pleasure. Minutes of torture later she came violently on Mace's instrument, he joining her for a succulent detonation meeting her halfway. The union was breathtaking.

Once done and bodies relaxing Lily returned inside the window and turned to hold Mace. For the first time Mace spotted Knox floating in the pool, Rotten pacing the area ready to attack him as he surfaced to get out of the water. Chuckling at his predicament Mace kissed Lily holding both sides of her face tenderly, letting Knox sulk in his stew. Defeated Knox just floated lifelessly, tears forming in his eyes.

Looking up from his depression he heard the French doors open up and Lily stepped out alone, still naked. Rotten raced to the new visitor until he heard Mace whistle, the dog instantly ran inside. Alone at last Lily sat down on the edge of the pool and kicked water at Knox.

"Why did you fuck him of all people?" Knox muttered. "You could have gotten even with anybody else. Why him?" She shrugged and used her hands to show Knox a nine inch gap between palms, then a circular connection of fingers to display a pop can sized girth.

"Best ever." She grimaced.

"I...I'm sorry Lily."

"Too late. You should go home before he lets the dog back out."

"I love you."

"You never did Knox. I'm so over you."

"No you're not. I can see it in your eyes." He wades closer and starts his climb out of the water next to her. She remained calm and rested back on her hands until he stood dripping over her. Peering up at him resisting the sun in her eyes she let him sit down next to her. "Dammit Lily. I...miss you."

"It took you a year to call me. Seeing me fucked by another man just brought back memories. I'm not holding a grudge Knox, you just need to let me go. I'm...going to pursue Mace if he'll have me."

"I heard you were dating Finn Rice."

"Not really, we just fuck. He's only there to make me feel good. That will change if Mace...fingers crossed."

"He's not even from Nashville. Eventually he'll go home."

"Maybe after I graduate I'll go with him."

"Six months 'til then. The guy won't be any more faithful than I was. Hell he just fucked Octavia and I'm guessing Tina."

"I know, but there's a difference."

"How?" He peered behind him at the open French door praying Rotten wouldn't come back outside.

"I knew he was doing it. If he hides girls from me...I'm getting ahead of myself I don't even know if he likes me."

"He came in you twice."

"You counted from way out here?" She smirked, "I'm aware." She bit her lower lip smiling. "I plan on letting him do that again."

"Motherfuck!" He winced to see inside the house to find Tina and Octavia on their knees sharing in sucking Mace's cock, the dog on a sofa seat eying his every move. "They're giving him a BJ."

"I should be in there with them. I chose to be out here to keep peace. Go dry off Knox. Tell Dip I said hi." She pulls herself up and extends a hand to help him to his feet. Standing tall she smiles caringly at him and shares a warm wet hug before turning away quietly. At the door she entered but left it open. Kneeling between the girls Lily swallowed Mace's dick as far as she could take it in. The girls moved in to each side of his shaft until three sets of lips were licking and sucking that nine inch nightmare. Smugly Mace saluted Knox.

Pointing threateningly at Mace, Knox found Rotten leaving his comfy couch to defend his secondary Master. Eyes bulging Knox bolted into a run for his life barely making it to the fence behind Piper's pump shed. In climbing over Knox felt his pant leg tugged as Rotten clamped his teeth around it. Fighting to escape Knox looked up at a throat being cleared loudly. "DUDE!"

Firing three paintball pellets in a row directly into Knox, his chest went neon green, stinging like hell. A fourth shot striking the fence made Rotten release the enemies pantleg. Feeling his strain weaken Knox launched himself over the fence and cursed.

"Ohhhh Knoxy?" Travis chuckled, "In case you seek revenge, I caught your entire humiliation on video. Trust me I know what it's like to go viral."

Numbness set in and Knox Hardecker just shook his head and went on home. Rounding the front of his home he discovered his Dad getting out of his car scowling at the neon green dripping from wet clothing.

"Can't I ever come home and find you...normal?"

"Not now Pop!" Knox headed inside.

"HOLD UP!" His Father snapped, "You're gonna track on the carpet. Strip in the garage and let your clothing dry." He triggered the garage door remote. Sighing heavily Knox did as instructed. He just didn't care anymore.

Back at Piper Cherry's home Mace Belmont nutted one last time down Lily Hoffman's throat. Swallowing him she eased away and peered up at him with glistening eyes. The other girls looking at one another just went into the bedroom to get dressed. Once gone Lily whispers, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Making my heart sing again."

"I did that?" He grinned as she nodded softly.

"Ask me out."

"Oh! Uhhhh?" He peered in at Tina putting her pants on. He did like Tina but...then Dakota McKellen entered his thoughts her kiss making him fidget. Lily caught on quickly and pouted, rising to her feet and sighing heavily. As she started around him he stopped her, "I...don't want a commitment is all."

"You were amazing Mace."

"I was? Can I...again?"

"Yes." She blushed, "and again, and again."

"Awesome. Uhhh?" He points at Tina and Octavia, "Them too?"

"I'm okay with that. I think you'll like me more in time."

"Maybe!" He grinned, "You were...I love the way you moan."

"It's after 3:30. We better go before it gets any later. Wouldn't want Piper catching anyone."

"Already caught Tina yesterday. Detention will keep her distracted. She got over it."


"Cameras." He pointed up above the TV.

"I knew that." She giggled then eased in to kiss him on the cheek. Just as she stepped back he grabbed her and kissed her long and hard. Emotions were evident.


Across town Piper Cherry sat at her cubicle desk looking at her cell. One leg on top of her desk she finished off her secret masturbation knowing time was close to greet her detainees in Detention. Cell in hand she sighed, "FUCK! That was some hot shit Nephew. Three girls this time. Got you beat...adding a 1 behind your three for 31 guys Bitch boy." So she hoped.

"Hate to see Bodzilla go." They forgot to wash that bad boy off. "I'm going to have to scold the girls for all this cutting classes shit!" Then, she realized that she used to do the same thing.

"There goes Tokyo!"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
Oh those are coming! LOL!

Plenty of butt bling in the future but not immediate. Hang in there my friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Jewelled butt plugs

Would be a great fashion trend for this series

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor

I understand the sense of urgency but it's still a ways off. Their birthday is officially on the Thursday of the following week I'm working in now. As of this moment I'm on Chapter 93 which begins the Saturday prior to that birthday Thursday but A LOT has to happen before that BIG DAY. Keep in mind the cast is large and everyone gets their chapters to shine before all pulling together to celebrate. Trust me our birthday girls are going to be mischievous right up until that Thursday.

The following Saturday is when all heck breaks loose in a virginity taking mud bath. LOL! So too speak.

Just try and breath my friend the fun is just getting started.

Thanks for being enthusiastic.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
When will the birthday cum??

The most anticipated part...

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor

I think I've done a pretty decent job of juggling such a massive cast and giving each a highlight of their own in some fashion. I like connecting characters that you would think had no real appeal to deserve a plot of their own. There's just so much to explore in this series I have no trouble writing it on a rapid rate. Like I said I've written up through 92 at this point. Taking a month off too write ahead on other series. As long as I write a minimum of 4 chapters a month I should be good. As it stands I'll be going weekly with 1 episode instead of 2 so that covers me until September I believe even if I don't write 4 a month. A month off is deserved I think. When I return I begin an insane Saturday night for everyone. Starting with Piper's date with Roger Dundee. Look out open water. LOL!

Thanks for the praise.


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