Starting from Scratch Ep. 057: HANDS OFF


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"I won't! I promise."

"So how much did you overhear?"

"You're going to some club."

"Let's not tell your Mom about that. Not yet at least."

"She's too busy to care Daddy."

"I know. What else you hear?"


"Tessa and Svetty acting out like they were you and Sable. They were being stupid." He doesn't mention his game Frisque hoping Dakota hadn't heard Tessa mention it. Dakota did not admit to that either because technically she only heard Henry talk, Tessa was too low in audio to hear.

"Whoa!" Dakota bulged her eyes, "Did you...get mad at Tessa for doing that?"

"Naaaa! A little I guess. I know they were just wanting to have fun."

"You had sex with both of them?"

"Yes I did. No reason to deny that, you girls already know your Mother and I are...seeing others."

"It's only fair. Mom is doing things behind your back right?"

"I'm sure of it. We agreed to tell each other when we do but I'm pretty certain she's not admitting everything." He watches Dakota grow nervous at his eyes even as she rolls over and sits up, covering her chest with her palms, but leaving her pussy in view. "Hands off."


"Hands off of your chest. First lesson in intimacy is not to hide. This Angus will want to see every inch of you."

"Before kissing me?"

"No. The kissing stage I gave you lessons on already, unless you feel the need to get better at that."

"I think I need more lessons there. Don't guys like to kiss for long periods of time?"

"Sure do. Long kisses get the two of you warmed up and in tune with one another mentally. Once the kissing ends the touching begins. Well...sometimes touching occurs during too."

"I feel...silly being so stupid Daddy. Not knowing how to do anything really. I barely know what it's like to...touch myself."

"I've seen you masturbating before so don't give me that."

"When was that?" She trembled knowing he had watched her without her knowing. Let alone he hearing her moan his name while doing it. Daddy that is, not Henry.

"Not long ago, last week. Actually I saw you and your sister at the same time. Leaving doors open meant you wanted me to see so don't try saying differently."

"You are upset with me...Sable too."

"Not really. It's natural to touch yourself Kota. Maybe the calling out Daddy stuff during it might have been a bit much. Still not angry though."

"I don't even know why I did that." She blushed and once again tempted to mask her chest with her arm, her left leg arching at the knee to conceal her pussy. Seeing it Henry pointed at her.

"What did I say? Hands off. Hiding will turn a guy away thinking you got cold feet and he will back off. If you want this Angus there's no keeping things hidden from him."

"Sorry Daddy. I'm new to this."

"I get that. Honestly, I'm glad you're new to this instead of..."

"Being like Mom?"

"You do know we were a lot younger than you when you and your sister were conceived. Yes, I'm glad you've waited. While I'm not expecting you to wait forever to have sex I do want you to know what you're getting into. Most important thing is this Angus wears a rubber. I don't want you pregnant."

"What if he doesn't have a rubber when we get this far?"

"Then tell him no. There's other things you two can do without...fucking."

"Like what?"

"You both have fingers and tongues. Improvise!"

"You mean a blowjob?"

"That's one thing. Fingering you...well I guess that should wait until after you lose your virginity...too deep and too fast he might break your hymen and take your virginity that way."

"It sounds painful."

"No is...your Mom cried for an hour back in the day. Messy too."

"I don't want to picture that. Who puts the rubber on, me or Angus?"

"He wears it but I'll tell you a secret...a guy likes it when a woman puts it on for him. It's erotic seeing her want the guy so bad she assists him."

"Daddy? Do you have a rubber?"

"Yeah, actually I do...for when your mom is on her period."

"Can I...see one?"

"Now that I can do. It's great that you're taking interest in protection. We should have had the talk with you two long ago. Be right back." He took a walk leaving her to watch him step out, once gone she kicked her feet excitably at how easily her Father was being cooperative. Hearing a dresser drawer open and close she calmed her glee and laid there looking for him. Returning with a single wrapped condom he holds it up for her to see between two clamped fingers, technically the two fingers he would use on Josie. Motioning her to scoot over he sat down next to her on the side of her mattress. "Here! You open it and take it out of the packet."

Sitting up she rolls to her knees and repositions to rest her bottom over her legs. Taking the condom she studies it then tears it open, digging out a blue latex rubber that was like a huge ring. Admiring it she frowns, "This fits a guy?"

"Most guys, unless he's huge."

"Like yours is Daddy?"

He chuckles and looks down at his lap, there was no hiding his monster, "Obviously that fits me soooo. Stop looking at it." He covers her eyes with a palm making her giggle. She returns with a dose of his own medicine.

"No fair. You see me naked. If I can't cover up you can't. So hands off Mister."

"Getting a mouth on you Punkie." He grins and removes his hand. "I think we have a banana downstairs you can practice putting that rubber on. I can even show you a trick."



"Does Mom...have toys?"

"A few. Ah! You don't know much about toys either do you?"

"Not really. Just what Andrea and Sandy show me, they use them. Don't tell their parents."

"That's on them. Alright you hang on to that rubber I'll let you borrow some of your mom's toys to experiment with. Our secret. Your mom hasn't used them in ages anyway. Let me grab a couple and clean them off with alcohol." Again he leaves her excited and incredibly wet. She prayed her Mother and sister would stay gone for a few hours longer. She wanted Henry to get...motivated to go even further if she could get him too. Hopeful at best considering he did appear invested in offering her insight. Sadly in her mind she rambled, "This could be the day." For what remained to be seen.

After a good five minutes away Henry returned wearing jeans and a belt. Seeing him having changed from his loose sweats she pouted and found despair creeping in. "You changed."

"Yeah, I had an idea concerning the best way to get you started on how to greet this Angus, or any guy you might date in the future for that matter."

"You only changed your pants because your...thing was getting hard to hide."

"Wasn't the intention, but now that you mention it I do feel it was a bit too much you seeing it tenting out like it was."

"I've seen it already Daddy. I'm not embarrassed over it."

"You might not be, I just don't think it's...helping the situation."

"Did you go get a banana?"

"All out. Someone ate it, I figure Sable as a snack before heading to see Travis."

"Bitch." Dakota snickered, "I wanted to put the rubber on it."

"She's not a bitch, besides this is a better test subject." He reveals an eight inch dildo that looked incredibly life like, in flesh tone, and in veins. Dropping her jaw at the sight she gravitated toward it with interest.

"Gosh...Mom uses that?"

"It's clean now, not that you're using it where you might think. This is just to get used to how a man is handled. You can practice putting that condom on it as if helping your future beau."

"Okay." She looks around her for the opened Trojan and snaps it from her blanket to show Henry she was ready. Sitting next to her she repositions Indian style on her mattress and accepts the dildo as if a trophy for some award show. Giggling up a storm she looked it over from top to bottom, "It even has...balls."

"It's the kind you can stick on a hard surface and ride it. Your mom tends to use it in the shower by pressing it up against the wall."


"Yep! Wow!" He laughs and rubs the back of his neck, then tilts his head from side to side until it cracks for comfort. "Give it a shot."

"Against my shower wall?"

"Noooo!" He pelts her forehead playfully, "Roll the rubber over the girth of the dildo until it goes all the way down."

"K!" She reluctantly puts it between her crossed legs in order to hold it better and still use both hands. Hovering the circular rim of the latex she begins rolling it down over the full eight inches, stopping slightly above the testicles. "That was easy."

"Even better when you put it on the real thing."

"Can I practice on yours?"

"Uhhhh! No. Not going that far Punkie. You can reserve that honor to the boy of your dreams."

"Please Daddy?" She begs reaching over to touch his leg. Eying her hand he shakes his head no once again. She knew that look, she wasn't going to get to do it. "Sorry Daddy, I just want to get good at everything before I get to Angus."

"I can understand that Kota, but women and men have learned together since the dawn of time. All I aim to do is give you a guideline to go by." He pulls away and stands up, "Alright as wrong as this is I'm going to let you learn how to take a boys pants off." He points at his feet, "Kneel down here on the carpet."

Casting aside the dildo she leaves her bed and drops to her knees in front of him. Looking up at him without blinking was trouble already, Henry grew harder beneath his jeans, even she noticed the thick crease along the uprising of his inseam. Eyes flaring at its growth she blushes. "Did I do that to you Daddy?"

"Unfortunately! Reach your hands up and unbuckle my belt. Once that's done unclasp the button and pull the zipper down. Try doing it without looking at what you're doing and keeping your eyes on his...mine."

"This is fun." She laughs and reaches for his belt and follows the routine he instructed her to. Feeling her hands in motion while looking into her eyes Henry melted a bit.

"Yeah, for you." He sighs.

"You're not having fun?"

"Trying not to." He grit his teeth hissing, "This isn't going much further Punkie." Once his zipper is down she dares to look at his boxers tented out. Spotting his dick peeking through a single tiny button she shivers, "Do I unbutton the underwear too?"

"Better not." He huffs his cheeks, "He's not coming out for you."

"How am I supposed to learn if..."

He pulls away slightly and grabs the dildo from the bed and stands back up straight. Removing the rubber he brings the dildo down over his own crotch as if it were truly his penis. "There touch that as if it's Angus standing here."

"Gosh...Okay." She nibbles her lower lip and reaches up with both hands and tries a slow stroking method. "Like this?"

"Not bad. It's a start. Here, put the condom back on it while I'm standing." He passes it to her trembling fingers. Taking it she applies it again until successful.

"I did it."

"That you did." He backs up and takes the dildo away from his lap, once again removing the condom. "Okay, I think that's enough of this thing for today."

"Noooooo! Teach me more. We never have time alone."

"You're right. There's only so much I can show you when Sable and your Mother are around."

"I might not have sex immediately, we can practice with Mom's toy another time."

"You can keep this under your bed somewhere. Practice sucking on it, licking, things you can do in private. What can we do that doesn't require this dildo?"

"Kissing again? Touch?" She yearned for guidance.

"Alright we can do that I guess. Let me go change back into my sweats for comfort." He heads back to his bedroom and changes all over again, again wearing sweat pants that were cut off just above the knees. Light grey and a tad baggy he trudges back into her room to witness her licking the crown of the dildo.

"Am I doing this right?" She was licking the crown with the foreskin facing Henry. She practiced while looking at his tented sweats.

"Turn the dildo around." He takes it from her and twirls it the right way. "Put your tongue right where my fingertip is." Applying it she accidently licked his finger making Henry pause to call himself crazy. "This is the foreskin. It's one of the erogenous zones for a man. Meaning sensitivity spot. You want him rock hard this is where it starts. There's also starting your tongue on the scrotum and dragging your tongue all the way up the shaft until you reach the area I just pointed at."

"So we're still practicing with it?"

"You started while I was gone, might as well give it a few licks." She had an impressive vibrancy to her activity, Henry had to stretch out on his stomach to avoid her seeing just how massively hard he was getting. Part of him thought he should have left his jeans on but he wanted flexibility. Taunting his gaze with her fondness for licking he finally had to shut her down, "That's enough."

"I was going to suck on it."

"Do that on your own time. Mainly because I don't need to see a dick in my daughter's mouth."

"You were going to kiss me more?" She gives up on the chance to tantalize him by putting the dildo into her mouth. She too was reluctant, because of it belonging to her mother. Now that it had occurred to her more she felt dirty inside. "Should I brush my teeth first?"

"No, let's get this over with. I have work I need to get done, e-mail's to look over."

Uncertain what to do she casts the dildo aside then flopped forward on to her belly beside Henry. His eyes immediately drawn to her next to perfect backside. Her ass crack was one heck of a stunning landscape, dipping deep with cheeks rising up on both sides, plump and full in a heart shaped pattern. Some lucky guy would fall in love and this tight little ass was going to be the first heart spinning around his head. Puffing his cheeks as she explores his reaction to her body he rolls closer to her his tented erection brushing along her hip as he got comfortable, as cozy as he would ever get. The sensation of his sturdy drive by made her blush and drop her head on to folded arms, her eyes sparkling as she awaited whatever he had in store for her.

Deciding something simple to lead into an obviously stressful kiss he gently raked his knuckles along her spine, going from neckline straight down to her butt cracks highest ascent. She tensed up and giggled, "That tickles."

"I can stop." He removes his hand only to have her panic and scoot even closer.

"Noooo! I need to know what Angus...or whoever might do."

"Right! The simplest way to know a guys true intention is if he lightly caresses your body. If he tries going for just sex then he's not who you should be with. Kisses and touch should be an equal devotion."

"So, I touch him softly like this too?" She gravitates her left hand over his abs and teases his not quite six pack with delicate fingers, she grew mesmerized by the feeling of his flesh. His hand returning to her back the knuckles evolve into palms and he covers more territory, her body twitching at how gentle he was. "This feels nice Daddy."

"It should. Touch is 80% of what love should be. The other 10 is fulfillment...intercourse."

"I want you to show me everything Daddy."

"Not intercourse. That's for you to figure out with this Angus or whomever you choose to be with."

"Can you at least get me as close as possible? Without...going there."

"You sure don't ask for much do you Punkie?" He rolls his eyes then rolls over toward her, she joining him in that roll until she was on her back, he halfway on top of her upper body, his erection still grazing her hip bone. Gentle hands remove strands of hair from her face as he caresses her cheek, finally palming one side of her face. Leaning in to kiss her lips he started tenderly, then applied his tongue to hers.

As the sensual battle intensified he rolled even closer and kissed her harder, his hands moving lower to tempt her throat and shoulder. Fingers fanning toward her breast he falls short of squeezing a tit. It took Dakota to guide his hand over her right breast and compress his fingers around it. Two light grasps he swats her hand aside and mumbles, "Hands off. A guy locates things on his own when he's ready, no pressure on your part." He speaks with a whisper, their lips still touching until he had said what he felt was required, then kisses her harder than before. While kissing was innocent enough in his mind the longer she moaned the harder this was to accept on his part.

Abandoning her lips he kissed along her throat, her chin rising to embrace his attentions. "Ohhhh Daddy." over and over he finally had to stop and lift away, remaining close just no longer kissing on her. Pulling her along with him she lays halfway over his chest, her tits teasing his ribs and upper abdomen.

"Kiss on Angus." He prompts her into envisioning Angus instead of her Father. Yeah, not today, today she envisioned Henry. Her kisses start over his hairy chest, hands gliding over the waistband of his sweat shorts. In the provocative movements Henry hadn't realized that his waistband had lowered some in their movements. The tip of his cock was slipping upward under the loose band and into sight. Closing his eyes to embrace her kissing he overlooked it entirely. Dakota however did not. She ran her fingers as close as possible nearly touching his urethra zone but falling a millimeter short, worried he might get mad and end her training.

She could tell his cock was growing tighter by it's purplish hue, it's persistent winking at her calling out for her to come closer. Lips kissing along his torso she crept lower and lower, Henry allowing it at the moment. His problem was he was now picturing Svetty and Tessa in the brown wigs resembling the hair of his daughters. He was losing sight of when to shut Dakota down. It took a warm exhale from far too close lips to drift over his revealed crown to snap him back to reality. In a brash move Henry rolled her over on to her back and followed her until he was essentially in a missionary position should he press onward. One leg to each side of him he fell forward over her and kissed her some more, her hands surrounding his back to palm his shoulders.

In his feverish kissing his hips began to gyrate some, his tented crotch rubbing between her wet thighs, the exposed crown tempting her thin patch of pubes, the closer his brushes got to her clit the more she clung to his hips with her kneecaps. Toes tickling his shins seemed so very right.

"FUCK!" Henry pulls away in a quick retreat leaving Dakota haunted by his demeanor. In his escape his cock burst free of his curling shorts a good four inches until he tucked it away and crawled from her mattress. Standing up he stared at her almost upset gaze, tears welling up at being tossed aside. Was this how Angus would do her? Mace even? Any boy out there?

"I'm sorry I'm not appealing Daddy."

"Not...appealing? JESUS! I have to go for a walk, cool down."

"Are you...done teaching me forever?"

"I don't know right now. That got a little too real Kota. your homework or something." He inhaled deeply then left her room. The second he faded from view her fingers went to work over her clit, she needed to touch herself and visualize Henry taking her all the way. The eldest of two twins was on a mission.

Across the hall in his bedroom Henry discovered he needed air so burst out on to his rooms private balcony, facing Piper Cherry's home. Gripping the railing tightly he closed his eyes, "Dammit! That was way too much. I-wish Josie was here so we could..." His attention lowered down into the large window onlooking Piper Cherry's bedroom below. From his balcony it was a perfect view of her king size bed. On it looking frustrated was Piper herself, totally nude and pushing her dog aside for getting too close to her privacy. Once alone Piper touched herself and began arching her back. If Henry knew all that Piper had been through today in school and on her way home he would understand her needs.