Starting from Scratch Ep. 064: BRACE YOURSELF


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Instead Sable trembled and reached to her shirt and unzips it the rest of the way down then digs in to locate the elusive metal. In her search Duncan grinned at getting a better look at her tit. Finding it, Sable pulled it out and handed him the piece blushing. She knew in her heart he had done that on purpose, the timing was just too close. She clamped her lips down on the suction device and suddenly envisioned her Mom's dildo in her mouth. The hormones went wild. "Can I remove the bib seeing as I have this in my mouth?"

"Might drop more down there if there's nothing to block it." He chuckled.

"I can get it if it does."

"Sure! Let me unhook the bib." Once unclipped he took it away and sat it on a counter next to his work station. Now he had a perfect view of her tits. "Back to business?"

Sable nodded and sucked on her mouth device once before letting him into her mouth. Another tiny section removed Marie returns and notices Sable's cleavage. Passing the water over the patient cool droplets of condensation trickled over Sable's wide open cleavage. Duncan had to pause and wish he could take his first drink right from her chest. Unable to show too much sexual tension for fear of law suit he just asked Sable, "Sure you don't want that bib back?"

"No. It felt good."

Marie shook her head and winced at Duncan. She knew what he was like. Let him have his fun, it would be Marie to help deal with his frustrations over lunch. For the next fifteen minutes he finished off Sable's bottom row of teeth and admired his work.

"I'm going to take a breather and let Marie scrape out some of the longstanding adhesive and polish up a bit." He steps back and claims his water bottle drinking a third of it while facing Sable from the foot of her chair. Sable caught glimpses of him as Marie went to work with her cleaning tool. Seeing his eyes checking her out Sable grew wetter and wetter. Her jeans expressing a faint stain in the crotch with no panties to absorb her secretions, she had to close her thighs tightly. She was turning red and didn't want Marie to notice. It was hard being like Dakota.

After six minutes Marie concluded her work and smiled, "Beautiful if I do say so myself." Duncan stepping in to examine Marie's finished product nods with a pucker. Sable with both of them hovering over her whimpered a bit feeling closed in. Chest heaving under stress her nipples found themselves unable to resist peaking under her navy blue shirt. Added incentive for Duncan to take a good look noting exactly the position of her areolas from the widened gap of her cleavage.

Not far from one another Duncan found himself aroused using his smock to disguise a hefty erection. Marie finding this amusing noticed one missing piece of barely hanging enamel and eased in. Her hands holding the sides of her seat Sable left her upper body wide open for inspection.

Marie knew what she was doing, helping Duncan in his perverted urges, which was part of what drew her to him. She too had a deep affection for exhibitionism, just not today. Today she was just seeking to amplify Duncan's testosterone so that their lunch hour sex break would be incredible.

In her retrieval of the enamel Marie sent it flying into Sable's cleavage just as Duncan had done earlier. "Shoot! Forgive me Sable?" Sable shivered and peered over her nose at her tits seeing the tunnel between mounds vividly, her nipples pointing straight into the air. Eyes flaring at both Marie then at Duncan she began panting under pressure. "Where did it land?" Duncan inspected Sable's crevice with curiosity then hissed, "You better locate it Marie. I apologize Sable that was rude of me."

A sudden surge between her thighs like lightning Sable mumbled, "No it's not. You can look for it." Marie eyed Duncan to see if he would risk his career on this young woman. Rubbing his goatee he took it upon himself to lower his face closer toward Sable. Marie patting Sable on the arm to comfort her.

"That thing must have gotten lost under your shirt it's not immediately in view. Just as well I suppose. It's harmless enamel I'm sure you'll find that pesky booger sooner or later."

"I think I see it." Marie butts in, "It's...under your..." She pats her own left boob as a signal without vocalizing it. "May I?" Sable pinches the left side of her shirt and pulls it aside revealing more of her breast. Any further over and her areola might reveal itself. Delicately Marie begins to reach in but pauses, "You should do it Sweetie. That's not appropriate for me to know...that close."

Suction hissing at Sable's clenched lips she had an easier idea. Reaching down to the lower hem of her shirt she raises the fabric to just below her tits. The lower definition of her mounds peeked out and Duncan leaned over spotting the thin sliver of enamel. Huffing his cheeks at her gorgeous flat tummy, her butt zipper jeans dipping low on her hips as it were he was struggling not to mumble, "Sweet Jesus!"

"It's right there Doctor." Marie pointed.

"Ahhh! There's that little devil." His hand reaching in he brushes his knuckle on the roundness of her tit and pinches the sliver between two fingers. As he did his eyes shot upward to note Sable's demeanor.

"If that's not the look of horniness I don't know what is." He thought to himself, "She's taking this like a champ. I really don't think I need to worry about my behavior." Patting her tummy with a very light caress of his palm he shows her the sliver. "There! No more MIA." He then wipes it on a paper towel next to him on the surgical tray. "Ready to get back to that upper nuisance?" He meant her braces. Sable nodded shyly and put her shirt down.

Tugging at her shirt Sable's hands remained below the waist using it as if a safety feature like Linus and his blanket. In doing this her chest crushed together more offering a view that just couldn't be missed. She knew, he knew it, Marie knew it. Marie smirked and merely watched Duncan dismantle more brackets. She was just waiting on him to toss another chunk into her cleavage. Studying Sable, Marie concluded that the girl was hoping for it.

"I hope her Father has that look when he sees me in something sexy." Marie found her own inseam soaked, "I'm going to go potty. You two should be okay without me."

"Alone again. Doing okay Sable?"


"You look tense. Would you like to stand up and stretch?"

"I could use it, I've been sitting back awhile now."

"Here let me remove that sad excuse for a straw." The suction line is removed which frees Sable's lips from captivity. Once he steps aside she eases out of her seat and turns her back to him. While stretching vibrantly, not wanting him to see her eyes bulging over the erotic nature of this visit she asked herself what would Dakota do? If he weren't so cute she might have objected to his obvious sexual harassment but Sable just couldn't resist testing her boldness, she wanted to act more like her sister, this was a good start.

With her back to Duncan he checked out her extremely tight jeans realizing the zipper in the ass. Gritting his teeth he wished he could get away with unzipping it but knew that was jail time. He was also grateful that the company refused cameras in the room, only in the lobby.

Sighing she turned back to face him and shyly smiled, "I'm ready now."

"So am I." He motions her back into the chair. This time Sable sits with her knees bent upward, her thighs further apart. In relocating to her opposite side he noted the wet stain between her legs wider than before and swallowed dryly. "I need a drink again." He chuckled and swigged his water bottle. " is your sister doing? Josie?"

"They're good. I'm going to look identical to my sister now with the braces out."

"Pretty close. I'd say by looking at your teeth there could be subtle differences. Let's take a look after I get the upper deck removed." He gets back to work. Her hands nervously lower as they were before loitering between her thighs. Eying her while doing his best to get his job done he notes Sable slyly rub the inner portion of her jeans directly over the wet spot. He found her nerve solution sexy. She just needed to tease herself to see if she could. It was then she concluded that in her current sitting position her jeans were way too tight. Uncomfortable she fidgeted her body. "Everything alright? Am I hurting you?" He backed away from digging into her mouth.

"No. My...pants are too tight is all. They're not broke in yet."

"I'd love to break into those." He thought trying to appear understanding. He knew she was young so going too far would be stupid on his part. He couldn't quite recall her age. "How old are you these days?"

"Eighteen! Birthday girl but we're celebrating on Saturday."

"That's awesome. Congrats Miss Adult."

"Thanks." She lets him proceed but finds her jeans unruly. Pausing him he retreats again. "Doctor O'Malley? I know it's a weird thing to ask but...can I undo my pants so I can breath?"

Eyes flaring he puckers, "Uhhh? If you like. I can turn around." His lucky day!

"You don't have to. Zipper in back remember?" She lifts up on one hand and reaches behind her to tug her zipper down about two inches until the pressure was off. "I can breath now. I'm okay when standing but seated the constriction is painful."

"Understood." He waits for her to settle back in but finds her edgy, "Still too tight?"

"Yes." She takes a deep breath and unbuttons the only clasp in the front and sighs. "That's better. I'm ready now."

"You sure?" He laughs.

"I can't do any more my zipper only comes down in back." She finishes her response by whisper, "Besides I'm not wearing panties."

"TMI Miss McKellen." He chuckles, "Need something to cover your lap? I still have your bib."

"I'm good. Proceed!" She giggles thinking Dakota would be proud of her, "Feels strange my braces off the bottom teeth."

"Wait until I get the uppers out. Whole new world." He continues his mission trying to control his erection, it was massive as it is. Strangely he was thankful that Marie was staying away allowing him time to be slyly devious. Sable undoing her jeans made him wonder if she was teasing him or just actually uncomfortable. The jeans were tight.

Completing the top left side he used his enamel remover to chip away unwanted adhesive before moving to the right. Tempted to flick more intrusive flakes into her cleavage he chose to behave. Just looking at her hands returning to her inner thighs kept him interested. He wished her zipper was in front. The single button revealed nothing really. Deciding enough was enough he finished up the bracket extraction and cleaned her teeth before admiring his good work.

"Very nice. The boys are going to chase you like crazy now."

"I hope so." She giggled, "Can I see?"

In his thoughts he said the same of her, "Can I see that sweet ass?" Instead he passed her a hand mirror letting her examine her smile.

"Oh my God! THANK YOU! I look awwwwesome!"

"You looked awesome before." He chuckled, "But, I agree. Let me get Marie to polish those pearls up and fit you for that retainer and send you on your way."

"Okay." He stepped away and cornered Marie at a filing cabinet. She was searching for Henry McKellen's file for his phone number. Caught off guard Duncan merely sighed, "Lunch early?" Smiling she reaches behind her cautiously and grips his erection for a size check.

"Wow! Why doesn't he get that ginormous for me?"

"Wear jeans with a zipper in the back." He chuckles, "Go finish her up. I'll be in my office. No other appointments that can't be done by Eliza and Suresh. It's good to be the boss."

"Hey! Don't you dare jerk off while in your office."

"Saving it for you so no worries."

Ending their chat Duncan took his leave. Finding Henry's number she memorizes it and puts the file away. Taking out her cell she puts his number in her contact list. A simple text saying, "Sable will be done shortly. I'm free Sunday if you wanna ravish my body." She didn't wait for a reply instead dedicating her time to doing her job. Within thirty minutes Sable had a temporary retainer and looked silly. It was going to come out as soon as she got to school.

"Walk you out?" Marie shared her final thoughts. As Sable stood up and stretched Marie noticed the girls butt crack visible, her pants unzipped about three inches, that third inch in just getting up out of her seat. "Care to thank Doctor O'Malley real fast?"

"Sure." Marie led her into Duncan's office where he sat, lab coat off. Startled by Marie bringing Sable in he had to hide his lower half, his own zipper undone and fondling himself. Fortunately from her angle at the door there was no way she could see his seven inch cock held in his hand. It grew tighter just knowing how near she was.

"Sable wants to thank you."

"Oh! You're quite welcome Sable. See you again when the real retainer arrives and during checkups."

"I'm sooooooo happy." She bubbles up and scurries to the side of his desk not giving him time to put his dick away properly. Letting her hug him at least she didn't get a look at it. Patting her back he realized only skin below her shirts hem. She hadn't zipped herself up, totally forgetting the fact it helped her relax more. Not even her button was clasped in front. The jeans still hugged her hips tightly so it was likely an innocent mistake.

Once she lifted away she turned her back in a hurry but knocked a stapler off his desk. Bending over to pick it up off the floor he saw her butt crack as Marie had, only in her bending to hug Duncan the zipper crept down another inch, now at four inches. Dream cum true! Butt pucker visible he nearly shot his load. Stroking it inevitable he pointed his pecker right at her.

Turning quickly to put the stapler back on the desk she blushed heavily and caught a peripheral look at his beast as he masked it with a folder. Rejoining Marie at the door Sable just went ahead and hugged her too. It seemed natural. Once done Marie whispered into Sable's ear. "Don't be embarrassed but you probably should zip up."

"Oh crap!" She turned her back to Marie to prevent Duncan seeing her and spotted him no longer using the file with his right hand under his desk as if scratching his leg. His expression of yearn only left Sable absorbing that she knew differently, and bulged her eyes. Without zipping up she turned once again for a momentary pose to let him eyeball her butt crack a second longer and just slid by Marie in the doorway to walk out. She was all smiles! Job well done Dr. O'Malley! Job well done Dakota...Sable that is.

It wasn't until she had to schedule her next appointment that she zipped up. Looking back for Marie she discovered her missing. Pouting suddenly Sable completed any paperwork then went back to her Father's SUV. He was in the driver's seat this time so she got in on the passenger side before sharing her new improved smile. With the retainer in it still wasn't perfect. Plucking it out she shared her blessing.

"There's my gorgeous number two daughter."

"I look good don't I?" She took a selfie, admiring herself first then sent it off to her Mom and sister Dakota, skipping Travis for now because she wanted to show him in person. Same for Piper and Mace. "Do I totally look like Dakota now?" Henry swallowed dryly. Splitting image! Yikes! No comment!

Starting his engine Henry realized he had a text from Marie and quickly looked it over. "Sunday huh?" Taking a minute to type back he said, "Better brace yourself, I'm good for three hours straight. Where and what time?"

Good enough for now. He would have to wait for her reply this time. She was on her knees blowing Duncan. Early lunch five minutes into it. Something thick and creamy.

Good for the teeth they say.

Whitening agent!

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SZENSEISZENSEIabout 3 years agoAuthor

It's chaos for everybody MrX. Josie's hiding so her daughters don't catch her. Piper's making an enemy. Mace is hitting on cheerleaders on both sides. Dakota soul searches. Oh and Travis...oh shit! LOL! Even with what I've just told you there's waaaay more to it. The football game alone covers 9 chapters there's so much going on. So take a seat in the bleachers Buddy it's gonna be a looooong night.

MrX69MrX69about 3 years ago

Loving the slutty side of Sable... Can't wait to know what you have in store for her in tonight's football game...

SZENSEISZENSEIabout 3 years agoAuthor

Now that Sable knows the kind of effect she has over Dr. O'Malley you can only imagine what her checkup will be. LOL! Of course Dakota might need a visit to the Dentist at some point too. So...Brace Yourself again. LOL! It will be awhile though there's a lot to go on before round two.

Thanks as ever Boby.


DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 3 years ago

I never would have thought a trip to the dentist could be so inspiring, upLIFTING.

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