Starting from Scratch Ep. 092: Lovelace


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"Gotta go Oboe!" Door closing behind her Jin traveled the steps to meet Jolene at the bottom. "Too much on you?"

"Just not into watching that guy jerk. Not into these shoestrings either." She nodded at the orgy on the field.

"So who are you into?"

"Nobody..." Jolene then considered Mace Belmont and her offer to look her up sometime. Did she even mean it? "Ehhh? Maybe that guy with the dog. Mace I think! He seemed into Odessa Bradley though. All good! Oh, speaking of into...did I tell you my brother Jared likes you?"

"Jared? The ranch hand?" Jin giggled. "I'm not into country boys. I'm into jocks and gamers. You know I'm a geek at heart. Gooo nerds! Joysticks even!"

"Just saying! Every time he drops me at the Dojo and he sees you, he's all asking me questions."

"I'll talk to him next week. Let him off easy."

"Not if he hogties you you'd drop him on his ass."

"Damn straight!"

The sounds of moaning over the PA system grew loud all of a sudden, Jin and Jolene looking up at the booth. Marci VanCamp just couldn't watch Donny any longer. Her Old Times Sake comment led to she being bent over the counter. Yep! One time in VanCamp!

Cheerleaders were laughing and pausing in their labia locks to peer up at the glass booth. Marci VanCamp with her eyes closed was screaming at Donny's big dick wailing up inside her from behind. The cries stimulating them the laces returned to their have knots. Friday Night Lights! Right pLACE right time!

"BADGERLS! BADGERLS! WHO WE GONNA SCREW?" Ophelia called out laughing.

Robin Banks giggling fueled her girls with, "SWALLOWERS FLY! GIVE THEM A SIGH! BAD AIN'T BAD UNTIL OUR PUSSIES MEW!"


"That was terrible!" Robin laughed.

"Shut up and rub DAMMIT!"

Beavers indeed!


"Here we go ladies."

Mace Belmont pulled up in front of the McKellen home. "We'll see you tomorrow night." He told Dakota as she beguiled him mouthing, "All of me." He cocked a brow but left it at that. Just before scooting away she turned swiftly and kissed him on the lips. Good thing Sable was kissing Travis goodbye on the curb outside the truck, he planning his move to the front seat with Mace once Dakota stopped flirting. Travis parting lips looked over at Dakota then back at Sable with a confused expression, "She's got the hots for Mace?" Good question!

"She's got the hots for a bunch of guys."

"Do you?" Travis Herbert winced.

"Why would you think that?" Had he seen her goo goo eyed toward Corey Samson? No, he could barely see through his mascot helmet as it was. Did he suspect their identity switches suddenly when Angus licked her ass in front of him, he thinking she was Dakota?

"I'm teasing! I know I got ya Babe." One more kiss for the road was broken up as Dakota dropped from her seat saying, "Get a bird bath!" They found it funny too. With Sable and Dakota walking up to their house Travis adjusted his jersey before beginning his climb. Just as he reached for the hoist handle Rotten jumped over the seat back and took the passenger seat from him. "Really? You hump my leg now steal my shotgun?"

"He was my wingman before you." Mace chuckled then pulled Rotten over by his collar so Travis could get in. Faint growling on Rotten's part Trav sat down then snarled back at the dog.

"I'm the Alpha!"

"Sounds like something your mom's boyfriend might say."

"Fuck you Belmont. Don't remind me. You haven't met the guy yet so don't you start siding with him like Sable." He hooked up his seatbelt even if it was only the next block over from his house.

"Not taking sides Buddy. Just saying maybe Sable's right. I barely know your mom but even I can see how she smiles when she talks about him."

"Whatever!" Trav grew silent as Mace went around the block pulling up in front of the Herbert house. To their shock Kelly Herbert was outside in the dark wearing only a white lacey nightie, of all times to be doing it she was watering her flower beds.

"What's your mom doing outside wearing that?" Mace chuckled.

"Quit drooling! Knox is up on his balcony. God I hope he isn't harassing my mom again. Just wait until I get out wearing this stupid feathered jersey. He's going to start something I just know it. You wanna come in?"

"Your mom...." Mace sighed to himself then wondered where that came from, hoping it didn't sound perverted. Sure even though Kelly was almost in his Aunt Piper's league for sexiness, he tried not to put too much thought on the woman. She was his buddies Mom. Not gonna happen!

"For a minute I guess. I can't leave Rotten here long by himself. You behave!" He patted the pups cheek. "Do not go crazy on me."

"We can pick out movies for tomorrow night. Oh! Unless Knox says anything let's let me tell my mom about tonight? Okay?"

"All yours Bird Dog!"


The boys got out of the truck leaving Rotten to guard it. Kelly hearing them pull up went to the side of her house to shut her hose off, taking her time in curling it up. With her back to Knox Hardecker up above looking down through swollen eyes, she found Mace by himself stepping in to keep her safe.

"Travis ran inside to change." Mace said then looked up at Knox smoking. By himself Knox kept things quiet. Maybe he had learned his lesson.

"Did we win?" She smiled brightly facing him. In the dark her white lace was glowing.

"No we lost by 12 points. Crazy night...RIGHT KNOX?" He looked up challenging the nosey neighbor.

Knox merely flicked his cashed cigarette butt down at him then went inside. Frowning at a cigarette in her yard Kelly bent over on one leg to pick the butt up, then another, and another. Every day almost she had to pick up after the chain smoker. In her ballet moves Mace saw her cunt vividly even in the moonlight. Trying his best not to get hard he decided to help her gather butts. Staring at her was only going to make things harder.

"Thank you." She accepted the few butts Mace found as they walked around the house toward the garbage can brushing them off into it.

"You look nice tonight." He regretted that immediately.

"Do I Sir?"


"Forgive me! My Master commands I show respect to all men."

"Oh! Cool! I guess! I prefer stud or just Mace." He bantered. "Do you always...walk around outside in a sheer lace nightie?"

"Sometimes less. I am comfortable."

"Doesn't Trav get after you?"

"MOM! Get in here." Travis returned as if on cue. "Knox...hell the whole neighborhood shouldn't see you dressed like that."

"Guess he does." Mace chuckled.

"He will get over it. My son does not own me."

"No but you let that steroid using fucker own you." Travis came unglued. Mascot joke!

"Dominic does not use steroids."

"Right! And I don't eat fruity pebbles."

"Maybe I better go." Mace felt in the middle.

"No way! Come on in dude! Let's go upstairs and go through my DVD collection."

"You coming in?" Mace asked Kelly.

"In a moment. You are welcome in my home anytime." Her eyes were amazing!

"Thanks! Same for my...well...Aunt Piper's house. You should drop by and say hi to her. Go for a swim maybe."

"Perhaps!" She stares at him without blinking. Swallowing dryly Mace had to turn away and follow Travis in. Going up to his bedroom Travis shut his door.

"See what I have to deal with? My mom is crazy. Knox is going to hit on her again I just know it. Sometimes I think she likes the idea. I mean I know she's not happy with what Hardecker is doing toward me but...that Dom has her brain warped. I just can't get through to her."

"It is her life. Be happy for her. Look at everything you have Trav." Mace motioned around his room, "Looks to me like she gives you everything you want?"

"I know she does but this was mostly all when she had a job, and what little my dad left us when he died. Now we live off of Fucknut! That's not even right. He's buying her."

"She's letting him. Sounds like he's keeping you happy even when you're not. If she's not working and you still have a roof over your head and food in your belly how can you think bad of the guy?"

"It's this stupid fucking Master shit! If he wasn't into that and treating Mom like she's his slave I might give him a chance."

"Again...if she's not complaining neither should you. I thought we were just going to watch the Fast and Furious movies tomorrow night?"

"Right! Those are good. I'm sorry you had to see my mom like that."

"Like what? In a see through negligee?" He laughed, "You've seen my Aunt Piper wear less Buddy. I'm used to it."

"Yeah but it's my mom...y'know?"

"Trying not to look Trav even if she makes it hard not to. Just know I respect you Buddy."

"Thanks man!"

"I better get back to Rotten. I don't need him chewing on my steering wheel or something."

"Gotcha! I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."


A fist bump later Mace headed downstairs alone. Travis going into the bathroom let him walk out on his own. With Kelly no where in sight inside the house Mace went out the front door. To his surprise he found Kelly out by his truck. With the truck window partially down she was standing up on the passenger side foot rail and making over Rotten. In her stretch her bare ass was bright and beautiful in the light of a pole on the street. His dick jumped at the sight.

"Making friends?"

"Yes. He remembers me."

"Why don't you own a dog?"

"There is only room in my home for one collar." She giggled and climbed down to show off the white lacey choker about her neck.

"How did I miss that?"

"Perhaps because you were looking much lower?"

"Trying not to Mrs. Herbert."

"You are a man. My Master wishes me to show off, so please...look all you want. I rather like it when men...explore."

"When Trav's not looking I might." He laughed. "Can I say something without you taking it wrong?"

"I must accept whatever you have to say Sir."

"I feel as're looking for trouble. I heard Knox tried know. He's evil!"

"Yes he is. I only did what my Master expects of me. I cannot look down upon any man."

"So you let Knox...touch you?"

"Until My Master told me not to. Angus Furlong and his friends rescued me from going further. Now that Dominic has directed me from giving in to Knox that will not be a problem in the future." Mmmmhmmm!

"What exactly does this Dominic guy expect of you?"

"Total allegiance to his vision. I must make men desire me. Should they want more I am to submit."

"So he shares you."

"Yes! Not often do I get out to explore such options however. Dom is a very busy man providing for himself, me and my son, and others. I owe him our lives."

"That's crazy! You're really into this lifestyle aren't you?"

"Very much! It is thrilling." Mace noted her nipples stabbing at him.

"I better get Rotten home." He had to break away, sweaty palms and all.

"Thank you for being here for us."


"Goodnight Sir."

"Night Mrs. Herbert."

He stepped around his truck and got inside. Driving off Kelly Herbert stood on the curb enjoying a faint breeze billowing at her nightie. She smiled at their chat until he turned at the stop sign. Sighing heavily she turned to head inside when she again spotted Knox Hardecker up on his balcony puffing away. Another cashed butt tossed down she let herself walk out to pick it up.

"You're beneath me Bitch." Knox growled.

"Yes! I suppose I am."

Taking her leave Knox simply grumbled.

His face hurt!

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