Starting from Scratch Ep. 094: HIGH MOON


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"So yer all a lonely then."

"I have work to do on my RPG game." He grits his teeth at Sonya's thrashing throat and stimulating grip over his cock. His earlier tank empty when trying to jerk off on Serafina's ass then filling the Filly he wondered if he had any left to put out Sonya's fires.

"I gotta better idea if yer man enough." Dom smirks then takes a healthy swig out of his JD bottle.

"I'm listening."

"That co-ownership deal over Kel? What say you hang with us tomorrow night and you show her your dark side."

"My...dark side!" He responded to Sonya's enthusiasm with a skipped heartbeat, word translation as well.

"Yup! If yer gonna dominate...DOMINATE!"

"Wait! I thought I was her emotional rescue, you're the...FUCK!" Henry had to grip the bar as he nutted hard into Sonya's mouth, she refusing to abandon his well until it ran dry. "Had me worried there Red." She puckered her lips gazing at Henry with big bold perfect emerald eyes. "You do good work."

"Go on and join the other gals Riding Hood." Dom nodded at her. Before escaping Henry drew her back across his lap and kissed her, fondling her silicone endowed monstrosities. Once the kiss broke fever she offered a melting look of need.

"Fuck me..." She begged.

"OUTSIDE!" Dom bellowed, "We're talkin' business here."

"I'll be out in a few. Go on." Henry winked feeling superior knowing how much women were into him these days. Once Sonya abandoned her clothing and wiggled to the front door Henry was all ears. "You were saying?"

"You were the one sayin'."

"Right! I control the half of Kelly's collar that is passion and emotionally fulfilling. Your side is the rough and demanding. Have I miss something here?"

"You get the gist. Thing is...'tween us?"

"I think we're above being enemies these days. Secret's safe."

"I don't really know how to be any other way than I am. My pappy taught all us be hard and take what's ours. I been thinkin' since we made our pact...what say one another out?"

"Clearing this're asking me to show you how with Kelly...passionately?" A sudden return thought to teaching his daughter Dakota how to be with boys crossed his path. "Wow! Deja Vu!'re saying you can teach me how to be more...assertive?"

"I am."

"I already know how to wear the pants Dom."

"Do ya?" Dom leans forward a hair to eye Henry's lowered pants, "Looks to me like yer trousers are on the wrong foot."

"Fuck!" Henry looked down to see his pants ruffled along his left ankle, even his wallet had fallen out on the floor. "Hang on!" A quick retrieve of his wallet and pulling up his pants he sat up straight facing Dominic. "I get what you're saying. I mean I suppose I could be...more dominant."

"A lot more DOMINANT." Dom chuckled and took another swig.

"So...double teaming Kelly?"

"Offered it that first day you took a swing Louisville."

"I recall. Alright! What time? Kelly's house or yours?"

"You don't wanna see my crib."

"Why? Serafina's condo is nice. You saying you live in a dump?"

"Taught to live on a budget of nothin'."

"You just raked in probably five grand."

"You think takin' care of Kel is cheap? Cover my parents too."

"Well, no. I do wanna say I respect you for what you do for her and...Travis. There's no denying that part whether you get along with him or not. That's a start of passion right there Big Guy."

"Maybe so! I reckon I don't see it yet. I'm not a kid person. How do you do it raising two young gals? I mean I know my folks ways but that's a whole 'nother beast."

"It's not easy. Especially now that they're grown. The whole losing their virginity thing is...challenging. Matters worse...your provided for punk might be my youngest's first."


"If you want to bond with Travis maybe there's your...scrap that thought." Henry chuckled, "I don't want him thinking he can rough up Sable like you do Kel."

"See my point? I know no different."

"Right! Fine say 8:00 at Kelly's? I do have to be careful that my kids don't know I'm tapping Kelly. They will be a house away when we do this. My wife knows but...Sable might not understand, Travis being her much time as they spend together I'm assuming he is anyway. Hell, they haven't even been on an official date yet."

"Might wanna let that happen so she's sure what she wants. Pretty sure the lil' pervert would want whatever he could get."

"Which worries me about my girls hanging with Travis and Mace. I have to trust them though. My girls that is...I think." Dakota was certainly making him question that trust.

"We were all young once. I drug mine behind the outhouse at age 14."

"You lost 14?"

"She was 19." He wiggled his brows.

"No shit! I was...sixteen...crap! We better see what the ladies are doing."

"You do that. I'll be right behind ya." Dom tilts his JD bottle and guzzles a third without batting an eye.

"Slow down there."

"Why do you think I'm askin' advice." He returned just that fast.

"Gotcha!" Henry put his shoes and shirt on but left the shirt unbuttoned. "Meet you outside. I smell marijuana."

"Not my thing. You have fun."

"I haven't gotten high since high school. Might be fun to relax after everything I just did."

"You ain't done." Dom called after Henry as he reached the door, LouWanda concurring as he/she prepared to lock up with a, "Not on your life Honey." Henry shook his head tempted to give Lou grief over his referral, but chalked it up to not making any more trouble here than necessary. A simple salute goodbye found a puckered kiss reply. Whatever!

Outside Henry looked around, expecting the ladies to be goofing off passing a joint. Laughing across the predominantly empty parking lot lured him in as he spotted the group. For some reason Serafina liked the area she had taken Tessa to earlier, right in front of the gym's expanse of windows. What caught Henry's interest even more was the fact Winslow Hardecker's car was still where Henry had left him to sleep it off. A hand full of other vehicles were close to Henry's SUV as well, suspecting at least a few belonged to the strippers or LouWanda. Dominic's truck definitely easy to make out being high up off the ground was further away.

Feeling a cool breeze of early morning air Henry inhaled deeply then crossed the lot. Reaching the girls he found Boots toking from a second joint freshly lit. Sonya and Filly gabbing away, Tessa, Svetty, and Serafina in their own cluster, Gina and Lacey sitting on a car next to Winlow's.

"Aren't you ladies worried a cop might drive by and arrest you for indecent exposure?"

"Nope!" Sera decided to do a remarkable Arabesque move, she did tell Henry that Dom put her through Ballet lessons. Proving herself well balanced she danced about minus her stilettos, now barefoot on concrete. Joining her out of the blue was Svetty performing her own version of Croisé before joining Sera in Arabesque, only at a cross angle. Laughing at one another they used their tiptoes to move in closer and scissor one another's cunts. They were having a good ole' time.

"Cops are afraid of Dom and Sera." Gina told Henry as he joined them against the car next to Winslow.

"They're not afraid of them Gina, they just know Aunt Flossy has pull in Nashville." Lacey intervened, "Dom and Sera are like her kids."

"Anyways..." Henry shrugged it off finding Sera and Svetlana hilarious in their ballerina moves. "What are you two doing? Nutcracker Suite?"

"Have no nuts." Svetty huffed, "Ballet Parking." Everyone cracked up at her humor. "I park now. You watch from curb." She then in an insane maneuver swooped her hiked high leg under the taller Serafina's poise, the bodybuilder taking the hint and raising the bar so to speak. Easing into one another they performed a standing version of scissoring, their pussies colliding and rubbing one another.

"That's incredible." Boots dropped her jaw, "You two should do that on stage sometime."

"Sounds like a plan." Sera chuckled, "Feels nice Russki."

"Moonshine versus the Vodka Martini!" Henry joined the jesting, dragging Sonya in front of him to hug her against his body. Boots and Filly seemed almost envious as they shared the joint. Once Filly took her hit she stepped from the sidewalk to Gina and offered her the joint. Tessa seemed lost wearing her leash and whipping it in a circle to entertain herself.

"It's getting late." Filly pointed out. "I think I might head on home." Envy or not she was cordial and snuck Henry a kiss then evenly gave Sonya one to show that she wasn't truly jealous. "See you next time Saddle Bags. You owe me a barn dance back at my place." With a wave to Gina to keep the joint she whistled at Sera and Svetty getting into their erotic dance, Serafina resorting to picking Svetty up to keep their lips locked. Russian Lambada!

"Night Felicia." Sera panted. Filly then headed back to Cashanova for her clothes.

"I need to head out too. My sitter is probably blowing up my cell." Sonya pouted at Henry still holding her close, "Can we hook up again sometime?" She turns in his embrace and launches her arms around his neck.

"You have a kid?" He seemed taken back.

"A three year old son. You...don't like kids?"

"Two daughters, twins even. Graduate high school this year."

"You don't look old enough to have kids ready to be adults."

"Wife and I started young."

"You're married?" She hadn't even noticed his wedding band until he lifted his hand. "Wow! I...feel bad now."

"Don't! She and I are in an open relationship. I guarantee she got as much action tonight as I did. It never occurred to me that you...any of you might be old fashioned for a better term."

"I'm good." Boots giggled, "Sorry!"

"You mad Sonya?"

"No! I just come from a seriously broken home. It's as much my fault for not noticing your ring."

"The piece of paper ruin that future hook up?"

" just hit home for a minute. I'll be fine."

"I'd understand if you..." Before he could finish his respect she stormed his lips with a passion that made Boots, Gina, and Lacey pucker their lower lips. Tessa was still lost to the world in her swinger mode, namely her leash, opting to climb up onto the car hood next to everyone and take a seat.

In her gentle jolt of getting comfy the horn went off, not the alarm. Revived if not confused Winslow Hardecker sat up even as his seat was still reclined, his grip on the steering wheel pressing on the horn to blare it. That not only helped him wake up but made Tessa jump off and grit her teeth apologetically. Henry and Sonya hearing the unexpected reverb parted lips, she excusing herself as Henry turned.

"About time you woke up Win." Henry chuckled as Winslow tried to focus his eyes. Seeing Svetty and Serafina playing upright he bulged his eyes and smiled. Tessa realizing who it was turned and interrupted the Bodyshoi Ballet.

"Svetty? Look who it is."

Svetlana breaking concentration from her in tune thigh wrestling smiled. "SUGAR DA DA!" Serafina wincing at her partner's desire to be released lowered the Russian to the sidewalk. Scurrying to the drivers side door Svetty smashed her breasts into his window. In a blur the others witnessed him literally kissing his side of the window.

"What the hell?" Serafina planted her hands on her hips shaking her head.

"Don't ask." Tessa laughed.

Lacey and Gina talking opted to bow out too, it was nearing 3:30 AM. A fast passionate departure exchanged between they and Henry the besties headed back to the club. Admiring their tight asses he found his erection returning and clutched his slacks.

"Getting tight there?" Boots eased in and joined his leisurely rub across his seams. Passing him the remainder of the joint before it was cashed he took it and polished it off in two hard hits. Hissing as he held his breath to capture the full effects she simply took over nurturing his dick back into full time status. "I got all night if you do."

"Thirty minutes!" He tossed the joints nub aside then took the naked Nubian Goddess by her hand and led her around the car next to Winslow's. Directly in front of Winslow's bumper he turned Boots to face the hood and nudged her forward with one hand while undoing his slacks. Tessa giggling swooped in and yanked his pants to his knees for him, then spanked his ass with her leash. Ignoring Tessa, Henry intentionally grew aggressive and slammed Boot's upper body down on to the hood and took her cunt from behind. Boots was all in for Win.

Having found his door lock Winslow let Svetty in and she had his pants down in a blur, crawling in over his reclined seat to straddle his cock for a second time tonight. The shocks were being punished again.

Tessa escaping her earlier funk let the weed bring out her giggles. Enjoying the show for all of two minutes Tessa found her feet leaving the ground, tossed over Serafina's mighty shoulder like she was a bath towel. Literally stepping up on to Winslow's car hood Sera walked, sorely denting the hood and took Tessa to the roof of his sedan. Bringing a stunned Tessa to the vinyl room Serafina manhandled the tiny blond into being a replacement snatch in scissoring. Yelping Tessa quickly got involved and was moaning up a wail. Between her cries, Boots begging for harder faster and Svetty's interior decorating of Winslow's front seat with a persistent verse of DA! DA! the car rocked like a low rider.

Dominic Black finally making his way out shook his head. He needed a good nights sleep so simply saluted the troops and climbed into his truck. Starting his Ram he did pause and take out his cell and located the number of Kelly Herbert. Tempted to dial it he noted the time and simply sent her a text. Typing, "Night Beautiful.", he hesitated sending it. "Sounds too sappy!" Instead he erased it and entered, "SCREAM MY NAME!" That made him grin. Across town Kelly awoke to the ringtone and checked it. Hearing his Mother scream, "MASTER!" Travis Herbert put a pillow over his head. Night all!

With Dom pulling away, joined by the strippers in various cars, the lot had few options left. Winslow would have to call his insurance company in the morning. Hail damage! More from hardcore nuts and bolts! Said and done by 4:00 AM Henry followed Winslow home. Tessa and Svetty went to Serafina's condo for breakfast in bed.

Once Winslow pulled into his drive Henry started to head home but stopped in front of Kelly Herbert's home. Feeling evil in his delirium of unrest, mostly the weed he took his cell out and like Dom located Kelly's number. Where Dom failed Henry texted, "Night Beautiful!" and actually sent it. Kelly again waking to read her message whispered, "Master!"

Balance was achieved.

Circling the block he noticed Piper Cherry's SUV and her nephews truck in the drive. He wondered then how the football game went. Pulling into his own driveway he actually found his wife at home. Puckering his lower lip he left his SUV outdoors too.

"Roman must have kicked her out of bed." Close...he and Coach Chism Goforth, having shared her after the rivalry. Long story already read.

Heading inside it was all dark downstairs. Not really tired he shrugged, "Might as well work on Frisque." It was in looking up the staircase he noticed a slender light still on in Dakota's room. Fidgeting a minute he opted to check on her and took the climb. At her door he found it gently ajar and eased it open. She was sound asleep on her bed completely naked, her ass slightly lifted in her face down slumber. Tempted to close the door and move on he decided to sneak in and turn out her bedside lamp. With his finger on the lamps switch he paused.

"And, here I am going downstairs to design more incest into my game." He thought to himself with a hint of regret, "At least I have her shape burnt into my brain." Before turning the light out he added a final touch in leaning over her and kissing her forehead. "Night Punky!" he barely whispered. One last look at her perfect ass he turned out the lamp.

The second he shut her door Dakota rolled over smiling, "Night Daddy."

Fingers got busy!

So did his...

Down in his office Henry's RPG Frisque welcomed him home.


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SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 3 years agoAuthor

It just did 95 : JOLLY ROGER. Chapter 96 : CLOSE ENOUGH waiting on the mods. I'll point out something I hadn't thought of until eying the calendar but there are 5 weeks in some months. So when I post the next months schedule of releases I won't be saying what week they show up in so there is no miscommunication. Keep an eye on the COMMENT section toward the last of each month for a delivery lineup so you can refer to those as a close proximity. The weekly releases also must take into account the Moderators and when they feel like letting each story out of the gate. Thanks for asking.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

When is next chapter coming

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 3 years agoAuthor

I'll try and not let you down. LOL! As you must realize not everything happens immediately. I'm always asked when Piper will fuck her nephew. Or Henry going all the way with Dakota. There are valid reasons for pacing everything which in the end might not always go as far as one hopes. This is a Soap Opera so pacing is integral to the story beats. For every close call there will be an OH SHIT moment. The twins playing together as you know already is they trading identities and pulling things off to each of their advantages. I like that mode for now but eventually people will catch on. Robin Banks and Tina Wiles already know the girls are sneaky but they're being loyal and not ratting them out. Why? Because they love mischief as much as the twins do. The McKellen twins will indeed go full on Josie eventually...just let them evolve in their own time. You will get a better idea where their intentions are by the end of the year. The closer it gets to their birthday bash and loss of virginities...the more you will see both girls define their destiny.

Do I have stories that send them over the edge? Of course! LOL! Without the bridges between certain chapters I have a good 100 chapters written that take place in the future...long past Chapter 300. As long as the ideas keep coming I'll keep writing, I actually just wrote a Chapter tentatively numbered 340 but that could change. It involves Carl Manley and Piper hiring a School Nurse. All I can say is...NUBIAN GODDESS! LOL! That one is titled GREY AREA. Nothing racist mind you the title has a deeper meaning about how the Faculty gets away with as much as they do without crossing that underage line. None of them want to go there. It's a make you think chapter for sure.

So...plenty to look forward to.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago




SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Ehhhhhhhh? Sort...of...not how you might think though. LOL! Still steamy! Now waaaaay on down the line...take a number. LOL!

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