Starting from Scratch Ep. 109: RED LIGHT DISTRICT


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"That didn't look like any straight line to me. You Pete?"

"Nope! Drunk tank at the County Crib I'm thinking. Where we can really sober them up."

"Sounds like a plan. Bring it in Porn Star!" He collected Piper as Anson brought up Mimi and LeAnne together. "Hurry it up Palomino Pants." He called out to Josie. Josie shook her ass at them before her return trip. Silent whistles were heard by Mimi and LeAnne.

"Your turn Librarian." Lonnie motioned Mimi into a walk on the mild side. Mimi Alexander strolled slowly, her heels killing her. Teetering a bit due to the shoes more so than the tequila in her system, Anson collected her and tugged her to his side. Ordering LeAnne to perform the walk, she found herself bitchy, realizing she might have to call her Grandfather Frank to bail her out. If she called her parents it would destroy the family. Grampa was always the voice of reason. Tits bobbing about on her way back, Anson nodded and moved Mimi in front of him to rub his tented erection on her ass. Mimi smiled even under stress.

"Alright ladies touch your noses." Lonnie chuckled.

"Exactly how are we supposed to do that while handcuffed?" Josie winced.

"Easy! Blondie taps her nose against yours, you return the favor. Same for Library Card and Strawberry Snortcake. You do drugs?"

"Hell no!" LeAnne looked appalled.

"Breathalyzer might be required Pete."

"Sure thing!" He waited until the ladies started rubbing noses. In a freak encounter the officers found the closeness of the women leading to make out sessions for both couples. The men stood back puckering with admiration. Hot chicks making out was a serious turn on. "I say we perform our own breathalyzer Lon."

"Fair enough!" Lonnie chuckled and broke up Piper and Josie, then kissed Piper, Frenching her for a full minute before breaking rank and licking his lips. "Yep! Bet you blew a .10. How about you?" He grips Josie by the back of her neck and lays one on her, Piper shaking her head knowing this was all bullshit but was afraid to admit it out loud. These guys were obviously scumbag crooked cops. Resisting could go worse for all of them. Shut up Piper!

"Mmmm! .12 my guess!"

"Did you taste penis?" Josie giggled.

"No, but you might taste mine you keep getting lippy."

"Police brutality? Mmmm!"

"Feisty one!"

"She's worse than me." She nodded at Piper. In response Piper agreed.

Anson testing Mimi had literally kissed her two minutes, she feeding on his tongue as if begging for more. Pete sampling LeAnne found her acting as if ready to hurl in his mouth, so ended that quickly. Instead he pulled Mimi away from Anson and laid one on her. LeAnne defending her girlfriend tried stomping on his foot.

"Assaulting an officer of the law? You're going to solitary confinement, Hooters." He could see LeAnne in a Hooters Girl t-shirt, no bra. "I might even come guard you myself. I'm thinking I'll paint your toenails." All in white!

"You numbnuts done having your fun?" Myrtle returned with her man Brutus, he with his hand on her ass. "I called for Impound to tow their vehicles. Time to face the music ladies."

"Dance music even." Lonnie laughed gripping Piper and Josie by their cuffed wrists. "Just like Steven Tyler used to say...Walk This Way!"

"Going...down?" Josie giggled.

"Speaking of...what exactly is going down here?" Piper sobered a bit. "We all know this isn't legal."

"Neither is an orgy in public." Lonnie growled. "We do this our way or you're all spending the weekend locked up and sweaty. By the book...our book! I can promise you, there's nothing any of you sluts can say or do, so just relax and do your time with us. Good behavior just might go in your favor."

"I don't wanna be good." Josie just couldn't stop.

"Even better." He laughed.

Anson and Pete escorting Mimi and LeAnne to two separate cars was like breaking a wishbone on a chicken. Mimi with Anson, LeAnne with Pete, the officers stashed them away then reconvened in front of their cars. Tow trucks showing up, Piper and Damon watched their vehicles being lifted just as the units drove off leaving them behind. Only Mimi with Anson were left behind.

"This is crazy." Roger told Damon. "How are they getting away with this?"

"Advise you to shut up before Miranda bitch slaps you studs." Myrtle Crump aka Turtle Rump or Myrtle Turtle swatted the interior partition with her knuckle. "Y'all had your fun out it's our turn."

"Meaning what?"

"Meanin' I get to perform the cavity search on you fellas. Or should I say felons?" She laughed hysterically slapping her dash. "You look like Felon Hardtimes! That your name Hot Sauce?"

"I need my lawyer." Roger growled, wondering if everyone had Piper Cherry's humor?

"If he's cute so do I." She chuckled. "Now shut the fuck up before I taser your peckers." Silence was golden!

Speaking of golden...poor Kevin Fowler's nerves made him urinate on the floorboard. Roman and Dewey grumbling. "Come on Fowler!" and "Get a grip Kev you're getting my feet wet."

"I can't help it. This is going to ruin us."

"My upholstery too. Christ!" Brutus Younger rolled his window down to help prevent the stench. "I'm makin' you detail that back seat Geek." Kevin simply cried and mumbled. "I miss you Mimi."

"So what's your name Librarian?" Anson got in his car with backseat Barbie, once the tow trucks departed with the impound vehicles.

"Mimi." She shyly whispered.

"You're fine as hell Mimi. Let's go for a ride just you and I."

"To jail?"

"Ehhh? Maybe later. You like donuts?"


"How about just nuts?" He winked at her through the divider screen. "There's a smile...yes you love big nuts don't you?"


"How's those cuffs? Too tight?"

"Not tight enough." She panted with a yearning expression. That alone impressed the officer.

"Oh yeah?" He got back out of his car and looked around for traffic at nearly 3:45 in the morning. Opening the back door, he nudged her to lay on her side then snugged up her cuffs until she whimpered. Rubbing her ass, she began lifting it upward to greet him. Puckering at her interest, he grabbed her legs and made her stretch out over his lap. Fingering her from behind he brought her to cum in two minutes. "Daaaamn Mimi! You wanted that didn't you?"


"Looks to me like we need to find us a dark alley."

"I am yours." Where did that come from?

"As if you had a choice."

"I don't want a choice."

The mouse was voicing her true desires.

Dark alley here she cums!

Tongue waggin'!

Red light! Green light!


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SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

While yes the events happen in real life when I wrote this it was all right out of my head.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 2 years ago

The scrapes these people get themselves into, and hopefully out of, is just mind blowing the imagination of the author seems to know no bounds. I do sometimes wonder if an author finds inspiration from current events, I.e. Police harassment this exists both sides of the Atlantic, mind you I'm not saying the group are blameless I sometimes think these characters are orchestrators of there own downfall, but then we should realise that these stories exsist in a parallel universe similar but not necessarily the same as ours. 5 stars for an inventive mind

SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Absolutely my FRIEND. Please keep in touch. We're going to get along just fine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

From the same Anonymous:

Thanks Szensie! Really, yes apologies are in order; if I wasn't writing as anonymous, I would not have been so rude! For that I truly apologize. I am not like that in "real" life, and it was wrong (perhaps, it is the trap and danger of anonymous comment -- we become more visceral and detached from basic respect). I realize that there is a lot of effort in writing and courage in putting one's work out there in the open. For that, I salute you and the other authors on the site.

Also, I want to say that I am impressed with your stoic and peaceful response. It has made an impact on me; I certainly won't be writing any more anonymous comments (because I feel like an absolute heel! hahah..,

Anyway, I am aware of the old adage that stories should exist independent of the writer, but I will say that I shall give your stories another read (from the beginning) with a different perspective!.

ZEN my friend. I hope there is no hard feelings. Keep writing.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for caring RieSh. I think our points are similar enough that there's no further reason to argue with Anonymous, arguing might be too harsh of a word. At any rate after a couple years of producing this series I've only had maybe 4 people ever complain about the content or writing style. Too each their own regardless. As you can see this person had the heart to apologize although not truly needed but I thank them none the less.

I'm not a professional writer, I survive on my bad grammar with a few good friends volunteering to edit what I produce with enthusiasm. I just think a select few readers pick and choose episodes and get lost in the overall plot. Even more people might presume this is a book when it's truly my version of a Soap Opera. The Porn Soap Opera we all want to see without just the woman saying IT'S SOOO BIG! Lol! I'm a huge fan of a story that goes with a porn. Not many directors care enough to add that little extra flavor to the midst.

Anyways...thanks for having my back.


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