Starting from Scratch Ep. 124: FRISKY BEESWAX


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"Why am I letting Dakota talk me into this?"

Mace Belmont having located his aunt's candles and oils headed upstairs to find Dakota McKellen laying on her tummy, chin on her arms, legs swaying back and forth. "Took you long enough."

"She moved it since I saw it last." He sat the kit on his dresser then turned to peer down at her. "Dakota this just isn't right. I mean, I like spending time with you but not knowing I'm coming in between you and Angus."

"You're not. He has Robin Banks and me. If he can have another girlfriend besides me, I can have another boyfriend too."

"Boyfriend? Hold up! I'm not looking for a girlfriend Dakota." Well, maybe Francesca if he'd ever call her back and arrange that date. He did fancy her. "We're friends and..."

"My teacher." She giggled. "Teach me everything you know. EVERYTHING!" She raised her voice with lifted brows of expectation. "Everything but penetration. You can coach me more about that after my birthday."

"Wax only." He pointed at her.

"Massage me."

"I can do that."

"Eat me."

"Dakota?" He winced with concern. Rolling over she turned her body to face him and brought her legs up behind her head and locked her feet. Her pussy gaping, she patted her clit and exposed it more.

"Right here."

Eying her with hesitance, he cracked his neck with indecision, then chuckled, "I didn't know you could knot up your legs behind your head. Aunt Piper does..." TMI! Stop while you're ahead Nephew! "...I saw her do that at a family outing once. Her and my Aunt Bree are really flexible. Why aren't you a cheerleader instead of Sable?"

"I didn't realize you could almost look right into my parents' bedroom. Their balcony is right across from your window." Even though she knew he jumped off of the balcony once in invading her home while she masturbated it really hadn't dawned on her the windows being so close. Deciding to keep it quiet that she knew of his snooping she simply rubbed her pussy as he watched. Too much clarification of things might ruin her chances now. "Eat me Mace! Show me how it's really done."

"I already ate you."

"I know you can do better. It wasn't long enough."

"Dakota...I can't finger you like I know you'd like I might bust your hymen. I don't need to buy blankets either."

"So don't finger me. Just lick me. Lick me like you want me." He did want her, more than he ever intended to admit.

"Can't we just practice the candle wax?" He turns away and unpacks the small lunchbox style carry kit. "White candle or red?" He showed her both.

"White because I'm innocent." She giggled.

"Not even close." He frowned then took a fancy box of matches out to light the white candle. It quickly began melting the paraffin, a softer type of wax that required less heat. She gave up her behind the head pose and just stretched out to look as seductive as possible. He stared for a minute then had an inspiration. "We need tunes." Going into the next room where Piper's computer was, he opened up Spotify and selected a playlist provided by the site. Seconds later the song Wait a Minute My Girl by the band Volbeat fired up which seemed ironic under the circumstances. Shrugging he let the shuffle play and returned to his bedroom.

While he was away, he found Dakota had gotten up and took the burning candle back to bed. She had a head start dripping a few experimental droplets on her forearm. "It only burns for a second." She sat in awe of the hardening wax. "Here! You're in charge. I want oil too." A bottle sat next to her hip. Shaking his head, he sat down next to her and claimed the stick candle.

"I'm not eating you, Dakota. I'll get you off though."

"Okay!" She parted her legs at the knee. Now that, that was settled Mace took it upon himself to start trickling hot wax over her body. She reacted with shrill whines, followed by a gasp. Every drop landing on her gorgeous body grew hard and stuck to her. Giddy as he opened the oil bottle with his teeth and dribbled some across her pussy before capping it, he began rubbing her labia, then taunted her clitoris in a slick swirling motion. Instantaneous moans filled the air. Between his touch and the wax pedals amid her bikini area, the wax and oil crumbled the wax into tiny particles. Over each nipple the wax made her cry out in a soft sensual delight. "I like this."

"So do I!" He sighed. Increasing his rubdown over her cunt she arched her back. He was creating a vast array of new sensations that made her wetness saturate his fingertips. Between the oil and her juices there came a sloshing sound. Even over the music playing it could be heard.

"I'm going to cum Mace." She tensed up as Mace smirked, doubling the friction pace. In seconds Dakota McKellen spilled a thin liquid adoration all over his hand. "Again!" Shrugging at her request he added more wax to taunt her by dripping it right on her clit. The sudden burn sent her into a spasm, hard to keep his hand in play until she slowed her insanity

Fulfilling her request, he blew out the candle and put the stick between her lips to bite down on. Rolling his upper body over her waist to hold her down he gave her pussy the massage of a lifetime. Screaming and kicking under his weight on her Mace brought her into squirt territory. Being a virgin, it was unusual to get any girl that close to orgasm, but Mace pulled it off. Wax on his shoulder splattered in tiny favors from her head darting from side to side until the wax had solidified, he laughed about it. No fire no liquid. Done!

Sitting up he happened to see movement through his window. "Shit! Don't sit up, your dad is on his balcony."

"Daddy's home?" She bulged her eyes. Rolling out of bed to hug the carpet she picked dried wax from her body and giggled. Nibbling her lower lip, she sat up on her calves. "I have to go home now. Mace?"


"You're eating me next time."

"We'll see! I'm just..." Crawling around the foot of his bed she remained low enough that her father couldn't see her. Moving to Mace's legs she reached up over his lap and tugged his sweats down until his dick stood tall.

"This tells me you want me." Lifting up over his dick she kissed the crown then blew on it. "I like this candle better." Crawling out of the bedroom into the hall Mace enjoyed her tight ass moving side to side and grit his teeth. Wax chips all over the carpet he knew he was going to have to vacuum.

Downstairs, dressed, and gone. Dakota made sure her dad was no longer on the balcony and crossed the yards. Their neighbor Darren was still pruning shrubs, so she stopped cold on the grass until he looked her way. Smiling like the Devil's daughter she lifted her t-shirt flashing her tits and plucked tiny bits of wax from them until they were gone. He swallowed dryly at her three minutes of exposure.

Razzing Darren one last time she hopped up her front steps and went inside her home.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey...uhhh? Punky?" He wasn't quite sure.

"Yep! Good guess. Daddy?"

"Yeah?" He leered over the sofa back at her standing on the stairs, nearly choking at her bikini bottoms sinking deep into both her ass and pussy.

"Do we have any candles?"

Oh, boy! He saw the oil gloss on her body and just knew she was up to no good.


"Can I help?"

Sable McKellen simply wore Trav's t-shirt outside to offer assistance to Dom and Kelly. Kelly up in the bed of Dom's truck was waxing the cab's rooftop as far as she could reach. Using his toolbox to stand up on allowed her to stretch and get 90% of the roof. Dom working on the tailgate sat his Turtle Wax jar on the bumper and tossed her a cloth. "Rub it in why don'tcha?"

He hid behind his sunglasses. Moving behind the closed tailgate only the top of Sable's head could be seen by Kelly. Kel on the other hand was up on her stage barely covered in her micro bikini. At least she was smiling and humming to the music on Dom's stereo. God's CoUNTry by Blake Shelton.

Taking over for Dom, Sable intentionally dropped her rag to the street and bent to pick it up. Her t-shirt just short enough revealed her entire ass to Dominic. His head held high appeared to be glaring at Kelly's sweet ass, his grin bright. Kel presumed he was checking her out but instead with his eyes unseen he was actually looking down at Sable's tight little bottom. She knew in her heart he was watching her more than Kelly. So much so she stood up and clutched the front of her shirt and drew it up to her waist. Risky Frisky! He said nothing. Using one hand she polished the wax he had already applied to the tailgate.

Counting in her head just how long before she lost her nerve, she heard the front door to the house open up. Out stepped Travis. Shirt down in a blur Sable made it to 23 before asshole ruined it for her. Just as well! Whistling at Kelly Dom found her twerking for him. Witnessing Kelly Herbert shake her ass Sable giggled. Travis seeing his mom dancing up high on the chrome toolbox covered his eyes with his hands.


"Oh, Travis stop! Grab a rag!" Kelly told her son. While she faced Travis, he blinded, Sable felt her shirt start to rise up past her chest and dropped her jaw afraid to look back. Behind her Dom laughed.

"Only rag we have left." Her shirt! Down it went. Covered up just in time.

"Oh my God!" She mouthed and nearly peed. Maybe there was hope in her fantasy.

Go away Trav!

Mind your own beeswax!

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Happy New Year back at you my friend

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

The virginity losses are a way off yet but don't panic. However, the titles for that special day are... TAG YOU'RE IT, atTENTion GETTERS, HAPPY CAMPER and s'MORE s'MORE. A whole lot happens between now and then though, so I ask you to bear with me. Concerning who gets which twin? It's pretty common knowledge that Trav will get Sable, question is... who else gets Sable? LOL!

Same for Dakota, she promised Angus, so Angus gets...

Dom steers clear but that doesn't mean he's not around. Then, there's Knox. Then there's... and... and... LOLOLOLOL!


It's going to be great!

Messy but HOT AS HADES!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My prediction

Dakota loses her virginity with Mace.. And Sable with Dom..

Let's see..

Which episode number is where they lose their virginity? And what is it called?