Starting from Scratch Ep. 128: FETCH-a-SKETCH


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He was going to taunt her fantasies the rest of the day.


Passing Josie McKellen's classroom while walking with Kevin Fowler, Piper stopped to look in on her bestie. Turning her back to Josie who sat at her desk Piper mooned her neighbor. Kevin grinned while searching the faces of the students going to various classrooms. While it should worry him Kevin stood his ground. Laughing with Josie, Josie stood up and mooned her back. Her class seeing her were invested already. Once Piper stood up straight, she turned to face Josie and pulled out her tits to shake them at the brunette beauty. Not to be one upped Josie returned the favor. Class in session. Josie was already amped up by Reese Teller and his rooftop riders. First period was just a warmup.

With her back to him Kevin looked around at the filtering about students and grew bold. Lifting her skirt Kevin pinched her ass making her yelp. Standing erect she twisted around and faced Kevin, her breasts held in her palms to hide a direct visual to certain students going into his classroom. "Well now, Walter Mitty grew some balls."

"I'm getting there." He blushed.

"Pinch these now." She removed her hands daring him, her nipples primed for action.

"I'll do it." Toby Mellon volunteered.

"DETENTION!" She jabbed him in the chest for getting between she and Kevin. Toby laughed and patted Kevin on the shoulder. Finding himself fearless suddenly the meek Spanish Teacher just went for it, pinching both of her nipples tightly until she hissed. "Pimple clamps!" Kevin released her instantly and twirled in step marching off to his classroom with no expression. Toby puffed his lower lip at the progress the mild-mannered Amigo was making.

"Art?" Piper looked at Toby for confirmation.


"Goody! You can draw me."

"Can I trace?"

"I heard that from someone else. Sure, why not." They walked to Mimi Alexander's classroom together. With the room full she spotted only Nolan, and Percy of the football players occupying the 1st. period class. Another familiar face was her first friend here in Megan Love. Waving at her Piper put her purse under the desk and let everyone get settled in.

Once quiet she eyed Megan and just couldn't resist pointing at her slyly and singing, "Feel like Megan Love." The room busted up. Megan laughed blushing and flipped her off. "Sorry Meg I couldn't resist."

"Yeah! Yeah! I hear it all the time."

"Yes, but that wasn't just my singing to you." Piper winked at the poor girl with thick rimmed glasses. "Come up here Sweetie."

"OHHHH! She's in trouble now." Toby Mellon chuckled while the class wondered what she might be in trouble for.

"Did something wrong?" Megan swallowed dryly lifting slowly from her desk.

"Of course not." Piper frowned and waved her forward with a zesty flutter of her hand. "I need your help is all."

"Doing what?" Megan was almost afraid to ask knowing what the Counsellor was capable of. Reaching her at the head of the class Piper placed her palms on both of Megan's shoulders. Leaning in she whispered, "You owe me. Twice even." Megan recalled she and Dirk's requests of the Counsellor. Bulging her eyes immediately, she murmured, "Oh shit!" She just knew Piper was going to humiliate her.

"Class?" Piper stood up tall and twirled Megan in step to face her artistic assassins. "With Mimi gone I'll be teaching class today. Seeing as I don't know a Michelangelo from a Ninja Turtle, we're just going to do what I call Fetch a Sketch. My lovely assistant here is going to pose for you all to draw. If anyone goes out of their way to insult Miss Love, you face my wrath."

"Detention?" A boy rises up laughing, obviously having heard stories.

"Yes, but you sit in a corner by yourself blindfolded in a dunce cap." Her comment was met with laughter. Toby looking over his shoulder pointed at him.

"Trust me you don't want to be that guy and miss out Bro."

"Thank you, Mister Mellon."

"No problem, Miss Melon's." He smirked slouching in his chair smugly.

"He's talking to you Sweetie." Piper reached around Megan and lifted her tits behind her thin flannel style shirt.

"OH, MY GAWD!" Megan turned beet red beneath her grasp.

"No bra today. You go Sweetie."


"Just relax...Dirk is not he?"

"No... but"

"Let them. I'll do this same thing to Dick...I mean Dirk."

"You have him after lunch."

"I'll be sure to take some Tums beforehand." That made Megan snicker. "Break out your art pads People. What we're going to do is take turns on Megan..."

"WHAT???" Meg blurted laughing. Her response made the others crack up along with her surprise. "Nonononono!"

"Come on Love...model for us." Jody Onion, yes onion, was supportive. Being Meg's bestie and quite bi she wanted her cute friend to be put on the spot. Goth love rules!

"You do it Bitch." Megan chuckled as Piper hugged her from behind, her chin on Meg's head to sway her body from side to side in a relaxing manner. Singing Billy Idol's, Cradle of Love as, "Rock the cradle of Love..." was not helping!

"So, we're just drawing her standing up there?" Devin Crowley another girl chimed in.

"In any pose you want her to. One of you can tell her to switch poses every ten minutes, but everyone must draw her to the best of their ability. No stick figures Mellon."

"They really don't want to draw me." Megan wheezes. "You're more the model type."

"That's not true." Piper sighs, "Have some faith my lovely...well...Love."

"At least pose in sexy positions." Toby chuckled. "Show her a few, Miss Cherry."

"I can do that. Follow my lead and let's break a Meg." Piper releases Megan and like a puppeteer moves the girl about as if arranging the limbs on a mannequin. Megan could not stop giggling. Giving her general instructions Piper took a similar stance of showing off like a leggy runway model.

"Show some leg...Meg." Toby told the goth girl wearing black jeans. In response Megan tugs one pant leg upward showing her calf. "Niiiiiiiice!" Toby was taking interest.

"Okay! Draw Megan...not Me. I'm getting out of the picture, so I don't distract you from your work."

Nolan reacting to Piper's decision says, "Being in the room is a distraction."

"DON'T LEAVE ME!" Meg blurted out. Piper jumped at her fearful protege's worry. Using her hand to calm the girl Piper merely walked around her desk and sat down. Propping her stiletto's up on the desktop to get comfy. She knew eyes were on her more than Megan, but this was fun taking the girl out of her comfort zone. Megan sorely needed a self-esteem boost, always feeling unattractive.

Whimpering while trying to remain in her pose she saw the students drawing her. What nagged her most was that the football players seemed curious of her. Toby especially for some odd reason. She had always thought he was cute but knew he would never be interested in her. Yet, he seemed drawn to her. Ironic seeing, he was also drawing her. She did know that Toby did enjoy drawing and was pretty good at capturing likenesses of objects be it abstract or otherwise. With ten minutes ticking Toby dove in and drew up a storm.

Piper having lifted her skirt up to her waist was enjoying the fact they couldn't see her behind her desk as she teased her clit just to kill time. Her legs were gorgeous, and Piper thoroughly enjoyed looking at herself, caressing them even more. As the ten-minute marker struck Piper dropped one leg from the desk but kept the other...handy. "Time is up."

"So am I." Toby laughed.

"Funny man Mellon. Let's see what you got?" Piper smirked. Standing up from his desk Toby acted as if he were going to unzip his jeans and pull out his dick, the girls in the class whistling at him only stoked his temptation to really do it. "The work of art Mellon."

"It is a work of art." He laughed but sat down and chose to launch his art pad in the air to share his drawing. Shifting from side to side allowing the class to view his work. Megan relaxing her pose chose to sit on Piper's desk and look back at her. Seeing Piper rubbing her pussy Megan bulged her eyes. Mouthing, "Oh my Gawd!" she giggled and turned to find Toby had gotten up and brought Megan his drawing to view up close.

"Whoa! It... looks just like me. How did you manage that in ten minutes?"

"I'm fast."

"Minuteman!" Piper razzed Toby letting even he see her fingers massaging her clit. Toby gritted his teeth and mumbled, "So not!" Megan noted him look directly into her eyes as he admitted that. It made her warm and fuzzy suddenly.

"It is warm in here Meg." Piper dropped her other leg and stood up to round her desk, her skirt slightly awry and offering cheeks when facing her students, barely though. "Next pose?" She coaxes Megan into laying on her side on the desk, her upper body held up by an elbow, her cheek in her palm. Removing Megan's glasses then primping the girl's hair for a more dramatic pose, Piper eyed Toby. "I think something is missing."

"Me too." He puffed his lower lip, "Too many buttons?"

"Maybe." Piper reached in and began unbuttoning Megan's shirt until cleavage bulged into view, her outstretched angle offering a very nice mounding effect.

"No more than that." Megan swatted Piper laughing.

"Just one more." Toby dared to enter the modeling session and unfastening one more which when pinched shared more of her left breast. Stepping back, he nodded. "Perfect." The girls were in awe of Megan getting attention from him. Jody being bi found herself wet from both his physique and her besties boobs.

Placing an elbow on Toby's shoulder Piper fidgeted, "Something is still missing."

"You're not unzipping my jeans." Megan insisted with a stern jab of a threatening index finger.

"No, I wasn't going to suggest that." Piper winked, "I think this sketch should be a team effort." Retreating her elbow Piper grabbed Toby and pulled him by his shirt sleeve behind the desk. Removing his t-shirt in front of everyone Piper flared her eyes at the class, hearing all the other lady's sigh. Toby had to laugh at her stripping him saying, "What are you up to?"

"Everything, but this isn't about me." She whispered. Patting the desk behind Megan she encouraged Toby to stretch out behind her. Cooperative Toby let Piper nudge his body directly up to Megan's pose. Again, Megan mouthed, "Oh my Gawd!", this time directed at her girlfriends. Even Nolan and Percy were looking at one another over the situation. Toby seemed into the class participation.

Further prepping, Piper had Toby place his right hand on Megan's hip, then lay his chin on her shoulder. Megan wanted to die but enjoyed his nearness more than her reaction admitted. With his chin on her shoulder his eyes were lured to Meg's cleavage, it being unbuttoned enough he caught a rare glimpse of a tenth of her areola. She had no idea how deeply he could see. Carefully, Piper rolled him more into Megan's body to free up his left arm. Drawing his arm toward her she told the class, "Hand's busy. Draw the two lovers."

"WHAT?" Megan yelped laughing.

Toby chuckled, "I could probably get used to this."

"Really?" Meg tilted her gaze until Piper cleared her throat.

"No moving. Cock starts now. Clock I mean." As the two allowed the class to draw them, Piper used Toby's hand to rub her pussy beneath her skirt out of sight of everyone but herself. Toby sighed over Megan, mistaking his enjoyment over Piper's wet pussy for her own allure. Toby's dick grew mighty with Piper's help, his erection jabbing directly toward Megan's ass. Trying hard to remain stiff herself she found her thoughts definitely in the gutter. She was going to have to fuck Toby...she meant Dick...Dirk...damn Piper Cherry...sometime today.

Piper thrived on being creatively devious, this secret assistance was making her horny as hell. Lunchtime could not come too fast. Detention needed to be now. She just knew her after school special was going to be good. During the ten-minute cycle Megan was in heaven having Toby Mellon touching even her hip, she almost wished he would break pose and fondle her. Sadly, it took every bit of his concentration to keep himself aloft in his contorted arm's usefulness. Allowing Toby to do his own searching of her pussy Piper used both of her hands to lift herself forward over Toby's shoulder as if peering down at Megan. In doing this Toby hooked her hole and dipped a finger up inside Piper. "Holding up okay Megan Love?"


"Me too." Her cunt was trickling all over Toby's finger. Ten minutes fading fast Piper sighed and lowered herself away from Toby but sat in her chair behind them, dropping her head behind Toby she sucked on his dampened finger.

"Fuck you feel good." He mumbled, Megan hearing him pressed her ass harder into his erection. Caught between his impossible threesome Toby came in his underwear, gritting his teeth to mask his accident. Ten-minute man! Megan just knew he did because she felt him tense his body, literally pressing hard against her ass as she equally pressed back. To the class it was innocent, to them more intimate.

"TIME'S UP!" Piper bit his finger before sharing her words.

"Fuck me!" Toby whispered at her bite and his unassisted ejaculation, Megan hearing him rolled slightly backward and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Just say when and where." She smiled. Toby cocked a brow at her offer. Nodding with a pucker he left it at that. Food for thought indeed. Drawings inspected the couple sat up on the desk, Piper getting up and taking a walk to examine their class participation.

"Nolan? Did Megan really have her tits out?" Piper scowled.

"I was hoping." Megan heard him and blushed snapping inquisitive glances at Toby. He was doing the same without the blush.

"Jody!!!" Piper shook her head, "Not once did Toby have that monstrosity out of his pants, let alone between Megan's megs." Jody snorted at her jests.

"WHAT??" Megan once again blurted out and hopped off the desk to wiggle toward Jody and Piper. Reaching them Megan snatched Jody's artwork and realized it was all a joke. Using the art pad Meg swatted Piper. "You're evil. So are you." Jody couldn't agree more.

Toby leaving his shirt off strolled up behind Megan and hugged her from behind. "Was I good for you?"

"They were lying." She pouted then realized Toby was holding her right tit, beneath her shirt even. Using Jody's pad, she blocked his intrusion from sight. She was going to enjoy it while she could.

"Who wants to pose next? Jody?"

"With Meg?" The girl chuckled.

"No. I was thinking with Nolan there."

"I'm so in."

"Just ask." Jody winked at him and hopped from her seat shaking her booty at him.

Piper let the two meet up at her desk. Seeing Megan beaming at Toby's grip on her tit she realized it was the hand Toby had fingered her with. Still damp most likely. Sloppy seconds Minuteman! Good thing Piper remembered Meg and Toby's strange chemistry at the Marquette Badgers game to instigate their artistic hookup. Sometimes all it took was artistic license. Matchmaker extraordinaire!

"Hey no finger painting." Piper winked over his wet fingers. "Draw!"

Breaking up Toby left his shirt off for the remainder of the class. Megan drew...a blank. She was so happy to sketch. Toby? He drew he and Megan on the desk from memory. His hand however was beneath her shirt. He gave it to her as a gift when the class ended. Phone number included.

Dick who?


Oh, was Dick ever going to get even with Piper.

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Vengeance is not far off. LOL! Look no further than Episode 132: cHEckmATe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can't wait for dick to get even with Piper...

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