Starting from Scratch Ep. 145: HALE NO!!!


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"Runway show?" Odette points out the changing room which had four strategically placed mirrors that surrounded a short six-foot runway up off the ground by two feet. "Ohhh! That's creative."

"It makes we big girls feel sexier."

"You aren't big?"

"Short, but I got spunk in the trunk." Odette did have a chubby but firm butt and as big of tits as Mavis.

"You're beautiful Odette."

"Thank you. So are you...?" She fished for a name.


"Okay, then! Let's fancy you up Miss Mavis." Between the two women the five selections were quick and spontaneous. Mavis hadn't even realized how long it was taking Piper. Trying dresses on, it didn't matter.


Shortly after abandoning Mavis, Piper made certain she wasn't being watched then stepped next door to the men's showroom ManHandle. Entering with a jingle she found her Rock back behind his counter now that there was no hotties to ogle. Seeing Piper enter he perked up and stood with both hands on his glass counter.

"Help you?"

"Let's switch that up. Can I help you?"

"Pardon?" He chuckled.

"I saw you checking out my friend. How would you like to close shop early and go next door with us?"

"Slow day, but I really can't leave."

"$500 get you to lock up?"

"Are you joking?" He winced.

"Nope! Listen I don't have much time but I'm trying to boost my girl's confidence. She's going to try on some dresses here in a few. If you take up my offer I'll step back in here with you after and buy anything Mavis wants for her husband."

"She's married? Damn!" He chuckled.

"Don't let that ruin business Buddy." His name did say Buddy on his name tag.

"So, wait! $500 before just to close up? Then you're coming back for men's apparel too?"

"Yep! Ties! Boots! Whatever she can find to fit her ole' man."

"And, I'm supposed to do what over there?"

"Show her she's beautiful."

"She is." He chuckled.

"Potential $2000 prophet, Buddy Boy. Oh! That $500 is cash but you're tipping the stripper."


"Just trust me!" She opened her purse and pulled out $300 in twenties. "ATM around here?"

"Across the parking lot." He pointed out the window, "There's a Bank island."

"I see it. Here! Take the $300 and lock up. I'll walk over and get more cash. Don't let me down, Buddy."

"Sounds fun as long as she doesn't freak out. What about the sales lady?"

"Ignore her. I'll deal with her too."

"Okay! Like you said... don't let me down." He takes her cash, and she walks away, he now checking out Piper's butt cheeks peeking out from beneath her skirt. Once Piper stepped outside, he took a walk to the front door to observe her crossing the lot on foot. A gust of breeze rustling her skirt he saw zero panties. "Daaamn! That bitch has it going on."

Giving her time to collect more moolah, Buddy joined her outside on her way back. While he locked up, she met him at his door. "Okay! Wait for my signal then walk on in and find Mavis. Whistle at her, ruffle bills like she a dancer, all that. Just make her feel special."

"Her husband going to hunt me down?"

"Nope! Just have faith, Rockford."

"Rockford? He winced.

"She thinks you look like Dwayne Johnson."

"I've heard that." He chuckled.

"Oh! Can you make your pecs dance?"

"For an extra hundred I'll make my ass cheeks dance."



"I'll go up to $2,500 in sales after we settle up in here."

"Damn! You must be loaded."

"I get by. Ready?"

"On your signal. Wait! What's your signal?"

"This!" She lifts her skirt to her waist and shows off her pussy. Winking at him, she hands him $200 in twenties to fulfill the full $500. He whistled at Piper and simply bit his tongue. "Use a twenty to wipe your chin." Leaving him she stepped inside and discovered Odette waiting on Mavis as she changed.

"How's Amazon Grace?"

"Feeling like a school girl. She told me she was a teacher at Horton-Dexter."

"Yep! I'm the school Counsellor."

"Wow! Lovin' it! I was telling Mavis my cousin goes there. Octavia Bradley?"

"My cheer bitch!" Piper grinned. "I'm also the Pep Squad coach."

"Ooooh crap!" Odette flared her eyes. "I heard what my sister's did to your girls the other night. Everyone okay?"

"It was war! We got even." Piper winked, "Listen? As soon as Mavis steps out... on this cute runway? I need you to not freak out."

"Freak out? You two robbing me?"

"Noooo! But, if you work with me here, she's buying a lot."

"How am I helping?"

"Buddy from next door is coming in shortly to boost Mavis in the ego department. She thought Buddy was cute, so this might work. Fashion show with a strip club feel."

"Ooooie! Evil! Odette like!"

"I got you Odie!"

"Want me to close up for an hour?"

"Willing to do that?"

"I'll put up a sign saying Back in an hour. Emergency! No one can really see the runway back here."

"You Odie, are my new best friend." Piper flipped the girls beads. "Wait until I get Buddy in first so stand by."

"Gotcha! I owe you for my sister's Odessa and Ophelia."

"O... them!"


Mavis whips her curtain open and shyly steps out in her red flower dress, the skirt riding high on her hips but loosely fancy. "Piper? It fits!" She waltzed out turning in a 360. While Mavis checked herself out in the mirrors, Piper stepped back into the main aisle and lifted her dress right in front of Odette. Buddy outside spotted his cue and came on in. Odette fanning herself at Piper's boldness did recall her sisters talking about the Pep Coach. They weren't lying.

"What do you think of it Piper?" Mavis sought her out enquiring approval.

"Hot! How do you feel wearing it that short?"

"Honestly? Really sexy! I love my legs, it just worries me when and if I bent over. Good thing I'm wearing panties."

"Not for long." Piper razzed her as Mavis found Buddy walk up behind her.

"I couldn't agree more."

Seeing him in a mirror she bulged her eyes then turned to face Buddy. "Well, hello there Dwayne."

"It's Buddy. Can I be yours?"

"Hmmm? Someone set me up." A playful sneer toward Piper she found the blond pointing at herself going, "Who me?" Odette in response pointed at the door.

"I'll be locking up now."

"WHAT?" Mavis dropped her jaw as Buddy flipped a twenty dollar bill at her. Watching it flutter to her bare feet Mavis looked at it with awe.

"Plenty more where that came from Beautiful."

"Oh my God! PIPER!!!"

Panic, awe, and thrilled all at once, Mavis choked and attempted to draw her skirt further down as if overexposed. Close but not that close, her panties were still hidden, even if her cheeks in behind weren't. In the mirror Buddy saw her butt cheeks creeping out, but again not to the point of any panty shot. Another twenty flipped at her knees she tried to catch it laughing. "PIIIIIIIIIIIIPER!"

"Hey, you're the dancer... earn it Bitch!" Piper mused as Odette returned from locking the door. Wondering if she were allowed to watch Odette found Piper resting an elbow on the girls shoulder. "Thanks Odie! I'll make your night worth it."

"All good! This has been a dull ass week up until now. So, what exactly is the purpose of this?"

"She's going out of her way to embarrass me that's all." Mavis kept dodging bills flung at her every minute. "I'm sooo keeping this money if he's tipping me. I can take my kids to the water park."

"All yours! Give Buddy a show for his hard earned money."

"Show? I am not stripping." She danced about each time a twenty was pelted at her limbs.

"Stuff one in her panties Buddy." Piper whooped along with Odette, joining forces to make it seem more like an actual strip club. "Next stop... Cashanova!"

"Oh, Hell no!" Mavis laughed.

"Isn't that Hale No?"

"That too." She pointed at Buddy with a playful sneer. "Be gentle with me if I let you put a bill in my underwear?"

"Gentle as a flower on that gorgeous dress you're wearing." He winked. Folding a twenty in wait he motioned her to be daring. Whimpering at her desire to do it suddenly, she just lifted her skirt up on her left hip and shared her lacey white panties.

"Oh, we have got to graduate you to G-strings Mavis." Odette chuckled. "I'm even giving you a pair free of charge." A fist bump with Piper sealed the deal. Buddy did indeed slip his twenty into her panties and tugged it forward to leave it in the crease of her thighs. She trembled heavily with excitement at his flirty move.

"Find me a sexy pair I'll try it on with my next dress."

Odette took Piper by her hand and went into selection mode toward the left of the store. Leaving Mavis alone with Buddy she apologized, "I'm sooo sorry Piper drug you in here."

"I'm not! You're worth every twenty I pinch."

"That's very sweet of you, Buddy, but you don't have to compliment me when I know you don't mean it."

"That's where you're wrong... Mavis was it?" She nodded, "I had my eye on you the second you and Piper there pulled up. Love the braids!" That made Mavis tug on her hair and whip her left braid at him as if saying, "Bad boy!" This was turning out to be a fun evening. Maybe... she could go a bit further.

"Need a bra too?" Odette called out.

"I think I'll pass on that. I'm willing to try something new."

"SHE SAID NUDE!" Piper yelled laughing.

"I did not." Two more twenties at her feet Mavis paused him while Odette and Piper weren't looking. Taking a deep breath, she turned her back to Buddy and lifted her skirt to show him her entire ass shaking it about in a goofy manner. He reached out and tucked another bill into her butt crack. Tensing at his fingers tucking it and lightly caressing her upper crevice, she panted in short bursts. Her pussy was wet as Hale!

Returning with two selected G-strings Piper held them up. "One for the next dress, one for a third. By the time you get to the fourth you go without."

"What?" Mavis dropped her jaw then looked at Buddy who nodded with a hopeful glint. "Fine!" Stealing the underwear, she shuffled back into her changing room and drew the curtain closed. Buddy could see her feet below the curtain and knew when the dress hit the carpet, along with her cash. Once picked up and hung up, he viewed her dropping her white lace and stepping out of them. Silent whistle he felt his pecker increase in size. Royal blue G-string stepped into and pulled up over her muscular legs it was just a waiting game. Out of nowhere her bra dropped and was kicked aside. That made Piper move next to Buddy's side and rub up on his bicep to whisper.

"How much is it gonna take to get you naked by the time I get her naked?"

"Whoa! I dunno! Shirtless maybe."

"You said you would made your ass cheeks dance for an extra hundred."

"I was joking."

"Thousand if you get up on stage there with her after her fifth change."


"Buddy...." She looked forward and down at his erection. Patting it she repeated herself, "Buddy? She's got this big fella tipping her more than my cash, take my money and have some fun."

"I don't want to piss her off. Can I wait and see how she... opens up?"

"Yepper! Keep Lil Buddy here up."

"I don't see any reason for him to go down." He chuckled.

"That's the spirit, ManHandler!" She stepped aside just as Mavis unveiled her second dress, the blue one that matched her panties only darker in hue. Cleavage bustling she took a deep breath and stepped up on the short runway and did a short walk, followed by a 360 turn. It was then that all three whistled loudly at her, Odette even rising to the occasion.

Pinching her skirt Mavis hiked it up to her G-string and swayed from side to side. Moving to Buddy at the end of her stage she lifted her skirt up over her panties to see a gentle pudge of tummy. Buddy growled at her with another wink and tucked two twenties into her G-string, one to each side of her bikini arena. He saw a bit of hair tufting up over the G-string and even pinched it after the bills were in a satisfactory place. Yelping at his tug she swatted his hand but flipped her tongue out as her way of saying he should stay interested. Oh, Buddy Coleman was definitely not going anywhere.

"Shake those tits Bitch!" Piper howled. In response Mavis did just that, in her opened cleavage her right breast nearly fell out, but she chose to play shy and catch it. Stuffing it back in she pranced about and even bent over to touch her toes. Caressing her palms up over the length of her muscular legs she did a sideways turn at the torso and shot a flirty glance at Buddy.

"Approve of this dress?"

"Absolutely!" He whipped another twenty. In reaction she faced him and marched forward to crouch and point at her chest.

"The girls need tipped. I can't hog all the glory."

"Now you're living Mavis. Keep it up Econ Friendly." Economics! Buddy in turn tucked two twenties down between her tits and hooked the front of her dress tugging it out as if hoping for a better view. Lifting her eyes up to peer over her brows at him she bit her lower lip. Shocking even Piper, Mavis intentionally pulled her 40D's out for air and shook them at him, her nipples harder than his rocks. Just that swiftly however she stood up and turned away from him and wiggled back to her dressing room. Curtain closed!

"Daaaamn!" Buddy rubbed his palm over his unshaven cheek. Shaking off his luck he shot a glance at both Piper and Odette supporting one another side by side. Both women were looking at him with an "Mmmmhmmm!" expression. They knew he was hooked.

Smirking, Buddy stashed the remaining bills in his pants pocket long enough to take his polo shirt off and share his muscular physique. Even Piper panted. Odette? Bulging eyes! She wasn't really into white guys. Still, she did look.

In waiting on Mavis, he checked out her hidden striptease below the curtain's hemline. This time the dress and blue G-string vacated her body in favor of teal green G-string and a dress that resembled a Peacock's plumage. This dress had spaghetti string shoulder straps which meant massive cleavage. Time to strut! Out she walked and offered a hint of pride. She was coming to terms that maybe her body was alluring to other men. Still, after today she planned on losing her tummy paunch. She wanted to be even more appealing.

Tits bobbing with no bra she graced the stage without even noting shirtless Buddy until she stepped up and began her stroll. "Well now? Who's the stripper here?" She giggled.

"You lose something, he does." Piper showed Buddy her five credit cards. Odette playfully swiped one card saying, "Mine!" Piper simply hugged the girl from the side. "You just keep thinking that, Sweetie! I got you!"

Approaching Buddy, Mavis performed her 360 and again hiked up her Peacock dress to show him where his peacock should consider going. Her G-string so tight up between her butt crack it was as if she had nothing on. A thin amount of cottage cheese in her cheeks went away the second she knelt forward, those cheeks then becoming tight and ready to be spanked. Right up on Buddy, he did just that. One loud swat she yelped laughing and hurried away. At the curtain she pointed at him playfully and mouthed, "Behave!" Not on her life!

Closing herself in again she ditched the G-string and Peacock dress and tried on the leopard print, by far the shortest skirt yet her cheeks were 30% out without and coverage over her pussy. Snug everywhere, she ran her fingers over every inch to embrace the upcoming revelations. Breath held she whipped the curtain wide and glanced out at Buddy.

"OH MY GOD!" She held a hand over her mouth. Buddy Coleman was wearing only his briefs and socks, his briefs struggling to hide an impressive erection. Almost afraid to walk up to him she found her courage the second he made his pecs dance for her. Jaw drooping, she glared at Piper. "He can make his pecs do the lambada." Piper merely bowed to her Majesty the Viking Queen. Mavis Hale loved the bombshell blonde. It was blatantly obvious Buddy was more interested in Mavis than Piper. That was all she needed to see.

Hovering right over Buddy as he fluttered bills between her widened stance Mavis gradually lifted her skirt and snarled at him with a catlike hiss to respect her leopard. Her pussy right in front of his face he nodded and purred back at her. Hesitantly approaching her closer she let him nuzzle his nose in her fur, palming the back of his nearly bald scalp. Hands moving around her, Buddy clutched her butt simply sighing as he dropped his wad of cash as a final sacrifice. She looked away at Piper and Odette and shared an expression of, "I think I'm in love." Odette patted her own chest as if admiring her.

"You skipped ahead. I'm proud of you Ms. Hale." Mavis didn't make it to her fifth dress before losing her panties. No response in her as she embraced Buddy's hot exhales over her damp clit Mavis finally got a serious chill and drew gently from his grasp. He felt her loss immediately.

"I should... change." She sighed at Buddy sensing him feel rejection. Reaching out to palm his cheek she turned and wiggled away. At the curtain she paused and made a fateful decision. Leaving it open she undressed right in front of Buddy and the ladies. Piper seeing this puckered at Odette.

"I'm thinking we settle up. I'll buy her five dresses and let's you and I go search for five more."

"You're the Boss!" That she was!

Buddy seeing her disrobed completely stepped up on the stage from his end and stepped over her left behind cash. Moving to the platforms edge on her side, he stood there replacing her as the dancer. Swaying his hips with his hands on his head he winked down at her. Smiling at his determination Mavis didn't cover herself, instead walking over to the thin runway and looked up at him. He being as tall as she, he did tower a bit over her by being on stage. Right before her eyes he dropped his briefs and let his eight-inch beast say hello.

"Thank you." She whispered up at him. Poised to let her handle him Mavis froze. "I... want to... but...?"

"I understand. You're married! I see the ring."

"I've just never once cheated on my husband." Yet!

"For the record? I'm married too. Like you, I've never cheated, however... I'm at that stage. Paula and I... are seriously drifting apart. Mind if I at least...?" He knuckles his girth and starts jerking off. Smiling at him she shakes off her nerves and clutches her breasts tightly together and moves under his crown.

"I can at least show my appreciation."

"You sure?" He pumped his fist harder.

"I am."

Watching only his eyes not his cock she felt a warm wet cascade strike her tits. His fevered expression and guttural snarls made even her leopard print dress envious in the changing room. Their moment shared she sampled his cum from her fingertip and shared a yummy smile.

"You two done hissing at one another?" Piper returned holding five more dresses the same size as those she had tried on. "If so let's head next door."

"Next door?" Mavis withdrew, as Piper approached with a curious look.

"You on a diet?"

"Pardon?" She then watched Piper lean over her breasts and roll her tongue across her mounds to finish up Buddy's last few droplets.

"Good job, Buddy."

"Thanks!" He chuckled and pulled his briefs back up. Mavis shaking her head at Piper's insanity headed back into her dressing chamber and put on her regular pants and blouse. Gathering her dresses and G-strings and cash she leaves money for both Buddy and Odette to divvy up. Piper was agreeable!

Dresses bagged up and everyone ready to go Piper and Mavis both hugged Odette for her kindness. Breaking bank Odette told them both, "Not a peep out of me Peeps!"

"See you around Odette." Piper waved, "Drop by one of our games sometime."

"I so love your games, Counsellor."

"That's my girl."

Leaving Girdles Interrupted they loaded up Piper's SUV before venturing back into ManHandle with Buddy. Explaining their deal, Mavis grew giddy. Knowing David's sizes well she stocked up on dress shirts, ties, socks, belts, and a pair of Alligator boots. David Hale was going to be shocked. He was going to really love the skimpy nightie Piper had snuck into her girl's stash.