Starting from Scratch Ep. 147: HARD HATS


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Aaron done far faster than expected, the remaining hand lover who had yet to fuck her, brought her yellow bump cap back and put it on her for kicks. She laughed and said, "HARDER HAT! HARDER!" She got what she wished for. Condom yanked free of her cunt she found her helmet delivery man Wesley dragging her back out into the street. This time with the guys following to stand around them he took her to the asphalt and fucked her missionary. The foreman Dennis motioning everyone away, they left the two lovers to officially feel the freedom. A single car from the opposite direction drove through but hadn't even bothered to look. At this hour anyone driving was probably half asleep and struggling to just stay on the road.

Josie was a screamer, recommending every hardcore thrust he had to offer. In four minutes, she and he came together right out there on the street. It amazed all of them how dead traffic was but were definitely grateful for early dawn. The birds now joined the bees.

Exhausted the lovers lay there laughing and panting until an oncoming car was noticed. The crew whistled and told them to get up. Tortured by weakened limbs they helped one another up and limped back beyond the barrier just in time. Blocking her nudity all anyone could witness was Wesley's butt crack. Common amongst blue collar workers, right?

"Oh, my lord! I've never felt so alive." She giggled hugging one man after the other. "Thank you! All of you." She questioned the time noting the sun coming up and traffic building to a livelier expectation. Told 5:20 AM she sighed, "I have just enough time to go get donuts for my kids and grab a shower before work. My real job." She giggled.

"Bring us some." Charley chuckled, "Worked up an appetite."

"Speaking of work. We better get at it." The Dennis the foreman patted Josie on her bump cap. "Keep Ole' Yeller here for next time. Bring your work boots too. Might as well look like you're on the work force. I'll even give you a safety vest."

"And a shovel to hide behind." Quaille chuckled.

Laughter heartfelt, she hated to leave but in truth she really did need a shower after all that sweating, not to mention asphalt and jizz stickiness to her ass cheeks and inner thighs. Tempted to drive to Roman's and shower and get in another quicky she rethought her original plans. Roman would have to be dealt with later to keep him enthused. Instead, she just chose to get in her SUV and back out safely as directed. After an array of blown kisses, her departure led her back home. No donuts! Such a bad mother.

Sneaking in naked she found a t-shirt in the dirty laundry to wear upstairs in case Henry woke up. One of her girls was in the shower so that meant the other most likely getting dressed. Regardless of overlooking Dunkin' Donuts she was at least home when the family got out of bed to start their day. For the first time in a week, she could drive her kids to school. She was rather proud of herself. A sly entry into her bedroom, then her bath Josie ditched that t-shirt back into the hamper. Firing up her own shower the hot water felt wonderful. For Josie at least. Dakota squealed as her water competed and got ice cold. Cursing was heard.

Leaving Henry snoring away, oblivious to her treachery Josie still made it downstairs and dressed before Sable and Dakota made the trek down. As an alternative for those donuts, she even made pop tarts for the girls.

"You're home?" Sable bulged her eyes. "Wow! I guess I better text Travis to tell Kelly we have a ride."

"What's wrong with this picture?" Dakota cocked a suspicious brow.

"I felt like being Mom. Is that alright with you?"

"Sure!" Both twins expressed and looked at one another thinking as one. "Someone got stood up." Yes, that was true. It was Josie. Against her SUV, trucks, barricades. It stood to reason why she was yawning.

"Grab your tarts. Let's go." Almost 7:00! With Dakota riding shotgun she buckled up and noticed white cloth sticking from under the center consoles lid. Lifting it she removed Josie's sheer nightie. Josie frowning at her daughter's discovery swiped it and tossed it into the backseat. "Yes, I intended to wear it for Roman. Good lord!"

"Along with this?" Sable put on her mom's yellow bump cap. "In case you hit your head on the Coach's headboard?" Josie giggled at seeing her youngest wearing the cap.

"Nice combo mom." Dakota laughed. Ignoring their teasing Josie backed out of their driveway and headed for the street. Traffic busier now she passed through the road construction and smirked at her Road sCREW. The workers saw Sable and Dakota and waved, Sable still wearing the bump cap. They hesitantly waved back. Quaille even made a point to mention to Durbin that Josie's daughters looked just like her.

"Uhh? Mom?" Dakota winced, "They're wearing bump caps just like that one."

"They're common! Dime a dozen."

"Where did you get this one?" Sable took it off and looked it over. On the interior brim she found a name. "Who is Gavin Head?"

"What?" Josie bulged her eyes at Sable through the rearview mirror.

"Just kidding! It says Spare cap." Dakota busted up and reached over to her mother's steering wheel to honk the horn. Windows down she yelled, "HONK IF YOU'RE HORNY." Hargrove heard her and grinned.

"He's cute!"

"I like the skinny guy with the blue sunglasses and tan." Sable laughed. "Which one do you like best mom?"

"No comment." All of them!

Was that so hard?


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SZENSEISZENSEIabout 2 years agoAuthor

I agree Boby. I've actually considered a future version of Scratch as a third series. Not yet though. LOL! I've decided to increase the releases again until the end of August to help reach that birthday weekend faster. So, two a week from June until August 31st. then back to 5 stories in September, unless I manage to get even farther ahead. Of late, I've been writing episodes in the 370 and 380 range. Those are tentatively 3 weeks after the birthday weekend so you can only imagine how Sable and Dakota are whoring it up by then. Trust me Boby, those chapters are so hot you could fry an ovary. LOL! In that 380 area just picture this... COSTUME DAY at Horton-Dexter High. You just know those costumes will sizzle. I've already plotted out the 2nd. Costume Day to be even crazier. Then there's still a few PAJAMAS DAY'S between now and then. The ideas are endless. Also, in those episodes we learn just who is behind their school's being able to get away with murder. School's being more than one school. So, new Principals and teachers from neighboring high schools will be introduced. A crossover where Horton's teachers trade with teaching at other schools also fit into the fun. A hiring drive as Piper helps the older teachers retire and get replaced by newer younger steamier teachers. I can easily take this series to 500 and beyond. Only time will tell if I succeed.

Loving those 5-stars Boby. Thanks as ever!


DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 2 years ago

I also have been wondering when the world will be assaulted by two more whoring women and whether Nashville will survive the event, and then of course we have their university years to get through, mind you at this pace I don't think I shall survive that event. Then after education there comes career choices for them both, Dakota should inherit Josie's position in society e.g. as camp whore, whilst Sable will probably become the new Mimi. How about that Zen that should cover the next ten years, but what ever happens we can be sure it'll be 5 🌟

SZENSEISZENSEIabout 2 years agoAuthor

Saturday night while camping in their back yard. Their street sign says it all... Epicenter Court. LOL! EPIC ENTER! Let the tremors begin.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sure.. even though the wait is killing me.. so far the wait has been worth it...

Just one clarification of you could give..

Their birthdays is on Thursday but the party is on Saturday right?? Then when do they lose the virginities?? On their birthday or in party??

SZENSEISZENSEIabout 2 years agoAuthor

I know the days are long but just hang in there. With this many rich characters to cover it takes a lot of time to devote to each one. Like I've always said this series is like a SOAP OPERA. Time flows more slowly in Soaps. That birthday is a good year away still I'm sorry to admit, but if you're a devoted fan who loves these characters as much as I do, you can wait on your party invitation. LOL! Trust me it's worth the wait. The territory covered between now and then is insanely hot. Just have faith!


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