Starting from Scratch Ep. 164: VARSITY BLUES


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"That was so fucking cool." Kim hugged Piper from behind. "Bitch we got your back like there's no front."

"Definitely! You should go streaking more often."

"Only if you two skanks go streaking too."

"Whoa!" Annette took that idea harder than Kim.

"I'm in!"

"What classes were you two in before going fishing?"

"Home Bleeech! Edna is soooo boring. I wish she would retire." Not that it mattered, this was Kim's senior year.

"You mad at us? Josie wasn't when we..." Kim clamped her friend's mouth to shut her up.

"Come on! You know Josie and I are besties!" Piper frowned, "She's as bonkers as I am."

"I know that." Kim grinned, "Heard you made out with Josie's husband in the hallway. Brazen!"

"She knows!"

"Awesome! Yeah, we devoured that bitch in the gym."

"Didn't know that." Piper giggled, "I'm not surprised, and no one is in trouble for blabbing."

"Good! Reese would stomp on us."

"Reese Teller? Ohhh, that's right, Josie's jockstrap."

"He pretty much owns Josie, but you didn't hear that from us."

"Again, I'm good. Happy if my girl is happy! You have my word she won't be upset that I know."

"Good! We'd hate to see her reaction to what we know about you." Kim razzed her.

"As long as the secrets don't go where they shouldn't."

"Bitch you gotta trust us. We take care of our fun."

"So much fun." Annette points at Piper.

"Go to class! I'll tell Edna I pulled you two aside to talk about Drama Club."

"Drama Club? We still have one?"

"Yep! Marcella Drummond and Josie are going to run it. After I tell Josie that is." She laughed. "Go get your books from Edna's kitchen and tell her to look me up if she cares enough."

"Thanks Miss Cherry. Lick you later."

"We'll see."

Going! Going! Gone!


"Hey Sable!"

"Are you certain?" She giggled as she walked between classes having missed all the fun with Piper and her taste testers, more patience testers. "Hi Custer!"

"I know that winnin' smile anywhere." Custer Martini chuckled now that her braces were removed. "How's the cheerleadin' comin' along?" His hillbilly roots were showing verbally.

"Still clumsy. They want me to become the top of the pyramid because I'm only 100 pounds wet. Well, 105! You hush."

"Only a hundred pounds?" He goofily flexed his upper body, "I bet I could lift you up over my head easy."

"Please don't!" She giggled then paused to consider it. She did have a minor crush on Custer. One of many crushes she kept to herself.

"Still seein' Travis?"

"Yes!" She seemed reluctant to say her mind was open to others but feared hurting Travis after telling him he could take her virginity on Saturday after their birthday party. She just couldn't crush him. Afterwards she might reconsider.

"I hear your birthday's comin' up."

"After midnight actually." She beamed her beautiful new smile, "I can't wait."

"Bet! Mine was last month. Adult no consult!" He mused. "My kin don't bark orders no more; I do what I want now. After my chores are done that is."

"My parents are... relaxed too. They used to be all up on us if we did something they didn't approve of. The last month they've... given up I think." Mainly because the girls knew waaaay too much about their parents for them to judge the girls harshly. That and her sister Dakota had somehow managed to wear their father down by putting him in tough spots. Over the top as of last night. Bad daddy!


"You know what? Can I ask you a question?"

"All ears!"

"Do you think I'm still shy these days?"

"You were shy?" He chuckled, "Ain't seen no rosy cheeks in a spell."

"I'm trying really hard to overcome my shyness. It still slips in, but I really want to be more outgoing like my sister." That meant batting her eyes at him. Telltale sign she had an open mind if he ever saw one.

"I hear she let..." He pauses at his locker forcing her to join him.


"Heard Angus Furlong's been gettin' her naked. Also heard you know, so I reckon I'm not blabbin' no sisterly secrets."

"Oh! Yeah, she's... probably going way too far." So was Sable. Only a few cheerleaders knew. Certainly not Angus Furlong! Definitely not Travis Herbert. She found it thrilling to blindside her boyfriend. Dakota's boyfriend too. Doing things right in front of Trav was such a turn on.

"Yet you wanna be more like her?"

"Kinda!" Totally! She did blush looking into his dreamy brown eyes. "I'm not sure about going as far as she's going but... somewhere in between." Ask her again after Saturday.

"Why you tellin' me this?" He chuckled feigning his own blush. "Got your eye on me pretty Miss McKellen?"

"What? No! I mean... if I weren't with Travis..." She explored his eyes, "...I might consider letting you lift me over your head. You think I'm pretty?"

"Which one?" He stepped closer as if being secretive. "Nope! Gorgeous maybe."

"Stop that." She giggled chest touching chest. A brief pause she had to ask, "Do you like me?"

"Figure out your Trav plan and ask me that again." He dared to whisper it into her ear. It gave her goosebumps. "Best get to class before y'all are late."

Eyes like saucers Sable turned away and took four steps before turning back. "One more question. If you had to choose me or my sister based on who we are now... which would you pick?"

"Am I talkin' to Dakota?"

"Would you know the difference if I didn't tell you?"

"Side by side? She'd prolly be flashin' me her tits. You might maybe show me a belly button." He smirked.

"Grrrr!" She would if she could if not for what she was wearing. Sighing she turned and wiggled away. He was right, she was going to have to try harder. Even with what Sable had let Angus Furlong do to her while thinking she was Dakota; she was not as bold as Dakota beyond those few incidents. Their switcheroo's made it easy but being herself, she had to be careful due to Travis. Dakota seemed to be dead set on being more wanted than their mother. No way was Dakota going to let her mom see more action than she was getting. Once her virginity was taken... LOOK OUT HORTON-DEXTER! Sable pondered those facts. Soon, things would change. Sooner than even, she predicted.

"Custer makes a plain white t-shirt so sexy!"

White flag, she surrendered to fantasizing about him for the remainder of the day.


Piper having wet wiped her messy snatch pulled her brain together and kept her blue dress on. She got off lucky earlier, but it was obvious the students were tormenting her into bad behavior. Not that she didn't like doing it, but a trigger was going to be pulled if she got caught by the wrong people. Carl and Bolger would protect her, most of the faculty that she had made friends with had her feeling safe too.

The students just felt unpredictable. She wasn't completely naïve; Piper knew they shared information amongst one another but thus far none of the younger students had spoken up if they had heard or witnessed her antics. With every stunt she had gotten away with at this point it was shocking. The Marquette football game last Friday alone should have created havoc for both schools. Scissoring Maya Trinidad surrounded by both the Swallows and the Badgerls should have killed their futures. Nope! Not even the orgy after the game on the playing field. Good times! "How are we getting away with all of this?" Good question!

Passing by Custer Martini she spotted Sable McKellen walking away from him, at least she thought it was Sable, hard telling these days. While he finished up grabbing his next book from his locker, she noted something that Sable hadn't. "Hold up Cavalry Boy!" She grabbed his door as he began to close shop.

"What I do now? Detention again?" He chuckled. After Roger Dundee had insisted, he fuck Piper two days back and his nailing her in the principal's office while she blindly massaged Danny Baltimore, he found her ready to pounce.

"Only if you want to join us." She winked. "What's this I see taped on the inside of your locker?" She nudges him aside to open the door wider to examine what she thought caught her eye. "Mmmm! A mini poster of me. Nolan and Percy came through and didn't tell me?"

"Bigger one over my bed hangin' on the ceilin'." He grinned glancing down at her legs, "Diggin' the fishnet stockin's."

"Thanks! Hoping I come and fluttering down on top of you while you're snoring? I do make a good blanket." She teased him with an elbow. "You and Baltimore patch things up?"

"Sure did! He ain't so bad. Helped jumpstart by beater mobile. I reckon you already knew that, Miss Yellowjacket!" Her yellow leggings worn that day in her office. The ones Custer had down to her thighs while he fucked her slowly from behind while Danny Baltimore had no clue.

"I guess I did. Good for you. I just wanted to confirm my suspicion. You and... was that Dakota or Sable?"

"Sable near as I can tell." He grinned.

"You two...? You did mention you had a crush on her."

"Naaa! Just friendly flirtin'. She's hog wild over Travis Herbert still, ain't budgin'."

"Travis is a good kid but we both know they won't last. Like I told you before if you like Sable just be patient."

"You regret me fuckin' you?" He blatantly asked.

"Nope! Neither time. Never will." She gripped his dick then walked off. Smiling Custer Martini just knew he wouldn't tell her no. Not even if Sable... nope never!

Whistles galore in her strut down the hallway Piper made it to the gymnasium. With classes just filling the students were still changing in the locker room. Only Coach Ruth Dunbar and recent trainee Jin Zellers sat on the bleachers talking. Seeing Piper walking their way, her tits dancing uncontrollably Jin grit her teeth. Ruth patted the girl's leg, "You get used to it. Force of nature!"

"I believe that. She's so..."

"Hot? I hear those heat signatures fifty times a fuckin' day."

"Not what I was going for... I meant... I don't know... inspirational."

"Manley have your vision checked before he hired you?" Ruth narrowed her eyes. "You start dressing like that I'll tell Manley I rethought my retirement."

"Oh, I could never pull off fishnet." She chuckled. Of course, she could. "No dresses during coaching hours either. Have some faith in me. I'm the sexy sporty tomboy nerd type"

"Twisted combo there. I do Kid. I do! It's going to be good having a volleyball team again. The girls need more participation sports."

"I totally agree. Girls' basketball might be on my schedule if allowed. Budget and all!"

"If the Guppy there can pay to hire you, she can cover the sports financials. You and the new guy can shoot free throws to see who coaches the girls."

"When does he start? I don't even know his name."

"Tony something. Ask the Counsellor there, she's probably got him dribbling already."

"You're so bad." Jin nudged her shoulder against Ruth. The elder merely hissed. "Hey Piper!"

"How's our new K-Pop Girl?" Piper stops cold in front of them, her tits deciding to slow up afterwards.

"She'll be fine! She holds her own against my attitude so I'm certain she can handle the ladies." That made Piper palm her breasts. "Not those ladies! For crying out loud Blondie get a grip."

"Isn't that what I'm doing?" Piper flared her eyes seeking a confirmation.

"I was just telling Ruth I find you inspirational."

"Me? Inspirational? Tell me more."

"What's with the nets? Just climb off the Tuna Boat?" Ruth interrupted frowning at Piper's body suit. "Better sit your ass down or Crandell's boys are going to mistake you for the hoop."

"So brazen." Jin bubbled up as Piper carefully stepped over the first row of bleachers in her heels and took a seat beside Jin. Once settled the first bunch of PE students began arriving from the locker room.

"That's what your sister said earlier. Is she taking after your vocab?" Piper eyed the male students, this being Ruth's off hour with the girls. The two Coaches rotated the floor off and on throughout the week. Laying back on her elbows Piper relaxed.

"Kim says that all the time. I'm not sure which of us started saying that first. Honestly I think our mom came up with it."

"Yeah? Well, that's me... brazen as hell and inspirational it seems."

"I just find your outtake on life refreshing. Scary at times, I do worry for you. Oh! What's the new boy's coach's name?" Awaiting an answer Jin noticed Senior boys dribbling basketballs right in front of them at a distance. Blushing slightly the Korean beauty realized Piper had her legs parted and the boys were looking right up beneath her short blue dress. Leaning into Piper, Jin had to ask via a whisper. "Are you... wearing underwear?" A frown and a stare without blinking answered that question. "Yup! Brazen! His name is Tony Gunther."

Jin had to settle back on her own elbows. Wearing tight black gym shorts and a snug white t-shirt that alluded to a white bra beneath Jin sighed. "Maybe I should wear that Swallows shirt you gave me at the game?"

"Tony would love that. G-string too, or not!" Piper winked.

"Give me a week or two to feel out the crime scene." She giggled. "Maybe once Ruth is gone."

Ruth feeling ignored patted her recruit on the leg and told her, "I'm going to go burn one. A cigarette, not my bra." Jin had a good laugh at the chemistry they all had.

"I think this is home."

"Welcome home Jin Jin."

"Ummm? There's eight boys looking up your skirt."

"If you build it, they will cum." She told Jin without looking at her, her stare right at the congregating seniors, mostly the geek squad Ebonn Craig had leadership over. She knew her Seniors pretty well and every one of those boys were right up her alley. Looking up it too!

"Isn't that a baseball quote from some Costner movie? Build what?"

"Anticipation. Ball diamonds are a girl's best friend." She took a momentary glance to wink at Jin.

"You want them to look don't you?"

"Problem with that New Girl?"

"No. I think some of them are looking at me though."

"You wish!" Piper giggled playfully and palmed Jin turning the girl's cheek then spread her legs wider. Jin caught on to that and laughed.

"Do they all have to be looking at you?"

"Wear what I'm wearing you might keep up, K-Pop."

"Ohhh! Challenging me, are you?"

"Inspirationing!" Piper pondered her vocabulary with a wince, "Is that a word?"

"I don't think it is." Jin laughed. "Okay! Miss Inspirational, I'll bite." Setting up straight Jin untucked her white t-shirt and lifted the back to unfasten her bra. A stealthy arm removal as if wearing a strait jacket, she pulled her bra out from under the shirt and draped it over Piper's lap. Tucking her shirt back in tightly her 36C chest shared vibrant nipple hard on. "Better?" Jin being a stripper at Cashanova a few days a week she certainly wasn't shy. Just careful. This was her dream job after all. Losing it day one would break her heart.

"It's a start." Eleven boys stood together in awe of Jin's additional boldness.

"Okay, I'm out!" Piper snatched up Jin's bra and climbed down from the bleachers. If her sister could be a dress thief, Piper could be a bra thief.

"HEY! I MIGHT NEED..." The lust in the boys' eyes halted her demand, "I'm coming after it later."

"I'll give it to Kim."


Tiring of sitting Coach Jin Zellers stepped out on to the court and took a basketball from a wheezing nerd. "Hey! That was mine!"

"Come get it. Unless you're afraid of a girl." She razzed him. Bad move!

They stood guard over her pores as she used her ass to push back her pursuers, right up on their junk. Swarming her into a vanishing act, basketball held high over her head at arm's length, both arms, they pressed right up on her body. Smothered and feeling body heat, amongst growth hormones she smirked. Piper was right. If you build it... in this case a fort...

Yep! They did come as promised. Nerd Herders did the grunt work, Jin did the brunt work. Home indeed! She did keep hold of the ball and nobody tried to claim it. The ball that is.


Team Playas!

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SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 2 years agoAuthor

And I'll raise that par. LOL!

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