Stealer of Souls

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Beat down leads to soul stealing.
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This is my first story in the "Mind Controlled" category. To be clear this is a work of fiction. All sex acts are with participants 18 or older. Comments, good and bad, are always welcomed. Future stories of our main character's conquests will be shared depending on favorable feedback. I hope you enjoy.

It was hard to believe that I am in my bedroom looking down at a back, moist with sweat, of my neighbor Amy, a 36 year old mother of three, as she moaned and grunted as I fucked her doggy style. It was amazing watching her ass ripple as I plowed her from the back. The muscles in her neck were straining as she looked back at me with those eyes begging me to fuck her harder. She started stuttering, "Oh fuck, oh fuck I am going to come." I kept up my steady pace and continued to fuck her through her orgasm. Thank god for the little blue pill. She collapsed flat on the bed as her orgasm drained control of her legs but I never lost contact and fucked her through another climax before I emptied my load into her very wet and now full vagina. She laid there with her legs apart as I watched her thighs and butt quiver and my semen drain onto my sheets.

"Amy, turn over on your back and spread your legs for me." She complied immediately. I just looked at my most recent convert noticing her strong tanned legs going up to be separated by a stripe of white flesh from her bikini I had seen her wear by her pool. She was fairly flat, but her nipples were extended like small bullets from her chest and during our mating were quite sensitive to being played with. Her short blonde hair framed her cute face. She wasn't a beauty but what she lacked in beauty she made up in a very healthy, athletic look that I particularly like in a woman.

What was even more amazing is I just met her less than a half hour ago when she came over to give me and my companions, Becky and Zoe who I suspect she thought were my wife and daughter, some fresh cookies as a house warming gift. Little did she know what she walked into? You see I have the power to take over a person's soul. Not hypnotize them but actually take total control of them with just a look and a touch.

As I walked out into the living room naked after my love making session with Amy I see Becky the older of the two at 39, who I call Woman and Zoe who I call girl due to she is just 19 years of age. I ordered them to strip which only took about 2 seconds because they are only allowed to wear short sundresses and nothing else. Needless to say they are also converts and will do anything I ask of them. I then said, "Woman go and cleanup Amy for me. She is waiting for you." I then sat down in my favorite chair and said, "Girl on your knees and crawl over here and clean my cock." Zoe immediately did as ordered.

As Zoe was doing her chore I could hear Amy having another orgasm and then begging Becky to stop because she was too sensitive. Zoe had me hard again and I was just enjoying the sensation as Amy fully dressed and Becky naked came out from the bedroom. Amy looked surprised to see Zoe on her knees blowing me. She looked at me and stated, "I thought she was your daughter."

I replied, "No, she is one of my subjects same as you are now." I then told Zoe to stop. She looked up at me with pleading eyes as I patted her on her head. I then looked at Amy and said, "Come here and finish what Zoe has started." Amy went to her knees next to Zoe and proceeded to blow me until I pulled out and came across her face. My first blast hit her directly between the eyes. I then said to Zoe, "Clean her up." I then watched as the two women shared my essence. After that I was spent and told Amy to go home to her hubby and kids. She left without a word knowing that she would return when I demanded her presence.

I need to explain my powers and how they came to be part of who I am. The one thing I failed to mention above is I am a 70 year old Asian/American male. Most people see me as in my early 50s at the oldest. I am 6'4" and weigh about 210 pounds so I am in very good shape. I run, workout, eat right and get regular checkups. I do this for two reasons the first being I like feeling good and the second is I love sex with healthy athletic woman.

Let us get back to the story of where and how my power originated. It is fairly long story but the best place to start is at the beginning. My father was in the Army during World War II in the Pacific theater and ended up being part of the occupation in Japan after the war. My Dad was always a fighter and actually was a CC Camp boxing champion before entering the service. He was intrigued with Japanese karate so joined a Dojo specializing in the Shotokan style. He wasn't really welcomed but they had no choice but to take him. The sensei enjoyed beating up my father but eventually he developed a respect for him and his willingness to learn the style. After a few years my father ended up with his black belt and married the sensei's daughter, my mother.

I was born in Japan but shortly thereafter my father retired from the military and took a position with a firm in Southern California that dealt closely with Japan. He spoke fluid Japanese as did I. I also took up karate and boxing from my father as he was a firm believer that a person had to know how to defend themselves and their families. His job required my father to travel back and forth to Japan. My mom and I would go with him time to time to see my grandparents and a few cousins.

When I was 14 my mother passed away due to breast cancer and my father was devastated. He went through a tough time and eventually lost his job. He ended up meeting a woman in AA as both were recovering alcoholics. They ended up getting married when I was 16. She had a daughter who was a half year younger than me. Dad had a hard time finding a good job; he always worked but wasn't making the living he once was. He got a big opportunity with a defense contractor but the big drawback was we would have to move to central Florida. Dad would be travelling a lot between the East and West coasts.

We arrived in Florida right before the start of my senior year in High School. I just turned 17 and my step sister was 16 and half starting her junior year. She was really upset about the move as she was one of the most popular girls in her school. I really didn't care as I was more of the athletic nerd type and stayed mainly to myself. The school was big and crowded being in the late 1960s and the big boom of the time. The other issue was the school was still not integrated and I was one of the few minority students. On the second day of school as I was changing class bumping into people in the halls and this big kid with a letter jacket on pushed me from behind and said, "Hey Jap you bumped my girlfriend, apologize." I actually looked more white than Japanese except for the tell tale almond shaped eyes. He was my height but probably had 40 pounds on me as I was only about 175 pounds at the time.

I looked at him and then at his girlfriend who was quite beautiful and said to her, "I am sorry." The guy wouldn't let it go.

A crowd had developed and he was being egged on by a few of his friends so he said, "That is not good enough, bow like the Jap you are when you say it."

I just said, "I apologized. I am not going to bow."

"Bow or I will kick your ass you slant eyed freak."

People started chanting, "Bow, bow, bow." Others were shouting, "Kick his ass."

I just stood there waiting for him to react. He did exactly what I thought he would do faking one way and then tried to hit me. I ducked and hit him in the solar plexus as he doubled over I hit him again with a cross and he went down. As he went down he hit his head on the concrete and was knocked out. Everything went silent; you could hear a pin drop. Teachers ran in and they called an ambulance. It turned out he was okay with a slight concussion. He was more embarrassed being knocked out by a skinny Jap kid. My father was called and I was sent to the principal office. After a few witness statements I was let off with a warning. The guy in question was Drake and had a history of bullying new kids. He was also from an old Southern family that were land rich but socially a bunch of bigots.

Drake's family was not happy with what happened. Drake was already 18 as he was held back a grade; he also had a 21 year old brother and a 16 year old brother. They were all big guys and we came to find out later the Dad told his boys they needed payback against me. About two weeks later I was leaving school when a Chevy SS 396 cut me off and Drake and his two brothers jumped out and came at me. I got a couple of good licks in but there were too many and they were too big. I was hit in the back of the head with something, come to find out it was a black jack, and went unconscious. Witnesses said they continued to beat me. They were kicking me in the head, ribs and abdomen over and over. They even kicked me in the groin numerous times. Eventually some adults drove by seeing what was happening and stopped them from killing me.

Needless to say I ended up in the hospital with a severe concussion, broken ribs, ruptured spleen and a ruptured testicle. I was put into a medical coma and stayed in it for four months. After I came to I needed to learn how to talk, go to the bathroom and walk all over again. I was in rehab after that up to the start of the next school year. Even then I had issues with short term memory; I had to walk with a cane and had constant severe headaches. I was a mess.

Drake and his older brother were sent to jail for up to three years and the younger one got a year in juvy. We sued the family and eventually won a major settlement that has managed to keep me in an upper level of a standard of living. My step sister turned my beat down into becoming very popular at school and we were now both seniors together. She was a cheerleader and a home coming princess.

I worked hard in getting back into shape and before Christmas break was without the cane. I also, with therapy, was getting my cognitive skills back and again doing well in school but the headaches persisted and at times were very debilitating. My Dad had made a makeshift Dojo in our garage and I started my training back up and was working my way to my black belt. I planned to return to Japan after school was out and test for it at my Grandfather's dojo. Things were good except the headaches.

I was having one of my bad days. My head was killing me. I had stayed home from school due to the headache and was home with Kathy, my Step mother. Kathy had quit her job to help look after me during my rehab. She was wearing a housedress that was loose fitting but even with no makeup she was a beautiful woman who I had fantasized over many a night. Kathy was 5'7" and around 125 pounds with short brown hair, B cup breasts and legs and an ass to die for. I had a major crush on my step mother.

I was on the couch wanting to go to my bed and I asked Kathy to help me up. She reached out to me with both hands which I grabbed and as she was helping me up I could see she had no bra on as the loose fitting dress fell open and I could see her breasts swaying with puffy brown nipples clearly on display. She noticed me staring and looked me directly in the eye and then froze. I was about halfway up. How she was holding me I couldn't explain. All of sudden I realized my headache was gone. I stood up the rest of the way on my own looked at Kathy, who appeared to be in a trance like state. "Kathy, you ok?" No response. I looked right at her and said, "Kathy, wake up."

She blinked a few times and said, "How may I serve you, master?"

I was surprised by this and asked her, "Why are you calling me master?"

"You have entered and taken my soul. If you own my soul you own me therefore you are my master."

I didn't know what to do. I thought about it for a few minutes and then said to Kathy, "I need you to act normally when anyone else is present. Do you understand?"

"Yes I understand," Was her response. Right about then my step sister Katy came home and I looked at Kathy and she just smiled at her daughter like she normally did and everything seemed normal.

In my mind I was thinking what the fuck just happened. I thought about it and realized my headache was gone and everything appeared crystal clear to me. I also felt great physically better than I had since the beat down. I had released something when I made contact with as Kathy called it her soul. Thinking back on that I realized it happened when we touched both hands and made eye contact. I then had the idea to try it out on Katy and went to her room. She was still in her cheer outfit and looked cute as could be. She was almost identical to her mother in all departments. I just asked her to stand up and put out both hands. She got up looked at me kind of funny but did as I asked. I grabbed both hands and said look at me and immediately she went into the same trance like state as her mother.

I gave her the same instructions about acting normally around others. Being an 18 year old male with a beautiful girl who just turned 18 under my control I had to test it out and see what I could do. I looked at Katy and asked, "Katy you belong to me, I am your master. As your master I am ordering you to hand me your cheer panties." She immediately reached under her skirt and removed her panties and handed them to me. I then said, "Lift your skirt and show me they are off." She again did as I asked and I saw my first adult pussy up close and personal. I was totally flustered and walked to my room to beat off. I didn't come out until I heard my dad come home.

I went downstairs when called to dinner not sure what would happen when Kathy and Katy saw me. I was scared shitless to be honest. I needed not to worry both girls acted as nothing had happened, I guess my instructions worked. After we ate Katy and I cleaned up and then joined our parents in the den for some TV. Everything appeared normal.

Dad announced he had to fly to California next week and would be gone until the following Saturday. All kind of things went through my mind. I would be home with two beautiful women who called me Master. I told them I was tired and excused myself to my room to plan out what to do the following week.

The next day was Friday and I was feeling great so I went to school. I couldn't help but check out all the girls and even a few teachers as potential subjects. My mind was going crazy with all the possibilities. I reserved myself to the fact I needed some more information and even practice to understand this power before I went out and did something that could lead to another beat down. Unfortunately these were the days before internet so had to go to the library to research mind control and didn't find too much information but I did find one interesting story about a clan in Japan that back in the 5th century were hunted down and killed due the belief they had the power to steal a person's soul. It was considered a myth that parents told kids to keep them from touching strangers. I will have to see if my grandparents are aware of this myth.

Saturday and Sunday was like any other weekend with my family. Katy went out both nights with her boyfriend Travis who was the school's quarterback and the star player on the basketball team. I as usual stayed home and watched TV with the folks. My step mom was turning 40 soon and my dad was 53. He fell asleep the first night on the couch and I looked at Kathy and she went into her trance like state. I was to afraid to do or say anything with my Dad sleeping on the couch she soon came out of it when Dad woke up and said lets go to bed Kathy.

Saturday night the folks went out and I was home by myself and came up with a mantra for when I put someone in a trance and it went something like this:

"I own your soul, as the owner of your soul you now belong to me. You will follow all my instructions. You will do so without regret, remorse and or guilt. When you are with me you will lose all inhibitions. By obeying me you will receive great pleasure. The more pleasure you provide me the more pleasure you will receive. I am your master and you will address me as master when we are alone or with other known subjects. You are never to share what you have done under my control. Do you understand?"

I actually wrote these on a card so I wouldn't forget and couldn't wait to try them out on either Kathy or Katy once Dad left on his business trip.

Monday finally arrived and Dad left early for the airport and was off to California for the week. I heard Katy getting up getting ready for school. Kathy knocked and said, "It's time to get up and moving."

I decided to put my plan into action and responded, "My head really hurts can I stay home today?"

Kathy waited a few seconds to answer but asked, "Are you sure? You have already missed a lot of school this year."

"Please just let me sleep a little longer maybe I will go in a little later."

Kathy replied, "Okay I will check on you after Katy leaves for school." Step one of my plan is complete.

I did fall back to sleep and was awakened by Kathy shaking my shoulder. She was wearing sweatpants and sweatshirt with no makeup. I immediately made eye contact and watched her enter her trance like state.

I went through the mantra I made up and at the end she agreed by saying, "Yes Master I am yours."

I had a raging hard on under the sheets as I looked at her awaiting my instructions. I finally got myself under control and said, "Kathy remove all your clothes, go to your room shower, shave and put on your makeup, fix your hair and dress in your sexiest lingerie. When done return to me."

I watched her strip, seeing her naked for the first time was quite a thrill. She turned to leave and I watched her sway her beautiful ass and turned to go to her room. It took all my will power not to jerk off right then.

I laid there listening to the shower running thinking of what to do when she returned. I knew about blowjobs, eating pussy and fucking but I was a virgin at the time and really had no experience with women. I decided to order her to show me and teach me about sex. All kind of perverse ideas were running through my head when she returned.

She looked beautiful in a short black teddy that barely covered her ass and highlighted her breasts showing a lot of cleavage. She was wearing 4" CFMPs which accentuated her muscular calves. She looked at me and said, "Master, I have done as you ordered. Are you pleased?"

"Yes I am very pleased." I could see her shiver when I said it. I guess my mantra was working she was receiving pleasure by pleasing me. I then removed my covers and being naked I sat on the edge of the bed with my erection pointing straight up and said to her, "Please me as you would please my father."

She moved toward me bent down on her knees between my thighs. I was holding my breath as she reached out and gently started to stroke my cock. I let out a sharp gasp as she did this. She made eye contact with me then lowered her head and kissed my cock and ball. I was in heaven. She then engulfed my cock with her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down. I shot my load in about 30 seconds and as I orgasm so did she. Again my mantra was working.

She continues to blow me and being a horny teenager was soon hard again. Kathy then pushed me back on the bed crawled on top of me and then guided my hard cock into her pussy and I was a virgin no more.

We spent the next three hours in my bed with her teaching me everything I needed to know about pleasing a woman. She taught me how to eat pussy, play with a woman's breasts and other erogenous zones. We also fucked in all kind of different positions. When we were done we were a sticky mess so we showered together and we finished off our morning fuck session with her on her knees blowing me as the water cascaded off our bodies.