Steampunk Harlots Ch. 02


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The three women let the awkward silence sit for a while. Liddy stifled a comment about how it could have been worse if Mari had taken him to bed instead.

"How did he not recognise you, Hannah?" Liddy elected to ask instead.

Hannah looked at Liddy and then to Mari. "Remember that time we got drunk and went to get your head shaved?"

"Oh, damn." Mari facepalmed herself. "When you passed out and they shaved yours."

Hannah levelled a glare at Mari "Yes they did. And you still owe me for that." Then she looked to Liddy. "They asked how much I wanted to have cut, I thought they said to keep, I told them all of it."

Liddy gasped. "Oh, no!"

"So yeah, it was a week later, so I guess he just expected me to have a shaved head, and with things being so out of context, he just didn't notice me or Mari. Besides, Mari was a blonde with smaller tits when she left home. If anyone reminded him of anything, it would be you looking like..."

"My mum. Almost thought you were when we first met, but that's another story. Some other time." Mari stated before she went down the boarding ramp.

"Well. Either way, it's good that he didn't recognise either of you. Now let's put this from our minds and get to work."

The trip to the stadium was easy, given it was the main point of entertainment for the city. Their papers got them through the doors to the private boxes. They were happy they could do so without having to avail themselves to the guards. Hannah and Mari had to do that frequently to sneak into events back home. Finding the specific private box, the girls got inside and were greeted to a massive lounge with the walls and floor entirely made out of glass. Hannah looked down and wondered who would be looking up her dress, but quickly saw that any viewers would be, sadly, too distant.

"Okay, meet and greet, seduce, and bring back to the ship. If they don't like leaving, blame the law and shrug. Let's go," Liddy commanded.

They split up to find their marks. Hannah went to the bar for a drink while Mari went to the window, so she could get a good view while her breasts pressed on the glass. Liddy looked for the most comfortable seat, and found an expensive suit sitting with a pair of bored women under his arms.

"It's a shame such fine seats don't arouse proper interest." Liddy let the subtly emphasised word hang. "Would there be a seat for me?"

The man concealed a look of surprise but not quite so with his smile. "Indeed there is." He gave a stern look to the woman under his left arm who took the hint and left.

She let an icy glare fly at Liddy as she walked past and tried to shoulder bump her. Liddy, seeing the move coming, balanced herself and threw her weight at the right moment to knock the spoiled debutante to her ass. Carrying on with the movement, Liddy took her seat and offered a polite apologetic look to the woman trying to get back up in her ridiculous dress.

"So terribly sorry. I should really watch where I'm going." Liddy apologised to her mark so he would feel her concerns lay only in what he thought.

"My lady, I say you should think nothing of it." He smiled back. "I'm Lord Frederik. A pleasure."

"Captain Liddy. Truly the pleasure is mine. I believe I passed your estate on the way here. It was impressive as I had been lead to believe," Liddy bullshitted.

Anyone rich enough to be called Lord would certainly have the finest estates and most visibly placed to remind everyone who they were.

"Well, then I am glad you found it so pleasing. What brings you to my fair city?"

Liddy slid in closer, putting one leg over his as though preparing to crawl onto his lap. "In search of fun and money, as one invariably leads to the other."

"Oh, I suspect you may then only be after my money, is it?" He stated disappointing Liddy with his grammar.

"Well, I thought you would provide me with both. One and then the other."

"Direct and beautiful. I think I might like you, my dear Captain Liddy. Had my duelist not just been announced as the next contender I would be happy to... fill your wallet." His pun made Liddy want to cringe, and she could see the other woman roll her eyes.

"I am in no rush to take us anywhere from these comfortable seats. Let us enjoy the bout down there before having our own in my arena."

"On your ship?"

"Indeed, where these matters are legal, and most importantly, discreet."

The other woman, who Liddy had figured been working her own angle before she arrived, felt the need to speak up. "Oh really? Why waste time with a whore like her when you have a thoroughbred champion of your own to mount."

Liddy, despite having just been called a whore, was quietly impressed at the enticing, if somewhat vulgar, proposition. The Lord mistook her impressed look with an offended one.

"Because Ving, she is only looking to gain money and offers an honest bargain wrapped in a clever seduction. Every time I've 'mounted' you, I end up with surprise repair bills and one less ship," he retorted.

Liddy examined her rival. A rounder and fuller yet a quite feminine figure wrapped in a tightly bound corset, pushing her breasts to the limit. Her green locks of hair falling over them and framing her heart shaped face. A short brown leather jacket and black leather pants finished with high heavy boots almost like Mari's except brown to match the jacket. Dangling from her ears were a fine simple set of...

"You!" Liddy shouted. "You are the one who cut me off at the docks!" Her mark forgotten, Liddy's blood was up. "I had to pay for damages and deal with a very unpleasant dockmaster," she seethed, bringing her voice down to a level tone.

"You were in my way. I can't help it if you can't fly well enough to avoid hitting other ships," Ving scoffed.

"Ladies." Lord Frederick interrupted before anything got violent. "We typically settle these kinds of disputes with a wager."

"What kind of wager?" Liddy asked, trying to recover and show that the Lord's attention was always more important than her own problems.

"Well, the next bout is a close match. Bet something on that to settle the matter. Win or lose, at least it's settled officially," he explained calling over a game-wager official.

"Fine," Ving agreed. "We bet the fine and docking fees."

"I haven't anything left to bet because of the fine. I only have my ship, and it is worth more than those fees."

"Then I bet my ship," Ving countered.

"That small thing?"

"That was one of the Lord's racers. I mean my personal ship. Smaller than the junker you sail in, but worth more I bet."

"Deal!" Liddy blurted out, before realising what she had just committed herself to.

Lord Frederik could feel her tremble as she tried to maintain her glare. "Who will you wager on Ving?"

"Your champion, of course!" she replied, assured of herself.

The official signed off on the betting slip and the match quickly begun, leaving Liddy intently focused on the arena below. As the fight was about to begin, the champion gave a bow and the announcer declared a forfeit.

"What?!" Ving shouted, leaping out of her seat. "You can't do that!"

"My dear this is the qualifying match-ups. He has nothing to lose by this. So I gave him the signal. We do this all the time to fix the match-ups for drama. You know this."

"You threw the bet to her! It must be void!"

"Also incorrect. If we cancelled every bet because we interfered, nobody would ever win anything. Your ship belongs to the young lady and you are fired. I still intend to employ her trade, but if you are desperate enough for a mounting, I can offer you to my house guard."

Ving grit her teeth and shook her head.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm afraid there is a problem." Spoke a new official who walked in ahead of another man with a title.

"What is it?" Lord Frederick turned. "Oh Lord Miton. What seems to be the problem?"

"Captain Ving here seems to have made a double wager." The new Lord explained. "You see, she bet her ship on your champion for his next bout, and I was on my way to watch it with her when it ended so abruptly. And apparently, she has wagered it again."

"I see." Lord Frederik said thoughtfully before smiling. "Then perhaps you win the ship my good friend, and miss Ving her works for my dear Captain Liddy. In whatever position she desires. Maybe multiple ones," He said with a cocky smile.

Things were moving too fast for Liddy to notice the pun. "Agreed," she stated at Lord Frederick. "Sir Lord Miton." She turned. "Would you mind terribly if she were to gather her belongings from your ship?"

He favoured her with a smile. "My dear, the last time I dealt with a double wager, I spent more than the winnings in court fighting with the other claimant. If that's all you want, then I am grateful to accept."

"A pleasure doing business with you. Though if you are keen for more business, my good friends should be available." Liddy indicated Hannah and Mari watching the exchange from the audience.

After a stunned look for a moment, he moved towards Mari, who greeted him with a fiendish smile. Ving, on the other hand, was looking stunned and shattered. Liddy decided to toss her a bone.

"You were right when you criticised my flying," Liddy started. "Might be obvious I need a pilot."

Ving snapped up to stare at Liddy. "Seriously? Not just going to whore me out in a slum or something?"

"That wouldn't be very civil of me. Fly my ship proper, and you will get paid standard indebted wages. I would need to see the price on your ship, but if it is anything like mine, well, I need to check my math, but I believe your debt would be paid in fifty to sixty years. The choice to take clients would be yours to make."

Lord Frederick let out a hearty laugh. "My dear Captain Liddy! I am in awe of your conduct. Let us retire to your bed and allow me the pleasure of your well-paid body."

"Indeed let us go. Miss Ving. Collect your things and await my pleasure in my cargo bay. Bring everything you can. We will discuss things further once I have been properly mounted."

Ving didn`t realise when she had started to weep.

After Lord Frederick shared a quick word with one of his men and a nod towards Hannah, Liddy fired a glance towards. Hannah letting her know a client was being arranged for her. She enjoyed a much more comfortable carriage ride with the Lord back to her ship than the one she had arrived at the stadium in. Her client took out stacks of bills from a safe inside the floor. She led him up the ramp to the bar for a quick drink.

"For the redhead." He put down one stack and then another. "My champion needed some fun tonight. This one is for you." After pointing to the second stack, he put a jewelled necklace on top.

"You are most generous with my payment. Now I look forward to seeing how generous you are with my pleasure." She let him down his drink then grabbed him by the belt to pull him to her room.

The belt did not last to the bed, and fell to the floor somewhere near the doorway. As he kicked off his shoes, Liddy slid off her dress and walked backwards towards the bed to sit on the edge. He had his pants off by the time he reached her, and gently pulled her head towards him as he stood at the foot of the bed. She ducked low to take his hardness in her mouth, and she could slowly feel it engorge inside her jaw. Slowly she moved back and forth, feeling it stiffen with every pass. Happily surprised at its size, she held it in her hands and licked its length several times while looking up into his eyes.

"I shouldn't expect anything less than magnificent from a Lord such as you."

He grinned and pushed her to the bed before flipping her over and pulling her hips up. On her hands and knees, she felt his hand pass over her and a pair of fingers penetrate. She moaned, expecting some foreplay before suddenly finding her welcoming womanhood filled with his cock. He leant forward to grab her wrists and held firm as he thrust wildly, impaling her on him with each pull.

"I believe you expected to be mounted, so I would hate to disappoint such a fine bitch."

"This bitch is in heat and needs her mounting badly," Liddy uttered between thrusts.

Her face kept being driven into her sheets as she felt him thrust over and over into her, making her feel like she was about to be ripped open, when suddenly she felt the hot fluid bursting inside her.

"Ah damn!" he shouted.

"No keep it in. Fill me right up, please. This bitch needs her breeding," Liddy pleaded quickly before he could take it out.

In fine form, he was able to maintain himself while pumping his fluid inside and continue his assault on her body.


Meanwhile, Mari came aboard the ship with her own noble following her. She caught a glance at Hannah going down the stairs, hearing a muffled Liddy at work through her heavy doors. With such a fine guest she wagered her room wouldn't be impressive enough so she moved into the lounge. She jumped to sit on the bar and poured a drink, resting her feet on the stools. One foot on each with her legs spread. Her client came before her and reached for a drink, but Mari stopped him. She held him by the chin, and guided his face between her legs. His head tucked in close and she felt his lips exploring hers. She sipped her drink as she smiled, and bit her lip as his tongue found it's way inside. Not as naturally talented as Liddy of course, but Mari loved the feeling any time a mouth found its way down there.

After enough time passed, she brought up his head as she pushed out her chest. She peeled off the lace to reveal her massive gleaming breasts and the steel rings piercing her nipples. He kissed and caressed, them holding both gently in his hands. His tongue playing with the rings, tugging at them in all different directions. Mari laid back on the bar with her head hanging over the edge. Taking the hint, he undid his pants, pulled out and plunged into her open, waiting throat. He could see how deeply he pushed into her, as her throat expanded slightly the deeper he penetrated. She grabbed onto his ass and began face fucking herself as though he was just a toy to be used. Feeling her tongue on his shaft each time, his eyes were closed in bliss. Soon she reached up for his billfold and yanked it out of his coat, tossing it behind the bar. He noticed but didn't care about how much she had just taken. All he wanted was to be inside her. Rolling off the bar but keeping him deep down her throat in a remarkably agile spin that made him gasp, Mari began walking him towards the opposite wall, leading his cock with her lips and teeth.

She let him go and stepped onto the chair, releasing the clasp on her corset to let it drop entirely. He took her in his arms and pushed her off the chair into the wall and, as he pinned her, let her slowly fall down onto his cock. Mari wrapped her legs around him, and kept her breasts on his face as long as she could, before she slid down to take him all the way in. She kissed him furiously as he pulled away from the wall and slammed her back against it. Over and over they shook the wall, and each time Mari knew she was going to love her life, getting paid to be taken so roughly.

Suddenly without warning, he turned around holding her and let go. For a moment Mari was held in the air only by his cock as her hands were on her own breasts, yanking her nipples. Her legs couldn't keep her up and she fell to the floor. He straddled her chest and grabbed her by the rings on her breasts. He crushed them together and pushed his slick wet cock between them. He fucked those massive mountains furiously as he spat on them. Quickly he sprung his cum upon Maris' face, squirting again and again, almost without end. Her face and breasts soon covered, he finally stopped.

Downstairs, Hannah and the champion quietly discussed the noises they were hearing, and guessing what positions Liddy and Mari were going at to match them. Having already discussed his preference only for men.


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Brutus69Brutus69about 2 years ago

Loving the setting and seeing it develop. Nobles doing their thing, champion doing another. And a new lady had joined the crew, fun times ahead.

cittrancittranabout 8 years ago

Gave me a chuckle with that last paragraph.

RedFireBrandRedFireBrandabout 8 years agoAuthor
Response too 'Good but...'

The ending couldn't have been different. He didnt want a woman regardless of what she would do to him. They instead had a quiet evening in good company to maintain his secret plus Hannah had already gotten her sex scene. (of course she will get a few in the next chapter) Im certainly not shy about writing anything, it just wasn't what I felt would be part of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Good but...

A unique setting and an interesting plot line leading up to the main event but the chapter seems unfinished. Don't rush your submissions, some authors take weeks to finalize theirs. The abrupt ending could be polished or extended where you introduced Hanna's pov. Let the story evolve and let it choose where each break in the chapters will be. Don't be afraid to write about things that may be uncomfortable, an anal scene with Hanna and the Champion due to his prefrences would have made a nice closer for this chapter.


jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenabout 8 years ago

Best way to get a pilot.

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