Steampunk Harlots Ch. 10


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"What do you think?" Hannah smirked, and Liddy laughed as well as she could with her face being sat upon.

Hannah had to get off for Liddy to respond. "I think we are going to need more of these. Also, there is work I should be doing."

"Don't worry. I will get more when they get made."

Hannah began to redress as Liddy sat up in the bed. "I'm terrible at keeping things professional."

"Yes, but we still respect you. Also, this is product testing for the vibration tool. Expense it." Hannah laughed, and received a head shake from Liddy in return.

Liddy returned to her room to redress, and Hannah went back to the lounge in time to see Ving heading off with a client. She smiled at her and Ving smiled back. Inky came up the stairs in the lounge, nodded at Hannah, and mouthed the word 'captain'. Hannah inclined her head towards the rear of the ship and Inky went to go find her. No new customers came in, and soon the ones on the ship had left. It struck her as odd that there would be a dead time just as the evening drew close. The look of confusion on her face was noticed by Conna.

"Work shifts are over. All getting home to check their profits," Conna explained.

"Really? Back home shifts ended all the time. They synchronise them out here?"

"They do that everywhere I've been to. Shifts end, everyone goes home for a meal. Then the nightlife starts."

Their conversation was interrupted by Liddy entering the lounge with Inky and calling a meeting. After a few minutes, everyone minus the engine room girls was present.

"Alright. We have some time before the next rush of clients shows up. I'm going to go meet a client who's got some kind of shindig planned for tomorrow morning. Not sure why it's that early, but I suppose when you don't have to work for a living, you can do things whenever. I'm going to go meet the client now, so I want everyone seeing clients here. Tomorrow, I will probably just close the ship, since we are all going to be at this party serving drinks, along with anything else they want. If any of you girls in uniform want in on this, let me know now so I can quote how many women the client will be paying for. Remember, if you accept, then you are in all the way. No backing out because someone is ugly or anything. Unless they get hostile, you do your job."

"If they allow Emberborn, I'd be happy to do it," Foxy volunteered.

"If she's going, then I'm going," Conna added.

Some of the other women were interested, but not quite ready to take the plunge just yet.

"Alright. That makes eight of us. Enough for the job if all goes well."

"Can I come to meet the client?" Emma asked, fixing Liddy with a subtle look.

"Sure. Put on something a little less revealing and meet me at the door." Liddy picked up on the subtext that Emma wanted to discuss things with her. "Conna, you can come along as an escort, if you don't mind."

"Of course, Captain."

The three women left as soon as Emma had slipped into a soft green sundress, and a round straw hat with a flower mounted on the side. Liddy squealed quietly, seeing her adorableness.

"I figured having a hat would hide my ears, in case they were an issue."

"So adorable..." Liddy giggled.

It wasn't a long walk to the trade station, a type of upper-class market forum where higher-priced deals were made. Liddy made her way to the numbered alcove in the wall where her contact was supposed to be, and found it empty.

"I guess we are waiting." Liddy sighed.

"Well, actually there is something I wanted to talk about," Emma whispered in a hushed voice as they entered the alcove, and the sound from the rest of the trade station suddenly silenced.

"And you waited for us to pass through a privacy barrier to tell me? What is it?"

"Oh, I didn't know about that. I suppose it's overkill, but I wanted to discuss something about what I can do and if it's okay to do it."

"Have you already done it?"

"Yes. You see it's a little bit of magic that I can do. I can control bodily functions. Basic ones. I was with a client who finished too quickly, and I figured letting him leave humiliated was bad. So I just kind of made him hard again."

"You can do that? Make him aroused and horny, just like that?"

"No. Nothing to do with how he feels or thinks. Just telling his body to keep it hard so he could keep going."

"An oddly specific and helpful power to have."

"Well, it's not just that. I can do other things."

"Like w..." Liddy was interrupted by the client arriving.

The man was a portly fellow seeming annoyed at something, until he saw Emma as she took a deep breath to help push her chest out. Despite the modest dress, it was still tight enough and showed just enough cleavage to disrupt his thoughts.

"Greetings," Liddy said, smiling more at how distracting Emma was to him than to be polite.

"Oh yes. Greetings. I was told you employ a number of beautiful women for hire to entertain at a social event I have planned."

"Indeed I do. How many were you looking to employ?"

"As many as you can muster. They need to be able to serve drinks and such while dressed provocatively enough to keep my guests entertained."

"I can assure you they are exceptionally skilled at doing so."

"Then here is the contract." He produced a paper from his vest. "Indicate the price to be paid after completion."

"I must insist on half down prior," informed Liddy, as she wrote down a very large number and marked fifty percent down.

"Yes yes. I will have my steward deliver the money tonight," he said signing the contract evidently without reading it.

"Then we have a deal." Liddy offered her hand to shake.

"Yes. Arrive at this address before seven tomorrow." He passed a note to Liddy's outstretched hand before taking his leave.

Liddy stood there, stunned for a moment at the total lack of class a supposed nobleman should have. She sighed and nodded at the girls to suggest it was time to leave.

"So, what else was it you can do?" Liddy asked as they left the trade station.

"Well, I..." Emma was interrupted by a loud slap on Liddy's ass as some nobleman walked by.

Liddy clutched herself and Conna was about to draw her pistol when Emma stopped her with one hand and reached out with the other. She gently brushed the back of the man who had struck Liddy as he passed by, and watched as he took a few more steps before suddenly clutching his own ass. The loud sound of uncontrolled defecation filled the entrance of the trade station. He let out an incoherent yell of confusion as he lost his footing and fell to the floor, unable to keep himself from voiding his bowels. A throng of people collected around to watch the young nobleman soil himself. The girls made their discreet exit.

"Don't ever do that to clients," Liddy whispered in a giggle to Emma.

"Well, I didn't plan to." Emma returned the laugh. "Just that I can do things like that to people. Normal, base-level stuff. Getting men hard, women's nipples, 'that', or the opposite end. I can also give people goosebumps or make them go cross-eyed, but not a whole lot of use there."

"Cross-eyed is helpful, if you want to somewhat blind someone," Conna added, paying much more attention at who got close.

"I suppose. Never thought about it. But the whole point is that I want to know if I can use it on clients if they blow their load too early."

"Oh, yes. As long as it's not influencing their mind. That leaves traces if they are paranoid to check for it. But keeping them hard so they still feel like virile men is great. Do you need to touch them to do it? How long does it last?"

"Not really touch, but super close that I might as well be. Like with that guy. Just a few minutes at most."

"A few minutes might be long enough. I almost want to have you lay your hand on clients just before they get into the rooms with the girls, but that would be difficult to manage. Also impossible to tell who will actually need it until they are already inside."

Emma giggled. "Already inside. Good one."

Liddy scoffed, and then laughed quietly. "I meant the work rooms."

The return back to the ship was uneventful, and Emma returned to the lounge, gleefully sitting in the lap of a client who smiled the moment he saw her board. Liddy smiled at how easy it was for Emma to do this kind of work, and turned to Hannah who had been at the door.

"You know you were only gone for like, an hour, right?"

"Oh hush. A lot can happen in an hour." Liddy smiled.

"We on for the party?"

"Yes, early tomorrow. Get as much sleep as you can tonight. Clients permitting. But when we are there, I want the girls on guard outside. Just something felt off about how the client did business. Like he didn't care about the money he was spending. I know most nobles just pay whatever it takes to entertain their peers, but I want to be sure."

"Fair enough. Want me to fuck someone rich now?" Hannah smiled suggestively.

"Yes, he should be sitting somewhere over there." Liddy nodded to the lounge.

"Fine. Have fun manning the door." Hannah sarcastically replied in a friendly tone.

Liddy watched Emma guide her client to a room as he already started lifting up her dress. As she watched Emma's tight black underwear being revealed down the hall as she entered the room, Liddy caught sight of Foxy still outside the bath.

"How's she doing, Foxy?" Liddy asked softly.

The fox ears twitched and the head turned to look at Liddy. Foxy gave a warm smile and a thumbs up that Liddy responded to with her own smile and a nod. It was strange for Foxy that anyone outside of her group had taken to her so well and understood her gifts. She smiled at being able to move freely without having to hide her face or breathe through that ridiculous gas mask.

"Foxgirl?" Leira called from the bath.

Foxy entered immediately. "Yes? Can I do anything for you?"

"Well, not if you have shit to do. But I just don't want to be lonely. I mean I like being free and all, but still kinda in a box here."

"If you don't need to be in the water, I can take you somewhere else. Just not to the lounge where the clients are."

"That's fine. Just some place with windows. I like the skylight, but it's kinda plain."

"I know just the place then." Foxy smiled.

She put a robe on the mermaid that was hanging on the wall and made the short trip into Liddy's quarters. With windows in three of the walls, it was a panoramic view of the coast. The docks having been placed near the water so that ocean and air vessels all docked close by the fishing wharves.

"Oh wow. The water!" Leira exclaimed. "I haven't seen open water in so long. It's beautiful. Think I could go swimming in it?"

"Might not be safe. At least not yet. When we get some downtime, maybe after this party tomorrow, we can arrange something."

"Well, I suppose not being allowed to do shit because it's unsafe is better than because I'm locked up."

"The captain made it very clear she wants you taken care of. After everything you went through."

"Were you ever on the market?"

"No. My parents sold me to someone who sold me to someone. Moved around a lot, getting beaten into shape every time. Then I worked a horse farm where I made friends with one of the war horses we bred. When the military showed up to pick them up, I was heartbroken. Crying in the empty stables, my owner started to beat me for not doing my chores. Our Leftenant now, everyone here calls her Inky, took his arm off with her sabre. Then refused to bind his wound until he signed me over to her. She cut my collar off as soon as things were signed, and took me in and had me take care of her new horse. She got promoted and things got better for me. Trained me and met a new recruit named Conna. She's another one of us here. They both protected me, but then some mission went bad and the horse died," Foxy paused at the painful memory. "I enlisted to stay with them, and slowly we formed our own little squad of women who wanted to stay in the military but protect each other. We never did get back into the cavalry, and I had to hide what I was with a gas mask, claiming I just had really bad allergies. Could only really take it off when I was alone with the girls."

"So did you girls... ya know... fuck?" Leira asked, getting to her original goal of finding a sex partner and not a life story.

Foxy laughed. "Yes. You offering?"

"Fuck yes!" Leira exclaimed, ripping her robe off and letting her breasts swell.

Foxy's eyes widened at seeing the breasts swell again. She took a soft grip on them, feeling how soft and firm they were. Her tongue flicked over the dark pink nipples, and she could feel hands exploring down the front of her shirt so her own breasts could be examined.

Leira giggled at the strange tongue on her breasts, and applied all the pressure she could to swelling them up more since it made them more sensitive. She hadn't had her hands on another woman in a long time and never another Emberborn. The soft fur felt good in her hands, and she wanted it pressing against her whole body. She pulled her hands away to whip off the jacket and top before assisting with the removal of her boots and trousers. Finally naked, Foxy pressed her body against Leira's as they kissed. Although her breasts were ample enough, they felt so small compared to the mermaid's. Leira felt the soft fur of a tail wrapping around her leg as she gripped at the bum tightly just above where it was attached. She loved the feeling of the fur moving against her scales like a slight, full-body tickle.

Moving to the bed, Foxy laid Leira down and lifted one of her legs so she could get her wetness against Leira's. She watched the mermaid massage her own breasts and yank on her own nipples as she ground against her. The flexible leg sat comfortably between her furry breasts, and she licked along the ankle and foot. Her long tongue running between the webbed toes getting a giggle and twitch in response.

"Eat me, Vixen!" Leira called out.

Surprised she knew the word for a female fox, Foxy hungrily complied and pushed her face down between the wide, open legs. Sliding her tongue through the smooth folds to find the small little button she needed to flick. Leira let her know she found it.

"OH Sweet Fucking Fuck!" Leira gasped over and over with various minor alterations.

It didn't take long for Foxy's furry face to get crushed between the thighs holding her head firmly in place as Leira climaxed for the first time in months. Foxy slid two fingers inside her and worked them furiously to prolong the convulsions of the mermaid, before finally slowing down as she relaxed.

"The fur inside -- my fuck, that's good." she said deciding to switch sentence topic halfway through.

Foxy smiled, keeping her tongue and fingers working, looking up across the scaled body, unable to see the mermaid's face past the mountainous breasts in the way. Slowly picking up the pace again, the moaning intensified until again another climax flooded the free woman with pleasure throughout her body.

"No more. Fuck. Keep... Kiss me.."

Foxy slid her body up along Leira's, letting her feel the fur all along the way. Instead of kissing, she put the fingers that had been inside Leira into the mermaid's mouth. The juices were sucked from the fine fur on her fingers, and she kissed Leira on the neck with slight nips as she did so. Only after she had her fur cleaned did she kiss the mermaid, whose own hands were exploring her body. Foxy felt the massive breasts she was laying on deflate to half their size, until they about matched her own. Yet they still felt firm and perfect in shape. They rolled over, and Foxy saw the woman over her slowly lean in close to suckle at her breasts before moving down her belly and then between her legs.

"How much can you take?" Leira asked.

"Two fingers to start, three to finish me." Foxy gasped as three thrust into her. "No, just two to start."

Leira kept three inside and worked them deeply as she kept her warm, furry womanhood spread wide. Foxy gripped her by the hair and yanked at her to get her to stop, but Leira knew it wouldn't last. Moments later she was proved right when those same hands pressed her head closer into the fur. It was a tight fit, but slowly it seemed to accommodate more and more as if it knew it wanted more. Three fingers to start, licking at the exposed clit, four to finish. The fourth made her growl and yank her away again, but the furious pace made it impossible for Foxy to muster the control to stop her.

"Like that, little fox slut?"

"Yes. Yank my tail."

Leira wrapped her hand around the tail that in turn wrapped around her arm and pulled. Like pulling a control toggle, the fox climaxed, suddenly bucking her hips against Leira's face. She whimpered loudly as another pull brought another climax, and Leira wondered how many times she could do it. Keeping up the assault with four fingers, it was six hard pulls before Foxy had enough.

"No stop. No more," she whispered hoarsely.

Leira slid her smooth, scaled body up the furry woman to kiss her gasping mouth. Her breasts back down to their smallest size, she relaxed on top of the fox, grinding her hips against a furry thigh.

"Think I can get a job doing this shit?"

"Yes. The captain was worried about you not being right in the head, but I can explain you would be much worse off if you weren't allowed to." Foxy laughed lightly.

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TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 8 years ago

Oh, Foxy has a secret weakness! Thanks for sharing!

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenalmost 8 years ago

The train station scene... was awesome. Thanks for that. You know how to give great story, thanks again RFB

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