Steampunk Harlots Ch. 15


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"Why would they do that to you? They never do that." the man in front took his turn to talk.

"Shot one when they took me, stabbed one getting off the train, clawed up more and took a few eyes before they put the collar on. So they weren't too happy with me."

"I suppose...." the man behind blew his load and grunted loudly as he filled Foxy up. "...that makes sense."

"Can you keep me up so he can finish breeding me?" Foxy asked as the man behind pulled out.

"Sure, I got time." he replied, knowing he would have to wait for a bit before he would be ready for another female.

The other man, now with exclusive access, worked inside the hot wet flesh Foxy had. "Well, hopefully, you can enjoy yourself anyway."

"They didn't tell me not to and it's not like I don't crave it anyway. Funny thing is that my friend, probably wouldn't need to be told to enjoy it."

They looked at Easy, who was eagerly thrusting her hips against a new man holding her while he stood with her legs around him. Her wide smile only broke when she lip-locked with her partner for a deep kiss. Among all of the other women Foxy could see, Easy was the only one whose eyes didn't show the desperate pain of living in this place. Even the other new girls, showed it in their eyes, their true feelings evident, even while their bodies were committed to lust. Foxy felt her feet touch the floor as the man in front had finished.

Looking around, she saw another man looking for a mate, to whom she responded by bending over and wiggling her bum in his direction. Seeing her availability, he moved behind her and slid right in and began to work without heed to the seed dripping out of her. Foxy felt the grip on her hips and decided that the best way to get herself pregnant would be to simply keep up the pace and let herself enjoy the ride. It was really the whole point to her life anyway, so there was no reason to avoid it.

Easy giggled when her partner finished and reached out to grab another man, and without touching the floor, her legs moved from one to the other and got him inside her. She screamed in climax at the euphoric pleasure of constant sex.


Hannah lay naked in her bed breathing heavily. The two men next to her were on either side doing the same. The fresh troops were a great relief to have since they were full of energy and nowhere near as weary as those in the trenches for so long. She didn't notice Grey had come in until he flung her cap at her and left. She considered going out wearing nothing but the cap, but he seemed serious, so she quickly rolled over the man between her and her clothing. After getting dressed, she followed the pointing fingers of the troops she saw directing her to where she was needed. Her new trench gun slung over her shoulder. Moving as far from the front trench as their own trenches got, she came into another dugout, used to store ammo when they had it, to see a much more decorated uniform than hers pouring over the papers they stole from the enemy.

The puzzled look on his face -- that he tried to make look like sage understanding, -- told her he didn't know what he was looking at other than it was important. The only piece not present was the personal journal she kept in her room. She knew someone else who would appreciate it more. The Leftenant spotted her as she entered.

"Ah, Hannah. Good to see you finally got some rest," he said with a wink, knowing she was doing other things in her bed. "This is General Andrews. Commanding the defence of the ember mines."

Hannah snapped to parade attention and put up a sharp salute, "General, Sir!"

Suddenly realising a woman was present, the general looked up, "Oh my. I had no idea such a fine looking woman was the one described to me. Your beauty was left out of the report of your battlefield conduct. I hope the men haven't been treating you inappropriately."

"Of course not, General. They have been respecting any boundaries I have set for them."

All the assembled men, not part of the general's staff nodded in agreement since it was exactly true.

"Well good. I knew my men could restrain themselves for matters of propriety. This is quite a haul of technical documents and such. A great find. And you lead the attack?"

Hannah wondered what he had been told and what she should say regarding the Leftenant and his mental state. "I did. The Leftenant remained behind to hold our trenches while the spider attacked."

He nodded in approval, "Yes, that contraption must have been even more frightening when it was working."

"I would like to recommend a commendation for the gunnery crew that brought it down with masterfully precise gunnery work."

His eyes widened with a bit of surprised, "I thought you took it down?"

"I threw a grenade in the troop compartment, cooked off some more munitions inside. That kept it still long enough for them to take the final kill shots."

"I see. Well, I will make a note of that then," he stated as one of his toadies scribbled a note down in a book. "You are all due proper commendation for your efforts. With fresh troops in place, you will escort me to an audience with our Duke Harnon. Get you out of the mud for a bit while the Duke recognises my leadership skills. How about that?!"

The general seemed to think he was ingratiating himself with the troops, but they all knew he was a long way from that. Of course, he was getting them off the front, so they didn't let on. They smiled and agreed like they were suddenly friends.


Emma found the vents to be claustrophobic at first after leaving the junction, but as she crept towards a vent cover, the dark cramped tunnel felt safe. In there she couldn't be seen. In there she was secure. Yet, her friends depended on her to learn what she could to help their escape. Creeping forward slowly so she didn't bump the metal walls and make noise, she approached the vent, worried that someone might see her. It was some kind of lavatory room with metal lockers and bathing facilities. It was empty, but the vent opened at ground level. Her tiny hands slid through the slats on the vent to find the clasp that would release the vent cover. She didn't want to use it now, but knowing it was there was enough. Withdrawing her hands quickly in case someone walked in, Emma moved on through the vents.

After a slow and painful climb upwards, Emma heaved herself into a horizontal duct and caught her breath. As she did, she noticed a nearby vent that looked out into the main room. She could see hundreds of couples, all desperately enjoying their forced reproduction. It was hard to see Foxy from where she was but Easy was quite obvious. Not because she was the only fairy, since she wasn't, but because a crowd formed around her. It seemed that even with the collars on, the males gravitated towards the one woman who might honestly have been enjoying the whole experience.

Other females had to walk over and then get the male's attention in order to mate, rather than simply wait for the next taker. Soon, Emma spotted Foxy with one of the males that had been waiting for Easy, when he took the place of a bull that had been on top of her. Women in robes, some most obviously pregnant, relentlessly cleaned and mopped the whole area. Foxy howled in climax and Emma was relieved that she was letting herself enjoy the experience, despite not being told to do so.

It was hard for Emma not to be aroused by the sex she witnessed. Slowly she slid a hand between her legs as she watched the fit bodies of so many males thrusting into their partners. Massive members, she wished to feel inside her, plunged into the lucky women as Emma settled for two of her own fingers. Her other hand rubbing her clit as she thought about how impossible it would be to actually fit many of the men she saw inside her. Emma bit into her own shoulder to keep herself quiet as she moaned and arched her back, trying to quickly satisfy herself so she could focus.

She saw Foxy now with another male, had her breasts pushed against the wall as he penetrated her from behind. He held her by the scruff of her neck and by her tail as he slowly withdrew his hard manhood from her before violently slamming it inside her. Emma rapidly penetrated herself as she watched him repeat his assault on Foxy over and over until he slammed her hard against the wall and kept her pinned there with his body, getting himself deep inside her and keeping himself there. Only once he was done filling her up did he let her go and Foxy slumped to the floor.

Emma finally felt her own release and bit herself harder to keep it quiet as her climax ripped through her body. She could see Foxy pushed over by another male, who spread her legs for her and got inside her, since she was too sore to move on her own. Again Emma needed to catch her breath. She saw Easy lip locked with another woman as they both were drilled from behind. Knowing she could spend all day watching the men satisfy themselves on the women, Emma shook her head to look around at other things.

Between the sex floor and her was a walkway that ran over the trench where she had walked to enter the place. The walkway connected two rooms that overlooked the area. In one there seemed to be a lot of soldiers resting and cleaning their weapons. In the other seemed to be some equipment where a man sat with a pair of headphones hanging around his neck. Near him was the fat man Foxy scratched up being tended to by the big red woman with hooves. A funny little smirk on her face.

Looking back at the man sitting at the equipment, she could see him fiddling with dials and holding one ear-cup of the headphones to the side of his head. It looked different, but Emma was certain he was using a radio like the one Ving had on the bridge. She was excited and suddenly very worried. Getting there would mean getting past a lot of armed men, and however much more were elsewhere, that would come running when they heard a commotion. Emma set that issue aside, knowing it would be a problem for later. For now, she had to focus on learning whatever she could in case it proved helpful. Trying not to think about the sex going on below her.


Although the heat was uncomfortable, Leira appreciated the fact that the humidity kept her skin moist. Now out of the junction, she was starting to feel cold and dry from the air blowing against her. It was hard to find her way in the dark and none of the vents she found, mostly by accident, lead to anywhere she could see anything. Closed supply rooms or some such, she guessed. It wasn't until an unexpected drop that she saw some light briefly as she fell down the vent. Her body slammed into the metal vent cover that only slowed her slightly, before landing on hard concrete flooring. Wincing in pain as she rolled off the vent cover that had already made marks on her back.

Suddenly a hand gripped her arm and hauled her up before pushing her away, causing her to tumble over again. Her eyes not having adjusted to the room, she couldn't see what was going on. She could hear a few metal thumps before the loud groan of a rusty hinge of a door opening. Boots came into the room.

"What's going on?" A deep voice demanded.

"What does it look like you idiot? The vent cover fell." another voice replied.

"Yes, I can see that, but why?"

"Like I keep telling you, my centrifuge is broken. I was spinning my own samples when I hit the vent cover and it fell."

"Why is there blood on it then?" a third voice asked.

"What do you think I put in my centrifuge? Pudding? I use it to separate blood samples. That's the purpose of it to exist. Now, unless you are here to replace or fix it, get out of here and let me work."

A few dismissive grunts and bootsteps later, Leira heard the door close and lock again. She could see well enough now, and realised she had been thrown under a desk behind some crates that prevented anyone from entering the room from seeing her. Fearing to move or make a noise, she remained where she was until she heard a voice again and looked towards it.

"My girl, I am terribly sorry. Are you alright?" he asked as he knelt down to help Leira sit up.

"That really fucking hurt. Am I really bleeding that bad?" she asked, looking at the vent cover and the blood on the floor.

"Oh, no, you aren't bleeding at all. I really was trying to separate my own blood samples," he said, holding up a string with a broken phial at the end of it. "I have a lot of free time on my hands down here."

"How bad am I hurt then?"

"Well, you're going to be sore for the rest of the day. Then get really bad for the next few days. But if something was broken, you would be in a lot more pain now and unable to move. It's a miracle you didn't break your neck."

"Why did you hide me?"

"We are both prisoners here. I may be human, but that just means my cage looks different. Also considerably less sex."

"Fine, but I will just lay on my back while you fuck me. I'm not up for moving just yet."

"Wait, what?" he reacted with shock. "No, girl. I'm not going to make you do anything like that."

"You saved my life and I haven't been laid in like, a day, it's hardly going to be forced."

"Flattered, but between the crushing disappointment in my skill and what the sudden motions would do to your back for those twenty-seven seconds, I don't think it's the most medically appropriate thing for you right now."

Leira laughed and suddenly regretted it as her back hurt more. She got the message.

"Fine, so what now," Leira asked as she stood up.

"Well..." he paused as he guided her to his bed to lay down on something soft. "You will get discovered eventually. If I knew how to escape I would have done it already. Best bet is to re-enter the vent when you feel better and get caught elsewhere. At least then they won't know I helped and I can try and help more whenever you get pregnant."

"Not going to be here that long. I have friends. Three others and one is free like me. Then there are the people on the ship I live on. They will get here and shoot the fuck out of this place to get me back."

"Oh, there are a lot of soldiers in this place. Not sure anything short of an army can push their way in here, and that's assuming there is a city they haven't made rich with this farm."

"Gotta be a way. Not that I mind fucking lots, but I want it to be on my terms. What do you do here then? Blood samples?"

"Oh, well, yes. I track the breeding program. Mostly it's made up bullshit to keep me alive, but enough to make myself valuable. Originally, I helped devise the use of emberstones for breeding."

"Don't those stop pregnancies?"

"Yes, that's why it was perfect. Emberborn breeding is difficult because they don't breed with each other very well. A lot of pregnancies, but almost never a viable offspring. The farm would have a tremendous waste of life and time. Women were almost always pregnant but... you know. Even with the collars, it destroyed them mentally as well. Now, I hated the whole idea of this farm, so I lied and suggested that the stones could be used to stop the failed pregnancies and only allow the healthy ones. Since Emberborn from humans generally come out healthy. I just wanted to stop the misery but I ended up being correct. Fewer pregnancies, but overall, greatly increased breeding. I failed at driving the farm under but at least I helped a little. I wanted to spoil all the implanted women so they could get sold off to be servants. Anything would be better than this place. Since their fertility is still higher amongst themselves they get pregnant a lot faster than humans would with the stones."

"Wow, so how'd you get locked up?"

"Oh, they found out I meant it as a sabotage."

"I was going to be sent here before I was rescued from the market by the captain of the ship I live on. She really hates what happens to us. She will burn this place to the ground when she finds it."

"Well, she has to find it first. There is a radio somewhere upstairs but I'm not sure where. It's been a while. When you feel better, I will boost you into the vent. Let me get you something for the pain."

The man walked away and went to a case on the wall full of phials of various liquids.

"What's your name? Mine is Leira."

"Adler. Nice to meet you Leira."

"You, too. Now once you stick that needle in me, I'm gonna want something bigger stuck inside me was well."

Adler sighed as he blushed. "How about some water?"

"A bit thin compared to what I wanted to swallow, but fine," Leira teased.

He gave her a cup of water as he took her arm to inject her. Leira took a big swig and surprised Adler when her gills opened up and the water came out. Then she took a few more gulps of water, looking at him as she did so, hinting at her throat's capacity.


Inky and her girls maintained a steady double-time march down the road to where the estate was located. Her gut told her something was wrong when she could see a lot of heavy vehicle tracks in the grass. The rest of the place looked abandoned. With a clipped signal, they approached with weapons ready. She sent Juno to scout around the back, and led Kilty and Laurel up the front steps. They paused before moving to the heavy doors, to look down at a pool of dried blood and brain matter.

Inky took aim at the door as Laurel pulled it open. Kilty got the clear signal from Inky and made her entry to sweep the room. The bullet holes on the door did not go unnoticed. Inside, they found furniture arrayed about the place but no signs of life. A very specific tap on the door signalled Juno returning from her look around the back. Inky turned and received a shake of the head from Juno. It wasn't long before they looked behind the curtains and saw the canisters and read the label.

"Gas, blood, and bullet holes. Something happened, but they aren't here anymore."

"Shell casings," Juno called, sweeping her gun around to try and see what was being fired at. "Most fired at that door, but some of the windows. Trying to let the gas escape?"

"Once those doors were closed, she couldn't do much else. This stuff wouldn't let her get far enough to find another way out," Kilty commented, kicking the canister and getting an empty sound.

"Laurel," Inky commanded.

"Ma'am." she replied, immediately moving closer to Inky.

"Get back to the ship. As soon as it can fly, have it come here and follow the road. We are going to follow the trail and maybe find out where everyone was taken."

She saluted and began to run back down the way they had come. Inky gritted her teeth in anger over the crime against one of her own and the people she was supposed to be protecting.

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Brutus69Brutus69about 2 years ago

Came for the word porn, kept reading for the story. This is how it's done.

Jjdoesit1Jjdoesit1over 7 years ago
Great story

I have waited to comment until reading all 15 installments. Your concept is well thought out and the plot develops nicely. Even with the predominate erotica theme and raw sex, this is a good story in the steam punk universe. I actually have been looking forward to the raw story itself, not just the erotica side.

I think you should definitely continue to develop this series.

RedFireBrandRedFireBrandover 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the kind words.

They would have just said they already had one. With the collar, they couldn't lie and even without it there wouldn't be a reason not to tell them.

I keep thinking Im almost done then find more to add to avoid gaps in events. So 3 more chapters still, then a big edit to all of them. Gonna be more than 120k words and its just the first Act,

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 7 years ago
Its amazing

Sorry for the lack of comments, its just obvious now that the story and the sex will be fantastic.

Though now I wonder. If they are getting emberstones put in them to 'help' the pregnancies, didn't Easy and Foxy already have a stone for that? What would 2 of them do, because if they missed the knife somehow I don't think they checked too hard for implants.

sailandoarsailandoarover 7 years ago
U R . . .

. . . a fabulous writer/story teller.

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