Steampunk Harlots Ch. 18


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"Aside from helping the Emberborn and using it as a way to get your captain to agree with taking me along?" Hope responded.


"You ever have sex without getting paid before? What was in it for you?"


"Just because I took some oaths and wear these robes doesn't mean I don't want a bit of that for myself."

"Isn't it still sinful?"

"Everyone commits sins, even the most pious. I just plan on balancing them out with a lot of good at the same time."

"Sounds great," Liddy interrupted. "Now, call everyone together. Meeting time."

"Foxy is already on it. Should be here soon," Hannah replied.


"So you are coming with us then?" Inky asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes, between being the former pet of the man in charge here and that I haven't been allowed to leave this place in years, getting out is a good idea. Plus, your ship is really the only safe place for me outside of this farm," Vile responded.

"They really don't like you here?"

"Some don't. Even if I had a collar, a lot of bad things happened that I remind them too much of. Also, I can't exactly make friends with them the same way I can with you. They have had too much of this."

Inky couldn't respond for a moment as Vile occupied her mouth with another kiss, "True, but working on the ship, even as security, means seeing clients. Can you really spread your legs for men who would want to put a collar back on you?"

"Like this?" Vile asked as she spread Inky's legs wider while pushing both tails, already inside her, deeper.

"Yes," Inky gasped. "Can you let a man who thinks you are property, fill you with his seed?"

"I've been without sex so long that I begged my owner to have me or lend me to his men. He couldn't do it and told me to shut up about it. More time with you like this might mean I don't want it so badly." Vile felt Inky's foot rubbing between her legs. "But either way, being on that ship is the best chance I have for getting back at those bastards, so if letting them stick it inside me is the price I have to pay, then so be it."

"Well, at least they are paying for it as well. Down." Inky was lowered as she requested.

"True. Though I am unsure of how many would actually want me. I'm not exactly like the others who..." Vile trailed off as Inky put her lips between Vile's thighs and began to bite.

"I know," Inky said between bites. The long tails continued their work inside her. "But if there is one thing I know about people, it's that everyone appeals to someone. Also, you may be different, but that isn't what will keep clients away. You are intimidating as fuck. If that didn't get me so wet, I wouldn't be doing this."

Vile thought she was referring to their intimacy in general before feeling a hand sliding between her legs, putting three fingers inside her, and a mouth just above their penetration. "Good point," Vile gasped. "And I get that might be the bigger hurdle." Vile leant back against the wall she had been holding Inky against earlier. "I suppose I just need to practice. Easy should be a good teacher. That girl is freakishly friendly. Had I not met her in the middle of a battle, I would never have expected her to have that side of her."

"She is also freakishly more qualified for this," Inky licked Vile's clit, "than I am."

"So Mari has said. Would you mind? Me being with the other girls?" Vile let her concern overwhelm her arousal for a moment.

Feeling the tails inside her slow, Inky knew she was being serious, and stood up to look Vile in her eyes, still towering over her. Inky leant closely, caressing her hands over the large red skinned breasts, pressing her own against them.

"Vile, you have already been with Liddy, I have already been with Hannah and others. I know we just met, but if you want our relationship to strictly be between the two of us and clients, then I would do that for you, my love. If you don't want either of us to see clients, then I would do that as well."

"Your love?" Vile was shocked.

"Yes. Maybe it's too soon to know, but even if your tails weren't inside me right now your soul would be. I figured Mari and Easy, or Hannah and Ving, were just favoured fuck partners and that nothing more could really happen between women like us. Yet with you, I feel more. Maybe they do as well or don't. I just know that when I think of you, not being with anyone else isn't even a sacrifice. So yes, I love you."

Vile began to cry. "I want your love. I want to give you mine. I just don't know how. I have a hard time remembering those who used to love me back when they were alive, I don't want to do this wrong."

"If you are afraid my feelings would diminish if I saw you with another woman, they won't. It fills me with joy to see you enthralled with ecstasy. Who is giving it to you, me, Hannah, clients -- all that matters is that you are getting the pleasure you deserve. So if I see you with Easy between your legs, then your happiness becomes mine."

"I want to see you with men. I mean, the idea of you being penetrated..." Vile put her tails back to work, "...pleased and taken, knowing the pleasure your body has experienced as I experience you, it fills me with..."

Inky smiled as Vile trailed off to experience her orgasm, "And what of women?"

"I admit, part of me sees them as taking what I want, but if a man has you, it's not like another woman having you will diminish that. If I walk in on you with Hannah between your legs, I might just get between hers with my tails while we kiss. Actually, the more I think about it, anyone taking you just makes it better."

"Then let us enjoy ourselves and our friends and the conquests we make of our clients," Inky began to bite down on the breasts in front of her and tug with her teeth on her nipples.

"What if we are wrong? About any of this?"

"I will never stop caring for you. If how we express that care changes, then it will change, but never stop."

"Never stop? Not what you begged me last night." Vile grinned as she gripped Inky tightly by the hips and started thrusting her tails inside her much more roughly.

Inky began to gasp as she climaxed with the violent penetration, "Only so much pleasure a woman can take before she passes out."

Foxy opened the door and poked her head in, "Meeting on the ship, but you have some time."

Vile didn't stop her assault on Inky who nodded and made a noise of confirmation.

Foxy waited a moment, enjoying the view, then withdrew. Now she needed another release. She put her hand back between her legs and penetrated herself, enjoying the sounds coming from the other side of the door.


Easy stood where Foxy had told her to meet, while everyone else seemed to be getting on the ship. It was a small space in the train station that afforded some privacy. Leira and Emma came along soon and stopped to talk.

"Why did Foxy want us here when everyone else went inside?" Emma asked.

"Not sure," Easy responded.

"Because there are matters to talk about," Foxy announced as she entered with Vile. "From what I was able to gather, the church seems to be stepping in and helping out. Also, this place is something big, it will make waves. Life from now on won't be what we are used to. So, I figured we all needed to get on the same page and decide."

"Decide what? To stay or go?" Easy asked.

"Sort of," Foxy continued. "Listening in just now, the church is going to take credit for this whole deal. That leaves Liddy and the rest of us to go about our harlotry. New girl, a Sister Hope, is coming along and supposedly on our side should other farms be found."

"That seems a bit odd," Vile mentioned.

"Yes, but seems genuine. Told Liddy she will work for free on top of that, so she must not be all bad. The point is that we aren't just harlots anymore. We stay on the ship, we do it because we need to find the next target. Pillow talk, eavesdropping, even outright theft if need be. We are in the unique position of knowing we are at war before our enemies suspect a thing. That's what this is. Our freedom is the objective and I will kill to get it. We might be free on paper, but as long as anyone is a slave, it doesn't mean much difference. So, stay versus going isn't about wanting to get paid for sex versus hanging out with our own kind. Are we enlisting or are we retiring? I can't fault anyone for backing out, but as much as our human friends want this, it's not their freedom they are fighting for."

"I've already killed for it," Easy stated. "Not that I want to do it more, but I will."

"The same, though I'm a little more hopeful that I can kill for it," Vile added.

"I don't want to, but I know that by helping it will have a better chance of happening. So I will do it regardless of how I feel," Emma said with a trembling voice.

"All you fuckers are acting like this is a less than fucking obvious choice. Not quite sure what I can do to help, but if fucking for freedom works, then you can be damn sure I will get it done," Leira finished.


Hannah was behind the bar getting another drink when the rest of the women came in and sat down to listen to Liddy explain what was going on.

"It boils down to the church covering our asses and letting us get back to work, while we give them the chance to jump on any new developments," Liddy explained.

"They understand exactly what..." Mari started.

"No, but that's fine, Sister Hope here does and seems willing to play along. So unless something comes up, it will be business as usual. Or rather more hopefully, business less troublesome than usual," Liddy shared a short glance with Hannah. "Right now, though, I need to know if anyone wants off. This is a safe place for any of us if we don't want to get involved in any more fights or intrigue. Because, if nothing falls in our laps, I intend to go hunting for it in the course of our dealings."

"We're in," Foxy stated, giving away the fact they had already talked about the matter.

Inky gave a firm nod. She glanced over to Vile before looking at her troops who, unsurprisingly enough were happy to stick around for a fight. Mari and Cat both added their nods to the collection. Liddy looked to Hannah, who simply looked at Liddy strangely like she was crazy to actually wonder about if she would stick around or not.

"Good, now... wait, where is Ving? I was going to tear up her debt and offer her a proper job." Liddy looked around.

A hand shot up from behind the bar, from a woman on her knees, giving a thumbs up. Hannah rested her hand on Ving's head and smiled at Liddy, who simply rolled her eyes and smiled back.

"Now that that's settled. We were going to the city of Salt. Evidently, it was named so due to the large number of salt mines it used to have. I think it's trying to transition to ember mines now, since they are the ones who bombed our ship and got on the wrong end of Hannah. As a result, we aren't going there. The battle is still going on and I don't want to try crossing that line in anything short of a battleship. Instead, we will be going a bit further out to the old capital."

A collection of surprised gasps sounded in the lounge.

"Yes, big city, lots of clients, money, and shiny things to see and buy. Rayvon, will you be alright here once we leave?"

Surprised to be addressed the moment he walked in, Rayvon was nonplused for a second before responding. "Well, I think so. My warehouse in the city is being shipped on the train now that I own it. Sorry it took so long to buy it. Since this is now my personal estate, it will add another layer of difficulty to anyone trying anything. I've also been able to garner a bit of interest in some basic engineering education with the new citizens here. So I feel like I will be quite busy and safe."

"Glad to hear it. Alright, everyone. No rush to leave, so say your goodbyes to anyone you want. Assuming that Ving finishes sometime today." Liddy received a dismissive wave from Ving, who was still too busy on her knees with Hannah to speak. "Then we will launch sometime once you are all back on board."


Leira tackled Adler once she caught sight of him and wrestled him to the floor while he desperately tried to avoid spilling the papers in the file he was holding. She was already moving her hand down the front of his pants as he arrived on the floor and shoved his files away in the hopes that they would be safe. He turned to face Leira and was about to speak when her lips met his and he felt her breasts swell between them, almost pushing him away. After so many times he still was amazed at them. Doing his best to get her skirt up so she wouldn't yell at him for taking so long, he was just in time as she had just removed his pants. He felt himself sliding inside her before she finally broke the kiss to moan out loud.

"I sure am glad I am never doing anything important when you find me," he stated sarcastically. He rolled over to get on top and began to thrust inside the mermaid in the way she seemed to like it most.

"Leaving soon. Just wanted to say thank you again. At least I waited until you were alone. You are fucking welcome."

"Yes, an isolated hallway is better than the meal hall. I still don't know what you see in me when you can get so many other men here."

"Because I like you. The others I fuck are just because it's fun and I couldn't find you. Not gonna get pissy about me being with other men are you?"

"Right. Because I didn't already know that after all the times I walked in on you and the men around here. I just thought you were sharing body heat after your clothing went missing."

Adler drove home the point with his hard thrusts inside Leira, making her too distracted by the pleasurable penetrations to respond. He grabbed her engorged breasts and pulled them roughly as he positioned himself to stand up while keeping himself inside her. With one mighty lift, causing Leira to scream, he was on his feet with her legs wrapped around her. He slammed her against the wall and began to kiss the mermaid again.

"You do seem to possess a rare fucking ability to be okay with your girl fucking other men."

"My girl, eh?" He responded with a few more powerful thrusts.

"Well, yeah. Don't all men think the girl they fuck belongs to them or some shit?"

"I suppose. Do I act like I own you?" he asked, before dropping her to her knees and forcing his cock in her mouth.

Leira choked as her head was caught between the wall and the thrusting pelvis, but gripped tightly as she worked her tongue over the shaft during her breathing breaks, before letting it all disappear after a deep breath. During one such breathing break, Leira heard a grunt a moment before feeling hot seed spurt onto her face, almost in her eye. She, while keeping one eye closed as the seed dripped down over it, kept her mouth busy to swallow what was left to flow forth before finally finishing. She looked up with one eye as Adler looked down on her to see her happy smile.

"Nah. Nou like making me happy. Not like other men at all. Now get down here and fucking finish me."

Adler smiled and got down to between Leira's legs as she spread them wide. He took his time nibbling around her inner thighs and licking the scaly flesh, before finally putting his tongue right where he knew she loved it. As he made her scream and gasp with his tongue and two fingers he explored her with, Leira went about cleaning her own face off with her hand and her tongue to lick it clean.


Catherine handed the last of the papers back to Mari after making sure they were correct. Having spent all week going through records with her and Easy, Cat wanted to check one last time. Collecting another list of names and places involved in the farm, determining who the mothers of children were, death records, and making sure there were identity papers for everyone who came along. Easy would interview the Emberborn while Cat did the paperwork. Mari ran between the two and tried not to get too distracted by having sex with either. Of course, she couldn't help but join in when she found Easy with a new friend. Cat, on the other hand, was too distant from the Emberborn and Mari made sure she had her own fun.

Now, Easy was handing out the last of the papers for the new arrivals, while everything else was being locked up for safe keeping.

"Going to miss this place?" Cat asked Mari.

"I think Easy will miss it more. Being with her own kind like this has done her a lot of good. For me, it doesn't matter so much since I can get laid anywhere. You know you could still probably get laid here. The ones who weren't traumatised by the breeding sure don't mind stuffing it in a human woman."

"Maybe. But I have actually owned Emberborn before. Never harshly or anything. Just that it was a thing everyone in the ruling class does to show off their wealth. Still, I really don't feel right pleasing myself with them as if I don't really need to be forgiven."

"I suppose. You could always find the ones you used to own and say you were sorry."

"Sold off years ago. Not even in this city. Should have been my first clue things were going poorly for my father. Sadly, though, I don't know if I would remember any of them. I didn't really make an effort to notice them. Some I might. And if I do. I will stop at nothing to free them. But even then, what am I supposed to say? 'Sorry for owning you for years of your life, we cool now that I paid money for you?' The fact that I free them would still be rather moot."

"Well, that's their call. The most you can do is give them the chance to make it."


"They what?" Liddy asked in shock.

"They renamed the farm," Rayvon informed Liddy.

"I got that part, but why did they choose that?!" Liddy winced and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well, they wanted to commemorate the women who liberated them, and since they won't ever forget just how much sex went on, they decided to own that part of history as well."

"Yes but..." Liddy trailed off.

"What's the fuss about?" Hannah asked as she walked onto the front deck, Ving holding her hand beside her.

"They renamed the farm," Rayvon repeated to Hannah.

"That's good news. What did they pick?" Ving asked.


Hannah paused for a moment before speaking, "That's fucking perfect!"

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sali6435sali6435over 7 years ago
excellent installment

As usuall another excellent chapter. Very well read and sets up many possible plot lines for the future. To say i enjoy this tale is an understatement. Please keep it coming .

chitowntrollchitowntrollover 7 years ago

Awesome awesome awesome

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Eagerly waiting for more.

Another great addition to the story. Seems like forever since your last posting and was afraid ypu fell off the wayside like so many authors here seem to do. Cant wait for the next installment.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 7 years ago
I get the premise now

The wartime goals was a little... how are they going to do this, but this chapter sums it up nicely. Its good to change the world.

Thanks again Red, its interesting, different, intriguing how well you can write casual no nonsense sex alongside some really intimate get togethers. Usually too much just gets bland, but you can juggle between them. I never rush past your scenes, cause I don't want to miss something important.

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