Steampunk Harlots Ch. 19


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"I remember you telling me I needed to get better at that. How did I do?"

"Marvellous, girl! I didn't think anyone could be that good. Ever."

"Well, you deserve the best I can do, though perhaps I should save that for later, after you have enjoyed the rest."

"Those breasts have gotten bigger I think. Show them to me."

"Always," Cat replied as she stood up and unfastened her bodice.

Her dress fell away and her breasts were only bare for a moment before they were taken into the hands of her old lover. He gripped them tightly and grinned mischievously before pulling on them hard to put her down on the bed. Cat gasped as she hit the bed with force and lifted her dress as she recovered. Her legs spread wide before wrapping around the man on top of her, who didn't make her wait long before pushing himself inside her. Like the first time and every other time he had done so, Cat mewled out loud like she was afraid she couldn't handle any more of the man within her body. She got louder as he pushed deeper, only to squeal at his withdrawal before a much faster thrust rammed deep into her. Of course, she was far more practised with a great many more men since him, but she knew the ritual they had from back when housing him within her body was a challenge.

He could feel her nails digging into his back, but rather than ease up he pushed on harder to see what his young slut could handle. She was convincingly portraying the young girl he had mounted many times in her younger years, but he knew she hadn't gotten better without practice. He wondered if she knew that he was aware of the other men she had been with. It had been a game for him, to show up before she went to meet them and make her swallow his seed so when she kissed them, it was with a mouth claimed by another man. One source of frustration was that no matter how he had penetrated her, she was never too spent to seek out the other men. Not once did she elect to cancel her plans because he had spent her lust. He glared intently at the breasts bouncing below him with each thrust, the face contorted with pained pleasure, the throat that struggled to breathe in between gasps that had housed his manhood.

Cat screamed in release at her sudden climax and giggled at how he was still able to satisfy her, even after all the years of experience she had. Then she decided to mix things up a bit and roll him over onto his back and put herself over him. There she slowly rocked her hips back and forth with her hands on his chest. She let his hands settle on her hips, but not letting him control her movements. Frustrated with his lack of control, he pinched her by the nipples and began to pull on them hard. Cat moaned hard but decided not to show any false discomfort. She was going to enjoy it. Bouncing her hips faster as she leant forward, she gave a devilish smile right in his face so she could watch as he grunted and pushed his load through his long shaft and inside her belly. Feeling his fluid inside her, Cat let out a long howl of pleasure as she joined him in climax, but let hers last much longer.

Finished on her own terms, Cat spoke, "Not a little girl you need to teach anymore, am I?"

"No," He stammered. "You're..."

"A woman, and I enjoyed the nostalgia, but I felt it was time I claimed you. You always said that the more experienced should always be on top of things. Well, I am on top now, so consider your cock conquered." Cat moved her hips a bit more to emphasise her point while he was still at peak sensitivity.

"Now, just a minute, I am--"

"What? An old man who thought he could always have power over a girl? Not now, not ever. I know you know how many men I spread my legs for, back when we had our fun. I have had many more since then. But all of you were what I wanted to have. I did it all for me. It's time you knew that. So now, I am done with you. You want to put yourself inside me again? Pay me."

Cat got off the bed and towelled herself off before getting back into her dress. She paused at the door, looking back at the man on the bed. "Don't pretend that you won't be paying me. You're obsessed and I am expensive."

Cat left the room and saw Liddy waiting just outside. She lifted her hand up with her palm facing Cat who slapped it with a smile on her face.


Hannah watched as the old grocer handed the list she had given him to a young girl, who ran off to fetch the food items it had listed. It was painfully obvious from her walk over that the city was largely lacking in men at fighting age. Not that she had any regrets about defending herself, but it was difficult not to wonder if perhaps the old man she was talking to would have given the list to a son. A son who she might have already killed. Or perhaps the older brother of the girl fetching her food, maybe her father. She knew better than to ask.


Liddy was pleased when her lounge was full of clients again, and happy to see the excited face of Juno as she led a woman off to use her bedroom. A captain's bed would be a special treat to Juno, and a female client was rare enough that Liddy wanted to make sure she felt prized. Also, the work rooms were full of men so it seemed prudent. She was again struck with the realisation that her ship might actually be too small. Whatever worries she had about running an empty ship, desperate for clients and girls to work, were gone. The problem was that no matter how good business was, it would be a long time before she could purchase a bigger ship. Hope interrupted her train of thought as she lead her first client off the ship.

"Have fun?" Liddy asked.

"Quite. Sex was so hard to get before. Now, I can walk back into the lounge and have another go. This is like a candy land of lust."

"Glad you think so. Still surprised you are doing it, but I suppose if I were raised in a convent, I would be going a bit crazy without sex."

Liddy welcomed a new arrival -- who stopped in his tracks the moment he looked into the lounge where Foxy was flicking her tail at a client who was getting up to follow her. "Emberborn?! What disgusting display is this?!" he shouted.

Liddy twitched, almost going for the long, thin blade stuck in her hair. Everyone in the lounge went quiet to stare at the man. Easy was giving a hard glare from the hall, where she had been escorting a client from the workroom.

"Explain this!" he shouted at Liddy.

"They are here for hire. Like any other woman on this ship. Is there a problem?" she asked coldly.

"I will not sully my name by being on a ship with trash. Remove it at once!"

"As you wish," Liddy replied as she cracked a smile. "Vile! Take the trash off this ship at once."

The man adopted a smug grin. Until he heard the heavy steps of hooves coming up the stairs. Vile had been downstairs trying to find her least intimidating look. Of course, she used the opposite look by the time she came into the lounge. The powerful looking she-demon glared at the man with fire in her eyes and frothing from her lips. Not that Liddy doubted any of the on-duty soldier girls could eject the man, but the sight of him being tossed out the door by Vile was satisfying. Liddy felt intensely aroused by Vile, almost more than usual, and gave a nod of friendly jealousy at Inky who had followed her up the stairs.

"What a surprise that you would be tossed out of a place where all you needed was money to get laid!" A voice shouted just outside the door before coming in. "Some people simply don't have any manner..." the man started to say to Liddy before seeing Vile. "I... have no words..." he stammered.

Vile dismissed the fire in her eyes and mouth quickly as she adopted a practised smile, "Words are nice, but money and manners are all you really need. Please sit. Let me get you a drink."

The man simply nodded dumbly as Vile led him to a seat and got him a drink. Other men stared at her as she did so, until the one behind Easy burst out laughing.

"That was marvellous!" he shouted.

The rest of the men took up a raucous laughter, joined soon by the women as they embraced the levity over the shock. Jokes swirled about the man who was tossed out and the look on his face. Admissions of their own intimidation at the mere presence of Vile coupled with apologies about any offence. Liddy let out a sigh of relief that their stay in the city wouldn't be cut short. Liddy knew their good humour largely lay in the fact that they were revelling in the humiliation of an unliked member of their class rather than in any defence to Vile or Emberborn in general, but it was something.


Hannah had to lean over the desk to see the shopkeep sitting on the floor, next to some empty bottles from his inventory and clutching another not so empty one in his hand. In his other hand was a yellow paper from a telegram service. She lifted herself over the desk and kicked some bottles out of the way before sitting down next to the man. He regarded her with surprise and anger at first, before she wrapped her arm around him and gave him a sympathetic look in her eyes. He openly wept in her arms.


Vile was having difficulty being in the lounge. Everyone would stare at her but go off with other women and simply nodded at her when she tried talking to them. No one actually wanted her services. She would watch the others with clients, how they acted. Easy was the best, she knew how to avoid intimidating them. Emma as well, but she was small enough that she would have had a hard time being anything but non-threatening. No matter how she mimicked them, the clients didn't seem interested. She wondered if her hooves made her look too much like livestock or that her skin was simply too strange. Leira had scales in her skin that sparkled in the light, not the blood-red Vile wore. The sheer purple silk robe she was wearing showed everything she had to offer under it, but it simply wasn't what the clients wanted.

Inky was walking over to comfort her when a client intercepted and put his hand on her bum while the other offered a wad of cash. Taking the money, Inky puffed out her chest and walked with the client to the work room. Walking past Vile and passing her the cash to put in the lock box while brushing her hands across her belly to show some affection. Turning away to put the money into the box, Vile got a sour look on her face as Mari came over to add her payment to the stash.

"Come with me," Mari whispered.

Vile followed her down the hall to the door where Mari's client was waiting on the other side.

"What is it?" Vile asked in a hushed tone. "Don't you have a client?"

"He said he likes to wait. Look, when Easy is getting ploughed by men it can twinge some emotions. But she likes it and I like it when I'm getting it. So I enjoy the fact that my girl is getting pleased like she deserves to be. I get her love at the end of the day so nothing they do with her matters. So yeah, Inky is gonna get rammed good and hard right now and smile as he puts his seed wherever in or on her. Then someone is going to do the same to you and she has to deal with that. Now I get it, you want to be the only one pleasing your woman. But she's been with plenty before you, including Hannah, who's prolly fucked her more than you have. It's not about who's getting who off. It's who makes your heart beat faster just knowing them. You fucked Liddy. Did she make your heart beat like that? Or was it Inky? Yeah, get jealous, I get jealous when I see Easy going with someone else, but I use that to fuel my passion when I finally get my hands on her. You are letting it twist your passion into anger. Don't. When all the work is done for the night and you see her naked on your bed, you will take her and show her what she couldn't get with all those men who have been seeding her all day. Any of this making sense?"

"I suppose. I admit that is a part of how I am feeling. Though I am also upset that nobody wants me, and just as she comes to comfort me, a client steals her away."

"Oh, well I get that. Fine, be annoyed at that. With all this ink, I can scare off a lot of clients myself."

"How do you deal with it?"

"I don't let the fuckers run away. I tell them how much of a man they are for not being too timid to take a taste. Once their ego tells them to fuck me, I got them right where I want them."

"That... makes an odd bit of sense. Thank you, get to your client, I will be fine."

Mari nodded and went into the workroom and addressed her client, "Look who's ready to ride this bitch."


Inky was a little annoyed that she couldn't have remained to comfort Vile, but the man with his hand under her dress had to come first. She shook her head at her terrible pun in her thoughts. He was kissing her neck and groping her breasts with a free hand. Although she was sure he didn't quite know what he was doing with the hand between her legs, she did enjoy the nips at her neck, and she put a hand on his balding head to make sure he knew it. His hand left her breasts to pull himself out of his trousers as she leant against the wall ready to brace herself. She lifted one of her legs to give him room once he was ready, and Inky was surprised to find herself enjoying the sensation of having a normal man inside her. Happy that the mind-bending pleasure of Vile's tails hadn't spoiled anything for her. Each thrust inside her pushed her against the wall and her moans filled the room to mix with his grunts.

"Like that do you?" he asked, as if he already knew the answer.

"Yes, thank you so much, sir," Inky gasped, using the line Hannah had taught her years ago when fucking the nobility.

"Never had a dark-skinned bitch like you before. Show it off."

Inky wasn't sure if his dialogue was meant to be degrading for thrill or he genuinely regarded her as being lesser for her skin, but she stripped out of her dress all the same as he backed off to lay on the bed. "Hope you like."

"Yes, get on top. I want you to watch it going in."

Inky climbed on top of her client, who had to adjust himself a few times with a pillow under his back to get a view over his belly, but he mostly looked at her face as she watched him enter her. Inky admitted she always did enjoy the colour contrast of pale flesh entering hers. Though, she had far more fun when it was Hannah's pale skin. Vile, on the other hand, didn't contrast so much with her tanned skin even though they were different colours. As she watched herself being penetrated by the man she was bouncing her hips on, she thought more about Vile. It wasn't a single feature or trick that got her heart so in a flutter around her. It was the whole package that made her suddenly climax on the client.

"Knew a primitive like you wouldn't be able to contain herself on a white man. Keep at it. I'm not done yet."

Inky was too high on the chemicals in her brain from the orgasm to focus on the idiotic things her client was saying. Thinking about Vile during sex with anyone being enough to get her off and enjoy it all. As her focus returned, she was somewhat annoyed that such a mindless asshole was inside her but she couldn't very well beat his ass senseless when that sort of talk was exactly what he paid for. Instead, she decided to finish him quickly and picked up the pace of her hips while pushing her breasts into his face. He had only just begun to lick her nipples when he bit down on them as he lost control and grunted loudly to signal his finish.

"Thank you, sir. May I have more?" Inky asked, knowing full well he'd be done and annoyed he would have to admit he couldn't.

"No, I am done with you. Perhaps I will sample another whore later."

"The red woman with the horns would be most willing," she lied. Inky didn't want him with any of her friends, least of all her love, but forcing him to admit he couldn't handle Vile was amusing to her.

"No, not quite my... taste..." he mumbled before leaving.


Hannah had never spent so much on booze in her whole life, but left the shopkeep in better spirits having spent the time just being there for him. Giving him a lot of work to do as well as paying well for his business was enough to pull him out of the gutter for a while. They didn't talk about it; nothing she could have said to make anything better. The most Hannah could think of was how she hadn't been the one to kill his loved one, since the notice was far too recent to have been the result of her action.


"That's the stupidest fucking swearing I have ever heard," Leira blurted out as under her breath as she was ever capable of.

"I grew up in a convent," Hope replied. "Traditional cursing was frowned upon, and there was some rather strong opposition to blasphemy."

"Yeah I get that, but where did your shit come from?"

"Well, when you say fuck, a lot of the time it means sex -- when it's not some vague, generic meaning. So, the only time in the church when sex is talked about, virginity and chastity are used frequently to surround it. That's why I swear using those words. Hard for a priest to tell you to stop using them."

"I still think 'Sweet chastity' and 'What the virginal purity' are pretty fucking stupid sounding."

"Maybe to you. But the first time I got a priest to blurt it out when I was, 'fucking' him, was pretty hilarious."

"Okay, yeah, that would be pretty fucking funny." Leira laughed.

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RedFireBrandRedFireBrandabout 5 years agoAuthor

I will try to get better at that. I have them in my head and sometimes forget to add it in. When the story is done I'm going to go over the whole thing again and fix stuff like that.

MarconMarconabout 5 years ago
I love the the story man

The only thing i might suggest is that the characters were described better ... the descriptions seem a bit vague or maybe shall we say just incomplete i think is a better term... but it is still quite enjoyable as is evident from my binge

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 7 years ago

So ... can I stow away on board?

Thanks for sharing! 5* Slainté

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