Stepbrother and stepsister Ch. 01

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Girl gets sexually involved with her stepbrothers.
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"Happy 18th birthday Jay, how is my favorite stepbrother doing?"

"Hi Bee, I'm okay I guess. It is disappointing that Jane, my girlfriend, is not going to be here to celebrate today. I am looking forward to the family getting together tonight. I suppose I will just hang out here by the pool until Mum and Dad come back from picking people up from the airport."

"It could be a bit quiet with just the two of us. Can I join you out here by the pool? I was going to ask you how it is going with Jane. You seem really close is everything progressing as you would want? I know I am your stepsister but I can remember my first couple of boyfriends and how little we understood about each other."

"Well it is kind of going ok I guess. Like just about all my friends who have girlfriends I would like it to be more physical, you know sexual. It is difficult to know what Jane wants. I don't want to frighten her off but I would like to, well you know."

"Yes I know what you are saying. The first thing to say is if you don't know what she wants it is simple, ask her. She might well feel exactly the same as you. I know I was ready to get much more physical with my second boyfriend way before he plucked up the courage. I know you think you want the relationship to be more physical but are you confident that you would know what to do if it did?"

"I guess thinking about it I am kind of scared as I don't know much more about girls' bodies than what we are taught in biology. I thought we could kind of make it up as we go along."

"There is nothing wrong with learning together in fact it is really nice. I am not sure I should say this but when I was your age your older brother sat me down and asked me the same questions as I am asking you. When I admitted similar frustrations to those you are saying he offered to show me how both his and my body worked. It was kind of strange but it helped me have confidence and my relationship with my boyfriend was transformed in days."

"What do you mean by him showing you how his and your bodies worked? Do you mean you had sex together?"

"Let's not worry about that at the moment. I would be happy to talk about anything you wish and maybe show you enough to help you be confident in offering Jane a more physical relationship. This would have to remain strictly between you and me, are you clear about that?"

"I understand I would not want to tell anyone. Well actually that is not true I would love to tell my friends who think you are really hot, but I promise I never will. Can you tell me what you enjoy when having sex with Max?'"

"One of the best things is spending time touching every part of each other. We still find completely new ways of exciting each other. I don't think there is anything I haven't enjoyed when it is done in a loving way. We have tried a few, what I would call, more advanced things that we discussed before trying. One or two we agreed didn't do much for us but others we now do regularly."

"What do you mean by more advanced things?"

"I think you may be wanting to run before you can walk. I don't think you are ready for the likes of spanking and bondage yet. Let's talk about things like what you would like to do with Jane. Has she seen you naked or played with your penis, your cock?"

"No she has only felt it through my trousers. It was really nice but I am not sure why it stopped there. She has only let me feel her boobs and pussy through her bra and panties."

"I suspect that you were both enjoying exploring each other, but also both nervous. Are you really confident to let Jane see and feel your cock? Be honest with yourself."

"I had never thought about that. I was loving what she was doing but maybe I was scared to go further. How did you know that?"

"I remember getting really excited when my boyfriend was fingering me through my panties the first time. I wanted him to take them off and excite me even more. I was also scared and stopped him even though it was lovely. It comes down to being happy and confident with your own body. You have a great body, I haven't seen you cock but I am sure you have no problems there if your brother is anything to go by."

"My cock is bigger than most of the boys at school. Well there is one boy with one that is huge."

"The boy that is huge probably is more insecure about it than boys with more normal ones. It is a myth that girls only like huge cocks. The only friend of mine who has encountered a huge cock said it was far too painful to enjoy it. You need to get comfortable with all your body particularly your prick before you can expect to be comfortable with Jane enjoying it."

"How can I get comfortable with my body? It is fine when I am by myself. I am uncomfortable around the other boys when we are naked."

"You seem comfortable showing me nearly all your body. Your swimming shorts are only covering a few key areas. You have a great figure for your age. Your sport has left you nicely toned and fit. Would you be comfortable showing me the rest of your body?"

"That would be really strange, but I suppose there is no harm in it. It is embarrassing though because I have an erection from thinking about things."

"There is no reason to be embarrassed about an erection. It is the most natural thing in the world. Cocks are much nicer to look at if they are erect."

He was very uncertain about stripping but quickly realized that this was an opportunity he would always regret if he turned it down. Turning away from her he slipped his shorts down and over his feet. His prick was looking angry it was so hard. His mouth was dry and he struggled to swallow. As he turned to face her he felt like his prick was the center of the world. The fact was that Bee ignored it and looked Jay straight in the face.

"There that wasn't that difficult was it? Your prick looks beautiful to me and quite big enough to please any girl. You now need to get comfortable having someone else seeing you naked. Not only naked but sexually aroused. Okay it is a bit unfair for you to be naked and me to still be dressed. It might help you relax if I get naked too. Just lie back on your lounger and relax. If you want to play with yourself that is fine by me."

He did lie back but relaxing was not easy as he watched Bee unveiling what he already knew was a stunning body. She was surprised that not only were her nipples hard but also her pussy was becoming moist. She had never been shy about her body but had recently realized that she had an exhibitionist streak. His eyes were telling her he was loving the sight of her body and she was enjoying that.

"There is my body very different to the ones on the internet that you look at? Don't worry I am sure just about every boy does the same."

"No your body is not the same as them. You have an amazing body and it is real and right in front of me. Have you always shaved around you pussy? Do most girls do so, I thought that might just be done in porn?"

"I have for years. I love the feel and the look and Max sometimes help me do it. I don't see lots of girls pussies but I think more do than don't shave. If you want to come and have a closer look it won't bite. Here run you fingers from up here right down towards my bottom. Oh that feels lovely."

"You are really wet but it doesn't feel or smell like pee. Is that your clit at the top? Jane has talked about that but I was frightened to ask about it. It looks a bit like a little cock what does it feel like?"

"Yes it is my clit and right now it is feeling very aroused. No all that wetness is due to me being sexually excited. Don't be surprised if Jane is not as wet the first time you feel her pussy. She might be too nervous to be as aroused. You don't seem to be too nervous to be aroused. You have a beautiful prick. Are you uncomfortable with me looking at it?"

"No I think I may be enjoying this way too much. Your body is so wonderful. My body is telling me I want to do things I know I cannot do with you."

"Let's just slow down a little. It is easier to be comfortable when your cock is erect and large. Let's see what you feel when it is smaller. Don't panic there are more ways than having an orgasm to relax your penis. Let's go for a swim it should cool us both off a little."

With that Bee ran and dived elegantly into the swimming pool. He followed coming to the surface next to her. They swam around for a few minutes before she came up behind him and grabbed his cock from behind.

"My God most boys go soft when they swim in cold water. You are still as hard as nails."

"I am sorry but it is so exciting being with you with both of us naked."

"You never have to apologies to a girl for having an erection. She is more likely to be upset if you don't have one. I am getting out now, why don't you do a few lengths and see if you can get that cock small enough to put it back into your pants."

He felt a little crestfallen at the idea of putting his pants back on. As he hauled himself out of the water his cock had shrunk completely as she had intended. He was slightly less confident as he sat on the chair next to hers. She smiled a friendly smile as she saw his cold and less aroused body.

"Now it is up to you whether I show you ways that we can both enjoy ours and each others bodies. You might be ready to explore Jane's body or you might feel that a little more experimenting might prepare you better. If you want you can use any part of your body excluding your lovely cock to excite my body. You can touch any part of me however you wish to. Let me give you a little advice, don't ignore a girls boobs."

Jay felt a bit like a young boy in a sweetie (candy) shop with far too many choices to make a sensible choice. He thought the best option was to take the advice offered. Unlike his prick her nipples had grown even bigger as a result of their swim. Always big, right now they were both thick and long. Her areolas were smaller than usual, as they had partly been incorporated into her nipples. This added to the bobbly texture that was now very noticeable. The fact that her boobs were on the small side accentuated the size of the nipples. Bee loved how prominent and sensitive they always were, joking with her boyfriend that it was like having three huge clits. He had learnt that the best way to her heart and into her pants was via her nipples.

Jay took hold of one of her firm boobs, as a potter would when encouraging the clay upwards with both of their hands. Leaning forward he was hesitant to even touch the nipple that his hands seemed to be offering him. His tongue grazed across the very tip of her bullet-hard nipple. He had no idea that this lightest of touches would have the profound effect it did. Her reaction, one of pure arousal, made him immediately remove his tongue and apologize profusely.

"Fuck, that was amazing. Don't stop that was almost too much. Phew."

Bee had been enjoying herself until now. She had been aroused until now. She had been trying to teach him until now. Now the lightest of touches had ignited her whole body. Did she want to abandon the teaching now and just enjoy having sex, raw beautiful sex? If his tongue had still been teasing the very end of her nipple she would have been defenseless to resist. Somehow she pulled herself together enough to return to teaching mode. Firstly, she told him how wonderful what he had done had felt and while she would love him to carry on she wanted to show him other ways to excite her nipples.

"Take one of my nipples and suck it into your mouth. Start firmly but not hard. Keep sucking, more and more firmly, until you have just more than my entire nipple in your mouth. Use your teeth to get to the very base of the nipple and then bite down hard enough so that your teeth stay in place. Increase and decrease the force of the bite ensuring that you remain at the very base at all times. If you can find the tip of my nipple with your tongue at the same time I would be putty in your hands, as any woman would."

Jay had listened intently to her every word and was quickly trying to follow every one of them. He was amazed, as her huge nipple grew even bigger and harder as he sucked firmly on it. His teeth worked to find the base of the nipple as he sucked harder and harder. Bee knew this would arouse her but she was surprised just how much. When he managed to get his tongue in position she once again threatened to lose all control. It was simply wonderful and she told him so.

"There are so many wonderful things you can do to nipples with your mouth and tongue. Hopefully I have given you some thoughts to work with. Not every girl's nipples will respond as strongly as mine but what you just did would encourage any girl to open her legs. Now you are going to use your hands, which, has the advantage that you can excite both nipples at the same time. Usually I would recommend caressing both boobs with open hands paying no extra attention to the nipples. The occasional brush across them can be a beautiful start. Right now my nipples are well past that so I suggest you move straight to rolling both nipples between a finger and thumb."

He was doing so almost before she had finished her sentence. She was stunned, was he a complete natural or was she highly aroused by the turn of events. Either way what he was doing was just perfect for her right at that moment. She only just had the presence of mind to notice that he, or at least his prick, was loving it too. The educating Jay took a back seat, as she could not change anything right now. She wanted to show Jay the pleasure a woman could enjoy during orgasm but not quite yet. She wanted to show him how enjoyable it could be for both of them if she played with his body. Her problem was that both of them were so highly aroused she knew either could orgasm far too quickly.

With great regret Bee pushed Jay away and used her hands to excite his nipples. He was amazed that his nipples seemed to have a direct connection to his rock-hard cock, which twitched alarmingly. Bee conceded that it was going to take very little to bring Jay to orgasm. If he was going to come before she had the chance to show him what she could do to his body she decided that she would at least make it as good as possible.

"I want you to try and relax as much as possible. Don't try and cum but just let me excite your lovely cock."

Jay did sit back but his body was buzzing far too hard for him to relax. She ran a finger from his balls the length of his erection until she tickled the head that was now wet with precum. She wanted to tease him but knew he was past this. Instead she gripped the base of his shaft firmly and after putting spit on her middle finger found the underneath of his cock where it joined the shiny purple head. Her finger rubbed very gently around in a small circle. She could reduce Max to a quivering wreck doing this but her inexperienced stepbrother was not going to last long enough to do any quivering. From a glazed over look Jay's eyes opened wide and he swore loudly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, that is so fucking........ shit I am going to.... I can't stop it, it is cummmmmming."

Bee did not need telling she could feel it and see it. She squeezed his shaft hard for just a second after she was sure that his balls had exploded. The effect when she released the pressure was spectacular. A huge ejaculation squirted feet into the air landing six feet away. Bee squeezed the shaft again holding it for a couple of seconds before allowing the next squirt to be released at great force. She allowed the flow to stop before squeezing again and then beginning to masturbate him gently. He enjoyed four or five more ropes of cum escaping before all tension left his body.

"I didn't know I could cum like that. Does Max always cum like that?"

"I don't think it would be fair of me to talk about Max's orgasms, do you? Let me just say I enjoyed your orgasm as much as I have ever enjoyed watching anyone cum. Now when you have recovered I need to show you how to make me cum like that."

Jay couldn't imagine that females had orgasms even half as strong as the one he had just had, but he was desperate to find out. Was Bee going to show him how she had orgasms and if so would he be fully involved? He didn't have to wait.

"As I said earlier never neglect a woman's nipples. I am sure Jane will be putty in your hands once you have mastered her nipples. Right now we are well past the preliminaries. My nipples have enjoyed a work out and my body is already buzzing for something more. I am going to show you around my pussy and clit and then get you to apply that knowledge. I am so ready to enjoy an orgasm I cannot wait."

Bee sat back on a lounger and pulled her knees back opening her legs wide.

"Come close and close your eyes. I want you to find my clit with your fingers. It should not be difficult as it is fully erect. Up a little higher, that's it just there. Now think of it as a little cock and try and excite it. There can you feel how hard you have made it. Don't rush it tease it as you would want your cock teased. If you feel a woman's pussy and it is not wet you have probably not spent enough time playing with her boobs and her clit. Tell me do you think my pussy is wet right now?"

"It feels hot and very wet. Does it always get this wet? Can I feel inside it?"

Bee didn't say anything but eased her legs even further apart. Jay took this as an invitation and tentatively slid his middle finger into the wet orifice. It was completely instinctive to gently fuck her with his finger and she was happy to offer no advice. He quickly added a second finger and increased the tempo. Bee was delighted with the boy's attempts and realized that if he used his other hand to play with her clit she would have cum very quickly. She wanted to cum but wanted to do so on her own terms. She decided that her terms were that he would use his mouth. She was sure this would surprise Jay but also add to his education.

She was right as Jay thought oral sex only existed in porn. He was slightly concerned that he would not like the taste. Bee put a towel on the ground and laid back on it with Jay lying on his stomach. He wasted no time burying his face between her legs. He used both of his hands under her bottom to position her so that he could find her clit comfortably with his mouth. She had expected his inexperience to be a limitation to her pleasure but she was wrong. He worked with an enthusiasm that made up for any lack of expertise. She loved the feeling of control she had in this educating role. Or maybe he was a natural. She took hold of his head in both hands as he worked away moving between her pussy and her clit. He licked sucked and even bit gently.

"That is really beautiful and I could lie her all day loving it but right now I want you to give me an orgasm. Concentrate on my clit only with your mouth but slip a finger inside me and fuck me gently."

It took him a minute to get comfortable with a single finger in her pussy and his mouth and tongue playing with her clit. To his amazement her hips seemed to take on a life of their own and to her amazement she knew nothing would stop her having an orgasm within seconds. She announced her orgasm loudly praising his efforts and imploring him not to stop. For him her orgasm was the most stunning beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her body completely surrendered to him. Eventually her body stopped shaking and she held his head hard against her to tell him to stop.

"You asked me earlier whether my orgasms were always that powerful. I need to know whether yours are always that strong, violent and beautiful?"

"I have never had a bad one but that was very special. Thank you. Now I need a swim to cool off are you coming in? I will set you a challenge if you can maintain an erection while swimming I will think of a way to make it go away."