Steven's Arizona SexVentures Pt. 01

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Lori comes to live with her brother.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 05/09/2024
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Okay, it's time for a confession. It's good every now and then for us all to confess something, isn't it? Well, here's mine...for now. This isn't the first time I've had this story published on Literotica. But...when this tale of incest was here in the past, it didn't have the same name, and wasn't at all like it's going to be presented now.

This new version is going to be released in multi-parts and will have much more detailed storytelling than it did before. Oh, and anther thing...I'm proud to mention the prequel to this one named "Susan's Sexual Awakening" and I hardily recommend you reading that first to help explain some of the minute details that are brought up in this work of erotica. But, of course you don't have to.

I also want to give a shout out to the wonderful Kenji Sato for his help with this project. Not only for his proof-reading this in the past, but also allowing me to use his name as one of the characters of this story where everyone mentioned is of the age of consent.

Steven's Arizona SexVentures Pt 1

It had been just a few months since Steven had left Michigan from the home he'd lived in most of his life to take up residence in Phoenix, Arizona.

The company he'd been hired by, Celestion Computing, had been excited to have him aboard, as an important part of the team. And in just the first few weeks since he'd arrived, Steven had found several problems and flaws related to their first release of a laptop computer, they had hoped would fit a particular age bracket in the market.

Because of his gifted, but modestly shown intellect and keen eye to detail, after only a week there, he had saved them tons of money, earning him his first well-deserved promotion. His advancement wasn't only in status and leadership responsibility, but also in fairly large financial rewards. As proud of himself as he was, he tried to do his best to stay grounded and humble. After all, what he was really looking forward to at that time was his sister, Lori, coming out to live with him sometime in the early summer. The main event that needed to take place was for her to graduate from high school, and then get a few of her personal matters settled. They were both looking to resume the beyond the pale relationship they had begun just a few months back.

He was renting a very nice, spacious, three-bedroom apartment in Sun City. And he assured Lori it would make a very nice starter home for the two of them. Some of the perks of his job included excellent health care, a company-financed-and-leased, brand-new Corvette convertible, and being able to work side by side with some very intelligent people from all over the world. A couple of them happened to be young and beautiful women from the good ole U.S. of A. But, the only woman he was really interested in—was his sister, Lori. Whenever they would talk on the phone, she would promise him that as soon as her plane landed, and he got her home to their apartment, she 'would give him a cock-sucking that he wouldn't soon forget.'

As the day was approaching when his sister would arrive, Steven did his best to limit the number of times he masturbated. But with him being a virile young man, it wasn't always the easiest to resist the urges to do so. With it just a few days until Lori would arrive, as he was lying in bed, almost time to go to sleep...he found himself giving in to his strong, manly cravings as the strong lustful thoughts of his sister came into his mind.

He was remembering weeks in the past at his home in Michigan, on the weekend he'd first had sex with his sister and Susan Gordon. It was the time when both girls surrendered their maidenhood to his stiff cock. And, as it was, it was also the same time he gave up his virginity to them, as well.

His masturbatory notions centered on Lori, and how beautiful his sister was, as well as Susan. Truth was, they were both strikingly attractive, knockouts as far as their beauty was concerned. He thought back to when both girls traded off sucking his cock on their parents' king-size bed. And as other erotic memories filled his mind, his hand continued to move up and down on his lengthened staff.

As he began sensing an impending climax, for some reason, his thoughts immediately switched to thinking about his very beautiful mother sucking his cock. His fantasy seemed so real, conjuring a pretend-reality of her lying on the bed naked talking all the while she pleasured him.

"I know you've been thinking about me, Steven. Thinking about what you'd do with me if you got the chance. In case you haven't noticed, I love sucking cock. You know you want me, even though you want your sister, too. Things could probably work out, so you and I could fuck. I don't think your dad and I have that much longer together anyway. He's done some really stupid shit, and I'm about to break up with his sorry ass. So let me ask you, son, do you want me like I want you? Because I really want you. I am so ready for you and me to take that glorious, forbidden step together. But first I need you to cum in my mouth, honey. Cum in my mouth...and then we'll work on you being Mommy's Motherfucker."

Steven's orgasm came on him so intensely, that he thought for a moment his heart may have stopped beating. He was aware that the lust he had for his mother hadn't ever really gone away. All this time, he had wanted her just as much, or maybe more than he wanted his sister. Even though he and Lori had a 'transparent' relationship, he wasn't really sure how much he could share with her, concerning the cravings he had for their mother.

Besides that, he doubted his mom even wanted him that same way. On that Sunday morning, when she had surprisingly returned home early. And after first finding out about his and Lori's brother-sister tryst, it seemed she had finally become resigned to what her son and daughter had done, and were still doing, together.

Once they informed her that they were choosing to be a couple, she gave up trying to convince them otherwise after they slept together those four nights of that next week. Even up until the day he'd left to begin his work in Phoenix.

He wasn't sure, but maybe, because their dad hadn't come home until a few weeks after he'd left, that he had a firmer resolve to have a serious relationship with Lori. And it didn't matter whether their mother approved of it, or not. Neither he nor Lori, seemed to have any qualms about their mother listening to their orgasmic moans and groans while they openly engaged in their incestuous fucking. And while she couldn't help but overhear them, it looked like the matter was settled—they were now eager lovers, as well as brother and sister.

He still couldn't get over the fact of how beautiful both his sister and mother were. There were so many physical attributes they shared. Both mother and daughter were around the same height, five foot, seven inches tall. And he thought about the same weight, too. Not that he had ever asked them how much they weighed, but they both had great-looking bodies, that he was sure many women would be jealous over. Their hair color was about the same as well, light brunette; cut almost the same length, too.

Lori's wasn't too long, just above the shoulder. His mother's was a bit longer, falling just below the shoulder. Neither one of them had any excess fat or flab, as far as he could tell. And both of them had a luscious, beautiful ass that made him lustfully gaze at either of them, whenever he had the chance to walk behind them.

But, what he really loved about both of them, were their breasts. Yes, of course, he'd seen all of Lori's boobs, but not his mother's. There were the times he had seen his Mom wearing her revealing swimsuit, displaying most of her tits to Steven. But, as yet, never totally uncovered. As he thought of that, his internal heat, as well as his cock swelled, just imagining what it would be like to see his mother's bewitching nudity. He longed for them to be together, simply doing what a man and woman do. Yes, he wanted the chance to fuck his mother just as much as he'd already fucked his sister. Steven wondered what it was going to take to make that a reality.

He had overheard her one time on the phone, with one of her friends, after she'd had a little too much to drink; talking about how she loved having his father "eat her pussy." Now that he thought about it, maybe she knew he was listening and in her drunken state, she hadn't been at all concerned if her son heard her off color remarks, or not.

After he heard that tantalizing one-sided conversation, many of his masturbation sessions included imagining performing cunnilingus on his mother, as well as her servicing him. Many of the times when he'd jerk off while thinking of his mother, all during his orgasm, he would fantasize that she was taking his cock in her mouth.

Going to work everyday, while also thinking about his sister and mother was what took up much of his life. But as far as he was concerned, he had spent way too much time alone and away from his loved ones, and he was so ready for Lori to come live with him, the way they'd planned.


The big day had finally come. Lori's flight was scheduled to arrive around five in the afternoon. Steven had cleared the remainder of his work day after three o'clock, so he would be available to pick up his sister from Sky Harbor airport.

As he was waiting at the arrivals area, he made sure to park his Corvette away from as many other vehicles as possible. Even though his boss supplied his car for him, they couldn't supply any assurance that some asshole wouldn't park too close to him and take the chance of there being any accidents or door dings.

It took the phone to begin ringing to take his mind off his beautiful Corvette, when it was Lori calling him.

"Hey sweetheart, I've got my luggage and I'm on my way to you now. Where exactly are you?"

"I'm parked in the arrivals lot, honey. Just look for the red convertible Corvette, you can't miss it. And right now, there's no one parked anywhere near me."

"Ooh, now that sounds absolutely perfect. My big brother driving a sweet red 'Vette!"

"Just get your ass out here young lady, I've waited too long to see you."

"On my way, lover boy."

When she finally got closer to where Steven was parked, and saw him in the near distance standing next to his car; she about wet her pants!

To her, Steven was just about the handsomest guy she thought she'd ever seen. It looked to her, like he had grown a bit, and even from where she was standing, she could tell he had acquired somewhat of a suntan.

Setting down her luggage, and even though the hot Arizona sun seemed to be blasting through the air, Lori ran to her brother, throwing her arms around him, placing zealous, unsisterly-type kisses on his mouth.

"Oh, Steven, I've missed you soooo much. I really don't know how I got by these last few months without having you home with me. Mom and dad have been at each other's throats like I've never seen them doing before. It was so hard living there. And I know it's been really hard on Mark, too. He's told me that he wished that they'd just end it and get on with their lives."

"Yeah, I've talked with him on the phone these last few weeks, and he's let me know how fucked up they've been with each other. If and when they split up, I'm not sure where he'd live. With him and dad as close as they are, they both enjoy hunting together, and the sports stuff that they have in common, too. It's just so sad to see our family, more or less, fall apart in front of our eyes.

"But enough of that, are you hungry, do you want to go eat before we head home?"

"Honey, if I can just tell you what's on my mind?"

"Yeah, of course, Lori..."

"I just want you to take me to our you can fuck the shit out of me."

"Ahh, so my sister's telling me she's horny? Is that it?"

"Stop messing with me, Steven. You know I am, and I know you are, too. If you aren't, then you must've just jacked yourself off two minutes before you got here."

"Sis, I cannot wait to get you home. I can't even tell you how much."

"Then why the hell are we standing here talking in this blazing heat? We need to get where we're going so we can make some heat of our own, my amazing brother!"

Their short journey back to the apartment was especially fun for Lori, as it had been a long time since she'd been able to ride in a nice sports car, not to mention a beautiful, candy-apple-red, brand-new Corvette convertible.

Their conversation was somewhat limited due to the wind and traffic noise of the road, but she did enjoy the car ride as she was able to view new-to-her sights of the Phoenix area. But the most special sight for her, was gazing at her handsome brother, as he flashed his million-dollar smile, every time he happened to glance her way sitting behind the steering wheel of his car.

Once Lori arrived at her new home, Steven did his best to show her around their place without being too forward and trying to pull her into their bedroom and ravage her as he'd been wanting. But his sister's hormones seemed to take over, as he was showing her the third bedroom. It was what he was using as his office area, where he would sometimes be able to work without having to drive to his employer's office building.

"And over here, sis, is the closet for my office—"

"Steven, this is all so nice, but I told you I'm ready to fuck. Here, let's just get these pants off of you. I think I'm long overdue to see my brother's cock again. I mean, Jee-Zus Steven, it's only been more than two months, since I've had the chance to give you a good cock-sucking!"

Once his pants and undies were down, Lori acquiescently took his hard prick into her hand, and then into her mouth, beginning her passionate blowjob. Steven's trousers remained around his ankles as Lori, still fully clothed and on her knees, contentedly sucked her brother's cock.

"Yeahhhh, that's sooo nice. So nice that if you don't stop, all my jizz is going to gush into my favorite sister's mouth."

"That's what I want. But so you know, just about every time I'd masturbate, I'd think about you licking my kitty, and then I'd want to suck your cock and swallow all the cum you'd give me. But, Steven, how could I do that with you in Phoenix, and me back there?

" that I'm here, you owe me this, you son of a bitch. From the very first time you fucked me, this is almost all I've thought about. I guess I've just been crazy for your cock, and I can't help myself."

And as she promised, she didn't let up on fellating her brother. As he finally climaxed between his sister's lips, she tightly gripped the head of his penis, as her mouth became filled with his thick ejaculate.

Now that she had taken the edge off of Steven, she took him by the hand, and led him into their bedroom to continue with round two in their incestuous rendezvous.

"Oh, baby, I have missed that beautiful sinful tongue of yours, Steven. Oh my God, please honey, I need you to lick my pussy like you've never done it before."

With her legs widely spread in front of her brother's face, Lori couldn't stop moaning as Steven expertly performed cunnilingus on her.

"Oh, baby, I have definitely missed this! It feels so good to have your tongue back between my legs again. So...soooo nice. Aaaahhhh...that's good right there."

"So tell me, who does this better, me or Susan?"

"Let me just say that you both have the right tongue-fully sweet touch. Different, but still good in your own ways, honey. Please don't make me choose. Unless we're talking about who's got the nicer cock. If that's the case, then you'd definitely win...hands down, lover."

"Yeah, seeing if it's between Susan and me, I'm the only one with a cock. Then I guess I'd be the winner of that competition."

"And speaking of your cock, I hope it's primed and ready to go. After you eat my pussy, your sister's going to be ready for the best fucking she's had in months."

"This is something you probably already know Lori, but I'll just tell you, I'm sick and tired of jacking myself off thinking about us having all kinds of glorious sex. I've been ready for you to come to me since I left two and a half months ago."

"Steven, stop talking and do more tonguing. You're getting me close to my climax...and from how good it makes me feel right here laying in our bed, it's fantastic!"

It didn't take much longer and Lori's pleasurable spasm hit her hard, as her lady juice gushed into Steven's mouth.


The scene is somewhat different now as two naked bodies are united, incestuous coupling. Brother and sister; two people who came into this world from the same biological parents, wildly fuck on their bed. The kisses they share aren't like the ones siblings are supposed to. These two, who grew up together with the same parents, have taken each other as lovers.

"Oh yessss...your cock's still soooo nice. It fills my pussy just like I remember it...oh fuck me, honey...fuck your sister."

"Lori, I can't even find the words for what you do to me. That weekend when I watched you and Susan from the roof, that's when I knew how much I was in love with you. In love with my own sister. There'd always been a special feeling in me whenever I'd look at you before that. But how can a brother tell his sister that he's got the hots for her like that? I would've been laughed at."

"Oh honey, maybe that's true, but I'm not laughing at you now. Not with you shoving your big, giant cock in my pussy. Being with you here like this, is just fucking crazy isn't it? I love you with all my heart, Steven. Your little sister's head over heels in love with you...oh...just keep fucking me, sweetheart...just keep—fucking meeeeee!"

After he had cum in his sister, Steven and Lori finally had the chance to lie together making sweet talk after the sex was over...for the time being.

"Steven, I hope you don't end up regretting me moving out here with you, honey."

"Why would I do that?"

"I just don't want you to get tired of me, that's all."

"Where did that come from, Lori? What would make you say such a thing as that?"

"That's what mom said. She said she hoped that whatever you and I had, wasn't just some crazy phase we were going through...and then you'd get tired of me and send me home...back to them."

"Lori, it almost scares me how much I want you. I want our life together to be happy, I want us to be happy. And yeah, I wish Mom and Dad could be happy. I'm just not so sure that's what they really want. And sometimes, when someone doesn't know how to be happy, they don't want anybody else to be happy, either. I'm wondering if that describes our parents to a tee?"

"These last few months, I've hardly heard any kind words said between them. It was like they were always looking to accuse the other of something bad. Mom kept telling dad how he wasn't a good husband for her, how he didn't love her like he should. Even dad was accusing mom of some of the same things she was saying about him. It's just been a hell hole back there. Like I said before, I'm really worried about our brother. I'm not sure if he's gonna be able to walk away from all their bullshit without being traumatized?"

"Y'know sis we're getting along really well, right now. But life proves to us that sometimes shit happens, and people get into arguments, or get their feelings hurt. You name it, and it can happen. I just hope we can survive when bad stuff happens to us. When we get our feelings hurt. Or one of us says something stupid or hateful to the other. I promise to do my best to be as good to you as I know how."

"Same here, Steven. I know I'm really new to this relationship stuff. I mean, let's face it, I didn't even have that many boyfriends before we decided to hook up. It's not like it's an everyday thing where a brother and sister become a couple."