Stick Shift: C.S.P.

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Double-down on meetings with the family.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 08/31/2015
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I watched, rigid dick in hand, as the smaller man squatted in front of the handsome stud who hit the vape cig between his fingers in obvious expectancy of some good head. Both men's ebony skin aided their blending into the shadows which added to the mystique of my visual.

The diminutive dicksucker knew his way around dicks in general and this 'cocksucker palace' in specific. My nickname for the upscale bath house here in Atlanta was pretty apt as I had found out over the early part of the evening. Mucho communal and public dicksucking had been already observed as the hours had unfolded, amongst many other anonymous, gratuitous sexual activities. A total turn-on.

Cal had been correct in his description of the place to me as we drove to the big city the day before, taking a room at the Four Seasons off Peachtree Street for establishment of a base to pass our urban weekend bent on debauchery.

Variety is the Spice-of-Life, as once originally stated...

We had enjoyed our first evening at the hotel restaurant on the veranda overlooking downtown Atlanta in casual but elegant fashion. And we smiled alot over our intimate discussions in anticipation of the hedonism-to-cum (sic).

We sized up the waitstaff during dinner for our imaginative delights, along with the rest of the hotel staff, conjuring lurid scenarios and assigning pretend tendencies, preferences and down-low plots to them as we enjoyed the full-bodied Spanish red we both preferred.

'Ecdemolagnia: lascivious acts experienced in cities of other than one's origins.

We always laughed at the totally ridiculous and strange word learned during Mardi Gras several years before from a jaded older gentleman. In the heart of the French Quarter close to Preservation Hall over a chance dinner at Petunia's on Toulouse Street. The retired gay professor had dined alone at a table adjacent to ours and suddenly leaned over to me, stating 'the word' out of the clear blue into my ear. He had sized up my lover, Cal, and me, apparently fantasizing on our particulars in his elderly mind full of dirty thoughts.

We were enthralled by the wiry old gent, accompanying him to his last-century, old-world apartments on Bourbon Street for an after-dinner glass of port and had kept contact with him ever since. He had grabbed a place in our hearts at that moment-in-time and we corresponded back and forth to the present day.

Pulling myself back to reality, I focused once again through the ready-made hole between the dark cubicles expressly cut for voyeuristic purposes. The two black men carried on with their meeting, well aware of watching eyes as they enjoyed themselves.

The smaller dude settled contentedly on his knees and proceeded to lovingly deepthroat the tall, lean big-footed man who relaxed, naked, back on the wall as he exhaled the vape hash smoke. The beat of house music set his tempo and the experienced sucker fed himself a hit of amyl nitrate to 'up' his game.

I could see through to the next booth over as I watched and saw another pair of eyes taking in the action, as well. My closed but unlocked stall door creakily opened and I felt a hand reach out tentatively, searching for my junk. Never the wall-flower, my knees spread to allow the probing and I sat up on the small bench above me to give better access.

Greedy hands gave way to slurping mouth and I, too, reclined back on the wall to enjoy the oral work while I continued to view the ongoing masterful blowjob next door. My own cocksucker was well-versed for the task and I lightly shivered as he swallowed my shaft and pre-cum in a long, slow dive that ended with his nose nuzzling my crotch, rotating on it in pleasure of the feeling...for us both. His tongue worked inside the deepness of his mouth and throat while he stayed impaled there and I sighed at the ability he demonstrated.

Getting to watch the sensual tactics practiced by the couple through the wall while I was being serviced was exactly what I had come here for and I reveled in the slow ministrations by my boy-of-the-moment. And, boy he was. The darkness kept me from the details of the mouth boy, but what I could see of him portrayed a young face with bushy 'fro topping it, and slenderness below his neck level bearing out youthfulness. He was enjoying my over-sized white prick as much as the black dick sucker I was studying next to us was liking that huge one. It seemed they were in sync with their rhythmic strokes and it increased my enjoyment by the fact. The boy offered me his popper bottle after a deep intake of his own and I accepted gladly.

Other eyes were watching the action between us and I heard various sex acts playing out close by in other stalls over the beat of the implicitly sexual music egging-on the activities. What a vibe. Beggings, dirty instructions, animalistic grunts and groans perfused the shadows and amplified the testosterone-saturated atmosphere. I could feel the blood-pumping hardness of many boners as I watched the one and felt the other. Hedonistic heaven.

The statuesque man next to us and the focus of my attention began an agitated increase in activity, locking his hands over the sucker's head to guide the efforts, finally unloading a nice load to the smaller man's tonsils. Keeping his big head lodged to the limit, the man pumped cum in multiple squirts, marked by the thrusts I saw.

After enjoying the climax, the tall man extracted and slapped the face in front of his prick by wagging it back and forth across those cheeks and nose. His little server loved the 'frosting' on his face and tried smiling up at him but couldn't quite do so with the 10 inch piece wiping the smile off with each swipe. Then, he was finished. Turning, he slipped out the spring-braced door to other pursuits. I was satisfied from his show and looked forward to running into him elsewhere. My bigfoot man.

My dick man continued on in ignorance of the exhibition next to us, oblivious to just about everything except for my dick and his popper bottle. Good for me. I leaned back and closed my eyes in enjoyment of the pleasure being delivered, slowly rubbing my palm up and down my stomach and chest. I wondered why I hadn't moved into this place years ago.

The little pro worked my piece up to shooting several times but the swelling alerted him and he disappointed the big dick over and over as he extended his control over it and me. Finally ready to let me loose, the skinny boy backed off, turned his curved little greased butt to my dick and plunged down on it all in one motion. He obviously had practiced this maneuver before as he squeezed until the dick couldn't handle any more and gave homie the prize he had been holding at bay until then. I released in bliss, feeling the baby-laden juice roll around warmly on my mushroom head, making me tingle by the heat.

The cute boy didn't want to give up the dick and stayed there, planted, while he stroked his own cock, easily bouncing up and back on mine for stimulation, then suddenly constricting hard as he erupted, hitting the opposite wall in an arc of milky plasm. Five or six more spurts followed as the kid gritted his teeth and butthole, adding to my after-effect. I was glad to have stuck around...

We lifted together and allowed the reappearance of my 8 1/2 inch piece, still turgid to the point of bouncing up and slapping my belly, then settling contentedly on his glutes. Dripping leftovers onto the sexy little small point of his lower back. He jumped like he was burning and turned around to me laughing, then hugged me and promised to look for me again later on--I stood out in the dark, he told me--so it was a 'date'.

Assuming he meant due to my yukky paleness in contrast to most of the clientele, I smiled and blew in his cutest little ear, leaving the cubicle in search of a hot shower and my husband...bigfoot.

Temporarily satisfied to voyeur my way through dark hallways lined by the locked private rooms, loaded with feet of turgid meat and audible by the hidden booty-traps, I wandered my way down two levels to the festive pool area and then on past to the humid, communal tiled shower room.

With the only light filtering in through the glass entry door, I could barely make out the multiple groupings of various partakers of luscious iniquity, variously peering low to see couples on the tile floor writhing in joined frenzy to steamy corners where orgies carried on their sexual tirades against the disapproving outside world, skin-to-fucking-skin, heads-to-tails, mouths to groins or other body parts, all while apparently forgetting the cleansing function that the shower had been meant for...not. This pleasure room was a multi-tasking buffet of a sexual Mickey-D's. With eat-in-only services.

Finally locating an unused showerhead, I feasted on the live, rowdy porn flick around me as I luxuriated in the cleansing steam and soap, half-hard throughout by the lewd party all around.

I definitely over-stayed the recommended three-minute shower as several beautiful examples of suckable dickmeat meandered past my spot, some even lingering for a test-run, which I happily provided. A couple of mouthfuls of cum and a third or fourth shower later I sashayed past two phosphorescent cock-ringed boys in the midst of mutual explorative efforts-- almost a Cirque show performance in itself by their coordinated body movements-- and vacated to the next erotic 'bumper car'.

The darkroom on the level above had a constant streaming nasty video screen meant to trigger activity in that place dominated by the wall-to-wall mattress. Like a trigger was at all necessary.

I found clumps and piles of black-skinned hunks or black-on-white hydrox mixtures, all intermingled in snake-like, writhing bunches and joined in an amazing array of sexual didoes. The overwhelming odors of maleness on top of sperm pervaded all. The beat of the ever-present explicit lyrics and music blended the environs.

Inviting hands attempted to draw wanderers into various plots and schemes but I was curious to see if that tall slim man of exceeding manliness from the third floor cubicle was anywhere to be found. Hottest man in the place.

A huge dark hand fastened around my ankle and its viselike grip forced my attention. The attached man was a giant of a guy, seemingly endless in his length from the horizontal perspective he presented. No one else was with him and he apparently intended that as he brusquely shook off a hand on his own leg. Pulling me down to him, I just barely resisted, drawn to the man's size and girth. Jumbo. A towel loosely draped his crotch and his cueball head leered up at me. The big- boned wrist was equal in size to my ankle and his biceps easily out-sized my thighs.

His towel was tenting very invitingly as I hit the mattress. The plus-size dude didn't give me a chance to say anything, not that I really wanted to. The big body covered me in a split second. The man seemed to know what he wanted, for sure.

His hands entwined and dwarfed my own, spreading them away from my body and successfully stifling any imagined resistance. Beautifully full, sensuous lips engulfed my own and his tongue snaked its way between my teeth almost gagging me by its size. God, I thought, what is between the man's legs if his tongue can do this?

In covering me his left leg had bent, kneeing my stomach as an anchor and his calf pinned my aroused piece against my smooth flatness. That did nothing but engorge me more so. I worked at getting enough breath into my lungs as his gargantuan chest pinned me beneath it.

He withdrew his tongue and backed off a bare inch to peer down at me, eyeing me as he growled, "Who's your Daddy tonight, Bitch?" My obvious answer was squelched by the quiet vehemence and I gave in to the moment and the fantasy: "You, Daddy," I barely squeaked. I felt that muscled calf rhythmically spasming over my hard dick. To the music. Oh, wait...that was- not- the man's calf...

"Bitch, you gonna need to be tongue-cleanin' my ass, now," he informed me, and I trembled a bit as I contemplated both that and the size of what I had mistaken for his calf. I wanted a look down there but he guessed my thought and let me know, "You don't-Even-need to be nosin' around down there, pretty bitch, I don't want you passin' out-- at least before I get all up inside'n you, pussyboy." The sweet-talkin' gets me every time.

Apparently deciding against my eating him out, at least for the time-being, he loosed one hand, reached for his towel, unwrapped a folded corner and withdrew a small vial of white powder, rolling it between his fingers in front of my face. "See this bitchboy?" he said, 'I needs a bump before I remind you the trailer park, pimped-out, ass-lickin, punk-ass bitch that you are."

With that, he warned me not to try getting up and raised his humongous set of pecs from mine. His knee stayed planted on me and he unscrewed the little bottle one-handed. A long, pinky fingernail provided a spoon for a small mound of the powder and he adeptly snuffed it into a flared nostril, inhaling deeply to get it all in, some escaping down on my nose and lips. I could feel the stuff as it lay on my face and noted the tickly prickle that was cocaine powder as it numbed my skin.

Seeing my dismay, he assured my it was 'only cocaine-- nothing better' as if that should relieve me, but he then took the matter up a notch and rolled the fingernail over, emptying the residual directly on my lips and rubbed his pinky over, around and between my lips to my gums. Not good, I thought, but a little late to refuse.

His smirk assured me of his deed as intended and he raised himself further, allowing a gap between my crotch and his. I got my first glimpse at the wrist-thick log hovering buoyantly an inch above my erect cock and would have been fearful, I think, had I not the beginning effects of the coke infusing me with a desire I hadn't known before.

Even as I took the monster in, an anonymous ebony hand reached for it, slicking it thoroughly with vaseline. I was mesmerized at the seeming smallness of an otherwise large hand partially encircling it and buzzed with anticipation now as the big bull sprinkled an extra little pile of powder on the foreskin and ballooning head poking form inside it, using that multi-tasking pinky to spread it over the whole greasy thang.

The mystery hand disappeared and I felt my ankles being pulled apart by other unseen hands until I was spread-eagled under that prick. One foot had been pulled on by a foot fetish person who set to driving me crazy by sucking my toes. I watched as Jumbo, slow-motion, lined that thing up with my asshole and met the sphincter lightly, looking up at me as he held it there to allow a minute for the powder to absorb.

"Are you ready for a good, deep fuck lesson, Bitch?" His steely breath filled my senses. Not waiting for nor wanting a reply, the giant pressured forward steadily with the object of my new-found need stretching my gut as I couldn't ever remember. The magic powder blocked any pain, but not the stretching feeling.

He drew my eyes to his and literally drooled on my neck and face, the both of us feeling the plugging in of that beautiful dick until I finally felt the tickle of his pubic curls and hot balls against my round butt. I also felt more than one unknown hand massaging and exploring that connection point and my whole ass was soon lubed up with vaseline as the Daddy-tonight re-inserted that huge tongue back into my mouth and proceeded to undulate those huge hips as we melded into the act.

The knowledge of observers to this and the feel of multiple fingers following our progress heightened my first-time experience of several unexpected sensations. Jumbo's tongue searched my mouth from my gums to my teeth to my own tongue to my tonsils and I silently begged for this to never end. My eyes were locked on his as we joined in a fucking of deep-in-my-gut places not plugged into before. Those dark eyes widened each time he dead-ended up inside me, and I faintly noticed outside sounds complementing the fingers feeling our fuck. Close-by but faraway voices play-by-played our action.

"Feel that big bare-ass bumped-up dick hittin' that slut-ass nasty-ho' pussy," one said, "this bitch be needin' that dick--he ain't never gettin' enough o'that pimpin' dick, is he? Everyone know what a low-rent, ass-slurpin' pale-butt slut cunt cocksucking, big balls licking, faggoty, cheatin' punkass, cum-smellin, raggedy, loose-hole cunt he really be, right?"

My racing mind and heartbeat dazedly registered the rant as I took that beast to the hilt and begged this big daddy for more. The hands increased in numbers and places visited and I felt familiarity to the nasty-ass 'conversating'(sic) going on around me as I found it hard to concentrate on anything more than the dick and tongue invading my married self.

Never wanting this to finish, the music registered dirtiness describing me to-a-T and I moaned in ecstasy amidst the wholeness of this coke-fueled fuck on so many planes.

A hand took my wrist and pulled it to a longdick pushing in-and-out a close by asshole, bare and slimy, while voices kept up the chanting gutter talk. I lay engulfed by that demanding muscle tongue and listened to the words between the raspy, whispering topman whose dick I was feeling hit the ho's hole next to us and the whimpering bottom needing the dick.

"Pumpin' this bro-ass pussy like it likes, aren't I, you cheap cunt bee-utch? That phat ass takin' this slippery cock you love so much with that deep, pimped-ass hole beggin' me to cum up in that while you feel that big dick plow that sissy-ass drug-up badboy cocksuckin' prissy-prancin' whiteboy nigger-lovin faggot over there, c-o-r-r-e-c-t. bitch?"

"I bet you thought this big dick faggot-fucking booty-bustin' throat and face-fucking sweet dick daddy forgot this black bubblebutt slut cunt cocksuckin',lipstick-wearin' sissy-ass bro-hole,huh? Well, I gonna tell you how I gone' to fuck you right here with these perv-lovin' bitch cunts wishin' they had this dick pumpin' their nasty slimed-up sissy pussys like this bitch be gettin right 'chere, right now, huh, babypussybitchboy?"

The sexy perverted harangue made me feel at home in a weird way as I kept my fingers probing the slippery prick pushing on that begging hole. The couple obviously wanted my hand there as an extra hand gripped my own, encouraging it to enjoy the fuck-action with them. I was enjoying their fuck almost as much as my own.

Other fingers followed the giant's and my gyrations, finding spots to rub and probe, wrapping us two in a greasy sheen of whole-body slipperiness. My huge dick daddy took to fucking to the beat of the rap music and my pelvis responded by rolling into it with each punch back up to those tickly pubes and I listened to the rutting pair in my reach as they fulfilled needs obviously unfilled 'til now...

"I'm gone' put you back on that couch downstairs, bitch, and grab the back of your nappy-ass head with my large man hands and pump my massive nigger-bro cock in-an-out your bitch ass faggot sissy cunt throat, as my big beautiful cock start to swell in your throat with all these cocksuckers wishin' they was you. I will facefuck you harder and deeper and right before I cum I will pull my massive pretty dick out of your beggin' bitch-ass throat and slap you in the face and head with it and then spray cum all over your sissy ass bitch face and watch while everyone watch you enjoy the warmth of my juice splash all over yo' punk face."

"Then I will sit back and watch as you take your sissy bro hands and wipe it off your face and lick my sweet cum off your fingers then crawl your bitch ass over and suck the rest of my cum out of my large fat cock. Then I'm gonna command your punk ass to lick and suck my balls and lick my manly ass, all of which will give you as much pleasure as it give this man fuckin you now."