Still Faithful, Always Pt. 02


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"Oh you're bad Baby but okay, I will use my fingers because I didn't bring any toys."

"No Baby, I can't. I wouldn't know where to look for a vibrator here in Mexico City."

"Aaaaahhhh yyyesssssssss! Fingers are good, a vibrator would be better; you and your big thick cock would be the best. Goodnight Baby, I'll see if I can get one of the women alone and ask."

Laura judged her trip was going well. In every city the reception started cool for the women on the team; they were virtually ignored. As meetings progressed the women won over their audience. Having Hector along added value beyond even Laura's high expectations. He was the one person who helped the breakthrough for the women when he heaped praise on Laura for presenting his idea to the board of directors.

Part of every day had been allocated as get to know the culture time. The Business Lady crew broke into small groups and became tourists. Laura was amazed to find so many Americans in San Luis Potosi. Monterrey was a dirty industrial town, but a giant city too. Liaison said it reminded her of Chicago without Lake Michigan.

From each city she called home to Dan at least once. He was interested in her reports of Mexican cities as travelogue, but also as potential business opportunities for his company. Their conversations were informative and loving, but never sexy. Almost every night from her bed Laura would call Greg. With great embarrassment she did get a chance in a ladies room to ask a female manager about finding a sex toy, specifically a thick vibrating dildo. Greg had been delighted when Laura described the meeting and even more the adventure of getting away to purchase his stand in.

Every phone call to her lover included sexual exercise with her new friend. The batteries were beginning to show their use; like some men they could not withstand the daily sex grind Laura needed and loved. New batteries would help but Laura looked forward to the three days in San Francisco at the end of her Mexican trip. Her Baby Greg never needed new batteries.

The group's final stop was Puerto Vallarta on the Pacific coast. Travel from Guadalajara was by a private motor coach through mountains that trace the west coast of the Americas from Canada to Chile. The sightseeing was awesome, but Laura fell in love with PV as soon as they arrived. Once again she found a large ex pat community. There was also a strong tourist business to support vacationers looking for sun and surf.

From Puerto Vallarta; "Dan Baby, you and I are going to come here next year on vacation. It is beautiful with mountains right behind and the ocean at doorstep. Puerto Vallarta may be the ultimate kick back and relax place we can visit. The town is a mixture of modern to the north and rustic to the south. We've had some great seafood dinners here too. You will love it and I will love it with you."

When she called Greg Laura's message was about romantic thoughts of strolling along the beach, swimming in the Pacific and cuddling together watching beautiful sunsets. She ended each phone call to her lover with a reminder that he needed to save all his energy because Laura would be returning to her bed in San Francisco and batteries be damned.

"I want you and not some toy. I need the sexing that only you can give me. I went without for six years. Now I have been without for three weeks. I need you to screw me soon and often Baby. I need you to screw me hard as only you can do."

Laura and Liaison huddled on the flight home. They went over notes each had made of their many meetings. By discussion they came up with a general outline for a trip report. Liaison would write the report for Laura who would submit it to President and Chairman. Hector's Latin American idea seemed to be getting off to a good start; he would receive praise and there would be plenty more to spread around.

- -

"Hi Artsy, it's Laura, how are you today? The reason I called is I need your help with some clothing design stuff. Do you think we can do a long lunch this week?"

Some might view the casual friendship the women shared with jaundiced eye. They had been sexual partners that one night long ago and both admitted the sex had been special. They also shared a love for the same man, Laura's husband. Laura knew well of herself that her love for Greg had gone into hiding for six years but it never died. She was certain Artsy still kept her love for Dan in a special place in her heart.

"So tell me Laura, what sort of clothing project has your fertile mind come up with that you think I can help you with?"

"Artsy, you dress with as much drama as anyone I know and you do it so naturally the way you wear the spectacular outfits your designer friends make. The after-hours line your friends helped me with has been wildly successful. What I am thinking is Business Lady can't alter the cut of our basic line too much, but maybe we can upgrade our style using new fabric ideas."

"Look who is talking about dressing with drama. I've seen you wear some outrageous outfits and I've heard about others. I think your fabric idea might work though. Let me talk to some of my friends."

"That's great. I guess we can get Mrs. Patron involved too and use her home once again as our runway show palace. She does seem to like being involved in projects like this."

"What she likes is being involved with anything that might affect her Daniel."

"Yes she does dote on my Baby, but with me spending so much time in San Francisco with Business Lady it is good that he has someone like her for his spare time."

"Speaking of you spending time in San Francisco, I have a delicate question. I understand from Dan that you are back with Greg again. You are wearing a second diamond, another man's diamond ring. Very few women wear two diamond rings on that left hand finger."

Laura considered Artsy's question; dating Greg, living with him as lover for seven months, led to consummation of the budding romance between Dan and this woman Laura now called friend. Laura felt compelled to answer and answer truthfully. "Yes Artsy, after six years I have renewed my affair with Greg."

"Laura, the way you say that, so nonchalant, makes me wonder what's going on. You know as well as I do how close your marriage came to completely falling apart. You know how much pain you caused Dan. Dan's pain became my pain Laura; he doesn't need it again and neither do I, not at this point in my life."

"I've grown up Artsy; I understand the selfish bitch I was back then. I hope, no not hope, I am sure, I will never do those things again. Greg is just an out there when I am out there only affair. I know that is all I can have and I will not try for more." Laura fixed Artsy's gaze and nodded her head. "I understand you care about Dan. I understand better than anyone love doesn't just go away when it steps back, mine did not and not yours either."

"Now can I ask a tough question that you might want to answer by saying none of your business Laura?"

"I think I can guess your question but go ahead."

"Your marriage, Dan told me you were having some concerns. I am sure my marriage is stable right now and I intend to keep it that way. How is your marriage doing?"

"I can't say the same, being stable, but we're not completely on the outs. We seem to have a distance between us that is growing. Our communication is just not what it should be. I think that's all I want to say right now."

"Marriage is difficult, Artsy, you know I pushed limits in mine and made mistakes. Do your best is the only advice I can give. If you need to go to Dan for support I will understand. He can be a friend and safe to talk with although your hubby may not see Dan in that light."

"Yes," Artsy laughed a coarse ugly chuckle, "You are right about that; my husband would never see Dan as safe for me to talk with."

- -

"Hey Dan, I hate to bother you at work but we really need to get together soon and make some decisions if you are really going to hang Mrs. Patron's nudes in your gallery."

"Yeah Artsy, I guess we do. I've been putting it off, not about getting together with you so much, but I guess I feel strange about those portraits in my gallery. They are so personal for her. Has she been bugging you?"

With laughter in her voice Artsy answered, "You know she doesn't bug Dan, she just asks questions in that very precise but roundabout way of hers. When can we get together?"

Later that week Artsy led Dan in a slow walk through of Dan's gallery searching for atmosphere. She was trying to get a feel for what a first time visitor would see. "Dan, get us a glass of wine and then I want to talk something over with you." Wine glass in hand Artsy took Dan to the entrance.

"Mrs. Patron is more than a friend Dan, you know that. She has been critical to you in so many ways and to our entire art community here. I recall telling you when we first met that Mrs. Patron and Friend always received preferential treatment. You didn't understand then but now you know why both of those women are so special; they're vital."

"You are telling me we have to treat her installation as special. It must be the focal point, right?"

"Yes, and I think I see a way to make her portrait special. What if we hang a partial wall from the ceiling right in the middle? I don't want to block the flow, certainly not the visual flow, so the wall must be off the floor and short of the ceiling. Her portrait could hang on the wall facing us as we stand. The sculpture and supporting work will be behind. Do you think that would work?"

Artsy and Dan kicked around details and variations of her idea. Dan finally agreed that he understood enough that he could get his carpenter involved in building. "Okay, that's settled. There is just one more minor detail to be worked out for the open house. Laura and I always host the artist, but I don't even know who he is. Mrs. Patron has never told me. Do you know who our lady's mystery artist and equally mysterious lover might be?"

"Let me work on it. I should be able to find out without tipping off Mrs. Patron. I am sure we want to make him a surprise for her."

- -

The week preceding their open house was always hectic but this year was more so. Artsy did manage to identify and locate Raphael, the artist who painted Mrs. Patron so many years ago. He was living and working in Montreal of all places. As Mrs. Patron had never completely erased their time together, Raphael kept alive his memories of their intimacy. Dan wanted Raphael to be a secret until the first night of the open house.

Treating Friend properly would also pose a problem. She had dated no man since her husband died, but if Mrs. Patron would be paired with Raphael, Friend would need an escort. One of Dan's associates at work was a widower; he agreed to be Friend's escort for the three days of open house activity. Dan hoped Friend could accept a new man in her life for at least three days. With the two big problems solved the every year details like refreshments, valet parking and the press fell in line.

At precisely eight o'clock on First Night Dan escorted Mrs. Patron into the gallery and to her position aside the draped wall. "Tonight is a very prestigious moment for this gallery I started ten years ago. Laura and I honor a woman who has been supremely influential in everything I do in the art world. She is also a very dear close friend. This portrait and related pieces have had a private place in Mrs. Patron's home for many years. She asked me to provide a new permanent home for them in this gallery. This installation is hers and hers alone. No other artists work will ever grace this new wall." Dan gave a soft hug and kissed the cheek of his friend and mentor.

The audience Dan was addressing included prominent members of the local art community, close business and personal friends of Mrs. Patron, and the senior managers of Laura's law firm and Dan's company. The annual gallery open house had grown in prestige over the years such that their biggest opening night guest list problem was now paring the crowd to manageable size. Local and regional news media were always invited. Everyone wanted their name and picture in the Sunday paper. There was one more person waiting to be introduced.

"Mrs. Patron is the subject of the portrait we are unveiling tonight, but we always honor the artist as well." Artsy removed the drapery exposing a much younger Mrs. Patron in her nude beauty. At the same time Dan announced, "Ladies and gentleman, welcome our honored artist." Laura escorted Raphael to Mrs. Patron who he immediately hugged and cheek kissed. To say Mrs. Patron was shocked was an understatement. She immediately accepted hug and kiss and returned her feelings with emotion.

Raphael and Mrs. Patron remained side-by-side from the moment he was introduced. The guests mingled and looked at the evening's primary exhibit as well as other pieces that graced the walls of Dan's home. The bar and entertainment center for the evening had been set up in the den. Caterers managed that part of the evening program.

Interior Decorator approached Dan and Laura after the first crush of activity dissipated. "Dan my good friend, you have topped your previous events. The presentation of our lady friend, her paintings and sculpture, would have been enough. Finding Raphael and getting him here for her makes this year exceptional. You are amazing, but you have set a high standard for next year." Interior Decorator kissed Dan to express his gratitude and Dan accepted, responded with understanding. Dan and Laura both glowed with pride and gave Interior Decorator a warm embrace.

The final act of first open house night was cocktails and conversation in the den for the main characters and a few select others such as Interior Decorator and his current lover. By chance everyone was paired as a couple, male to female with two exceptions. Interior Decorator and his lover were both male and Artsy was with LF not her husband. As the last guests bid goodnight Mrs. Patron announced that she would be with Raphael in his bedroom. Friend quietly asked Widower if he would like to share her bed. LF took Artsy home leaving Dan and Laura free to retire to their bedroom tired but pleased.

- -

Ten o'clock on another Monday morning, Dan was at the head of the conference table with his coffee; Secretary was at opposite end ready to transcribe the staff meeting. "Good morning everyone, I trust you all survived the rigors of family life this weekend. Shall we get started?" Dan began his staff meeting routine with the basic facts. He had a chart Finance prepared that was going to be topic one.

Ten minutes into the meeting one of the group secretaries entered and went to Secretary to speak softly and directly as to not interrupt the meeting more than necessary. Dan paused as much out of native politeness as any other reason. Secretary stood to speak.

"Excuse me sir but there is an emergency phone call for you. Let me go see what it is about. I will return in a moment"

Following her announcement she left but returned only minutes later. She went to her boss's side to whisper: "It's Mrs. Patron for you. She is totally distraught. Some sort of emergency that she wouldn't tell me about. She absolutely must speak with you, Sir. She sounded horribly upset."

Dan stood, "Excuse me please, there appears to be some sort of personal emergency." I am going to leave Secretary here to chair the meeting for procedural matters. Pointing to his key division manager, if any management decisions come up while I am gone Helen you make them. If you feel a need to wait for me to return just adjourn the meeting." Dan was in his office with phone at his ear immediately.

"Oh Daniel, she's gone, just gone. I don't know what . . . ." The voice tailed off to a moan.

"Tell me please, who's gone? Is it Friend, our Friend? Try to settle down and tell me what has happened."

"Medical alert . . . they called me . . . the company." Dan had never known his mentor to ever be confused or this out of sorts. He told her to take a deep breath to relax and then continue. Dan listened to her breathe. "Thank you Daniel for being here for me. The medical alert company called me as they are supposed to do if they get a signal from her device. They call me immediately after they called 911." Dan could tell Mrs. Patron was finally returning to a controlled state. He listened to her pause drawing a breath.

"I called 911 to be sure they were responding. After a short period the medical alert company called me back. The ambulance people told them Friend was dead when they arrived. They are taking her somewhere, a hospital I guess. She is gone Daniel; my dearest Friend for such a long time is gone. Whatever will I do?"

"Let me make arrangements here to leave someone in charge. I will be with you as soon as possible."

- -

Life is a series of events. Usually those events string out over time as beads. At times two events collide and create conflict. In the year following Dan's suggestion that Laura take her rings to San Francisco the events described sprinkled the life timelines of Dan, Laura, Greg, Mrs. Patron and Friend, Artsy and others. The list is representative of highlights but not comprehensive. Any conclusions these events influence will be in the future.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

BoobNBobbi with yet another real piece of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
great effort

Loved it. Hope you will continue with Peggy and Porter too. I think the sections on Patron are too long and take away from the greg-laura adventures. Glad you are writing this sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Written by a pervert

For perverts, enjoy girls.

patilliepatillieover 10 years ago

Getting like xleglover, monontonous and tone deaf. On and on, no resolution, Dan has no balls. Not my cup of tea

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Some Thoughts

I like the breezy ______ style that bobbi brings to his work. I can't exactly think of the right word to describe it: feminine, cutesy. Calling people by descriptive adjectives like "Artsy", "Mrs. Patron", etc. adds a certain flair and style. I enjoy the stories even though I cannot relate to them. Bobbi's themes are like UK Researcher's and XLoeglover's in their cuckism and make no mistake they are cuck. Dan gets a 70 year old woman and his wife totally disrespects him behind his back. Dan would be perfectly content to live a normal monogamous married life but he is forced to take a 70 year old "friend" with benefits while Laura has a true lover who is another husband to her. I almost said "second" husband to her but it is plain that Greg is first and Dan is second. Dan is like an old worn out shoe that is kept around because it is comfortable while Greg is the person Laura shares romantic love with. Here is how Laura described Dan "The only thing I'm interested in is pajamas, sharing the last drink of a long day with the man I love, and fooling around in bed with that special man." Note, she uses singular "the man I love" not "one of my loves", etc. Feeling like she does with Dan and having so much better sex with him, giving him special sex she won't give her husband, making fun of him, is bound to profoundly change her feelings for her husband. You cannot love two people equally in a romantic way. Greg is first, Dan is a distant second. Laura is absolutely forever unfaithful.

The question I ask myself is: does bobbi really believe he is portraying Laura as someone that is "faithful" to someone other than herself or is this a play on words and meant to be a joke?

Regardless, it is well written and a fun read; at least for me. It would be interesting to see what happens if Dan would start having the same kind of intense feelings of love for Artsy that are reciprocated by Artsy. Would Laura be as accepting and allow herself to be a second wife and Artsy to be Dan's first wife? I hope that is where bobbi takes the story. Anonymous 1.

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